General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Those grapes grew Where?

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 08/25/23 at 05:15:05

Title: Those grapes grew Where?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/25/23 at 05:15:05

But what does That Mean?

Will this obvious information Also be indecipherable by the minds of the climate cultists? Will they be unable to read and conclude the obvious?
Don't bet on it.

Ohh, and BTW, PEOPLE were using those grapes, so yes, people Were Surviving the climate. Figured that should be explained..

Title: Re: Those grapes grew Where?
Post by Eegore on 08/25/23 at 05:26:28

 So it makes sense to look at data before today?  Like it makes no sense to look only at the hot weather today and literally ignore any numbers lets say 2019 and before?

 As if to make some sort of comparison.  Instead of just looking at any random article saying today's weather is "proof" of disastrous climate change.  One would use numbers before today to compare against right?

 Or would you say the documents, like the ones you provide here "don't matter"?  Would you accept an argument about climate change where "documents don't matter" and all information pre-today is completely ignored because they can find another article on the internet, where we can find anything at all, showing how bad the climate is?

Title: Re: Those grapes grew Where?
Post by MnSpring on 08/25/23 at 08:40:06

4D6D6F677A6D080 wrote:
"... and all information pre-today is completely ignored because they can find another article on the internet, where we can find anything at all, showing how bad the climate is?

It is what the EV pushers are doing !

EV cars will come. But NOT the way they are now.

Are they being pushed by Elect Companies, because they are loosing tremendous revenue because of Solar ?

Are they being pushed by Manufactures who KNOW, they have a bigger overall 'carbon' footprint than gas units.

Are they being pushed by a DFI, FDS, mush for brains, PUPPET in the WH ?

Title: Re: Those grapes grew Where?
Post by Eegore on 08/25/23 at 09:33:59

It is what the EV pushers are doing !

 I would agree.  I purchased a few EV's and I show that the dollars per mile to run them is equal to, or slightly higher than gasoline powered vehicles of similar capacity.  Eventually though they will be better than gasoline in dollars per mile, as weight declines and fuel prices rise.

 If I use the array at my shop for charging however the cost does drop since the array pushes power into the grid, that I get paid for twice a year and that payment, so far, exceeds the cost of maintenance.  

Title: Re: Those grapes grew Where?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/25/23 at 10:10:46

Why do you need to divert the post from THE FUKKING POINT? Every Goddarned time.

Title: Re: Those grapes grew Where?
Post by Eegore on 08/25/23 at 10:27:21

Why do you need to divert the post from THE FUKKING POINT? Every Goddarned time.

 I Observe that you refuse to accept environmental climate change information presented to you in the exact same way you present other topics.

 Why is it that climate change should be compared to historical data, but vaccine deaths should not?  Historically high deaths in athletes today, but do not look at deaths pre-2019, or refuse to Observe them completely, ignore questions about it, refuse to discuss it.

 Couldn't a human just Observe only climate change problems while refusing to Observe historical information?  To them, their Reality is that we are screwed.  They ignore proven LIES told to them by sources they like, and just go find another article telling them what they already think is true.  They Observe high/low temps unlike anything they have Observed before, while ignoring (not Observing) anything else.  As if the temperatures they see/Observe are the only ones on the planet.  Also they will refuse to discuss even simple information like the temperatures in their own hometown.  Instead they will call you names.

 They wont look at the information you posted here and read for them, they don't need to because they were already right in their own mind before any evidence existed.  Without even looking at your evidence they know you are wrong, this is why selective Observation is so useful to them, nothing you show can change their Reality because they won't Observe anything you post.

 Basically they do what you do.

Title: Re: Those grapes grew Where?
Post by MnSpring on 08/25/23 at 12:44:52

19393B332E395C0 wrote:
 If I use the array at my shop for charging however the cost does drop since the array pushes power into the grid, ..."  

Did you figured in, for the
"... the cost does drop ..."

Cost to build array - ?
Cost lost to use that land for something else - ?
Reduced cost selling back to Power Co,  + ?

If one had a EV, drove RT 50 miles  to work. Solar on trunk, roof, hood, parked outside, got to work at 1 hour after sun rise, and left one hour before sundown. Parked outside on Sat/Sun. One would break even, in about 10-12 years.

Title: Re: Those grapes grew Where?
Post by Eegore on 08/25/23 at 14:33:06

Cost to build array - ?
Cost lost to use that land for something else - ?
Reduced cost selling back to Power Co,  + ?

 Yes.  The array has paid for itself, I discussed this in a another thread before.  I used no subsidies or debt, I paid for it once the cost to production ratio became a close enough gap to be profitable.

 The land is generating income as a, at this time, no-cost power supply and small income stream in liquid asset.  Otherwise it sits there costing me property tax.

 There is no "Reduced" cost selling back to the power company since I am not using power to generate the sold power.  I am only generating power that goes into the grid passively, and I have no means, nor does anyone else, to generate power at the rate and cost of a 3 stack power plant.  They pay me less than they charge, but so does everyone else that sells things they buy.  Also I am unable to sell power to customers at all, so selling into the grid is the only plausible (but not only) means for gaining consistent income from the surplus.

If one had a EV, drove RT 50 miles  to work. Solar on trunk, roof, hood, parked outside, got to work at 1 hour after sun rise, and left one hour before sundown. Parked outside on Sat/Sun. One would break even, in about 10-12 years.

 Possibly.  Some can do it at 50 miles a day in less time than that, but not many.  The problem is finding humans that pay cash up front for an EV and then actually collect and analyze the maintenance information.  Just like people that buy gasoline vehicles that do not calculate their "break even" point by means of dollars per mile, but miles per gallon.  They feel great "breaking even" in a year when they ignore all cost besides gasoline.  

Title: Re: Those grapes grew Where?
Post by Serowbot on 08/25/23 at 15:22:42

England and coastal Europe have the benefit of gulf trade winds... always have.
They are much milder temps than Alaska or Canada
Latitudes aren't everything
Grapes won't grow as good as Southern France, or Italy, but they'll grow.
Shipping goods is much easier now, so why bother?

Title: Re: Those grapes grew Where?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/25/23 at 19:06:26

The point is

The ability to raise a vineyard where evidence proves they did ,is Not Possible today.
The Climate Changed. It's Cooler now. So the pretense that earth is warming up to a temperature that hasn't happened Before is Proven to be bullshit.
Why are you unable to get that.??
It's not in question. It's not something you can say you don't agree with.

The remains of those vineyards are not fifty years old.
So you don't Accidentally miss it

***************/////// Read the headline \\\\\\\\****************

During The 800s-1300s AD, Wine Grapes Were Grown At Latitudes Where Polar Bears Now Roam
By Kenneth Richard on 2. April 2018

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1-2°C Warmer Medieval Times Supported Wine
 Vineyards In Russia, Norway, N England (55°N)

Seriously? You want to pretend that because SHIPPING is easier that is why they Stopped growing them up there??
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