General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> If RFK asks the question, is it stupid?

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 08/29/23 at 18:24:10

Title: If RFK asks the question, is it stupid?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/29/23 at 18:24:10

I've never understood why the homeless weren't stacked like cordwood.
Washing their hands, distancing, not living in close proximity to the piles of poo and the stench of that and piss, but they didn't die like I was expecting. Now Bobby croaks out another good question...

Title: Re: If RFK asks the question, is it stupid?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/29/23 at 19:36:43

Title: Re: If RFK asks the question, is it stupid?
Post by MnSpring on 08/29/23 at 20:43:04

"...If RFK asks (A) question, is it stupid?..."

According to the UL, DFI, FDS, Socialists

           it is !

Cause the Truth can NOT be told !

Title: Re: If RFK asks the question, is it stupid?
Post by Eegore on 08/29/23 at 20:50:20

 It's a very good question.

 Part of this depends on what information you choose to Observe.  For every article saying Haiti wasn't impacted by the vaccine and refuses vaccines there is one that says "Haiti fights large COVID-19 spike as it awaits vaccines"

 This is how the internet works.

 I've personally taken many medical teams to Haiti over the years, helped build a clinic in Gonaives and staffed it with Haitians.  I can assure you the record keeping is minimal.  I imagine very few humans that died with or from Covid would ever be documented.  So a percentage is pretty much impossible to get.  I personally looked at 9,740 patient records from the HAH laboratory from December 2020 to July 2021.  Covid antibody seroprevalence appeared to be greater than the publicly reported statistics by orders of magnitude.

  Of course we have learned here people that read things on the internet will know more about how things really work than people doing the actual jobs themselves, so none of my experience matters.  Just like how people who read about motorcycles on the internet know more about riding bikes than people that actually ride bikes.

 Now I would say the real way to asses this is to compare demographics and not money.  Being poor doesn't absolutely mean being more likely to die from Covid, either does living in filth.  I would instead compare the ages and comorbidities to humans dying elsewhere.  The median age in Haiti is younger, they don't have a lot of heart disease, obesity, COPD and some others that offered the highest value of Covid death comorbidities.  

 So that in itself should lead one to think there would be fewer candidates for deaths since they do not meet the demographics, typically, of the majority dead from or with Covid.  Personally I think there is immunological resistance and sh!tty to nonexistent record keeping.  



Title: Re: If RFK asks the question, is it stupid?
Post by zevenenergie on 08/30/23 at 01:30:04

In the beginning of covid when it was not yet an innocent virus, the treatment method in itself was deadly for many people with weakened health. The treatment consists of being placed in a coma for 2 weeks lying on your stomach with a ventilator and a feeding tube.

I don't know if you've ever been in a car for 17 straight hours, but the average person comes out pretty broke.

let alone if you spend 336 hours in a car in 1 position with heavy medication and a harmful virus in your body. And you're over 50 and you're already in poor health.

I don't know who came up with those treatment methods, but I would go home with a bottle of oxygen, a box of vitamins and nutritional supplements and meditate until I recovered, if If they offered me that option.

A hospital is a very rigid place with a fixed treatment method and a minimum of highly educated experienced people who really independently have a unique diagnosis and treatment method. and then there is also the question of whether a hospital is equipped enough to give large numbers of people the treatment that thay really need.

I think the 2 weeks on your stomach in a coma was just a method of keeping a body alive with no regard for the outcome. after all, there is an oath they must keep.

Covid has clearly shown how the medical system is failing and how much It is geared towards making money, with a very dubious role of big pharma in it all.
The staff in the hospitals have experienced the horrors of a falling system first hand.
While the people at the top have made billions.

In my eyes, the covid period is the greatest crappity smack up in the history of mankind, both medically, economically and politically.

If you don,t see that, you probably haven't had time to look into it.

Title: Re: If RFK asks the question, is it stupid?
Post by Eegore on 08/30/23 at 05:10:25

I don't know who came up with those treatment methods, but I would go home with a bottle of oxygen, a box of vitamins and nutritional supplements and meditate until I recovered, if If they offered me that option.

