General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Hawaii

Message started by MnSpring on 08/11/23 at 08:39:28

Title: Hawaii
Post by MnSpring on 08/11/23 at 08:39:28

Horrible fire, loss of life, tragedy and destruction.

Yet the headlines stating, (to the like),
"The most horrible thing that happened to Hawaii"

Is it just forgetting,  not knowing because it was not taught, or is it, 'Cancel Culture/History' ?
I was not their, yet I knew about over 2400 Americans DEAD, and over 1,000 Injured happening.

Big Tragedy this recent fire.

Yet, their was a much bigger one.

Title: Re: Hawaii
Post by Eegore on 08/11/23 at 09:39:09

 I'd say it's good for a headline to get people to click/view etc. and that's it.

 In 1778 Captain Cook landed on Kaua[ch699]i, with the  K[ch257]naka Maoli population estimated to be around 500,000.   By 1840 the population had been reduced by 84%.  Would a headline about the Japanese strike on Pearl Harbor neglecting to acknowledge 42,000 deaths be forgetting, not knowing because it was not taught, or cancelling history?

 Or is it because of other reasons?

 I'm sure somewhere some hypersensitive human will try to say this latest Hawaii single-headline in one location on the entire internet is cancelling WW2 but the only place that will take it seriously are websites that get money off clickbait headlines like that.  Good headlines sell.

 Looking at headlines about fires in general, rarely does the outlet categorize the negative impacts over the past decades, rank the current event, then create a headline that says "The 7th most horrible thing that happened to Hawaii".  Nobody does that.  Typically headlines like this are nothing more than a quote from one human in the article that has an opinion.

 I wouldn't expect an article about this fire to have a headline calculating in damage from Hurricanes Iwa and Iniki for instance.


Title: Re: Hawaii
Post by MnSpring on 08/11/23 at 10:19:03

79595B534E593C0 wrote:
"...  Typically headlines like this are nothing more than a quote from one human in the article that has an opinion.  ..."   

And, 'Typically' several people totally believe it.
Then More and More, 'sheapol' er people believe.
because that, 'one human...has an opinion',
And that person is a UL, DFI, FDS, WOKE, Socialist.

   Slowly I Turned
   Step by Step ...  

   (Can't put a frog in HOT water)

Title: Re: Hawaii
Post by MnSpring on 08/11/23 at 10:38:02

"... In 1778 Captain Cook landed on Kaua[ch699]i,  ..."

Interesting, how many years ago was that.
And no body learned that a person, that has no immunity to a new thing, (virus), which their was never anything like it ever before. They are susceptible.

And when a person has Immunity, to many things, which are Like many other things, they are not nearly as susceptible.

Tell me again how, not having a motor on a boat was required to stop a virus ?

 (and ALL the other DFI things)

Title: Re: Hawaii
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/11/23 at 13:04:46

Ahh,the completely different reason for the losses makes it less important? Unless they are compared, the disaster isn't a disaster? The historical areas destroyed that had been there and are now destroyed should have an asterisk?? Because a storm was worse?
Six dead in Iniki,, haven't looked at the other..

. Iniki caused around $3.1 billion (equivalent to $6 billion in 2022) in damage and six deaths, making it the costliest natural disaster on record in the state. At the time, Iniki was the third …

You make some weird arguments..

Title: Re: Hawaii
Post by Eegore on 08/11/23 at 14:04:34

Ahh,the completely different reason for the losses makes it less important?

 No.  MnSpring made a direct comparison of the current fire to a historical event, most likely Pearl Harbor in scale of human death specifically.  I compared another human death event to Pearl Harbor to exemplify that headlines usually do not calculate historical data.

The historical areas destroyed that had been there and are now destroyed should have an asterisk?? Because a storm was worse?
Six dead in Iniki,, haven't looked at the other..

. Iniki caused around $3.1 billion (equivalent to $6 billion in 2022) in damage and six deaths, making it the costliest natural disaster on record in the state. At the time, Iniki was the third …

You make some weird arguments..

