General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Remember, boys and girls, follow the science

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 08/16/23 at 20:13:19

Title: Remember, boys and girls, follow the science
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/16/23 at 20:13:19

But it doesn't really matter if there is a valid reason, a reason beyond any connection to the activities of the people on the planet, if it's getting warmer it because of people.
Because LEFTY ..

Title: Re: Remember, boys and girls, follow the science
Post by WebsterMark on 08/17/23 at 03:37:03

I’ve read about this before. I’ve also read it’s just mote BS from climate deniers. That instantly tells me there’s something to it…..

Title: Re: Remember, boys and girls, follow the science
Post by Eegore on 08/17/23 at 05:13:37

 I think the POINT is I can get countering information in 10 seconds, that I won't read for myself, that says that man-made climate change is the issue.

 Just look at the heat!  Don't look at anything else, documents don't matter, unless they say what I think is true, historical numbers are to be ignored.

Title: Re: Remember, boys and girls, follow the science
Post by MnSpring on 08/17/23 at 07:19:57

59797B736E791C0 wrote:
" ... Just look at the heat!  Don't look at anything else, documents don't matter, unless they say what I think is true, historical numbers are to be ignored.  "

Exactly what the, EV pushing, Tree Huggers, Greenies, and the rest of the, 'sky is falling', UL, WOKE, DFI, FDS are doing.

Title: Re: Remember, boys and girls, follow the science
Post by Serowbot on 08/17/23 at 07:47:56

I don't recall hearing about this.  
Facing the heat here,.. it's a bit of a relief that it may dissipate.

Title: Re: Remember, boys and girls, follow the science
Post by Eegore on 08/17/23 at 07:55:53

Exactly what the, EV pushing, Tree Huggers, Greenies, and the rest of the, 'sky is falling', UL, WOKE, DFI, FDS are doing.

 Also what people claiming that every single athlete that dies is from the vaccine, including ones that died before the vaccine or are alive.


Title: Re: Remember, boys and girls, follow the science
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/17/23 at 08:51:56

Wow,, act like it isn't obvious that athletes are dying at a rate never seen before. The Jab is killing people. It's not Over.

Title: Re: Remember, boys and girls, follow the science
Post by Eegore on 08/17/23 at 13:46:00

Wow,, act like it isn't obvious that athletes are dying at a rate never seen before. The Jab is killing people. It's not Over.

 Wow, you still won't Observe your list of "D.E.A.D." has more living humans than dead on it, so it makes sense to keep claiming the large amounts of dying in your reality.

 You won't Observe your videos of collapsing kids are almost all from pre 2018.  So in your reality all those kids were vaccinated.

 You won't Observe you were LIED to about Peru, so in your reality it's LOCKED DOWN.  Just like climate alarmists won't Observe volumes of super heated atmospheric vapor.

 How has literally every major sports team, full of young athletes, in the US been effected by this?  Where are all those D.E.A.D. football players?  Basketball, where are they?  Where are all the funerals for dead kids in your town?  

 You only look at the collapsed kids, don't acknowledge when you are LIED to, and ignore the living kids.  Just like climate alarmists only look at the heat and not the full spectrum of weather events and causes.

Title: Re: Remember, boys and girls, follow the science
Post by Serowbot on 08/17/23 at 14:57:24

243B3D3A2720112111293B377C4E0 wrote:
Wow,, act like it isn't obvious that athletes are dying at a rate never seen before. The Jab is killing people. It's not Over.

Long Covid is killing many more than any "jab"
There are many issues of heart arrhythmia and clotting problems associated with Long Covid.

Your anti-jab prejudice gets in the way of facts.

Title: Re: Remember, boys and girls, follow the science
Post by MnSpring on 08/19/23 at 07:59:18

Any doubt about how how 'FACTUAL Information" is being Suppressed by the Socialists.  ?????????

When on the, 'free' TV broadcast two 'moms' and talking into their phones about PEOPLE/CARS causing warming, then are claimed to be knowledgeable about the subject.

When the TRUTH,
that has nothing to do with cars/people,
is SUPPRESSED !!!!!!!!

  See the link in the first post

"... The explosive event increased atmospheric water vapor by 5%. ..."

"... More than eight months after the underwater volcano near Tonga erupted on Jan. 14, scientists are still analyzing the impacts of the violent blast, and they're discovering that it could warm the planet.