 In this case you would have never qualified for ventilator treatment to begin with.  Humans placed on vents were people who would otherwise die even with external oxygen.  Of course misdiagnosis exists, but if a human can stay conscious on 02 facilitated room-air, they shouldn't qualify for a vent.

Title: Re: If RFK asks the question, is it stupid?
Post by zevenenergie on 08/30/23 at 06:00:27

I think I need to be explaned  how a ventilator saves someone's life and external oxygen does not.
What is the difference between someone breathing themselves and a machine doing it. is it that they panic and therefore cannot breathe on their own and must be put into a coma? Or is it that they can then be given a higher dose of morphine to make it easier to breathe?

I regularly do meditation groups of one week or two weeks. And what happens when you really come into meditation, then the breathing comes to almost zero or to a standstill.

In the beginning it's a bit of a strange situation, but you soon notice that the body can actually do without breath at rest.

It,s a very deep conditioning that the body cannot do without air.
It Can.

A friend of mine had a lung condition where he couldn't breathe and I witnessed how before he died he panicked again and again because he was afraid of dying by suffocation.

When he finally got an injection, he remained in a coma for a week, but his body breathed very calmly as if nothing was wrong.
Until he passed.

I still don,t know whit what thay injected him whit.

Title: Re: If RFK asks the question, is it stupid?
Post by WebsterMark on 08/30/23 at 07:46:14

Covid has clearly shown how the medical system is failing and how much It is geared towards making money, with a very dubious role of big pharma in it all.
The staff in the hospitals have experienced the horrors of a falling system first hand.
While the people at the top have made billions.

In my eyes, the covid period is the greatest crappity smack up in the history of mankind, both medically, economically and politically.

Of course healthcare and pharmaceutical is geared towards profit. All of us benefit from that and to pretend otherwise is naïve. Government run and “free“ healthcare is only possible because of for-profit healthcare. Take away the profit motive, and will have essentially VA hospitals everywhere. No thanks.

That doesn’t mean the current healthcare system and pharmaceutical manufacturers are perfect, far from it. But don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater or pretend that there’s a better way. By completely overhauling the system because that would be a disaster for all but the rich.

Title: Re: If RFK asks the question, is it stupid?
Post by Eegore on 08/30/23 at 08:36:00

I think I need to be explaned  how a ventilator saves someone's life and external oxygen does not.
What is the difference between someone breathing themselves and a machine doing it. is it that they panic and therefore cannot breathe on their own and must be put into a coma? Or is it that they can then be given a higher dose of morphine to make it easier to breathe?

 Some humans, as they lose oxygen, will die.  This happens because they can not under their own power expand their lungs, typically due to fatigue from oxygen loss.  Concentrated oxygen in a tube at their nose will just be better 02 that they can not physically get into their body.  A ventilator breathes for them, since they can not expand their lungs under their own power.

 A human does not need to be put into a coma to be on a ventilator but the experience will be painful and emotionally taxing to have air forced into the body.  Some humans would panic, so sedation offers the highest probability that the ventilator will work as intended.

Title: Re: If RFK asks the question, is it stupid?
Post by Eegore on 08/30/23 at 08:38:59

Of course healthcare and pharmaceutical is geared towards profit. All of us benefit from that and to pretend otherwise is naïve. Government run and “free“ healthcare is only possible because of for-profit healthcare. Take away the profit motive, and will have essentially VA hospitals everywhere. No thanks.

 Agreed.  I don't see many major pharmaceutical breakthroughs happening in the non-profit channels.

That doesn’t mean the current healthcare system and pharmaceutical manufacturers are perfect, far from it. But don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater or pretend that there’s a better way. By completely overhauling the system because that would be a disaster for all but the rich.

 But we want all the benefits with zero cost.  It doesnt work that way?

Title: Re: If RFK asks the question, is it stupid?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/30/23 at 10:21:27

course we have learned here people that read things on the internet will know more about how things really work than people doing the
I was reading it, operative word

Offer the facts and wait. The preachy snark isn't going to change me. I

OBSERVE and Decide
I don't control the world, Nor is it possible for me to Observe EVERYTHING.
It's not uncommon that I choose to just not even read what you say, because you, well,, you are you..

