General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Now That's how it's supposed to work!

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 08/20/23 at 06:02:37

Title: Now That's how it's supposed to work!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/20/23 at 06:02:37

Listening to the clown talk about investigation is not easy,, it's obvious on its face. Dude's got an unconstitutionally mandated CCL, stopped an armed robbery, and instead of having a ceremony on the courthouse steps, hanging a medal on the guy, let's look to see if there is a way to charge him.. Idiots.

Ohh,Wait! I Thought I was supposed to be against guns when blacks were using them to do right things,,

Title: Re: Now That's how it's supposed to work!
Post by MnSpring on 08/20/23 at 08:13:29

The point.

The DFI, FDS, WOKE, UL Socialists,
Will do everything they can to Charge,
the DEFENDER of the store owners life.

What color skin any of the 3 people involved had, is totally irrelevant.

The UL, FDS, WOKE DFI's, do NOT understand, (because it is now NOT TAUGHT in schools or home), their is a  Responsibility for a action.

Such as, threaten a life, someone else can end yours.

Stop CODDLING, and get back to Punishing !

It is perfectly OK. To accuse one person with no proof, as long as the skin colors are ‘correct’, for the accuser and the accused.

Yet if another skin color person,  accuses one person with proof, and the skin color is ‘not correct’, for the accuser and the accused, is is totally wrong.

Yep !
It is so clear,
(So clear that even Ray Charles could see it)
The UL DFI, FDS, WOKE, Progressive Socialists are RACIEST !

Title: Re: Now That's how it's supposed to work!
Post by zevenenergie on 08/21/23 at 00:44:07

There are 4 things going on in this case.

The perpetrator knew that you should not commit robbery but did it anyway.

He did not have a permit to carry a weapon and therefore used a knife.

His body is shot to pieces.

A judge would never give such a punishment for a robbery.

The ethical question that arises is:
Is it ethical to carry beer while shooting  (should it have been soda)?

This indicates that a robber in America is basically a walking target that you can shoot to your heart's content as long as there is no beverage involved.

Is the shooter is really a hero?
Or someone who has wanted to shoot a person for a long time and saw his chance?

Maby it is good to review the law.
And also knit a bravery clause into it.

Becource now the shooter is someone who finds his baverage more important, than shooting the robber efficiently (with two hands)

The leg would have been enough, and if you wanted to live it up you would have shot him in the knee.

Seven shots where including 1 in the back and 1 in the face, you don't want to take someone out but kill and then have a nice beer?

As a judge, I wouldn't think so. >:(

Title: Re: Now That's how it's supposed to work!
Post by Eegore on 08/21/23 at 04:39:49

 Isn't the issue that they were investigating if he was consuming alcohol while armed?

 This makes sense to me.  Possession is not an issue, consumption is.

Title: Re: Now That's how it's supposed to work!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/21/23 at 05:39:00

Oops,,I'm Gonna hafta let that guy do what he wants to the clerk. I'd be Breaking the Law if I stop him.

Yeah,, let's do that..

Medal, on the courthouse steps, media hoopla.

If people want their society to move away from lawlessness they need to celebrate the citizens who stop crime.

Title: Re: Now That's how it's supposed to work!
Post by MnSpring on 08/21/23 at 08:53:41

534C4A4D50576656665E4C400B390 wrote:
Oops,,I'm Gonna hafta let that guy do what he wants to the clerk. I'd be Breaking the Law if I stop him....
If people want their society to move away from lawlessness they need to celebrate the citizens who stop crime.

    A-Yep !!!

Problem the UL, FDS, DFI, WOKE, Progressive Socialists,
to, 'Coddle'.

Cause they have STILL,
     not LEARNED,
that does NOT work !!!!

Title: Re: Now That's how it's supposed to work!
Post by Eegore on 08/21/23 at 11:29:53

 Didn't they do that for the guy that chased and beat on the guy that stole the old lady's purse?

 Watching the video the guy did break the law when he put in a few extra punches, after, he managed to get the purse away and the criminal was on the ground.  

