General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> GBS in Peru

Message started by Eegore on 07/17/23 at 13:29:27

Title: GBS in Peru
Post by Eegore on 07/17/23 at 13:29:27

 If someone blames climate change for deaths in Peru, people compare temperature factors BEFORE the current temperatures being blamed.  They also want to know how many MORE people are dying today, than BEFORE, using two or more numbers to create a percentage.  

 How many MORE people are dying, than BEFORE?

 Could it be agreed it makes no sense to just say "Its climate change!" and ignore all other factors including past temperatures?  After all the POINT is, climate change is bad, does it really matter if any of the claims are true?

 So the latest outbreak of Guillain-Barré Syndrome could be caused by the Covid vaccine.

 The questions here are, Why Peru and not other countries administering the same vaccine?  Bolivia shares no increase in GBS for instance.

 Why now when vaccine administration has been going on for years?

 Why only 96 cases when millions are vaccinated?  96 cases of 27,972,000 is 0.000343200343%.  Peru is at an all time high for vaccination rates, so adjusted for the increase there could be causation, but that number is really, really low.

 How do we explain the previous outbreaks of the same disease in the same country before the vaccine was distributed, or even invented?

 Peru had a similar GBS warning due to large outbreaks in 2019, and multiple previous years going back decades.  The current outbreak has a lower percentage of infection than the previous one in 2019.

 How can we conclusively say Jabs are causing the current GBS out break in Peru given it has happened multiple times pre-vaccine, no other country with the same vaccine has this issue, and the infection rate is lower than before?

 Acknowledging more severe GBS outbreaks happened in Peru pre-vaccine does not mean the vaccine is safe and effective, "should" be taken and is "good".  It does mean I refuse to ignore time and space as we know it and will Observe more information than just the type that tells me what I want to be true.  

 The vaccine can still be harmful, and not be causing GBS in Peru.  Just as climate change could be harmful, but doesn't have to be the reason every bad thing happens.

Title: Re: GBS in Peru
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/17/23 at 14:08:29

happened multiple times pre-vaccine

Go ahead,, make that true people just fallill? Ohh,,educate us..

Title: Re: GBS in Peru
Post by Eegore on 07/17/23 at 15:35:21

Go ahead,, make that true people just fallill? Ohh,,educate us..

 Peru has had multiple GBS outbreaks in the past, a larger one than this one in 2019.  I am willing to accept that events that happened before a vaccine was created - could not have ever been caused by that vaccine.  I am able to do this because I won't refuse to Observe additional information.

 The information I provided that you won't look at, shows how GBS is contracted there and spread, by refusing to Observe that you can maintain the narrative that I claim people "just fallill".  

 We know why people get GBS, and that it happens in Peru more often.  You, without even looking, and literally saying you don't know anything about it, somehow know its the Jabs.  The only way to maintain this is to refuse to Observe it happened before - would you accept this from Climate Change Alarmists that refuse to Observe historical climate data?  What would you think if they said:

"Go ahead,, make that true that the planet just naturally increases in temperature? Ohh,,educate us.."

 The desire to make every little thing vaccine related is no different than making every everything Climate related.  The vaccine can still be harmful, and not have caused the current GBS outbreak in Peru.  

Title: Re: GBS in Peru
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/17/23 at 16:14:36

Show data supporting GB prior TO ANY VACCINE PROGRAM.

Title: Re: GBS in Peru
Post by Eegore on 07/17/23 at 17:33:09

"Show data supporting GB prior TO ANY VACCINE PROGRAM."

 That's impossible as the syndrome was discovered after vaccines.  However it exists in humans that have never been vaccinated, typically in S America and India.  

 In regions with high amounts of human exposure to Campylobacter jejuni there are high amounts of GBS.  Typically in poor, 3rd world regions, usually in humans that have experienced literally zero modern medical care in their lives, that includes vaccines.  Vaccinations do contribute to GBS, but are not in any way a requirement.  Just as the Covid vaccine in Peru has never been required to get BGS.

 That in itself means any reasonable person would not insist the current issue in Peru must be, and can only be, from Jabs.  A reasonable person would assess that the probability exists, but is not high.  The vaccine can still be harmful without trying to find ways to make this one issue in Peru a vaccine issue.  Just let it be what it is, 96 dead people and maybe 2 or 3 were vaccination accelerated.

 If a vaccine is required for GBS to by in the human body, how do unvaccinated humans get it?  Maybe the same way those kids died from the Covid vaccine in 2018, or the MRI scans from 2019 showed heart inflammation.  