Title: Re: If RFK asks the question, is it stupid?
Post by Eegore on 08/30/23 at 10:55:27

Offer the facts and wait. The preachy snark isn't going to change me

 Why would it?  Obviously you wont Observe I have said many many times I have zero interest in changing anything - "anything"  in this case meaning specific to human minds and their assessments of all topics.  My Observation is that humans here have a lot to say about things they never did, to the point of saying opinions contrary to their own are "wrong".  

 For a guy that has told me multiple times to "fukk off", historically and repeatedly insults forum members for having their own opinions, or not replying to your post, I would think preachy snark is something you would be able to get through pretty easy.

I don't control the world, Nor is it possible for me to Observe EVERYTHING.

 Exactly.  One can simply refuse to Observe things, like what the CDC actually "SAID" or that Peru was never on a LOCKDOWN.  Or get offended and refuse to read/Observe simple forum posts.

It's not uncommon that I choose to just not even read what you say, because you, well,, you are you..

 I understand that.  I on the other hand can handle reading everything you post no matter how many times you toss direct insults at me or say something I don't agree with.  

Title: Re: If RFK asks the question, is it stupid?
Post by MnSpring on 08/30/23 at 14:19:23

4E6E6C64796E0B0 wrote:
"...  I have said many many times
I have zero interest in changing anything.  ..."

So now,
you don't want to change
the 2nd Amndment ?

Title: Re: If RFK asks the question, is it stupid?
Post by Eegore on 08/30/23 at 14:29:12

So now,
you don't want to change
the 2nd Amndment ?

 To clarify:

 I have no interest in changing what any human thinks specific to this forum.  I have no interest in changing anything about JoG for instance.  I edited my post to reflect the specificity of human minds and not all known things on the planet.

 Any reason you think the 2nd Amendment can "only" be amended for gun control?  Why is it that the NRA could not propose a pro-gun change?

Title: Re: If RFK asks the question, is it stupid?
Post by MnSpring on 08/30/23 at 15:44:22

527270786572170 wrote:
  I have no interest in changing what any human thinks specific to this forum.  I have no interest in changing anything about JoG for instance.  I edited my post to reflect the specificity of human minds and not all known things on the planet.  Any reason you think the 2nd Amendment can "only" be amended for gun control?  Why is it that the NRA could not propose a pro-gun change?

Sure does sound like you want to, change, something !

Title: Re: If RFK asks the question, is it stupid?
Post by Eegore on 08/30/23 at 16:15:56

Sure does sound like you want to, change, something !

 Yes.  I would like to change many things.  Sure does sound like you will refuse to Observe the context of my statement and the clarification I offered.

 I do not want to change anyone's mind here, I don't even know why JoG would think my comments would be for that reason.  I don't really care about any of that.

 Any reason you think the 2nd Amendment can "only" be amended for gun control?  Why is it that the NRA could not propose a pro-gun change?

Title: Re: If RFK asks the question, is it stupid?
Post by MnSpring on 08/30/23 at 17:35:03

Do you believe JFK was boinking MM ?

Do believe Teddy was drunk when he drove over the bridge ?

Can you also ask Bot those questions,
or are they political support/commendation of someone ?

Title: Re: If RFK asks the question, is it stupid?
Post by Eegore on 08/30/23 at 20:08:52

Do you believe JFK was boinking MM ?

 I have no idea.

Do believe Teddy was drunk when he drove over the bridge ?

 I have no idea.

Can you also ask Bot those questions,
or are they political support/commendation of someone ?

 I don't care about any of that.  I have asked nobody questions like that.

 Any reason you think the 2nd Amendment can "only" be amended for gun control?  Why is it that the NRA could not propose a pro-gun change?

Title: Re: If RFK asks the question, is it stupid?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/31/23 at 06:36:34

COULD the NRA propose and lobby and work to amend the second amendment?
Sure.. But I wouldn't hold my breath. They HAD, IDK about now, but twenty years ago I read something a VP of the NRA said that should have seen his dismissal.
He was saying we Don't Need a gun that holds, I Want to say it was more than one bullet. Because a good hunter doesn't Need more than one shot. The number is not as important , even if it was three, or five, doesn't matter. If the Mission Statement is to support the Second Amendment, then why does that guy seem to be completely unaware of The POINT of the Second Amendment?

