General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Ooopsies, outta regular munitions.

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 07/14/23 at 14:17:28

Title: Ooopsies, outta regular munitions.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/14/23 at 14:17:28

Whatcha got NOW?

No, they don't WANT nuclear war.. It's just gonna be something they have no choice in.

By design.

If people figure that out and a ,,Owell..
I'm aware of how nuance slips off lefties..

Title: Re: Ooopsies, outta regular munitions.
Post by MnSpring on 07/14/23 at 14:25:14

Good time to go to Europe and visit.

Then when you get back,
look for a place in Peru,
Probably no radioactive fallout.

Title: Re: Ooopsies, outta regular munitions.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/14/23 at 17:08:06

The Rare Guillen Barr is not being Rare there

Title: Re: Ooopsies, outta regular munitions.
Post by Eegore on 07/14/23 at 17:09:48

The Rare Guillen Barr is not being Rare there

 But why just there?  Shouldn't Israel, king of lockdowns and vaccines be dealing with the same issue?

Title: Re: Ooopsies, outta regular munitions.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/14/23 at 18:17:58

What is your argument?
Why am I supposed to answer your question?
How does your whereas the report?
Ohh,but you weren't defending the jabs,,ohh,no..
How Dare you infer I support the jabs just because I argue against every argument Against them.

You are really cool. Bless your heart!

Title: Re: Ooopsies, outta regular munitions.
Post by Eegore on 07/14/23 at 20:25:10

What is your argument?
Why am I supposed to answer your question?
How does your whereas the report?
Ohh,but you weren't defending the jabs,,ohh,no..
How Dare you infer I support the jabs just because I argue against every argument Against them.

You are really cool. Bless your heart!

 Why if the vaccine is causing GBS, is it only in Peru, when other places did the Exact. Same. Thing.

 You never thought about that?  Nothing I am asking is saying to take the vaccine.  Maybe the vaccine is materializing a secondary condition there, just like it is in the US with heart inflammation because heart disease is so common in the US.  So is there a correlation with GBS, and is there a causation due to some already underlying GBS issues in that region?

 But no, this can't just be a normal adult conversation, it has to be a complaint session because you have to over-react to everything.  Nothing about my question is saying people should take the vaccine.

Title: Re: Ooopsies, outta regular munitions.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/14/23 at 20:31:21


Title: Re: Ooopsies, outta regular munitions.
Post by Eegore on 07/14/23 at 20:40:03


 Sure, but you brought it up in a discussion forum, so discussion on the topic you bring up should be expected.

 If the vaccine is causing a disease due to lockdowns, what prevented the disease from impacting other locked-down areas?  In the US heart inflammation makes sense because the US already had massive heart conditions to begin with.

Title: Re: Ooopsies, outta regular munitions.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/14/23 at 20:50:18

The POINT I was making was

Some decrepit pos is shipping weapons to Ukraine.
We don't seem to have a great suppl..
You e find out why,I Don't G.A.F.
Point is, America is being TOLD that our regular munitions are running low.

When they decide to go nuclear, they can just announce
We had no choice
And the nodding,agreeing lefties will defend them.

That is what I said
I don't CARE about how you want to twist it.

I didn't Write the article reporting the Rare side effect of The Jabs screwing Peru up.

You can pretend you are just trying to do whatever.. I seriously don't care.
You don't matter to me. Your credibility died a long time ago.

Title: Re: Ooopsies, outta regular munitions.
Post by Eegore on 07/14/23 at 21:08:21

That is what I said
I don't CARE about how you want to twist it.

I didn't Write the article reporting the Rare side effect of The Jabs screwing Peru up.

 I agree, and I also never brought up Peru in this thread.  I asked a question about a post You presented, weird someone would try to discuss something You brought up.

Title: Re: Ooopsies, outta regular munitions.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/15/23 at 08:32:26

4060626A7760050 wrote:

 Sure, but you brought it up in a discussion forum, so discussion on the topic you bring up should be expected.

 If the vaccine is causing a disease due to lockdowns, what prevented the disease from impacting other locked-down areas?  In the US heart inflammation makes sense because the US already had massive heart conditions to begin with.

If the vaccine is causing a disease due to lockdowns, what prevented the disease from impacting other locked-down areas?  

Seriously? You got it backwards.

You really are very Special

How can anyone think that? WTF is wrong with you? Lockdown causes disease,, that's frikken funny.

Title: Re: Ooopsies, outta regular munitions.
Post by Eegore on 07/15/23 at 12:31:10

Seriously? You got it backwards.

You really are very Special

How can anyone think that? WTF is wrong with you? Lockdown causes disease,, that's frikken funny.

 Yeah I see what you mean, I said "lockdowns" but was intending to convey lock-down strict countries as they are typically high rate of vaccine countries as well.  What I should have said was high rate of vaccination countries.

 What makes Peru special when other countries administered high rates of vaccines as well?  Shouldn't they have GBS increases also?  The US already had tons of heart disease, so it makes sense to have heart inflammation issues.  Why didn't Ecuador or Bolivia have the GBS issues?

Title: Re: Ooopsies, outta regular munitions.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/15/23 at 18:31:09

Gosh,,am I supposed to know?
Since I don't know, does that mean the issue in Peru is not true?

Title: Re: Ooopsies, outta regular munitions.
Post by Eegore on 07/15/23 at 19:15:37

Gosh,,am I supposed to know?
Since I don't know, does that mean the issue in Peru is not true?

 Yes, what I am saying is if you do not know something then it is not true.  Since you do not know what color my fence is, then it can't be true that it is white.

