General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Side Affects

Message started by MnSpring on 08/06/23 at 15:25:23

Title: Side Affects
Post by MnSpring on 08/06/23 at 15:25:23

[From the CDC]
Common side effects from a flu shot include
redness, and/or swelling where the shot was given,
headache (low grade),
muscle aches,

The Symptoms
 (Again from the CDC)
Sore throat
Runny or stuffy nose
Muscle or body aches
Fatigue (tiredness)


Title: Re: Side Affects
Post by Eegore on 08/06/23 at 15:42:24

 Duration and intensity are the issue.

 The average human will have more severe symptoms by measurements of duration of time and intensity from an actual flu than from a flu shot.  The continued voluntary flu shot clinics indicate by the millions, that humans prefer the flu shot side effects over the actual flu.

 I had collarbone surgery and they symptoms were:
redness and swelling in the area
reduced movement.

 After surgery the listed side effects were:
redness and swelling in the area
reduced movement

 And also include things like bleeding, infections, loss of connected limb, or death.

 So obviously I should have not gotten the surgery because the side effects were exactly the same or worse.  Unless you take into account intensity and duration.

Title: Re: Side Affects
Post by MnSpring on 08/06/23 at 16:20:56

Surgery for something.
Is the same as the Flu ?

How long do the  Symptoms last ?
How long does the Flu last ?

 (According to the CDC)

Title: Re: Side Affects
Post by Eegore on 08/06/23 at 20:07:46

Surgery for something.
Is the same as the Flu ?

 The comparison of side effects is the same.

 When we isolate symptoms and side effects, while leaving out all other factors I would think almost any medical procedure, or medication, would look the same, or worse, if you choose treatment.

 Specific to the flu, millions of people choosing the shot over the disease indicates that many, many people have decided the duration and intensity of the actual flu is less desirable than the exact same symptoms from the shot.

 If the shot caused the same amount of symptoms for the same amount of time, I doubt as many people would elect freely to take it.

 I don't know what the CDC has to say about Flu symptom duration versus flu shot duration.  Maybe wherever you got your information would indicate this.

Title: Re: Side Affects
Post by zevenenergie on 08/07/23 at 00:22:50

Would you be okay with being required to have collarbone surgery to avoid a broken collarbone? And that everyone speaks to you indignantly if you do not want to undergo such an operation?

Yes or no please.

Title: Re: Side Affects
Post by Eegore on 08/07/23 at 01:24:43

Would you be okay with being required to have collarbone surgery to avoid a broken collarbone? And that everyone speaks to you indignantly if you do not want to undergo such an operation?


 Do you think it makes sense to compare side effects and symptoms, only, with zero consideration for severity or duration of either?  Essentially implying the side effects of medications are equal to the disease itself?

 Yes or No please.

Title: Re: Side Affects
Post by zevenenergie on 08/07/23 at 06:22:39

Those are two questions. Can you make one of them that I can answer with yes or no?

And I think my answer is Yes

Title: Re: Side Affects
Post by MnSpring on 08/07/23 at 09:24:40

7050525A4750350 wrote:
"...  Maybe wherever you got your information would indicate this.

Stated, twice, where the info came from.

And no, the CDC did NOT, choose to indicate duration's at that location.

Title: Re: Side Affects
Post by MnSpring on 08/07/23 at 10:44:32

5575777F6275100 wrote:
".... implying the side effects of medications are equal to the disease ..."

I did not imply,
you inferred !!!!!!!!!

;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D

Title: Re: Side Affects
Post by Eegore on 08/07/23 at 11:35:32

Those are two questions. Can you make one of them that I can answer with yes or no?

And I think my answer is Yes

 Do you think it makes sense to compare side effects and symptoms, only, with zero consideration for severity or duration of either?  Basically if a drug causes pain, but less pain then the disease, does it make sense to ignore that and only look at the word "pain" with no other factors like how much pain.

Title: Re: Side Affects
Post by Eegore on 08/07/23 at 11:48:49

Stated, twice, where the info came from.

And no, the CDC did NOT, choose to indicate duration's at that location.

 Then no, the information you want from the CDC is not available to you.  Perhaps the manufacturer of the flu shot would have that information.  I would assume since millions of humans volunteer for the flu shot, the side effects are of lower duration and intensity than the flu itself.


I did not imply,
you inferred !!!!!!!!!

 You implied.  That's how it works here, we don't use the actual words, we just infer things then refuse to Observe any type of clarification from the human that actually knows what they meant to say.

Title: Re: Side Affects
Post by zevenenergie on 08/07/23 at 11:52:17

But pain is a warning and therefore it is suspicious if a drug induces pain. What disease are we talking about?

Can't we heal it in a different way than just fighting the symtons?

And why are we so obsessed with staying alive? Everyone who died says it's more beautiful on the other side than here.
Or is it dying itself that we fear so much?

Please say yes or no.

Title: Re: Side Affects
Post by Eegore on 08/07/23 at 11:58:07

 Those are four questions. Can you make one of them that I can answer with yes or no?  

 Or would it be reasonable for me to answer each?

Title: Re: Side Affects
Post by zevenenergie on 08/07/23 at 12:28:26

One by one would be fine.

Title: Re: Side Affects
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/07/23 at 16:39:39

And why are we so obsessed with staying alive? Everyone who died says it's more beautiful on the other side than here.

I've been asking for a long time Why do people who Say they believe in Heaven AND they Believe THAT is where they will go when they die, and they are obviously terrified of dying. They will spend enormous amounts of money to stay alive for just a while longer.

Why would anyone who believes that where we are going is better than being here, fight so hard to stay here?

Title: Re: Side Affects
Post by Eegore on 08/07/23 at 18:00:22

Please say yes or no.

But pain is a warning and therefore it is suspicious if a drug induces pain. What disease are we talking about?


Can't we heal it in a different way than just fighting the symtons?


And why are we so obsessed with staying alive?


Everyone who died says it's more beautiful on the other side than here.
Or is it dying itself that we fear so much?


Title: Re: Side Affects
Post by MnSpring on 08/09/23 at 10:24:45

190615060D060D0611040A06630 wrote:
"... Everyone who died says it's more beautiful on the other side than here. ..."

Really ?

Any Proof ?

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