General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Is this parody?

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 08/10/23 at 22:33:17

Title: Is this parody?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/10/23 at 22:33:17

Audio on my Kindle is shady, haven't watched it. Tell me what you think,,

I Know how to fix it.. Feed the dummschitt cat food and put it outside to schitt.

Title: Re: Is this parody?
Post by MnSpring on 08/11/23 at 07:32:09

"Mother Complains That Veterinarian Won't Treat Son Who 'Identifies as a Cat"

Na, it's just the UL, FDS, DFI, Socialist, 'WOKE" people that tell her what to think.
And she is, 'sheeople', enough to believe it.

      (exactly what the Socialists want)

Title: Re: Is this parody?
Post by Eegore on 08/11/23 at 08:23:56

 Its not real, this came up a few years ago as a comedy routine and someone is replicating it for attention.  

 This is just another example of Conservative websites being duped into amplifying nonsense into something to make it seem common.  It makes money so I get why they do it, just like Liberal websites reporting everyone with a shaved head is a white supremist.  

 Locally some kids took a video of cat litter in a school closet (used for cleanup) and claimed the school district was making a restroom for kids that identified as cats.  2 years later and people still complain about the "WOKE" school district policies - that do not exist.

 Don't let high school kids have that much power over you.  Get angry about something that is really happening if you need to be angry about something.

Title: Re: Is this parody?
Post by Serowbot on 08/11/23 at 12:24:32

I remember the boobless trans kids story
... the pizza pedophile story,
... the Sandy Hook actors story,
... the Georgia vote bins and ginger snaps story
... the Pelosi gay lover story
... on and on
You're like Charlie Brown with his football.
... and then you call me clueless.

Title: Re: Is this parody?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/11/23 at 12:27:31

No, modified to comply with forum rules,,,it,I didn't believe it either,, note the thread title


Title: Re: Is this parody?
Post by Serowbot on 08/11/23 at 13:02:35

Trump's gonna' build a big impenetrable wall and Mexico will pay for it.
The election was stolen.
It was a perfect phone call... two in fact
78 felony charges are all fake.
Carroll is lying,... Stormy too. McDougal too, and Pence, Barr, Cohen, and more than 80 of Trump's former staff.
Putin's the good guy.
Trump and nukey Kim are in love.
Jared earned $2B from the Saudi's
Vaccines don't work
Trump has a big brain and knows all the best words.

This is an alternate universe.

Title: Re: Is this parody?
Post by MnSpring on 08/11/23 at 13:08:10

And T.D.S is a REAL thing.

(Which a moderator is totaly infected with)

Wonder if their is a experimental, emergency, government paid for, vaccine for that.

Title: Re: Is this parody?
Post by Serowbot on 08/11/23 at 13:09:10

Trump declared "Infrastructure Week" 5 times and got nothing done. (mostly as cover for some stupid thing or another he did)
Biden got an Infrastructure bill passed.  Biggest since FDR

Title: Re: Is this parody?
Post by Serowbot on 08/11/23 at 13:10:24

The deranged are MAGA.  TDS is the cult of Trump.
Fiscal responsibility?  out the window.
Same with morality
Same with international affairs
Same with military support
You have no party any more
Just the cult of Trump

Title: Re: Is this parody?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/11/23 at 13:10:31

You can hide from the real questions I've asked, that you Don't ever answer. You can come in here and toss your drive by bullshit and pretend you won.

You still think a dude having his nuts cut off is funny?
That is sick..
Go back and deal with The Points,, or keep pretending.. I don't care. You are unteachable, and it's Going to take a helluva lot more than sworn affidavits and depositions and testimony before YOU ever think biden is a criminal.
The fukking Laptop Is Not Evidence..


Title: Re: Is this parody?
Post by Serowbot on 08/11/23 at 13:14:04

7A656364797E4F7F4F77656922100 wrote:

Of what?
Be specific

Keep in mind there is no chain of custody of the laptop.
It is tainted evidence.  FBI has found it to be tampered with.
It will never be admissible in a court

From day one when the repairman looked at the contents of the drive, crimes were committed. He had the right to the drive but not it's contents.
Passing it on,... was another crime.
Custody broken.
Game over
... and so far... nothing but some embarrassing photos.

Title: Re: Is this parody?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/11/23 at 15:44:55

Wow,,you believed absolutely made up nuts about Trump, it's been proven to have manufactured.
And you think the laptop isn't relevant?
And what about the testimony of Hunter's partners?
What about the millions of dollars that are exposed in the banking documents?
What about the suspicious activity reports?
There is INFINITELY more evidence of criminal behavior against your team than Trump.

