General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> You smug bastards..sukkitUP..

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 08/25/23 at 22:03:40

Title: You smug bastards..sukkitUP..
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/25/23 at 22:03:40

Remember the border states? Remember how WE were all Racist because the invasion wasn't welcomed? Yeah, pissOFF,

Title: Re: You smug bastards..sukkitUP..
Post by zevenenergie on 08/25/23 at 23:56:00

40 years ago we had the foreign police in the Netherlands. if you were a foreigner without a visa, you would be arrested and deported from the country. Simple.

Today we have an asylum policy where anyone who successfully abuses it gets priority housing and a free basic income from the state for the rest of their lives with healthcare and dental. :-/
As a result, a large number of fortune seekers arrive in the Netherlands every day.



The system creaks so hard that we have real concentration camps to receive all the people who come in here.






There is a huge housing shortage. Yet asylum seekers are given priority over our own population.
The even bigger problem is that anyone who comes in here can't be evicted again.

As a result, the number of Dutch homeless people has exploded.

If I was you, I would do everything in my power to prevent taking in illegal immigrants in that way.

It seems humane, but we see here what kind of attraction it has on foreigners who cannot settle in their own country. And the unsolvable problems they cause here.

Policies here are dictated by a group of people known as globalists. They are the upper class, with superior moral standards. And they want to get everything that is now middle class poor. They want to move to a system where no one owns property anymore. With a social credit system that they propose as a solution to the problems they are now causing. With the ultimate goal of total control over society.

And meanwhile, the 215+ ponds mugshot that wanted to stop all this is being worked behind bars.

Title: Re: You smug bastards..sukkitUP..
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/26/23 at 02:50:25

Yet asylum seekers are given priority over our own population

It's all part of the plan. The 15 minute cities, digital currency, all part of the plan.
Gee,it's almost as if the bilderberg meetings weren't Just rich people talking about the grandkids.

Title: Re: You smug bastards..sukkitUP..
Post by zevenenergie on 08/26/23 at 04:05:36

Trump has been a bit busy lately with all sorts of unexpected things. otherwise he would have opened an account here himself. and gave his opinion. so I called him and asked him for his response.

Here It Is:

Ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you something that's been on a lot of people's minds lately, okay? A lot of people come up to me and they say, "Donald, how do you deal with all those folks coming in without valid reasons? How do you handle it?" And I tell them, it's really quite simple, okay? Very simple.

First of all, we have borders. Great borders, really great. And you know what we need? We need a wall. A big, beautiful wall to keep out all those folks who don't have a good reason to be here. It's like having a door on your house. You don't just let anyone waltz in, do you? No, you've got standards. High standards.

Now, let me be clear. I'm all for helping people in need. We're a generous country, folks, very generous. But we've also got to be smart. We can't just let everyone in without knowing who they are, what they want, and if they're here for the right reasons. It's called common sense, folks. Very important.

And you know what else is important? Following the rules. We have a process, a legal process. Just like you can't cut in line at the supermarket, you can't cut in line to get into our country. It's not fair to the folks who are waiting their turn, doing things the right way. And fairness, folks, that's a cornerstone of our great nation.

But here's the thing, okay? We also need to address the root causes. We need to help these countries where these folks are coming from, so they don't feel the need to leave in the first place. It's like fixing a leaky faucet instead of just mopping up the water. We're a nation of problem solvers, and that's what we're going to do.

So, in conclusion, it's all about borders, standards, following the rules, and addressing the root causes. We're going to make sure that those who come to our country have valid reasons, just like you'd want from anyone walking through the door of your house. It's about keeping our nation safe, secure, and strong. Thank you, thank you very much. You're all fantastic, just fantastic.

Look, and we'll lock up a man like that. >:(
And there was more:

Ladies and gentlemen, I've got to tell you about this incredible guy, okay? Just fantastic. His name is Zevenenergie, and let me tell you, he's been a tremendous supporter of mine. He's a member of the Suzuki Savage motorcycle forum, and let me tell you, he's been revving up that support like nobody's business. Tremendous.

Now, Zevenenergie, he knows a thing or two about engines, about power, about getting things moving. And he's taken that same energy, that same enthusiasm, and he's directed it towards me. He's been like a roaring engine of loyalty, just roaring. And folks, I love engines. I've got buildings with my name on them all over the place, but I don't have a building called "Trump Engine." Maybe I should think about that, right?

