General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Wanna see who Trump helped more than anyone?

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 08/26/23 at 12:55:25

Title: Wanna see who Trump helped more than anyone?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/26/23 at 12:55:25



Never one to fail to grasp reality, Bot thinks,, no, sorry, Believes, because that is what They said on cnn, ththe ones who benefited most were the rich.

In DOLLARS yes, because a small percentage of a pile of money is more than a larger percentage of a small amount of money.

The CHANGE in disposable income for the Not Rich, and even more so for the poor, the improvement in THEIR lives was Yuge.

And not one bit of that will affect what he thinks, says,or feels about Trump.
He's been told That time and Time again,, and all he can do is ignore it and continue to live with his heart poisoned while he spreads lies and believes them.. How sad,, poor Muppet,,

Title: Re: Wanna see who Trump helped more than anyone?
Post by Serowbot on 08/26/23 at 13:02:12

You don't have to love Mickey Mouse to watch a parade

They sure didn't vote for him

Title: Re: Wanna see who Trump helped more than anyone?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/26/23 at 13:37:43

You don't know that. All you know is what happened after they stopped the count,when Trump was winning.
You can pretend what you want, but his support is growing. And they weren't standing there WATCHING, they were cheering.

Have you watched how they greeted the Crypt Keeper?

Not just Maui.

Boo! And. Fukk You Biden.. Wake up, look around, Trump only became a racist when he decided to run. Black business men got loans, put in business and then he didn't let them pay him back, When they couldn't get a loan anywhere else.

You the hater,man.
You can lie to, but not to me

Title: Re: Wanna see who Trump helped more than anyone?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/26/23 at 13:41:31

Your track record with facts contradictory to your beliefs isn't great,,
How are going to turn this into something else you can ignore?

Title: Re: Wanna see who Trump helped more than anyone?
Post by MnSpring on 08/26/23 at 16:07:41

BOT SAID: You don't have to love Mickey Mouse to watch a parade
They sure didn't vote for him

That does NOT, explain why:
"... a corporate media blackout on Trump passing through the area...."

What that does, is enforce,
"... the 45th president was jeered and booed by angry mobs...."

Which did NOT happen.

Do you believe JFK was boinking MM ?

"...They sure didn't vote for him..."
And you know that How ?
Oh Yea,
you were TOLD to say that !

"...  create an illusion
that Trump is hated by most Americans
when, in fact, his popularity is staggering ..."

Title: Re: Wanna see who Trump helped more than anyone?
Post by MnSpring on 08/26/23 at 16:52:05

"... Bot thinks,, no, sorry, Believes, ..."

     Na, No thinking occurs.
        What he Believes,
is what he is TOLD to say.

Title: Re: Wanna see who Trump helped more than anyone?
Post by zevenenergie on 08/27/23 at 00:20:51

The black community could cause a big surprice this election.

Not only have thay seen their situation worsen under Biden,
they will identify with Trump because he will end up innocent behind bars.
That is quite familiar to them.

Trump will also experience from the inside what it takes to fight crime.
A mirror will also be held up to him of the things he denies in himself.

In short, He will come out better on all fronts.
A force to be reckoned with.

He will, go down in history as the greatest precedent ever.

Title: Re: Wanna see who Trump helped more than anyone?
Post by MnSpring on 08/27/23 at 18:35:38

"...The black community could cause a big surprice this election..."

Most all of the UL, DFI, FDS, Socialists,
will void their vote.

1/2 of the people that call themselves Democrats,
will void their vote.

1/12 of of the people that call themselves Republicans.
will void their vote.

So, another election STOLEN ! » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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