General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Conpiracy theories

Message started by Serowbot on 07/12/23 at 09:34:16

Title: Conpiracy theories
Post by Serowbot on 07/12/23 at 09:34:16

The number one indicator that a person will believe a conspiracy theory is if they already believe in at least one known conspiracy theory.
That's the "Rabbit Hole"... each step you take goes deeper and makes you more susceptible to take the next step.

For instance,... the JFK assassination.
Oswald fired 3 shots, 2 hitting Kennedy, one in the throat and one in the head.
Theories are LBJ, FBI, Castro, CIA, Mafia, Texas police, Russia, and others were involved.
Once you believe one theory, the likelihood you'll believe more increases.
Oliver Stone made a movie that is believed by more people than the history books.
Roger Ebert 's review of the movie was "It's a whodunnit where everybody dunnit."
Now, I'd say believing any one theory might be plausible, believing all of them becomes ridiculous.
Disparate enemies planning and working together and keeping a secret plot for 60 years just makes no sense at all.
But once you go down the rabbit hole... it sorta' makes sense and you go on from there.

Think about modern conspiracy theories and just how ridiculous they can get.
Pizzagate- Hillary traffics human children out of a local pizza joint and sells babies to rich liberals which they eat to live eternally.
Jewish space lasers are used to start fires in California.
US vote ballets were being shipped to Europe to counted for Biden and not Trump.
Sandy Hook parents and children were actors and nobody really died.
Viruses aren't real and vaccines are a plot to manipulate our minds.

Think about how absurd these theories are.  They make JFK assassination theories look like child's play.
But you believe one then another seems more plausible and on and on we go, never really breaking down exactly how impossible the next one is.  How many conspirators would have to be involved and coordinated. How many ancillary people would have to go along with the deception.
But all it takes is one lone nut in his basement to cook up a theory.
Which is more likely?

Remember.... Birds aren't Real

Title: Re: Conpiracy theories
Post by zevenenergie on 07/12/23 at 11:14:55

In a world filled with information and interconnectedness, it is no surprise that conspiracy theories have gained traction and captured the attention of many. While often dismissed as mere fantasies or delusions, there many cases where these theories have proven to have  elements of truth. It is important to acknowledge that not all conspiracy theories are valid, as many are baseless and rely on wild speculations. However, a lot do carry truth, and it is this reality that keeps the discussion alive.

One reason why conspiracy theories can turn out to be true is due to the nature of power and secrecy. Throughout history, we have seen examples of governments, corporations, and influential individuals engaging in covert activities or covering up information. The Watergate scandal in the 1970s, for instance, exposed a conspiracy within the U.S. government that led to the resignation of President Richard Nixon. This event highlighted the fact that those in power are not transparent and can indeed conspire to manipulate events for their own gain.

Furthermore, the rise of whistleblowers and leaks in recent years has shed light on previously unknown operations. Edward Snowden's revelations about widespread government surveillance practices confirmed suspicions that many had about the extent of privacy intrusion. The leaked Panama Papers also exposed a global network of offshore tax evasion, implicating numerous high-profile individuals. These instances demonstrate that sometimes the truth lies behind closed doors, and conspiracy theories serve as a means to question and uncover hidden information.

Another factor contributing to the potential validity of conspiracy theories is the complexity of our modern world. As societies become more interconnected, power structures become more intricate, and decision-making processes often occur behind closed doors. In such an environment, it becomes easier for hidden agendas to emerge and for collusion to take place without the public's knowledge. When faced with complex and unexplained events, individuals may turn to conspiracy theories as a way to make sense of the chaos and find explanations that fit their narrative.

In conclusion, while some conspiracy theories are nothing more than imaginative tales, it is important to recognize that theories can hold  truth. The presence of secrecy, the complexities of power structures, and the emergence of whistleblowers have all contributed to instances where conspiracy theories have been confirmed. It is necessary to approach every theorie with a critical mindset and rely on evidence-based reasoning to separate fact from fiction. Only then can we gain a deeper understanding of the world around us while avoiding the pitfalls of misinformation and unfounded speculation that is also in the mainstream media

Title: Re: Conpiracy theories
Post by MnSpring on 07/12/23 at 11:36:11

BOT said: "The number one indicator that a person will believe a conspiracy theory is if they already believe in at least one known conspiracy theory.  That's the "Rabbit Hole"...  " [

Do you believe JFK was boinking MM ?
 If so, congratulation, YOU are a Genuine conspiracy theorist.

Do you believe Teddy Drove over a bridge, drunk ?
If so, congratulation, YOU are a Genuine conspiracy theorist.

Do you believe someone cannot commit Suicide with their hands tied and two shots to the head ?
If so, congratulation, YOU are a Genuine conspiracy theorist.