Recently, researchers calculated that the eruption of Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apa spewed a staggering 50 million tons (45 million metric tons) of water vapor into Earth's atmosphere, in addition to enormous quantities of ash and volcanic gases. This massive vapor injection increased the amount of moisture in the global stratosphere by about 5%, and could trigger a cycle of stratospheric cooling and surface heating — and these effects may persist for months to come, according to a new study.

Tonga's eruption, which began on Jan. 13 and peaked two days later, was the most powerful witnessed on Earth in decades. The blast extended for 162 miles (260 kilometers) and sent pillars of ash, steam and gas soaring more than 12 miles (20 km) into the air, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).  ..."

Title: Re: Remember, boys and girls, follow the science
Post by MnSpring on 08/19/23 at 08:05:36

0D2D2F273A2D480 wrote:
"...  people claiming that ..."every single athlete that dies is from the vaccine, ..."    

And it continues.

DEFLECTION of the subject,
to counter the information !

Title: Re: Remember, boys and girls, follow the science
Post by Eegore on 08/19/23 at 09:25:36

And it continues.

DEFLECTION of the subject,
to counter the information !

 Incorrect, I agree with JoG's assessment on the volcano.  You imply I do not.  

 And this is coming from a guy who tries to compare everything to gun rights.  Must be DEFLECTION of the subject then every time you say "is it like...."

Title: Re: Remember, boys and girls, follow the science
Post by MnSpring on 08/19/23 at 19:04:28

0727252D3027420 wrote:
" ... I agree with JoG's assessment on the volcano.  ...:

Then I misinterpreted you saying:

" the POINT is I can get countering information in 10 seconds, that I won't read for myself, that says that man-made climate change is the issue."

Title: Re: Remember, boys and girls, follow the science
Post by Eegore on 08/19/23 at 21:18:32

Then I misinterpreted you saying:

 You did.

 I was stating that for every logical climate topic that is brought up I, or really anyone, could go find countering information in 10 seconds.

 It's even easier when you don't bother to read what you claim as fact and just repeat what you are told.  Like Peru being in lockdown, that  the CDC "said" to code people in car wrecks as dying from Covid, or that every hot day on the planet is from man-made pollution.  Anyone can put anything online, so it takes only seconds to prove everyone wrong and you right.

 Climate alarmist strategy is the same as everyone else: Go online find information that tells you what you want to hear.

Title: Re: Remember, boys and girls, follow the science
Post by MnSpring on 08/20/23 at 08:51:23

"...   I was stating that for every logical climate topic that is brought up I, or really anyone, could go find countering information in 10 seconds. ..."

OK so that is what Obama did when he bought the 15 MILLION mansion in Martha’s Vineyard.
And the 8 MILLION Place in Hawaii, (which they tore down the original  Magnum P.I. house, and have a illegal sea wall, which promotes erosion)

Don't have to wonder why any more,
it it perfectly OK for Obama to ignore, the, 'Sky Is Falling' doom.
And it is not, OK, for any one else ?

Title: Re: Remember, boys and girls, follow the science
Post by Eegore on 08/20/23 at 14:13:29

OK so that is what Obama did when he bought the 15 MILLION mansion in Martha’s Vineyard.

 Maybe, I'm not sure how buying a house is proof of man made climate change.

Don't have to wonder why any more,
it it perfectly OK for Obama to ignore, the, 'Sky Is Falling' doom.
And it is not, OK, for any one else ?

 I guess so.  

 Climate alarmist strategy is the same as everyone else: Go online find information that tells you what you want to hear.  Cellphone footage on YouTube of two moms being climate experts is no different than a YouTube video of a guy being an overnight virologist.

 Unless that guy is telling you something you want to hear, then his claims, and YouTube as a source are proof that the CDC "said" to claim humans in car wrecks died FROM Covid.  Then it's ok to use YouTube and credentials mean nothing.  Using that same source and credential level for climate change is not acceptable though.

Title: Re: Remember, boys and girls, follow the science
Post by MnSpring on 08/20/23 at 16:09:41

5070727A6770150 wrote:
" ...I'm n ot sure how buying a house is proof of man made climate change..."

You can't figure out that Obama, buying a house, which according to HIS, "sky is falling', people, will be one of the first ones to succumb to, 'man made, "Climate Change".

It is NOT proof of climate change !
 (Putting words in my mouth, again)

Obama buying that house, and the Hawaii house,
is PROOF, he does not CARE, or believe in "Climate Change".