Title: Re: If RFK asks the question, is it stupid?
Post by Eegore on 08/31/23 at 07:35:20

COULD the NRA propose and lobby and work to amend the second amendment?
Sure.. But I wouldn't hold my breath. They HAD, IDK about now, but twenty years ago I read something a VP of the NRA said that should have seen his dismissal.

 Right, I don't expect the NRA to make any type of reasonable proposal.  Mine would be difficult to achieve and would need work for sure.   I just don't understand MnSpring's assessment that the "only" changes to the 2nd Amendment could be for gun control.  That makes no sense.

 I don't expect an answer, it's just an example of one member answering questions while another keeps ignoring them.


Title: Re: If RFK asks the question, is it stupid?
Post by MnSpring on 08/31/23 at 21:40:58

"... answering questions ..."
...while another keeps ignoring them ...

Ya mean like BOT ?

Title: Re: If RFK asks the question, is it stupid?
Post by WebsterMark on 09/01/23 at 05:25:29

03201D3E3C2720294E0 wrote:
"... answering questions ..."
...while another keeps ignoring them ...

Ya mean like BOT ?

Bot’s this forum’s version of Biden’s press secretary. Jumps in with ridiculous statements followed by outright lies and when cornered; silence. But can you blame them?

They both have the last laugh because they don’t really believe the crap they say anymore than we do.

Title: Re: If RFK asks the question, is it stupid?
Post by Eegore on 09/01/23 at 05:36:08

"... answering questions ..."
...while another keeps ignoring them ...

Ya mean like BOT ?

 I mean like you.  Serowbot doesn't consistently ask why people won't answer his questions (or unlike you, complain when people don't respond to his post.)  He just comments and lets it go.

 You on the other hand refuse to answer questions while consistently requesting answers to your questions.

  I see a fundamental difference between posting, even if it's nonsense, and just letting it fly, than posting and then using lack of response as a gauge for superior logic.  Unless a forum member responds to every post, they really have no leverage to argue when their post gets no response.  Same goes for answering questions.

Title: Re: If RFK asks the question, is it stupid?
Post by Eegore on 09/01/23 at 05:45:05

Jumps in with ridiculous statements followed by outright lies and when cornered; silence. But can you blame them?

 This appears to be consistent across the board here.  When a forum member insisted Jan 6th defendants were held without legal process they had a handful of remarks about my research volume until I posted their entire list with full documentation, from their own sources, showing that assessment was inaccurate.  The response was... Silence.

 Peru LOCKDOWN, silence.  Major league sports deaths, silence.  2nd Amendment proposals "only" can be for gun control, silence.  CDC documents "saying" coding is to work a certain way, silence.  Recorded Pfizer CEO statements, silence.  Ivermectin study admits they lied, silence.  One forum member posts about 647% More often than another, silence.

 But if they say something and nobody responds, that means they are right and nobody can come up with a response because of their superior logic.  But reverse the positions of the members and now that's not true, they are just choosing to not respond.  

 Basically the logic is:  I don't respond to your posts because you are an idiot, or I don't care, or I never read it, but you don't respond to my posts because I am superior.

Title: Re: If RFK asks the question, is it stupid?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/01/23 at 06:45:41

At some point continuing is pointless. In fact, truth be told, the majority of what happens here is not repairing anything. It doesn't matter how many facts that prove the windmills are not a good answer, the proponents will not change their beliefs. The hypocrisy of open mines and children mining cobalt,which is not without long term health consequences, that is just fine. The issues of the dead batteries and the fires, shrugged off, the cabling that connects them has to be made, more mining, energy to make the copper wire, keep pretending they aren't sweeping bugs and birds out of the sky, but absolutely wig out over drilling rigs which don't even stay there.
And since all of that is so difficult to get them to see, YaKnow it won't be possible to get them to see how Energy Density affects the battery car.

The numbers were cooked, the covid death numbers were inflated.
The numbers of negatively impacted people who got the jab is not being honestly reported. The number of Suddenly Dead is not anything I have ever seen before the jabs.

