General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Yeah, that's what he said

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 08/19/23 at 04:27:07

Title: Yeah, that's what he said
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/19/23 at 04:27:07


Title: Re: Yeah, that's what he said
Post by MnSpring on 08/19/23 at 08:51:23

'Bud Lite"


Never drank that piss water ,
even before,
all the other people stooped !

Title: Re: Yeah, that's what he said
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/19/23 at 09:57:09

I didn't either but it Was The best seller for about twenty years, before the Right boycotted it. The left boycott a song and Boom! Right to the top.
But they still believe they are the majority. Because of censorship online.

Title: Re: Yeah, that's what he said
Post by Serowbot on 08/19/23 at 10:30:39

a beer tanks because of trans phobia and hate, and a song soars espousing racist tropes...
congrats on the win  :-?

Title: Re: Yeah, that's what he said
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/19/23 at 11:50:41

And you continue to fail to grasp the obvious.
It's the OBVIOUS FACT that the Voice of the Right is the Voice of the MAJORITY,, Wake up.
You BELIEVE Your lefty voice IS THE MAJORITY, because of Censorship of The Actual Majority.
Again, mirror, slap some sense into your Muppet head

See the OBVIOUS.

Title: Re: Yeah, that's what he said
Post by Serowbot on 08/19/23 at 12:28:51

So funny

63% of voters say they will not vote Trump
32% say they will

That's two to one.
A clear majority

Independents are majority against Trump too.

That averages to about 25% of the electorate.
You are one quarter of America.
Tell me where a quarter is a majority

Title: Re: Yeah, that's what he said
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/19/23 at 13:17:34

You can run and hide from the obvious. You can believe whatever you have found.
But the Obvious understanding that Anyone who was in search of Seeing the truth, you know, like a detective or smart guy, would be Forced to Conclude that
THE VOICE of The Right is absolutely BIGGER than what You and Everyone else has been told.
If it was not True, then the beer boycott Would not, COULD NOT have unseated The Most Popular beer for twenty years
And the LEFTY HATE for a song Would have Damaged The popularity OF THAT SONG if you Actually had
Now,, figure it out

Title: Re: Yeah, that's what he said
Post by Serowbot on 08/19/23 at 14:18:06

Louder is not bigger.

The Republican Party is aging out.
It's being educated away.
The radicalization is all internal,... while the real world just sees it getting nuttier and nuttier...
Whatever there was 4 years ago, will be less now. As the electorate grows younger and better educated.
Getting louder won't help

2016 Trump lost by 3 million
2020 he lost by 7 million
2024 he will lose by 12 million

What you need to do is start attracting younger voters.
Abortion bans, trans/homo phobia, racism, and general intolerance, is not it.  Guns ain't it.
Security, fairness, tolerance, freedom, healthcare, are things young people want.

Title: Re: Yeah, that's what he said
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/19/23 at 18:05:41

Absolutely Nothing you are saying is in step with what Is Obvious.
Why are you unable to grasp what it means when your side boycotts something and it is successful
And the right boycotts something and it goes in the schitter

And somehow You conclude the voice of the left is the majority?

The Only reason you could ever have even thought that is because of the censorship of the online voice of the right.

You can squirm and lie to yourself
But Stop trying to lie to me. I'm NOT stupid. The obvious facts are indisputable,
It's not as if you aren't good at being wrong. It's your specialty.
And refusing to see the obvious is what lefties do.
The Future may be as you say.
But the events I'm pointing out are what they are, they say what I said they say and anyone with a lick of sense has to conclude exactly what I said

Title: Re: Yeah, that's what he said
Post by MnSpring on 08/19/23 at 18:50:02

6573647961747962160 wrote:
"... As the electorate grows younger and better educated...."

Exactly what Planet are you living on ?????????

Cause on Earth, the electorate
            is NOT
getting better educated.

If it was,
we would never have had Obama,
      OR BIDEN !!!

Title: Re: Yeah, that's what he said
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/19/23 at 19:12:22

Okay, I get it.
Because the left are in the majority, when the right said
Fukk bud light
The left kept buying the country's most popular beer for the last twenty years and it crashed
And the left said
Fukk that song and then it went to the top.

Makes perfect sense if you're too Stewpid to play Go fish.

Title: Re: Yeah, that's what he said
Post by Eegore on 08/19/23 at 21:39:41

 This whole logic is oversimplified.  There are many components to how any product survives or thrives when it has a "boycott".  Nike was supposed to be bankrupt by now remember.

 It would make more sense if the products were more equal.  For instance one can loop up a Spotify account, VPN the account and replay a song indefinitely 24/7 to influence it's ratings.  For instance I know someone who was responsible for over 3,000 song views on Blow’s Twitter account - and it cost nothing.  

 One can't consume a can of beer every 3 minutes 24/7.  Nobody I know can get 3,000 free cans of beer.  So anyone trying to "support" Bud light would need much more cash, space and means to transport product than someone "supporting" a song.

 I'm not sure how much of this has to do with a vocal majority versus entry to impact.  That being said Bud Light having this prolonged impact does say a lot for the stamina of what I guess could be called Conservative consumers.  I mean Bud Light made one case of custom cans and it's still an issue.

 I would like to see a Conservative consumer group call to boycott a song and see what happens.


Title: Re: Yeah, that's what he said
Post by MnSpring on 08/20/23 at 08:32:53

4464666E7364010 wrote:
 This whole logic is oversimplified... can loop up a Spotify account...
... One can't consume a can of beer every 3 minutes ...
...  not sure how much of this has to do with a vocal majority versus entry to impact...

Do you have a opinion on,
more Conservatives,
or more  Liberals.

Or are you more comfortable sitting on the fence,
by explaining why, you are 'undecided'.

Title: Re: Yeah, that's what he said
Post by Eegore on 08/20/23 at 14:02:29

Do you have a opinion on,
more Conservatives,
or more  Liberals.

 I don't know what you are asking.

"Or are you more comfortable sitting on the fence,
by explaining why, you are 'undecided'.

 My post outlines why.  The products are too dissimilar and cost to influence is extremely different.  One is free, another is not.  One has literally no physical volume to interact with, one would take trucks.  One can support a song much easier than they can support beer.

 Nike was supposed to go bankrupt from their WOKE decisions remember?  If it is as simple as JoG claims why didn't that boycott work as well as the Bud Light one?  My assessment is cost, and product variances.

Title: Re: Yeah, that's what he said
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/20/23 at 15:20:33

Again, the Point is
Obama admitted he has fantasies of queer sex.

Title: Re: Yeah, that's what he said
Post by MnSpring on 08/20/23 at 15:45:59

1737353D2037520 wrote:
"I don't know what you are asking. ..."

Perhaps reading  Post #4 & 6.
Will shed some light on the subject at hand.

Title: Re: Yeah, that's what he said
Post by Eegore on 08/20/23 at 16:34:25

Perhaps reading  Post #4 & 6.
Will shed some light on the subject at hand.

 It does not.

 Do I have an opinion on "more Conservatives" or "more Liberals"?  

 I do not.  I'm not sure what more of either means.  Like do I think there are more of one or the other?

Title: Re: Yeah, that's what he said
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/20/23 at 17:16:21

2C3335322F2819291921333F74460 wrote:
Again, the Point is
Obama admitted he has fantasies of queer sex. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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