A-Yep, just fine 'leadership'.  
And all the UL Lemmings,
are following along as fast as they can !!!!!!

 (And telling everyone they must be a Lemming also, and if they are not then they are Racist !).

Title: Re: Remember, boys and girls, follow the science
Post by Eegore on 08/20/23 at 16:40:32

 You quoted this and only this line:

I was stating that for every logical climate topic that is brought up I, or really anyone, could go find countering information in 10 seconds. ..."

 You stated directly after:

OK so that is what Obama did when he bought the 15 MILLION mansion in Martha’s Vineyard.

 I don't think my sentence you quoted that explains people can go find countering information online is what Obama did when he bought a mansion, which is the question I understand you asking.

 I was talking about how anyone can find anything they want to hear online.  Climate alarmist strategy is the same as everyone else: Go online find information that tells you what you want to hear.  If Obama buying houses hypocritically applies to that, then ok run with it.

Title: Re: Remember, boys and girls, follow the science
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/20/23 at 17:02:21

Are you saying Obama didn't push the GW crap?

Title: Re: Remember, boys and girls, follow the science
Post by MnSpring on 08/20/23 at 21:25:41

100's of web sites say;
     (to the like)

"the president (Obama) mocked those who disclaim any connection between human activity and climate change and suggested that curbing carbon emissions amounted to a moral obligation"

" Obama will defend the Paris climate change agreement and forge ahead on his environmental agenda until his final days in the White House, according to analysts. And there is very little Obama’s opponents in Congress can do to stop him "

"I want to emphasize it’s only the first step and I intend to keep pushing for broader reform, including climate legislation”

"Obama unveils ambitious agenda to combat climate change, bypassing Congress"

And on and On and On ... ... ...

Title: Re: Remember, boys and girls, follow the science
Post by Eegore on 08/20/23 at 22:50:01

Are you saying Obama didn't push the GW crap?

 No.  I never said anything like that.  You assume that if I am not lock-step in absolute agreement with every word in a forum post then I must be in absolute disagreement with every word.

  I was stating that for every logical climate topic that is brought up I, or really anyone, could go find countering information in 10 seconds.  You can find literally anything on the internet you want to be true.

 So if Climate change alarmists can just scurry off to the internet and drudge up more "facts", so can anyone else.  If Obama applies to that, then great, run with it.

Title: Re: Remember, boys and girls, follow the science
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/21/23 at 06:13:35

I'm not Assuming a fukking Thing. I ASKED WTF are you saying.

Title: Re: Remember, boys and girls, follow the science
Post by MnSpring on 08/21/23 at 08:31:30

So it is perfectly OK,
for a two Term, LEADER, of a FREE Nation.
To Lie and and do everything he can to Prove/Allow/Support, man made Global Warming.

Then Suddenly say, "F UCK YOU', just after he is out of office.
Yet now telling a PUPPET to continue what he did, while he is still saying, (IN EFFECT),  "F UCK YOU'

Title: Re: Remember, boys and girls, follow the science
Post by Eegore on 08/21/23 at 11:22:17

I'm not Assuming a fukking Thing. I ASKED WTF are you saying.

 Then I misinterpreted your question, I apologize.

 I was stating that for every logical climate topic that is brought up I, or really anyone, could go find countering information in 10 seconds.  You can find literally anything on the internet you want to be true.

 So if Climate change alarmists can just scurry off to the internet and drudge up more "facts", so can anyone else.  If Obama applies to that, then great, run with it.

Title: Re: Remember, boys and girls, follow the science
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/21/23 at 11:46:10

Well, sure, but How do I Decide what to believe?

Well, since the lies outnumber the truths, I go with

Gee, how many times has we gotten to the end of the countdown to doom?
How many times does someone have to be wrong before you stop listening to them?
For lefties? Apparently there is no number that causes the hysterical idiots to cease to be trustworthy.

Alex, I'll take observed reality for a gazillion.

The whole thing is a scam. The idiots who are supporting it won't have air conditioning when they win. Unless they are rich.
I can smell the polyester getting hot,now.

Title: Re: Remember, boys and girls, follow the science
Post by Serowbot on 08/21/23 at 12:01:36

756A6C6B7671407040786A662D1F0 wrote:
Well, sure, but How do I Decide what to believe?

If I'm not sure about a motorcycle problem,... I ask the best motorcycle repair expert I know.
He has more knowledge, training, and experience than I do.