Do you believe taking away a certain mod gun, will stop a certain kind of 'nut case' ?
 If so, congratulation, YOU are a Genuine conspiracy theorist.

                And on and on and on !

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Conpiracy theories
Post by Serowbot on 07/12/23 at 11:44:10

At least your emoji audience thinks you're funny

Title: Re: Conpiracy theories
Post by Serowbot on 07/12/23 at 12:00:10

JFK Jr's not really dead.

That's a good one

Q brained tRump supporters hanging around Dealey Plaza waiting for him to show... is just sad.

Do you see any Liberals waiting for Ike to be reborn?
Ike Jr?...

Title: Re: Conpiracy theories
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/12/23 at 13:11:49

This is why I pulled back. Watching people ignore Real Points to snipe back at some weak point in the post,,
Go READ agenda21, where IF you Can read and learn, you will see that you are being told that SOMEONE in power sufficient to Get That Published and stamped By the Fukking UN.,,and they don't have a good future in mind for Mankind,, globally they announce what they want. It's necessary to Read it, looking to Get It.. If you choose to read it and glean nothing, that is not a knock on the paper. That just says that you can't see what is happening right in front of you, While it's being Explained to you.
And, having seen your abilities to do just that, I'm waiting to see it again..

Title: Re: Conpiracy theories
Post by Eegore on 07/12/23 at 13:57:20

It's necessary to Read it, looking to Get It..

 So it wouldn't make any sense to refuse to read it but then argue about it to people that have read it for me?  I mean couldn't I just refuse to look at the information and just exclaim that "the POINT is....."

 Or maybe a website headline could describe it for me, so I can argue the content of something I refuse to educate myself about by actually looking.  Is that not really something you would respect?

Title: Re: Conpiracy theories
Post by Serowbot on 07/12/23 at 14:51:27

We went over the whole "Agenda 21" thing years ago.
You see a conspiracy where I see a passive agreement on ways to better the world.

The view is different from outside the rabbit hole.

Every time people get together to discuss things it isn't a conspiracy.
Bilderbergs, Agenda 21, NAFTA, NATO. and their not eating babies in Pizza parlors

You want a conspiracy?
Who coordinated the 2020 false electors from different States?  It's not a coincidence that they all tried the same illegal trick to overturn the election.
You wanna' tell me Biden did it to frame tRump?

Title: Re: Conpiracy theories
Post by MnSpring on 07/12/23 at 15:08:32

Bot, can you answer the questions in Post 2 ?

Title: Re: Conpiracy theories
Post by Serowbot on 07/12/23 at 15:18:10

I could but I won't
Waste of time

Title: Re: Conpiracy theories
Post by MnSpring on 07/12/23 at 16:07:47

4751465B43565B40340 wrote:
I could but I won't
Waste of time

OK, Your choice.
Mine is to believe AOC's mouth
is good for one thing,
and it's not Politics.

Title: Re: Conpiracy theories
Post by MnSpring on 07/12/23 at 16:18:26

4E584F524A5F52493D0 wrote:
The number one indicator that a person will believe a conspiracy theory is if they already believe in at least one known conspiracy theory.
That's the "Rabbit Hole"... each step you take goes deeper and makes you more susceptible to take the next step.

That's the reason you won't answer post # 2

  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D

Title: Re: Conpiracy theories
Post by WebsterMark on 07/12/23 at 19:01:10

Serowbot, you believe an 17 year old Brett Kavanaugh organized gang rape parties within a small affluent Catholic high school community where the same girls were raped repeatedly all summer long and nobody knew about it until he was nominated for Supreme Court Justice.

You believe the provably false testimony of Blassey Ford.

So yes, you likely are susceptible to believing other conspiracies.

Title: Re: Conpiracy theories
Post by WebsterMark on 07/12/23 at 19:03:15

I’m generally very suspicious of explanations of events that involve a lot of people and careful timing needed to pull it off. It happens, but it’s rare.

Title: Re: Conpiracy theories
Post by Eegore on 07/12/23 at 19:18:49

I’m generally very suspicious of explanations of events that involve a lot of people and careful timing needed to pull it off. It happens, but it’s rare.

 Whoa let's lay off the logic here.

Title: Re: Conpiracy theories
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/12/23 at 19:32:47

What is the option?
Believe the Narrative!
Watch CNN
Listen to Joe..
He wants nothing to do with his granddaughter..
Hunter Is Such a good man..

Title: Re: Conpiracy theories
Post by Eegore on 07/12/23 at 19:41:36

What is the option?
Believe the Narrative!

 Why does it have to be one extreme or the other?