Title: Re: GBS in Peru
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/17/23 at 18:26:40

, how do unvaccinated humans get it?

You have CLAIMED.
Prove it

Title: Re: GBS in Peru
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/17/23 at 18:46:19

Wait,,I Don't Care if it happens to the unJabbed.
I don't believe the bullshit.
What do we KNOW
It happens to The Jabbed.
Peru has been JabbinDaFuq outta the people.
RARE issue is so common they locked the place down.

Ever see a Country LOCKEF DOWN because of GB?

I'm supposed to deal with you as if you're Not goofy.

But you Actually argued that lockdowns we CAUSING GB.. Exactly backwards from the post.

So,, maybe you should tone down your Authority attitude.
Hell,, bring back TT,

Title: Re: GBS in Peru
Post by Eegore on 07/17/23 at 19:32:29

You have CLAIMED.
Prove it

 Demand evidence while providing none, go ahead and Prove GBS in Peru is only caused by vaccine.  Besides, You won't look at what I present.  If you Observe that unvaccinated humans have gotten GBS, you can't claim only the vaccine causes it.

"Wait,,I Don't Care if it happens to the unJabbed."

 What would you think if a Climate Change Alarmist said "Wait,,I Don't Care if historical data says this is normal!?  Sound reasonable to you?

What do we KNOW
It happens to The Jabbed.
Peru has been JabbinDaFuq outta the people.
RARE issue is so common they locked the place down.

  They didn't lock the place down, they declared a health emergency.  Prove they are "locked down", or better yet have an adult conversation and explain why you think the announcement is a "lockdown."  

 This same thing happened in 2019.  The same thing before the Covid vaccine.  Refusing to Observe that will not make that fact go away.

 What we do KNOW
 It happened to the UnJabbed too.  

"RARE issue is so common they locked the place down.

Ever see a Country LOCKEF DOWN because of GB?

 That's not true, you were lied to about that.  There is no LOCKDOWN because of GBS in Peru, Prove there is.   There is hypothesis that the increase in GBS may be due to the previous Covid lockdowns that caused the poor conditions that environmentally fostered the GBS causing infection loads, combined with increased vaccines, this creates more chances for GBS.  So yes the vaccine is most likely a contributor, but a low percentage one.  But why Peru and not other countries that have done the same thing?

 Of course you again will refuse to Observe any of the information then argue with the guy that read it for you.  

 If anything this is a good example of why lockdowns applied the way they were during Covid is a bad idea and that the vaccine could be amplifying the problem, but no, instead of having a discussion you refuse to look at information and demand proof.  Where is yours?

 Peru not having a lockdown, and GBS not being caused exclusively and only by vaccines does not make the vaccine safe.  The vaccine can still be harmful and also not be the only cause of GBS in Peru.  

Title: Re: GBS in Peru
Post by Eegore on 07/19/23 at 07:08:27

 Over the past day I've been corresponding with humans in Peru.

 Nobody indicates there is a "lockdown" or any travel restrictions, social interaction restrictions.  There is zero evidence of a "lock down" anywhere in the country.  


 Because it is not contagious.

 I imagine that part won't be Observed, because if it becomes part of our reality we can't falsely claim the entire country is LOCKED DOWN.  Peru has imposed zero restrictions due to GBS.

 Corinthians soccer players allowed to travel and play because GBS is not spread from human to human:

Title: Re: GBS in Peru
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/19/23 at 08:43:22

because GBS is not spread from human to human:

Known by all sentient beings.
Policy that conflicts with good sense?
I saw what America did.

Title: Re: GBS in Peru
Post by Eegore on 07/19/23 at 12:47:41

Known by all sentient beings.
Policy that conflicts with good sense?
I saw what America did.

 Known by anyone that actually Observes the information they will argue as fact.  I don't know how using more lies helps with that conversation.  Pretending Peru is "locked down" will do nothing but further discredit claims the vaccine is unsafe.  How is insisting that lies about Peru are true helping your POINT?

Ever see a Country LOCKEF DOWN because of GB?  

 No, and either have you.

 There is no evidence the current GBS in Peru is exclusively vaccine caused, there are too many additional factors.  The question is: Is the vaccine making it worse?

 For humans willing to accept that the vaccine is not responsible for every death in the world, we can have the conversation about what percentage of impact the vaccine actually has.  We wont ignore, or refuse to Observe the 2019 outbreak pre-vaccine for instance.

 For people that already decided, won't Observe, look at, or accept any additional information, they are stuck arguing about something everyone else can see is false, and are upset about events that never happened.