Now,... a motorcycle mechanic may be motivated to tell me it's something more expensive than it is,... but if I see 10 different experts and they all say it's the same problem,... chances are that's the problem.

So, when in doubt I follow the science.
The experts.
The professionals.

Title: Re: Remember, boys and girls, follow the science
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/21/23 at 12:33:12

Unless they are
On the same payroll that might not be public
And if they have been Wrong for the last thirty years.

How many times does all the ice Not Melt before you stop believing those alleged Experts?
What is the definition of an Expert? Someone who is perpetually wrong but has a degree? Why are intelligent people who have sorted the evidence not credible, but al gore is? And gretta? Why do you keep believing when the horrible hurricanes didn't happen?
The world is producing more food now. Fewer people die from the elements. Cold is worse than warm. Study satellite images. Go look at what is happening. You do know the Earth was never a stable environment, right? What do you Think is going on? You don't believe in God, but you believe this blue marble hurtling through space is just supposed to magically be easy to survive on? That the sun and the vo!canoes and weather patterns are supposed to just Be one way, stable and dependable, even though we know about ice ages.. And What ended the last ice age?
What CAUSED the warming that ended it?
And what makes you think that whatever Caused that change, stopped warming the world just because the Majority of the ice went away and the climate became easier to survive in?

Yeah, good luck actually answering those questions.

I'm gonna hafta send you a gift card. What's the name of your upholstery shop?

Title: Re: Remember, boys and girls, follow the science
Post by Eegore on 08/21/23 at 12:35:02

Gee, how many times has we gotten to the end of the countdown to doom?
How many times does someone have to be wrong before you stop listening to them?
For lefties? Apparently there is no number that causes the hysterical idiots to cease to be trustworthy.

 Because they already decided it was true then go out and FIND information that proves it.

 Sound familiar?

Title: Re: Remember, boys and girls, follow the science
Post by MnSpring on 08/21/23 at 13:54:45

"...Gee, how many times has we gotten to the end of the countdown to doom? ..."

Growing up, (In a place their was at one time 1,200 feet of  solid ICE overhead), I was very concerned when 'all' the scientific, """experts""" said a new Ice Age Was soon to be here.

And the UL FDS, DFI WOKE, Socialists cannot see the, 'Man Made', global warming is just a way of pulling MORE money out of the Shepol's pockets.

Title: Re: Remember, boys and girls, follow the science
Post by Serowbot on 08/21/23 at 14:02:58

36292F2835320333033B29256E5C0 wrote:
The world is producing more food now. Fewer people die from the elements. Cold is worse than warm. Study satellite images. Go look at what is happening. You do know the Earth was never a stable environment, right? What do you Think is going on? You don't believe in God, but you believe this blue marble hurtling through space is just supposed to magically be easy to survive on? That the sun and the vo!canoes and weather patterns are supposed to just Be one way, stable and dependable, even though we know about ice ages.. And What ended the last ice age?
What CAUSED the warming that ended it?
And what makes you think that whatever Caused that change, stopped warming the world just because the Majority of the ice went away and the climate became easier to survive in?

Don't ask me...  
Ask the one group of people that you refuse to listen to.
When you say the climate has never been stable... and heat waves and ice ages have always happened,... you're basing that on climatologic studies.
You're just being selective at choosing the science that supports your preconceived notion.

PS,.. my stuffing is fine.  Give to St Judes, they use science to save children.

Title: Re: Remember, boys and girls, follow the science
Post by WebsterMark on 08/23/23 at 05:02:41

The phenomenon of highly educated people caught in incorrect group-think has happened plenty of times in the past. Good God, just look at the ridiculousness behind Covid, dumping sand into skateparks to keep kids inside. The group-think, aka faith, in the imminent disaster of climate change is no different.

Of course the climate changes and of course human activity affects it, but how much? That’s always the question and right now the actual day-to-day evidence says practically none. Sure, we’re in the middle of a record heat wave, but we had record cold last winter.

And one of my main objections to preachers, aka scientists, who shout the sky is falling, is I never hear of the benefits of slightly warmer temperatures. How can there not be any?

Climate change is big money and prestige for scientists. It is, that’s a fact. You can’t say on one hand big oil is corrupted by money and power yet have some sort of child-like belief that “scientists” are immune from such temptations.

Title: Re: Remember, boys and girls, follow the science
Post by buster6315 on 08/23/23 at 06:29:07

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