Dragging bullshit numbers from sources is useless. The responsible bureaucracy can't be trusted. They have to get a report from somewhere. The information superhighway is full of potholes.

Title: Re: If RFK asks the question, is it stupid?
Post by Eegore on 09/01/23 at 07:14:47

At some point continuing is pointless. In fact, truth be told, the majority of what happens here is not repairing anything. It doesn't matter how many facts that prove the windmills are not a good answer, the proponents will not change their beliefs. The hypocrisy of open mines and children mining cobalt,which is not without long term health consequences, that is just fine. The issues of the dead batteries and the fires, shrugged off, the cabling that connects them has to be made, more mining, energy to make the copper wire, keep pretending they aren't sweeping bugs and birds out of the sky, but absolutely wig out over drilling rigs which don't even stay there.
And since all of that is so difficult to get them to see, YaKnow it won't be possible to get them to see how Energy Density affects the battery car.

 This is kind of how people will not accept the CDC never "SAID" to code humans "with" Covid as dying "From" Covid.  No amount of never being able to find that documentation will ever convince them they were LIED to about that.  That doesn't mean it never happened for independent reasons like getting relief money, it just means the CDC itself has never implemented it in guidance.  The desire to blame the CDC is so strong the truth doesn't matter.

"The numbers were cooked, the covid death numbers were inflated."

 Agreed.  The numbers of dead athletes from the vaccine are cooked too.  I personally posted hundreds of claimed deaths that were lies on this forum - this is not Observed.  

The numbers of negatively impacted people who got the jab is not being honestly reported. The number of Suddenly Dead is not anything I have ever seen before the jabs.

 This is the problem with Observed Reality.  Just because you never Observed it, doesn't mean it wasn't happening.  First, hardly anyone reported on young athlete deaths because there was no money in it.  Now it's worth a ton as clickbait revenue.   Second, dropping dead from heart issues has been the number one killer of kids for decades.  Not Observing that does not mean it is not true, or that there are substantial increases.  We should be seeing hundreds dead today if even a .001% increase happened.  Debating that is like debating the amount of energy needed to make an EV battery.  One can ignore it, but its still there.

 Over 60 million kids play sports in the US alone each year.,round%2C%20often%20on%20multiple%20teams.

 There's no way if the vaccine was killing even .5 percent we would not be seeing daily funerals over the place.  School districts everywhere would have pages and pages in the yearbook dedicated to dead kids.  This is not happening.

 You are being LIED to about the amount of drop-deads, your sources have been kids dead before 2018, alive, or people that were "youth athletes" decades ago.  An 80 year old man that drove racecars in his 20's is not a youth athlete.    Also none of them are compared to historical data - something required to know the rate of change.

 But like you said, It doesn't matter how many facts that prove the kids aren't dying at huge rates, the proponents will not change their beliefs.  

Title: Re: If RFK asks the question, is it stupid?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/01/23 at 08:31:31

Just because you never Observed it, doesn't mean it wasn't happening

Well Duhh, I said that myself
Nobody CAN know everything. But choosing to ignore what we see isn't a great policy for people who Want to know WTF is going on. Just because the CDC didn't Order something doesn't mean anything. When hospitals are incentivized, as in Paid more to treat a covid patient and that death after a ventilator gets them another thirty grand, the numbers just might go up. And that the CDC didn't Order it is just Gravy. They get to report numbers that scare the sheep out of their minds, driving them to the jabs.
As for numbers being reported about the jab, inflated numbers that can be debunked damage the argument Against the Jab. So, lies benefit the people who are pushing the whole thing.

Title: Re: If RFK asks the question, is it stupid?
Post by Eegore on 09/01/23 at 13:47:33

Just because the CDC didn't Order something doesn't mean anything.

 It does when the argument is "CDC orders blah blah blah" and that keeps getting used as evidence to leverage your argument.  

 That's like me claiming JoG said "bikers are jerks" as evidence of your behavior, and then I just say the fact that you didn't say that "doesn't mean anything".  I then use all the times you called members "gutless" or "jakkazzes" to say my POINT is JoG insults people.  