 The point is no headline "quoting" a human they interviewed gauges the level of disaster against history and have a headline that reads "The 12th worst thing to happen to Hawaii specific to natural disaster".  Nobody does that.

 MnSpring offers 3 reasons why that headline exists and I propose a fourth:  Headlines are supposed to make money and they don't need to research history for comparative accuracy to print that headline and make money.

Title: Re: Hawaii
Post by Eegore on 08/11/23 at 14:07:33

And, 'Typically' several people totally believe it.
Then More and More, 'sheapol' er people believe.
because that, 'one human...has an opinion',
And that person is a UL, DFI, FDS, WOKE, Socialist.

 I agree.  For instance some people here think Peru is in total "lockdown", and the information - they will not read - says GBS was caused by the current nonexistent lockdown that never happened.

 That headline is about something that never happened, but some people totally believe it.

 Some people believe the CDC "said" to code people dying in car wrecks as dying "From" Covid.  That lying headline, that nobody has ever been able to reference as fact even years later and thousands of death certificates, was believed too.

Title: Re: Hawaii
Post by MnSpring on 08/17/23 at 07:40:07

'News' this morning showed photos,
that showed a heavily, tree/brush area,
colliding into a elect pole, starting the fire.

 (wonder how long it will take for that vidio to be 'scrubbed')

Sounds just like what started the Paradise California fire.
(Which was covered up by the Elect Company)

When will the UL, FDS, WOKE, tree hugging Socialists, realize, that when Elect carrying wires are strung on poles, their is a
to to CLEAR THE BRUSH around that pole carrying hot wires.  

AHHH,  The 'NEW' teaching of 2+2,
   COULD = 3 or 5,
depending on circumstances applies.

Title: Re: Hawaii
Post by Serowbot on 08/17/23 at 07:51:25

0626242C3126430 wrote:
 In 1778 Captain Cook landed on Kaua[ch699]i, with the  K[ch257]naka Maoli population estimated to be around 500,000.   By 1840 the population had been reduced by 84%.


Isn't it "woke" to mention this?
DeSantis will put a stop to it and the  UL, DFI, FDS, WOKE, Socialists that point it out.

Title: Re: Hawaii
Post by Eegore on 08/17/23 at 07:53:47

When will the UL, FDS, WOKE, tree hugging Socialists, realize, that when Elect carrying wires are strung on poles, their is a
to to CLEAR THE BRUSH around that pole carrying hot wires.  

 When did anyone argue that the brush should be around the poles?  This looks like negligence versus a company choosing to do it because people protest against clearing brush near power poles.

Title: Re: Hawaii
Post by MnSpring on 08/17/23 at 07:57:26

2630273A22373A21550 wrote:
Isn't it "woke" to mention this?

It was just deflection !

Title: Re: Hawaii
Post by MnSpring on 08/17/23 at 08:10:37

5B7B79716C7B1E0 wrote:
"...  This looks like negligence versus a company choosing to do it because people protest against clearing brush near power poles.

This looks like,
a bunch of FDS, 'complaining' that brush, should, be around power poles.
And the power company saying,
" OK all you DFI's, no more trimming brush "

(While they make more money, because they do not have to absorb the tremendous cost of trimming brush)


The biggest is the UL, DFI, FDS, WOKE Socialists that tree hug for fun.
The smaller part is the elect company for not saying:
"The brush will be trimmed, regardless of your UL FDS stand"


Title: Re: Hawaii
Post by Eegore on 08/17/23 at 08:45:21

When did anyone argue that the brush should be around the poles?

Title: Re: Hawaii
Post by MnSpring on 08/17/23 at 09:15:29

7E5E5C54495E3B0 wrote:
When did anyone argue that the brush should be around the poles?

Perhaps have your, 'Team', dig into the local, county, state, power company phone calls and filed report archives.
And study the Alexia/Siri files, (Which in the past you claim to have access to)

You will find them.