 Technically he could have been charged with assault, and the law should apply equal to everyone.  Heroes should not get special treatment.  So I guess the best way to apply the law equally is to let everyone beating a criminal with a few extra non-lethal hits, get an award.

Title: Re: Now That's how it's supposed to work!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/21/23 at 12:13:44

Hey, if someone wants to value my stuff or someone else's stuff more than their life, or face, I'm good with that. I've had to explain this before, so, try to remember, it's not gonna change.

Expecting the average guy to play cop and Be expected to perform Like cops are supposed to, controlling their emotions when someone jakkass has put them in a position to risk getting hurt or killed By said jakkass and expecting them to play by some Rules is bullshit. And how many times do cops get a pass due to their Immunity.

Don't go pretending that the few cases they didn't is the norm. It's not.

Title: Re: Now That's how it's supposed to work!
Post by Eegore on 08/21/23 at 12:32:46

 I think the best way to apply the law equally is to let everyone beating a criminal with a few extra non-lethal hits, get an award.

Title: Re: Now That's how it's supposed to work!
Post by MnSpring on 08/21/23 at 13:56:40

6444464E5344210 wrote:
 I think the best way to apply the law equally is to let everyone beating a criminal with a few extra non-lethal hits, get an award.

It is clear, that CODDLING, is NOT working !

Title: Re: Now That's how it's supposed to work!
Post by MnSpring on 08/21/23 at 14:41:31

426260687562070 wrote:
 "... let everyone beating a criminal with a few extra non-lethal hits, get an award.

Many got, 'Participation Trophies',
so why Not !!!!!
It is the, 'new way".

According the the WOKE, UL, Progressive Socialist, DFI Fairy Dust Sprinklers.

Title: Re: Now That's how it's supposed to work!
Post by zevenenergie on 08/21/23 at 23:14:53

It's just a way of thinking.

If kids in chigago think thay are being oppressed and have the right to rob. Then that is the same thought pattern as you think you can use unlimited force on a robber.

I think the world becomes more livable if you ignore those kinds of thoughts with accompanying feelings.

I also hate. But that doesn't mean I have the right to take it out on others. It is precisely the weak in society who do this.

There is no solution to believing your thoughts other than spiritual Growth.

That doesn't mean you can't use force. There is nothing wrong with violence. But there is something wrong with using violence out of hatred.
It shows that you have psychological problems.And that exactly what a criminal is, someone with mental health problems.

It is necessary to always act consciously, because then you do exactly what is necessary. And no more or less.

An action out of hatred or fear is not a conscious action. And that is exactly what is wrong with a big part of the police force.

If you are always in your head, the chance that you act consciously in a crisis situation is close to 0%

Consciousness and conscious awareness.

And that is something different than being woke, or promoting the woke movement.

Title: Re: Now That's how it's supposed to work!
Post by zevenenergie on 08/21/23 at 23:47:42

0A291437352E2920470 wrote:
[quote author=6444464E5344210 link=1692536558/0#8 date=1692646366]  
 I think the best way to apply the law equally is to let everyone beating a criminal with a few extra non-lethal hits, get an award.

It is clear, that CODDLING, is NOT working ![/quote]

I think cuddling has never been tried, maybe that is the solution.

Imagine that's the solution. That anyone who has committed a crime is not put away for years in a very violent place where he can be beaten to death every day. But placed in a loving environment where he can contribute to the whole.

What do you think has a better chance of success?

Title: Re: Now That's how it's supposed to work!
Post by Eegore on 08/22/23 at 11:54:48

Imagine that's the solution. That anyone who has committed a crime is not put away for years in a very violent place where he can be beaten to death every day. But placed in a loving environment where he can contribute to the whole.

What do you think has a better chance of success?


Title: Re: Now That's how it's supposed to work!
Post by Serowbot on 08/22/23 at 12:13:49

We could send them to the Netherlands   ;D

Title: Re: Now That's how it's supposed to work!
Post by zevenenergie on 08/22/23 at 12:32:18

Thats funny :D » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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