 The question is if the vaccine is causing GBS, why is it only reported in high volume in Peru?  Reporting discrepancies, Environmental factors, Different vaccine components?  The GBS reports by themselves is not really proof of anything other than GBS being prevalent at that location/time.   If it is vaccine initiated, like heart inflammation in the US, why is it contained in Peru?

Title: Re: Ooopsies, outta regular munitions.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/16/23 at 00:28:56

You should contact the author and ask.
One thing to consider is
If it's not The Jabs
What is causing it!?

Uhh,,it's not like a cold.
It's the Jabs,

Title: Re: Ooopsies, outta regular munitions.
Post by Eegore on 07/16/23 at 03:35:58

You should contact the author and ask.
One thing to consider is
If it's not The Jabs
What is causing it!?

 Eliminating alternatives is how one actually answers that question.

 I'd say the difference here is you already decided it is the vaccine so you require no other information, and anyone who has not already decided would want some more information.  Eliminating other causes is what actually shows the vaccine is causing it.  Acknowledging GBS could be caused by something else there (since its not anywhere else that has mass vaccinations) does not mean the only other option is to think the vaccine is safe and effective.  The vaccine could still be harmful.

 It's just as reasonable to ask "why is GBS only accelerated in Peru if other areas had vaccinations too?" as it is to ask "Why is climate change causing deadly heat in Phoenix, but perfectly fine weather in Tucson?"


Title: Re: Ooopsies, outta regular munitions.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/16/23 at 09:02:16

So, have you effectively swung the conversation away from the topic?
I remember the wailing and shrieking from the lefties.
Trump is gonna destroy America. Ahhr Dumokrusee!!!
Trump is gonna start a nuclear War!!
Right Now,, America is being dragged into the most dangerous situation I've seen in decades. We've been sending billions on top of billions to Ukraine. We've been providing
Material Support to the enemy of Russia. Now, if anyone, as an American citizen provides Material Support to, ohh, say a terrorist organization, they are going to prison.. Rightly so.. How much differently does Putin see our involvement?

And what happens when Ukraine doesn't have enough munitions to continue the fight?

And WHY is America short on ANYTHING??
Gee,need more MONEY??

The point of this thread was to get people to think.
I'm hearing the word Nuclear WAY too often. I'm really concerned that this is going to wind up with some nuclear weapons being used. So, how will They sell it?

If it happens, I think they will sell it to the sheeple by telling them

We had no choice. We was outta bullets.. And the people who have a propensity for accepting lies will shrug and accept that answer.

We have No Business being involved in this crap.. But WE were part of the creation of the problem. Putin just wanted to see NATO stop expanding, he had been saying so for a long time.

Title: Re: Ooopsies, outta regular munitions.
Post by Serowbot on 07/16/23 at 10:10:20

27383E3924231222122A38347F4D0 wrote:
Putin just wanted to see NATO stop expanding, he had been saying so for a long time.

That didn't go so well did it?

Title: Re: Ooopsies, outta regular munitions.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/16/23 at 15:44:02

6E786F726A7F72691D0 wrote:
[quote author=27383E3924231222122A38347F4D0 link=1689369449/15#16 date=1689523336]Putin just wanted to see NATO stop expanding, he had been saying so for a long time.

That didn't go so well did it?[/quote]

You act like you can sneer at it and suddenly What He Wanted was wrong.
You have never bothered to consider
What was Putin DOING stopping on the border for all that time?

He didn't Want a war.. We forced it on him.

Title: Re: Ooopsies, outta regular munitions.
Post by Serowbot on 07/16/23 at 16:29:54

We didn't do shite...
Putin stepped in it.

Title: Re: Ooopsies, outta regular munitions.
Post by Eegore on 07/16/23 at 17:45:45

So, have you effectively swung the conversation away from the topic?

 Its fairly common to get off topic on this forum, nobody sticks strictly to the original topic.

Material Support to the enemy of Russia. Now, if anyone, as an American citizen provides Material Support to, ohh, say a terrorist organization, they are going to prison.. Rightly so.. How much differently does Putin see our involvement?

 I would think this is exactly how Russia sees it.  This double standard exists everywhere.  The difference is "We" are right and "They" are wrong.  

Putin just wanted to see NATO stop expanding, he had been saying so for a long time

 Just like we don't want to see China/Iran/Russia deals expanding.  I'm not sure we would invade and annex Mexico if they hopped in the Russia/China economic trade and policy wagon.  Maybe we would.

Title: Re: Ooopsies, outta regular munitions.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/16/23 at 17:50:37

7C6A7D60786D607B0F0 wrote:
We didn't do shite...
Putin stepped in it.

Your ignorance knows no bounds.

Title: Re: Ooopsies, outta regular munitions.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/16/23 at 18:02:11

You can stay in your cocoon or have some curiosity.

Russian leaders and several Western policy experts were warning more than two decades ago that NATO expansion would turn out badly—ending in a new cold war with Russia at best, and a hot one at worst. Obviously, they were not "echoing" Putin or anyone else. George Kennan, the intellectual architect of America's containment policy during the Cold War, perceptively warned in a May 2, 1998 New York Times interview what NATO's move eastward would set in motion. "I think it is the beginning of a new cold war," he stated. "I think the Russians will gradually react quite adversely and it will affect their policies. I think it is a tragic mistake."

You probably won't read this far..
George Kennan, the intellectual architect of America's containment policy during the Cold War, perceptively warned in a May 2, 1998 New York Times interview what NATO's move eastward would set in motion.

Your position that Nobody has anything to fear from what you call a peacekeeping organization. You understand the combined forces of Every Country IN that organization can be brought to bear on whomever? You DO remember we LIED to get into the Vietnam war, right? Surely you're smart enough to understand that the people who run the Defense agencies HAVE TO HAVE WARS,,

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