Title: Re: Is this parody?
Post by Serowbot on 08/11/23 at 16:14:55

...and again... no specifics.
Just finger pointing

Title: Re: Is this parody?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/11/23 at 18:05:56

Funny,, you were dancing and chanting
The Waaals are Closing inn..
And you didn't Know nuts.. It was all lies. You're probably right. The biden crime family will likely get away with it. Not because they are not guilty. But because of the corruption that is obvious to everyone who isn't stuck on stupid.

Title: Re: Is this parody?
Post by Serowbot on 08/12/23 at 06:29:32

"Biden Crime Family" is just a parroting of a Trump lie
It's also a projection

Title: Re: Is this parody?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/12/23 at 09:25:27

Says the Muppet with fingers in ears, LALALALA,,   you ignore everything,, I genuinely hope you wind up with your house full of illegals..

Title: Re: Is this parody?
Post by MnSpring on 08/12/23 at 09:37:34

0B141215080F3E0E3E06141853610 wrote:
"... I genuinely hope you wind up with your house full of illegals..

Will NEVER Happen.

That is the job for,

Title: Re: Is this parody?
Post by Serowbot on 08/12/23 at 10:16:26

Noooo,... that's not racist

Title: Re: Is this parody?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/12/23 at 13:16:32

No,it isn't. You love the people coming across the border. You think it's just dandy for society to get crushed by them. I want YOU to enjoy the full of it, Personally.

You SAY it is racist, but you can't explain why.

Hey! Remember when all you Follow Every Word from the Government guys said
Ivermectin is Bad?

Stepping TOWARDS the full admission.. Everyone KNOWS they don't Want to admit anything.. Now that The Jabs are On the Schedule, Approved, it's not Necessary to deny alternative treatment for covid. If there IS any alternative treatment,, No Experimental Authorization can be issued.  
So, exactly Zero Reason to lie,,

Doctors are free to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID-19, a lawyer representing the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said this week. “FDA explicitly recognizes that doctors do have the authority to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID,” Ashley Cheung Honold, a Department of Justice lawyer representing the FDA, said during oral arguments on Aug. 8 in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit.

The government is defending the FDA’s repeated exhortations to people to not take ivermectin for COVID-19, including a post that said “Stop it.”

In other statements, the FDA said that ivermectin “isn’t authorized or approved to treat COVID-19” and “Q: Should I take ivermectin to prevent or treat COVID-19? A: No.”

Command or Not: “FDA made these statements in response to multiple reports of consumers being hospitalized, after self medicating with ivermectin intended for horses, which is available for purchase over the counter without the need for prescription,” Ms. Honold said. A version of the drug for animals is available, but ivermectin is approved by the FDA for human use against diseases caused by parasites.

Ms. Honold said that the FDA didn’t purport to require anyone to do anything or to prohibit anyone from doing anything. “What about when it said, ‘No, stop it’?” Circuit Judge Jennifer Walker Elrod, on the panel that is hearing the appeal, asked. “Why isn’t that a command? If you were in English class, they would say that was a command.” Ms. Honold described the statements as “merely quips.”

“Can you answer the question, please? Is that a command, ‘Stop it’?” Judge Elrod asked. “In some contexts, those words could be construed as a command,” Ms. Honold said. “But in this context, where FDA was simply using these words in the context of a quippy tweet meant to share its informational article, those statements do not rise to the level of a command.”

The statements “don’t prohibit doctors from prescribing ivermectin to treat COVID or for any other purpose” Ms. Honold said. She noted that the FDA, along with the statements, said that people should consult their health care providers about COVID-19 treatments and that they could take medicine if it was prescribed by the provider. “FDA is clearly acknowledging that doctors have the authority to prescribe human ivermectin to treat COVID. So they are not interfering with the authority of doctors to prescribe drugs or to practice medicine,” she said.

Judge Elrod is on the panel with Circuit Judges Edith Brown Clement and Don Willett. All three were appointed under President Donald Trump."

Title: Re: Is this parody?
Post by Serowbot on 08/12/23 at 13:59:35

You think the government saying "Take Ivermectin if you want to" is saying it works to prevent Covid?

Title: Re: Is this parody?
Post by MnSpring on 08/12/23 at 14:31:34

1305120F17020F14600 wrote:
Noooo,... that's not racist

Clearly then, you are RACIST.

You have NOT, filled your house with Illegal Immigrants. Gave them food  and bed. Paid for their healthcare and education. Found them a job where they don't have to pay taxes.


