General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> What happens now?

Message started by Serowbot on 08/14/23 at 15:23:03

Title: What happens now?
Post by Serowbot on 08/14/23 at 15:23:03

Trump has been warned not to sensationalize the trail in the media.
Now he has.
The judge must take some kind of action... what do you suggest?

Trump assails judge in 2020 election case after she warned him not to make inflammatory remarks
The former president made posts Monday on his social media network calling U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan “highly partisan” and “ VERY BIASED & UNFAIR!” because of her past comments in a separate case overseeing the sentencing of one of the defendants charged in the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol.

Trump, Under Restrictions In One Criminal Case, Says Witness Shouldn’t Testify In Another
In a post on his social media site Monday, Trump said he had heard Georgia’s former Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan was set to testify before a grand jury in Fulton County that is expected to hand down an indictment against Trump soon.

“He shouldn’t. I barely know him but he was, right from the beginning of this Witch Hunt, a nasty disaster for those looking into the Election Fraud that took place in Georgia,” Trump wrote.

Title: Re: What happens now
Post by WebsterMark on 08/15/23 at 04:03:43

What happens now? I don’t know. Do we continue this national divorce? We have people in positions of power with the same TDS that runs through your blood, but the difference is they make political moves like this without understanding the potential ramifications.

No, I’m not taking to the streets for Donald Trump. I wish he would’ve faded away. I’m not fighting anybody for Donald Trump, I don’t plan on losing a drop of blood over Donald Trump. But leftist who are in positions of power and influence have never understood the appeal Trump has to 100 million people across this country. It’s beyond your comprehension. This “indictment” is  like pi$$ing all over those 100 million.

And don’t tell me this is about justice because Atlanta is an absolute $hithole. We all know why this district attorney feels like this is a priority…… We had a district attorney like that in St. Louis, who was finally forced out after a criminal she left out on the street, got drunk, high, and crashed his car, literally ripping the legs off of a high school volleyball player visiting St. Louis from Tennessee who had just gotten a college scholarship to play volleyball.

There is a growing, perhaps unstoppable socialist mentality in the upper echelons of those who crave positions of power. That will not end well for the country, this Republic. It needs to be stopped. I’m just not sure it’s possible. Nothing last forever, and it’s very possible the leftist among us will destroy us from the inside. I don’t know how to fight that but I’m afraid others will try something, anything.

I know you’re blind to this Serowbot, you can’t see the fire you’re playing with.

Title: Re: What happens now?
Post by Serowbot on 08/15/23 at 07:49:51

I see the fire alright, and it's made by radicalized MAGA fools.
I don't believe we should cow-toe to threats.
We are a nation of laws.

Title: Re: What happens now?
Post by WebsterMark on 08/15/23 at 10:15:49

7264736E76636E75010 wrote:
I see the fire alright, and it's made by radicalized MAGA fools.
I don't believe we should cow-toe to threats.
We are a nation of laws.

A nation of laws? Given the thief who occupies the Oval Office at the moment, that’s a joke.
We are currently a nation of political prosecutions.
And the fact you can’t bring yourself to see Biden for the actual slime ball he is spotlights the fact that like these prosecutors, you’re a political hack. Nothing more.

Title: Re: What happens now?
Post by Serowbot on 08/15/23 at 11:26:52

Here’s How Much Joe Biden Is Worth

The Biden's are far from broke, but as career politicians go his wealth is modest.
Don't see how you get an international crime syndicate from that.
Trump is another story entirely.  We've heard straight from him that most of his income comes from foreign investors.
Russian, Saudi, and Chinese.

Title: Re: What happens now?
Post by WebsterMark on 08/15/23 at 12:54:32

You’re a tool, a tape recorder, one of those parrots that repeats what he’s told. You’ll believe anything with a D on it put in front of you. You think Brett Kavanaugh as a 17-year-old organized gang rape parties that went on all summer. You actually believe that. The stuff that you’ve repeated on here as if it’s truth is mind-boggling. There is no one on here less inquisitive than you. Everybody else occasionally questions the status quo, even changes their mind from time to time. You are a partisan hack right down the line. I walked away from Trump deciding his flaws are not worth his value anymore yet you will standby that senile old man who robbed the country for years and that ridiculous vice president just because they’ve got a D by theit names.

And you’re too blind to see what people like you were doing to this country, this nation. This is your fault, not mine.

Title: Re: What happens now?
Post by MnSpring on 08/15/23 at 13:54:42

3C2A3D20382D203B4F0 wrote:
"... I don't believe we should cow-toe to threats..."

So then on the courthouse steps,
when reporters ask questions
And A AG/Prosecutor say:
".. So and So is Guilty,
So and So did this and that,
So and So will be ..., ..., ..., "

          That's OK ?
Got it, know exactly where you stand.

Title: Re: What happens now?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/15/23 at 15:52:08

Hey! You remember when all those crazy Trump supporters burned cities down?
Me neither..

Title: Re: What happens now?
Post by Serowbot on 08/15/23 at 16:19:39

I remember they went straight for the capitol,... like Trump told them to.
Now they're in prison,... like Trump soon will be.

Title: Re: What happens now?
Post by Serowbot on 08/15/23 at 16:29:51

Trump and his 18 allies won't be safe in a normal prison...
Guantanamo may still be useful » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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