Title: Re: Conpiracy theories
Post by MnSpring on 07/12/23 at 20:04:52

Serowbot, you believe an 17 year old Brett Kavanaugh organized gang rape parties within a small affluent Catholic high school community where the same girls were raped repeatedly all summer long and nobody knew about it until he was nominated for Supreme Court Justice.

"The number one indicator that a person will believe a conspiracy theory is if they already believe in at least one known conspiracy theory.
That's the "Rabbit Hole"... each step you take goes deeper and makes you more susceptible to take the next step."

Who said that ???????

How deep is that, 'rabbit Hole' ?

;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D

Title: Re: Conpiracy theories
Post by WebsterMark on 07/13/23 at 07:11:28

79595B534E593C0 wrote:
I’m generally very suspicious of explanations of events that involve a lot of people and careful timing needed to pull it off. It happens, but it’s rare.

 Whoa let's lay off the logic here.

The JFK assassination conspiracy theory vs 9/11 conspiracy theory.

The JFK theory is more believable than the 9/11 theory. Only because the JFK assassination should could have been carried off with only a few people involved. 9/11 would have required literally hundreds if not 1000 people.

No, I don’t believe the JFK conspiracy theory. I’m just saying it’s possible while 9/11 is impossible. Again, just apply simple logic.

And anyone believing that the 17-year-old son of a prominent judge organized gang rape parties where the participants all came from a relatively small group of Catholic high schools, and nobody found out about it until that 17-year-old grew up and was nominated to be a Supreme Court Justice by Republican president, is not necessarily an idiot, it’s just they’re completely blinded by partisanship. This is not a conspiracy. It’s just partisan politics out of control.

Title: Re: Conpiracy theories
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/13/23 at 07:21:21

If I Don't believe the Official Government and/or Media narrative, I AM, according to the people who Do believe what has been proven over and over to be lies, I Don't buy it, so I am a Conspiracy Theorist.

Title: Re: Conpiracy theories
Post by Eegore on 07/13/23 at 07:41:30

No, I don’t believe the JFK conspiracy theory. I’m just saying it’s possible while 9/11 is impossible. Again, just apply simple logic.

 Agreed.  The plausibility of that many people cooperating is very low.

"And anyone believing that the 17-year-old son of a prominent judge organized gang rape parties where the participants all came from a relatively small group of Catholic high schools, and nobody found out about it until that 17-year-old grew up and was nominated to be a Supreme Court Justice by Republican president, is not necessarily an idiot, it’s just they’re completely blinded by partisanship. This is not a conspiracy. It’s just partisan politics out of control."

 Wait so political views can alter one's ability to think logically?  Weird.

Title: Re: Conpiracy theories
Post by MnSpring on 07/13/23 at 07:49:00

If someone does believe the whole  Kavanaugh 'rape' thing,
they do not believe they are a conspiracy theorist.

If someone KNOWS, the  Kavanaugh thing
is total BUNK.
Then the people that believe that was rape,
ARE conspiracy theorists

It is the same as if you believe Teddy was Drunk,
you ARE a conspiracy theorist!

Because the, OFFICIAL finding is,
he was not.

Title: Re: Conpiracy theories
Post by MnSpring on 07/13/23 at 08:06:53

6646444C5146230 wrote:
 "... plausibility of that many people cooperating is very low. ..."

Was the 1993 World Trade Center Bombing, a test ?

Was the 1995 Bombing a test ?

Title: Re: Conpiracy theories
Post by zevenenergie on 07/13/23 at 09:57:02

073532232435221D31223B500 wrote:
[quote author=79595B534E593C0 link=1689179656/0#14 date=1689214729]
I’m generally very suspicious of explanations of events that involve a lot of people and careful timing needed to pull it off. It happens, but it’s rare.

 Whoa let's lay off the logic here.

The JFK assassination conspiracy theory vs 9/11 conspiracy theory.

The JFK theory is more believable than the 9/11 theory. Only because the JFK assassination should could have been carried off with only a few people involved. 9/11 would have required literally hundreds if not 1000 people.

No, I don’t believe the JFK conspiracy theory. I’m just saying it’s possible while 9/11 is impossible. Again, just apply simple logic.

And anyone believing that the 17-year-old son of a prominent judge organized gang rape parties where the participants all came from a relatively small group of Catholic high schools, and nobody found out about it until that 17-year-old grew up and was nominated to be a Supreme Court Justice by Republican president, is not necessarily an idiot, it’s just they’re completely blinded by partisanship. This is not a conspiracy. It’s just partisan politics out of control.

but about the experts?

Shortly before 9/11, the owners of WTC 7 purchased expensive damage insurance for the building.

20 minutes before wtc 7 came down the bbc was screaming that it had collapsed.