 Why aren't you upset with the lying website told you Peru is locked down and omitted that GBS outbreaks happened before?  But are upset with the guy that read the information for you and tried to tell you what it says?

Title: Re: GBS in Peru
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/19/23 at 16:41:57

I've Watched you wiggle and protect TPTB,and afterwards deny it.
Dut,,seriously, I Don't Care what you say. I post what I post because I want to.. Your response has been demonstrated to be horse schitt, over and over. I post what I post for people who aren't ate up with the dumbass..

Title: Re: GBS in Peru
Post by MnSpring on 07/19/23 at 17:07:19

"... people that already decided,
won't Observe,
look at,
or accept
any additional information,
they are stuck arguing about
something everyone else can see is false ..."

Sounds Just Like the FDS UL, DFI, WOKE Socialists !

       When they say in union;
'Ban That Model of Gun and all like it,
because it will stop school shootings.'

(Does not sound like a person that, 'thinks'.
Sounds like a person who is TOLD what to think)

Title: Re: GBS in Peru
Post by Eegore on 07/19/23 at 17:11:41

 If my response is "horse schitt" feel free to prove Peru is in LOCKDOWN, that GBS is the reason, and that it didn't happen multiple times Before the vaccine was invented.  Go ahead and show that the information you posted, that you won't read, doesn't say Covid lockdowns created the poor-living environments that bred the GBS infection loads.  Be the proof you demand from others.

 Instead of just admitting Peru has experienced this before and is not in LOCKDOWN, you will make up this nonsense that what I said here is pro-vaccine, because making up a false narrative about my position is the only defense you have.

Title: Re: GBS in Peru
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/19/23 at 18:10:20

So, what Does CAUSE the RARE issue of GB? Where did you get your proof? I remember how authoratative you were that Nooobody was inflating the Death FROM Covid numbers, and CERTAINLY the CDC were not involved..

Buuut,, that was bullshit.
So, you can take a flying leap.

What you say. Ever. You can declare the sky is blue.
I'm Gonna SEE it, for myself,

Title: Re: GBS in Peru
Post by Eegore on 07/19/23 at 18:42:21

 So, what Does CAUSE the RARE issue of GB? Where did you get your proof?

 From You.  Its in the information that you posted that you wont look at.  It's not clear what causes GBS, but we do KNOW that humans with no vaccinations get it, typically those exposed to unsanitary conditions, just like the information you referenced that I read for you said.  Covid lockdowns in certain areas have fostered conditions that increase potential for GBS.  Your own reference said this.

  If you actually looked instead of over-reacting you would know I only posted that Peru had pre-Covid vaccine outbreaks, and is not LOCKED DOWN.  Higher GBS fostering environments were created by lockdowns, and it is plausible the vaccine amplified otherwise low-chance conditions in certain humans.  

I remember how authoratative you were that Nooobody was inflating the Death FROM Covid numbers, and CERTAINLY the CDC were not involved..

 Incorrect.  I said the CDC never "said" to document it that way, ( I never said it wasn't happening) I provided the guidance in full, that you won't Observe.  You were lied to about the guidance language, this is why nobody has ever used it as evidence against the CDC.  But if someone lies to you about what the CDC says, you will call the CDC a liar.

 I actually posted that we had to alter the counting numbers in CO because the CDC guidance was poor.  About a month after, CO announced the dual counting methods we worked to get implemented.

 This won't be Observed, because if you Observe I posted, repeatedly, that the CDC numbers were flawed, you cant keep saying I "defended" the CDC. Why if I thought the CDC numbers were correct did I work to create a system to adjust them?

 Feel free to keep ignoring that question so you can keep saying I said the CDC was correct.  

Title: Re: GBS in Peru
Post by MnSpring on 07/19/23 at 19:11:20

6040424A5740250 wrote:
 "...  If you actually looked instead of over-reacting you would know I only posted that Peru had pre-Covid vaccine outbreaks, and is not LOCKED DOWN.  
"...Higher GBS fostering environments were created by lockdowns, and it is plausible the vaccine amplified otherwise low-chance conditions in certain humans. ..."  

Yep, ya never said, Peru, had a lock down.

But ya IMPLIED it !

Title: Re: GBS in Peru
Post by Eegore on 07/19/23 at 20:49:46

Yep, ya never said, Peru, had a lock down.

But ya IMPLIED it !

 Nice try but everyone can see I was referencing Covid-lockdowns it's so obvious even JoG acknowledges it.

