General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Who TAUGHT those kids ?

Message started by MnSpring on 08/05/23 at 07:46:48

Title: Who TAUGHT those kids ?
Post by MnSpring on 08/05/23 at 07:46:48

“We went from 300 kids to a couple of thousands of kids in minutes,”

“individuals in the park began to commit acts of violence towards the police and the public.” He said that some attendees took items from a nearby construction site.

“You had people walking around with shovels, axes, and other tools from the construction,” he said. “Individuals were also lighting fireworks, throwing them towards the police, they were throwing them towards each other.”

From the Favorite UL, DFI, FDS, 'news' outlet.

So who exactly, have educated those kids, to be Human, have ethics, responsibilities, and respect ?

Yes Virginia, there has been, and always will be a few DFI's who jump off the bridge without knowing how deep the water is.
YET that number is GROWING by leaps and bounds.
The Pied Piper returns.

AND, Schools, Parents, TV shows, Social Media, are encouraging that behavior !

(Thanks Progressives & Socialists,
what a Nation you are creating)

Title: Re: Who TAUGHT those kids ?
Post by LANCER on 08/05/23 at 10:54:54

There needs to be a reckoning.

Title: Re: Who TAUGHT those kids ?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/05/23 at 13:55:10

Ah reckon so, pahdnuh.. darn shame to see the patriotic element has reached the age that we are no longer able to Reckon beyond our own driveway. The schools have destroyed the majority of our boys who Would have been masculine. They, and several Oopsies moments..
Gee,how DID those endocrine and hormone disruptors GET In the food?
YaKnow, if we just keep adding to The Required number of vaccines,, those sheep will just keep surrendering their children on the altar..

Chronic illness is everywhere in the places with The Best healthcare..

Autism increases with the required vaccines.

Other causes of autism doesn't mean vaccines don't ALSO cause it.

The alleged autism in the Amish?

Who cares!??!

It's NOTHING like the average American.

And what is different?

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