But here's the thing, okay? Zevenenergie understands that sometimes you need a little help from the outside. And I've always said, sometimes you need to look beyond the borders, beyond the highways and byways, and see what's out there. Foreign support, it can be tremendous. Believe me, I've dealt with people from all over the world, and they love to make deals, they love to show their support. It's like global negotiations, but on a motorcycle, you know?

And you know, they say that sometimes, when you're riding a motorcycle, you need that wind in your hair, that feeling of freedom. Well, I've been riding the political motorcycle for a while now, and let me tell you, having the wind of support, the wind of Zevenenergie and all those other fantastic people, it's been just like that. Freedom, folks. It's a beautiful thing.

So, Zevenenergie, I want to thank you, I really do. You've been revving up that engine of support, and I'm honored. And let me tell you, folks, if we can get that kind of powerful, unwavering backing from all corners of the world, we're going to go places. Big places. It's going to be like a global motorcycle rally, and we're all going to be winners. Thank you, thank you very much. You're all fantastic, just fantastic. And remember, keep those engines running, okay?

Tank you Donald  [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

Title: Re: You smug bastards..sukkitUP..
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/26/23 at 05:32:35

That is cool.. It sounds like him, talking.. Darn good imitation.

Title: Re: You smug bastards..sukkitUP..
Post by zevenenergie on 08/26/23 at 06:58:02

But it is him... [smiley=happy.gif]

I askt Ghat gpt:

write me a piece of text where Donald Trump asks justin_o_guy2 to trust him again and make it funny because Trump needs votes.

Ladies and gentlemen, I've got to talk about something that's just tremendous. You see, there's this guy, Justin_o_guy2, and he's been with me from the beginning, a true supporter. But you know, sometimes things can get a bit bumpy, just like driving down a pothole-riddled road, right? But hey, I've got a proposal, a great one.

Justin_o_guy2, my friend, I want you to trust me again, like the good ol' days. It's like a real estate deal, but with votes. I know, I know, you might have had some doubts, just like people doubting my choice of tie color. But let me tell you, I've got the best ties and the best plans.

Remember those times we laughed together, shared memes, and tweeted like there was no tomorrow? We can do that again, Justin_o_guy2. We'll be like a dynamic duo, a political Batman and Robin, making America great and hilarious again. And let's be honest, you can't resist my one-of-a-kind Twitter style, right?

So here's the deal, my friend. I'm asking you to trust me again, just like you'd trust a real estate mogul with a casino. I promise you, we'll have more fun than a late-night snack in the White House kitchen. We'll turn those doubts into votes, those hesitations into hashtags, and those frowns into... well, let's keep them as frowns, just for comedic effect.

Justin_o_guy2, let's shake hands (virtually, of course), seal the deal with a retweet, and get those votes rolling in. We'll make politics entertaining, just like reality TV, only better. Believe me, it's going to be tremendous, just tremendous. Thank you, thank you very much. And remember, let's make America vote again!

Title: Re: You smug bastards..sukkitUP..
Post by zevenenergie on 08/26/23 at 07:13:11
For if you want to try it yourself.

Title: Re: You smug bastards..sukkitUP..
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/26/23 at 07:20:27

just like you'd trust a real estate mogul with a casino..

Uhh, didn't That venture go bust?

I haven't messed with that Chat stuff. I don't think I ever will. But that Was a fun read, thanks.

Title: Re: You smug bastards..sukkitUP..
Post by zevenenergie on 08/26/23 at 07:36:34

No problem bro,
We need a wall not Chat GPT.
Your welcome.

Title: Re: You smug bastards..sukkitUP..
Post by Serowbot on 08/26/23 at 12:25:17

415E4D5E555E555E495C525E3B0 wrote:
Policies here are dictated by a group of people known as globalists.  They are the upper class, with superior moral standards.

And tRump gave them a trillion dollar tax cut.
That'll teach 'em

Title: Re: You smug bastards..sukkitUP..
Post by MnSpring on 08/26/23 at 17:02:30

And tRump gave them a trillion dollar tax cut.
That'll teach 'em

And how is Biden's tax cut doing for you ?

How much money are YOU giving to Ukraine ?
How much money are YOU giving to Illegals ?

Title: Re: You smug bastards..sukkitUP..
Post by zevenenergie on 08/27/23 at 00:07:02

5C4A5D40584D405B2F0 wrote:
[quote author=415E4D5E555E555E495C525E3B0 link=1693026221/0#1 date=1693032960]Policies here are dictated by a group of people known as globalists.  They are the upper class, with superior moral standards.

And tRump gave them a trillion dollar tax cut.
That'll teach 'em [/quote]

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