Title: Re: GBS in Peru
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/19/23 at 21:35:17

I did? I thought you were talking about GB..


Title: Re: GBS in Peru
Post by MnSpring on 07/19/23 at 22:27:12

Love it.

Could NOT shut down the Boarder !!!!!!

But COULD, restrict a motor on a boat !!!!!!!

Title: Re: GBS in Peru
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/19/23 at 22:43:17

The NUMBERS weren't Accidentally Wrong. They didn't Want them to be correct.
But, as bad as it was, Coff Coff,, it was never bad enough to close the border..

Ohh,,anyone remember anyone talking about diseases coming into America?
Ohh,,it's just RAYCISS to want immigrants to Not be bringing little things like tuberculosis in,, but that is what happened..
And covid was So Bad that half of America wanted to make the rest of us take the jabs,,
But Not The Illegal Aliens.. They don't even need a physical..

Now there are sick people in America, with tuberculosis,, some going to school,

Title: Re: GBS in Peru
Post by MnSpring on 07/20/23 at 06:41:03

Very long time ago,
And said very often.

Immigrants came to America to WORK.
Make a better/safer existence.
And keep the things they worked hard for.

Now they come to 'work the system' !
Get everything they want for free.
And turn this Nation into where they came from.

Title: Re: GBS in Peru
Post by Eegore on 07/20/23 at 09:37:39

I did? I thought you were talking about GB..

 When you commented:

But you Actually argued that lockdowns we CAUSING GB.. Exactly backwards from the post.

 That indicates to me that you  understand I was talking about Covid lockdowns.  Since I do not think there is a CURRENT lockdown what other lockdowns could I be referring to?

 Covid lockdowns, not the imaginary current lockdown that does not exist, that I am not implying is happening because it's not real, but actual real Covid lockdowns created GBS fostering environments in Peru.

 There is no lockdown in Peru.  There was, during Covid hype.  

Title: Re: GBS in Peru
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/20/23 at 10:25:57

No.. My criticism of your bassackward reading comprehension isn't indicative of anything except my attitude towards you and a supporting reason why. You spend your time so focused on me, and I don't even care what you think. About anything. You have been on the wrong side consistently. You act like you didn't argue against reason. You pretend that I'm wrong about your position because you play games with words and say

Well, I never SAID THAT.. Well you by god took the wrong side and pretend that you didn't ,,just playing with words. Done,dude,,

Title: Re: GBS in Peru
Post by Eegore on 07/20/23 at 11:55:49

No.. My criticism of your bassackward reading comprehension isn't indicative of anything except my attitude towards you and a supporting reason why. You spend your time so focused on me, and I don't even care what you think. About anything.

 I'm not really concerned about that.  If Serowbot was here insisting Peru LOCKED DOWN because of GBS, I'd be telling him he was lied to also.  The difference is nobody else is posting 17.689 times more than all other members, so by odds alone, you will be addressed more often.

 Well, I never SAID THAT.. Well you by god took the wrong side and pretend that you didn't ,,just playing with words. Done,dude,,

 Again, why did I work to change the counting methods in CO if I though the CDC numbers were correct?  You can't Observe that fact because once you do, there goes your argument I claimed the CDC is correct or should be trusted.  So you ignore it.

 Just like this thread, You will interpret it as me saying the vaccine is good and people "should" take it.  What I am actually saying is the vaccine isn't responsible for the imaginary LOCKDOWN in Peru that does not exist.  GBS is caused in part by the Covid lockdowns, and amplified by vaccines.

 You will refuse to Observe what I SAID so you can replace it with what you are emotionally over-reacting to.

Title: Re: GBS in Peru
Post by Eegore on 07/28/23 at 06:52:39

 July 28 celebrates Independence Day for Peru.  Thousands and thousands of videos are being posted of people celebrating, in groups.  No mention anywhere of a LOCKDOWN, travel restrictions, isolation, congregation mitigation or otherwise.

 This is further evidence the "RARE issue is so common they locked the place down" claims are a lie.  If you think this is true - either the website lied -  you misunderstood - or you never bothered to read the information.  GBS is most likely exacerbated by the Covid lockdowns, (as indicated in the literature people here refuse to read, but will claim people that read it for them are wrong about), and also the amplified by vaccines.  Of the now 103 confirmed deaths, 84 are vaccinated.  

 None of this statement implies vaccines are "good" or "should" be taken.  There can be no LOCKDOWN in Peru and vaccines can still amplify GBS outcomes.  Nobody needs to pretend/insist there is a LOCKDOWN for vaccines to have a negative impact. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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