 Why use a lie to prove a POINT?  If the POINT had merit I would be able to use truth.  If the truth is valuable to me then I wouldn't be using lies and just saying they "don't matter" when I am proven wrong.

 Of course I can't be proven wrong when I selectively Observe only the information that "proves" what I already decided was true before any evidence existed.



Title: Re: If RFK asks the question, is it stupid?
Post by MnSpring on 09/01/23 at 20:27:05

436361697463060 wrote:
"...  I mean like you...  ... You on the other hand refuse to answer questions ..."

I have, you just don't like the answer.

Title: Re: If RFK asks the question, is it stupid?
Post by Eegore on 09/01/23 at 20:32:34

I have, you just don't like the answer.

 I must have missed it then.

 Why can changes to the 2nd Amendment "only" be for gun control?  Why can't the NRA propose a pro-gun change?

 What lumen chart are You using to measure intensity?  

Title: Re: If RFK asks the question, is it stupid?
Post by MnSpring on 09/01/23 at 21:21:11

5777757D6077120 wrote:
 Why can changes to the 2nd Amendment "only" be for gun control?  Why can't the NRA propose a pro-gun change?      

Have Already Answered them both.  

"...  What lumen chart are You using to measure intensity? ..."

You already know this.

For the people switching from Incandescent light bulbs to LED's, who need a simple formula.
Lumens or LM (the amount of light emitted from the bulb)

Many Poor Quality LED's will say, 'Equivalent to a 60 Watt bulb'.  then say 780LM or 800LM.  Where, generally 820 LM is a sort of standard.

What makes it so hard is LM's are a measure of light output. and Watts are a measurement of Power used.

LED bulbs when stating their LM's, also, (sometimes) state the Watts to get that LM.

A 800 LM Bulb, using 10-12 Watts is good,  Some are made to use as low as 8 Watts, some are still around that use 19 Watts. 800-820 LM, is close to the average 60 Watt Bulb.
 (Which used to be marked, in three ranges)

The forgotten and not well known is Kelvin degrees.
AKA 'K'.  That is the color of the light.
2000-2500 = Candlelight. (Orange/Yellow)
2600 - 2800 =   Warm White. (yellowish)
2900 -3100 = Soft White. (White very little yellow
3200 - 3600 = Natural White. (White)
3700 - 4000 = Bright White.   (Very 'White')
4100 - 4500 = Very Bright White  (Sightly Blue)
4600 - 5000 = Bright Sunlight   (More Blueish)

Here is from a chart for, 'about's'.

   Less than 2000K: gives off a dim glow of light, similar to what you might find from candlelight; best for low-light areas where ambient illumination is welcomed.
   2000K-3000K: gives off a soft white glow, often yellow in appearance; best for living rooms, dining rooms, bedrooms and outdoor spaces.
   3100K-4500K: gives off a bright amount of white light; best for kitchens, offices, work spaces and vanities where task lighting is needed.
   4600K-6500K: gives off a bright amount of blue-white light, similar to that of daylight; best for display areas and work environments where very bright illumination is needed.
   6500K and up: gives off a bright bluish hue of light, often found in commercial locations; best for task lighting.

Title: Re: If RFK asks the question, is it stupid?
Post by Eegore on 09/01/23 at 21:24:09

Have Already Answered them both.  

 I must have missed it, can you direct me to your answer or provide it again?

You already know this.

 Incorrect.  There is no way I can know what chart You are using unless You tell me what one You are using.  I can however find a multitude of charts that you may or may not be using.

 Until now you refused to answer this.

Title: Re: If RFK asks the question, is it stupid?
Post by MnSpring on 09/01/23 at 21:36:32

5D7D7F776A7D180 wrote:
"... direct me to your answer or provide it again? ..."

Nop, you do the work.

"... I can however find a multitude of charts that you may or may not be using ...   Until now you refused to answer this.

I did, you just don't understand it.

You know of  multitude charts.
 You tell all of us,
which one is correct !

Title: Re: If RFK asks the question, is it stupid?
Post by Eegore on 09/01/23 at 22:04:57

Nop, you do the work.

