General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> There was a plan

Message started by Serowbot on 08/17/23 at 15:43:56

Title: There was a plan
Post by Serowbot on 08/17/23 at 15:43:56


New Explosive Roger Stone Video Dooms Donald Trump’s Main Legal Defense
The video was filmed before the election results had even been announced.
The video was taken on November 5, 2020, two days before the election was called, thus disproving Trump’s main defense that he and his allies genuinely believed they had won the race.

Title: Re: There was a plan
Post by Serowbot on 08/17/23 at 16:34:40

Trump was going to "drain the swamp" and hire "only the best people"...
Is there anyone that supported, defended, worked for, Trump, that is better off for doing so?
The Trump presidency is a Trumpster fire with no survivors.  A total flame out.
Lives , careers, fortunes, and legacy's destroyed.
Everyone is under the bus.
And still, he's the likely Red candidate for 2024... with a zero chance of winning the Presidency

Thank you all  8-)

Title: Re: There was a plan
Post by Serowbot on 08/17/23 at 16:52:10

I love it  :-?

Apparently Donald Trump hates this photo of himself and does not want it on social media. Do not like this photo.
So I post it here  :P

I feel so evil... ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: There was a plan
Post by MnSpring on 08/17/23 at 19:21:11

don't have a clue.

Title: Re: There was a plan
Post by Serowbot on 08/18/23 at 06:35:09

1E3D0023213A3D34530 wrote:
don't have a clue.

If you read more real news then you might.  :-?

Title: Re: There was a plan
Post by MnSpring on 08/18/23 at 10:58:31

3026312C34212C37430 wrote:
"... Is there anyone that ... ... is better off for doing so?

“Trump was going to "drain the swamp" and hire "only the best people”

Ever hear Cagney’s ‘Off The Record’ ?
Remember when JFK and Teddy were sacrosanct ?

Crooks in politics has been going on for a LONG time.
100’s of Years.

The biggest problem was Trump did NOT, KISS AZZ !
Trump brought the crooks to light of day.
Trump DID work to remove the crooks in government.

Yet the Crooks, (Both Parties) prevailed.
The Crooks empowered/funded the BLM, ME-To, WOKE, ANTIFA, etc, etc, etc, movements, then let them run amuck and do what they wanted, simply because absolutely no ‘LAWS’ were applied to actions. So there was no punishment.

Which now, has turned into a monster.

“Is there anyone that supported, defended, worked for, Trump, that is better off for doing so?”

          Oh Yea,  Even BOT is.  

Low Gas /Diesel price, Strengthened the Military,  remove the oppression of OSHA, expanded Fed support for schools which taught 2+2=4, reduce the pay raises of the government employees which moved a piece of paper back and forth on their desk, removed the Oppressive, mandate that if one assigned their money to someone else, (Mom & Dad traveling in a RV, assigning one of their kids to pay their CC bills) they could NOT Buy a Gun,  did not allow liar’s to get their student loans forgiven, slowing down the money laundering and fake LLC’s to get ‘grant’ money for things like Solar Panels, Scaled back GIVING your money to people who do not deserve it,  so more people who DO deserve it can get it, (Welfare/food stamps and like), Reduced Taxes because their was less GUT and Thieves in the government, Put the teeth back in the  anti-monopoly Trust suits, (which overturned the Progressive advocates during Obama”, Cracked down on Immigration, Provided subsidies to Farmers, who suffered  from tariffs and   trade wars under Obama, allowed small lenders from mortgage disclosure requirements to help fight discrimination,  worked to remove the shields online platforms used to censor conservatives,  took the teeth out of the EPA  who  KILLED A RIVER, and said ‘oops’, (while fining a farmer, 20 MILLON For creating a shallow pond for wildlife), Setting shorter deadlines for agencies to complete environmental reviews (Basically, S hit of get off the pot), Putting Common sense back to U.S. foreign policy, Demanding that NATO countries pony up enough money to their own defense costs, Showing the Paris Agreement on climate change, was pure BS,  Showing the true agenda of the  liberal media journalists, Worked to reduce China’s stealing of  American intellectual property and taxpayer-funded research, And on, and on, and on, and on !!!

It is now known that CLEANING the Swamp, was done to fast, so it did not TOTALLY succeed.
Unlike the UL, DFI, FDS WOKE SOCIALISTS. They learned, that removing freedoms must be done, S L O W E L Y !

When the HONEST Conservatives Prevail,
   That lesson will be applied.

Trump run again ?  Nop.
Trump endorsing someone ? Yep

The pendulum will again swing in the Conservative direction.
And after that just hope there is not another Biden, or Obama !
If so, this Nation will go down hill at Warp Speed !
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