General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> 2nd tier

Message started by WebsterMark on 07/19/23 at 14:24:34

Title: 2nd tier
Post by WebsterMark on 07/19/23 at 14:24:34

So I’m watching parts of the House oversight committee on the whistleblower, a gay Democrat, which makes things difficult. The issue isn’t really Hunter, the issue Biden and Garland continuing their schemes to act as a banana republic. Embarrassing.

Look, we all know Biden is a slimy crook and Hunter is the mechanism Republicans are using to beat him up, but face it, no way in hell Puddinhead Joe will run in 2024. Biden should use the Hunter thing and cut a dead with Kamala.

Biden resigns and makes a deal with Kamala that if she loses the election, she’ll be President long enough to pardon him Hunter, his brother and everybody else because she’ll have zero future career national politics but she can least get her name in the history books as the first female president. If she wins, it won’t matter since the country will be over anyway! » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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