Title: Re: Hawaii
Post by Eegore on 08/17/23 at 13:49:45

Perhaps have your, 'Team', dig into the local, county, state, power company phone calls and filed report archives.
And study the Alexia/Siri files, (Which in the past you claim to have access to)

You will find them.

 Perhaps you are fabricating an event that never happened.  Or more accurately you are proclaiming an event as fact without evidence, or at a minimum, you are implying it.

Title: Re: Hawaii
Post by Serowbot on 08/17/23 at 15:01:42

It's pretty hard to research things that didn't happen.  :-?

Google comes back with,... "duhhhhh"

Title: Re: Hawaii
Post by MnSpring on 08/18/23 at 11:19:15

    Guess someone did  not look to hard.
;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D
Here is just a tiny bit
from just one web sight
     out of 100's.
Which was published in September 10, 2020

"... “Sen. Feinstein blames Sierra Club for blocking wildfire bill,” reads the provocative headline on a 2002 story in California’s Napa Valley Register. Feinstein had brokered a congressional consensus on legislation to thin “overstocked” forests close to homes and communities, but could not overcome the environmental lobby’s disagreement over expediting the permit process to thin forests everywhere else.

Year after year, environmentalists litigated and lobbied to stop efforts to clear the forests through timber harvesting, underbrush removal, and controlled burns. Meanwhile, natural fires were suppressed and the forests became more and more overgrown. The excessive biomass competed for the same water, soil, and light a healthier forest would have used, rendering all of the trees and underbrush unhealthy. It wasn’t just excess biomass that accumulated, but dried out and dead biomass.

What happened among California’s tall stands of Redwood and Ponderosa Pine also happened in its extensive chaparral. Fire suppression along with too many environmentalist-inspired bureaucratic barriers to controlled burns and undergrowth removal turned the hillsides and canyons of Southern California into tinderboxes.

In 2009, after huge blazes wiped out homes and forced thousands to evacuate, Los Angeles County Supervisor Mike Antonovich observed: “The environmentalists have gone to the extreme to prevent controlled burns, and as a result we have this catastrophe today.”..."

Title: Re: Hawaii
Post by Eegore on 08/18/23 at 11:37:27

 And information about people protesting against removing vegetation around power poles is where?

 It's been known that the lack of controlled burns and clearing of brush is an issue that tree-huggers can't seem to understand, but the claim, as far as I can tell is specific to power poles.  These areas are controlled by the power company that services the pole, so who is stopping them from servicing the area?

Title: Re: Hawaii
Post by MnSpring on 08/19/23 at 08:30:31

48686A627F680D0 wrote:
" And information about people protesting against removing vegetation around power poles is where? ..."at services the pole, so who is stopping them from servicing the area? "

Put your, 'team',
     on gathering the info, you want.
(the 'implied' info that their are no FDS'ers in that area of Hawaii, because they are only in certain areas of Calf.)

I am not going to do it for you.

Title: Re: Hawaii
Post by Eegore on 08/19/23 at 09:28:14

Put your, 'team',
    on gathering the info, you want.
(the 'implied' info that their are no FDS'ers in that area of Hawaii, because they are only in certain areas of Calf.)

I am not going to do it for you.

 Or you are making up something and claiming it as fact without evidence.  There is no evidence humans protested against power companies maintaining land around power poles specific to wildfire mitigation.

Title: Re: Hawaii
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/19/23 at 10:01:59

When the lunatics are sitting in the office, making policy,nobody has to march for stupid. Who made the policy in California? And why would the people in charge of policy listen to idiots?

Title: Re: Hawaii
Post by Eegore on 08/19/23 at 21:08:45

When the lunatics are sitting in the office, making policy,nobody has to march for stupid. Who made the policy in California? And why would the people in charge of policy listen to idiots?

 That's pretty much what I was thinking. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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