 I don't believe you answered my question about the 2nd Amendment changes, specific to why the "only" changes could be for gun control.  Why can't the NRA propose a pro-gun change?  It makes no sense.

I did, you just don't understand it.

You know of  multitude charts.
You tell all of us,
which one is correct !

 Correct isn't the issue.  There's no way I, or anyone, could know what charts You were using until You tell them.  

Title: Re: If RFK asks the question, is it stupid?
Post by MnSpring on 09/02/23 at 08:38:43

725250584552370 wrote:
"... no way I, or anyone, could know what charts You were using ..."

Asking Bot about JFK boinking MM, and Teddy driving over a bridge drunk.
Is real Simple.
98.74% of the people that are familiar with both situations,
will say yes to both.

Bot will not say anything about both, BECAUSE,
the OFFICIAL Narrative is,
JFK was ’not’ boinking MM,
and Teddy was ’Not’ drunk driving over the bridge.

Saying he believes in what 98.74% of people that can read the reports.
Will say he believes in, ‘Conspiracy Theories’

Need more info just look up variants of:
‘Ted Kennedy - Mary Jo Kopechne”
“John Kennedy - Marilyn Monroe”

Wonder if Clinton got the idea of ‘Arkinside’ from,
“…she had been threatening to hold a press conference divulging her relationships with them…”

So I keep asking the questions,
Bot will never answer !

The 2 questions you have asked me,
        I have answered,
You just don’t like or understand the answer.

Title: Re: If RFK asks the question, is it stupid?
Post by Eegore on 09/02/23 at 10:14:19

The 2 questions you have asked me,
       I have answered,
You just don’t like or understand the answer.

 I may not understand the 2nd Amendment answer but until now you never said what charts You are using, you just kept telling me to look up charts, and then debating how many exist.

 Why would the 2nd Amendment be unable to have changes that are pro-gun?  My understanding is you stated changes can "only" be for gun control.   I clarify my answers when asked.

Title: Re: If RFK asks the question, is it stupid?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/02/23 at 11:05:23

1A3A38302D3A5F0 wrote:
The 2 questions you have asked me,
       I have answered,
You just don’t like or understand the answer.

 I may not understand the 2nd Amendment answer but until now you never said what charts You are using, you just kept telling me to look up charts, and then debating how many exist.

 Why would the 2nd Amendment be unable to have changes that are pro-gun?  My understanding is you stated changes can "only" be for gun control.   I clarify my answers when asked.

I've been Watching this goofy show and not knowing where the so called Question that you've been obsessed with forcing Him to explain what is The Most Obvious Thing.

Such a pedantic child.

I don't know of any adult who actually Can read who would parse that down to any insinuation that it is somehow legally or physically impossible for someone to propose a change that would make owning, carrying, using guns easier for the People.
Maybehhas been upward and positive, therefore Your attitude is Wrong.  you understand that,  show your intellectual roadblock of a problem to Your Team. See if They can help. Hopefully someone will suggest to consider the general trajectory of the laws in favor versus the further diminishing of our rights, whether or not it's a Perceived lessening of those rights, the constant haranguing and open hostility by various members of the elected class. As a Defender of the Second Amendment I'm sure you have at your Immediate disposal sufficient evidence to Prove the actual trajectory of gun laws has

Title: Re: If RFK asks the question, is it stupid?
Post by Eegore on 09/02/23 at 15:51:10

I've been Watching this goofy show and not knowing where the so called Question that you've been obsessed with forcing Him to explain what is The Most Obvious Thing.

 My understanding, and others, is that MnSpring stated that changes to the 2nd Amendment can "only" be for gun control reasons.

 That makes no sense.  How can any Amendment have a unique property that eliminates pro-gun from being able to propose and implement changes?

 It's like saying any changes to abortion laws can only be for pro-abortion reasons.   Or maybe, just maybe, asking the same questions over and over again sounds as ridiculous from me as it would from any forum member.

Title: Re: If RFK asks the question, is it stupid?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/02/23 at 17:08:57

You can pretend that
Is your understanding
If that is true, it's not an indictment of his explanation. Only a liar could pretend what you are saying you Understand. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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