Title: Re: Is this parody?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/12/23 at 15:20:03

4C5A4D50485D504B3F0 wrote:
You think the government saying "Take Ivermectin if you want to" is saying it works to prevent Covid?

They REVERSED positions.

You explain why.

Title: Re: Is this parody?
Post by Eegore on 08/12/23 at 21:23:34

They REVERSED positions.

You explain why.

 They didn't REVERSE positions.  You either did not read the information you provided or you are intentionally taking it out of context.

 Nothing.  Nothing in the information you offered proposes the FDA, or the CDC has changed positions in any way about Ivermectin.  But if you Observe that, you cant keep claiming, falsely, that they did.

Title: Re: Is this parody?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/13/23 at 06:34:13

No,your gaslight bullshit doesn't work. Every voice screamed
That is Not a treatment. Doctors got in trouble for trying to use it.

ANY Alternative Treatment meant

No Emergency Authorization could be given for the Jab.

Full Stop.

Title: Re: Is this parody?
Post by MnSpring on 08/13/23 at 07:35:37

2404060E1304610 wrote:
"... They didn't REVERSE positions. ..."  

   From the FDA Web Site:

"Why You Should Not Use Ivermectin to Treat or Prevent COVID-19"

"The FDA has not authorized or approved ivermectin for use in preventing or treating COVID-19 in humans or animals."

"Currently available data do not show ivermectin is effective against COVID-19"

"The FDA has not authorized or approved ivermectin for the treatment or prevention of COVID-19 in people or animals." (Yes it was in two places)

"The most effective ways to limit the spread of COVID-19 include getting a COVID-19 vaccine when it is available to you and following current CDC guidance."

"it can be highly dangerous to use a medicine for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19 that has not been approved by or has not received emergency use authorization from the FDA."

Just a little web sight.
However I believe the FDA said, 'no', enough times.

"Ivermectin is not FDA approved to treat COVID-19."

Title: Re: Is this parody?
Post by Eegore on 08/13/23 at 14:05:06

No,your gaslight bullshit doesn't work. Every voice screamed
That is Not a treatment. Doctors got in trouble for trying to use it.

ANY Alternative Treatment meant

No Emergency Authorization could be given for the Jab.

Full Stop.

 You are over-reacting as usual because I am not lock-step in absolute agreement to every word you say.  Look up  "Off Label Use" and tell me what you Observe.  Or refuse so you can keep making false statements.  None of your information says they REVERSED their stance. The FDA can still be wrong, and not REVERSE their stance.

 Doctors did not get fired because of the Alternative Treatment nonsense.  They were fired because their employers equated FDA authorization with medical treatment standards of care.  They fired the doctors for off label use.  That is an EMPLOYERS DECISION.  The FDA can be complicit for being misleading but they have not REVERSED their stance on ivermectin.  You were Lied to about that.

 The FDA can still be wrong, and you can be wrong about the differences between FDA authorization Off Label Use and MSC.

 Once a drug is approved the FDA does NOT have authority over how it is prescribed once it is in the market.  Your lying website is removing that part, completely, from the information they gave you.  I wonder why that is.

Title: Re: Is this parody?
Post by Eegore on 08/13/23 at 14:11:14

 Literally all of MnSpring's examples are showing that the have NOT REVERSED their stance on Ivermectin:

"Why You Should Not Use Ivermectin to Treat or Prevent COVID-19"

 You, not doctors.  Doctors can prescribe it legally off-label.

"The FDA has not authorized or approved ivermectin for use in preventing or treating COVID-19 in humans or animals."

 This is true, doctors are legally and consistently, without being fired, even today, with Ivermectin, prescribing drugs that are not FDA authorized for a specific disease.  The reference Jog provides does not REVERSE this, he was lied to about that.

"Currently available data do not show ivermectin is effective against COVID-19"

 This is true.  They have not REVERSED their opinion on this, you are mixing prescription use with authorization.

"The FDA has not authorized or approved ivermectin for the treatment or prevention of COVID-19 in people or animals." (Yes it was in two places)

 And both times you confuse prescription use with authorization, they did not REVERSE their opinion on Ivermectin.  

"The most effective ways to limit the spread of COVID-19 include getting a COVID-19 vaccine when it is available to you and following current CDC guidance."

 They did not REVERSE their opinion on this.  JoG was lied to about that.  They lied.

"it can be highly dangerous to use a medicine for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19 that has not been approved by or has not received emergency use authorization from the FDA."

 They have not REVERSED their opinion on this.  You are mixing prescription use with at-home non-prescribed use of non-approved medications.  Not what JoG is talking about. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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