General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Meineke

Message started by MnSpring on 08/10/23 at 10:12:37

Title: Meineke
Post by MnSpring on 08/10/23 at 10:12:37

 "...Meineke Puts Accent on Funny With a Wacky German  Spokesman ...'

Wonder why the, ‘WOKE’,
have not got their PANTIES
in a bunch about these,
Raciest Ads !!!!!!

Especially when
they believe arresting a person,
is 'raciest'.

(According to the UL, Censoring, WOKE Opinion, 'news', sites who TELL the UL, DFI, FDS, Socialists, what to think, how to think, and what to say)

Title: Re: Meineke
Post by Eegore on 08/10/23 at 10:23:23

 There have been complaints about it, starting around Feb 2022.  On reddit it has been in multiple trending discussions regarding racist/appropriating trope since Apr 5, 2023.

 Obviously it never made national news.

 Maybe because German human Ralph Rijks came up with the campaign it makes it a little less "racist" even though German is not a race.

Title: Re: Meineke
Post by MnSpring on 08/10/23 at 14:12:00

1131333B2631540 wrote:
 "...  even though German is not a race."

So then it’s OK to tell Polish Jokes ?
OK to tell Jokes about people from South Africa ?
OK to tell jokes about people from Mexico ?
Is ‘Mexican’, a race?
OK to tell ‘Jew’ Jokes ?
Or must it be an Israel Joke ?
Is China a Country ? Or is a person born in, living in that country of China, a Chinese person, even if their skin is a different color ?
Can someone tell a ‘Chinese’ Joke, or a ‘China’ joke, or both, or neither ?

The Point STILL is,
The, ‘WOKE’,
believe it is perfectly OK
to chose which people can be made fun of,
and which ones cannot.

Title: Re: Meineke
Post by Serowbot on 08/10/23 at 14:57:39

I think you and DeSantis are a lot more wrapped up in "woke" than any Liberals.

Follow the bouncing ball Mn...

Title: Re: Meineke
Post by MnSpring on 08/10/23 at 15:47:33

Gotta dig out all those,
 'LIMEY' Jokes !!!!!!

Here is a quick one showing the intelligence of a Limey and a Paddy.
    A Funny Joke !
Yet a joke the UL, DFI, Fairy Dust Sprinkling, WOKE Socialists will scream about.
While turning their head when another person/s,
Lies, Steals, Cheats, Kills, Maims, Blocks, etc,etc,etc, ... ... ...
   -  -  -  -  -  -
A farmer is out in his field minding his own business,
tidying up the fence next to the road.

A posh limey comes gliding up in his Tesla.

The Irish farmer, Paddy, didn't hear the limey roll up so the limey honks his horn, startling Paddy.

"I say," asked the limey "does this road go to the Blarney Stone my good man?"

Paddy thinks about it for a second then replies "I do believe it is. Just keep on as you were..."

And the limey, with a screech of the tires, drives off.

Paddy goes back to his business. About 10 minutes later, the limey comes reversing back up the road. Again, because Paddy is busy, he doesn't hear him. Again, the limey honks.

"I say, my good man, there's a stream crossing this road. Is it safe to cross it in my Tesla?"

Paddy thinks about it, and thinks about it then says: "Aye, I should think you'll be fine.."

And the limey screeches off again.

Paddy goes back to his business, he's working away and slowly becomes aware of a sloshing, dripping, stomping sound getting louder. He looks up. It's the limey. He looks pissed!

"I say!" the limey blusters, "you told me it was safe to cross that stream."

"Aye, I did that."

"Well, I nearly drowned! That stream is deep enough to completely cover my Tesla!"

Paddy scratches his head.

"That's funny that. It only comes halfway up on the ducks!" » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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