Denial is the biggest unconsciousness.  :P

Title: Re: Conpiracy theories
Post by WebsterMark on 07/13/23 at 10:04:01

253A3C3B2621102010283A367D4F0 wrote:
If I Don't believe the Official Government and/or Media narrative, I AM, according to the people who Do believe what has been proven over and over to be lies, I Don't buy it, so I am a Conspiracy Theorist.

I agree with you to a certain extent. The government lies when they open your mouth in the media lies even before they open their mouth. We have no media. We have partisan advocates for their particular side. The vast majority are advocates for the left side of the political spectrum. So you should be suspicious of anything you hear. The fact that the House committee has bank records showing Biden family members collecting millions of dollars from foreign companies. Paul Biden was VP working closely with those same companies and the story was dead on arrival but a ridiculous story about Trump hiring hookers to pee on Obama‘s bed is taken as gospel is all you need to know about the media.

Title: Re: Conpiracy theories
Post by WebsterMark on 07/13/23 at 10:14:48

Zeven, we could go down the 9/11 rabbit hole if you want. But here’s what will happen. I will raise obvious questions that have to be answered for this to be an inside conspiracy such as how would you manage to wire thousands of pounds of explosives on the inner and exterior perimeter support beams on three large buildings with no one knowing about it. And how did  the plane hit the floor directly above where the explosives were wired without setting them all or damaging them so they wouldn’t work. How would you accomplish that? You will come back and tell me about some super secret military explosive then only requires a couple of ounces and can be donated with a AA battery or something like that.

This pattern will repeat itself until you finally tell me I’m just close minded and I can’t see the truth.

Title: Re: Conpiracy theories
Post by zevenenergie on 07/13/23 at 10:16:43

I'm not saying that every story is tru, but if something is very unbelievable, that's the perfect cover because everyone will say: it can't be.

And "It can't be", is denial.
And denial is the greatest form of unconsciousness...

So we moved it to consipericitheory.


Shortly before 9/11, the owners of WTC 7 purchased expensive damage insurance for the building.

20 minutes before wtc 7 came down the bbc was screaming that it had collapsed.

So my question to you is now, are you denying it?

Title: Re: Conpiracy theories
Post by Serowbot on 07/13/23 at 10:52:59

734146575041566945564F240 wrote:
And anyone believing that the 17-year-old son of a prominent judge organized gang rape parties where the participants all came from a relatively small group of Catholic high schools, and nobody found out about it until that 17-year-old grew up and was nominated to be a Supreme Court Justice by Republican president, is not necessarily an idiot, it’s just they’re completely blinded by partisanship. This is not a conspiracy. It’s just partisan politics out of control.

I've mentioned this at least a dozen times on this site and it is ignored... much like the FBI did.
But read this...
4,500 tips were ignored by the FBI because they were only charged with investigating on behalf of the WH,... not to investigate criminally because it's beyond the statute of limitations.
Chris Wray testified to this in Congress

The senators, including Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island and Chris Coons of Delaware, said a letter they received from the FBI director, Chris Wray, last month shows the FBI gathered more than 4,500 tips relating to Kavanaugh without any apparent further action by investigators.

“The admissions in your letter corroborate and explain numerous credible accounts by individuals and firms that they had contacted the FBI with information ‘highly relevant to … allegations’ of sexual misconduct by Justice Kavanaugh, only to be ignored.

Title: Re: Conpiracy theories
Post by WebsterMark on 07/13/23 at 11:01:58

7660776A72676A71050 wrote:
[quote author=734146575041566945564F240 link=1689179656/15#18 date=1689257488]

And anyone believing that the 17-year-old son of a prominent judge organized gang rape parties where the participants all came from a relatively small group of Catholic high schools, and nobody found out about it until that 17-year-old grew up and was nominated to be a Supreme Court Justice by Republican president, is not necessarily an idiot, it’s just they’re completely blinded by partisanship. This is not a conspiracy. It’s just partisan politics out of control.

I've mentioned this at least a dozen times on this site and it is ignored... much like the FBI did.
But read this...
4,500 tips were ignored by the FBI because they were only charged with investigating on behalf of the WH,... not to investigate criminally because it's beyond the statute of limitations.
Chris Wray testified to this in Congress

The senators, including Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island and Chris Coons of Delaware, said a letter they received from the FBI director, Chris Wray, last month shows the FBI gathered more than 4,500 tips relating to Kavanaugh without any apparent further action by investigators.

“The admissions in your letter corroborate and explain numerous credible accounts by individuals and firms that they had contacted the FBI with information ‘highly relevant to … allegations’ of sexual misconduct by Justice Kavanaugh, only to be ignored.[/quote]

Sounds like a conspiracy theory to me.

Title: Re: Conpiracy theories
Post by WebsterMark on 07/13/23 at 11:04:14

36293A29222922293E2B25294C0 wrote:
I'm not saying that every story is tru, but if something is very unbelievable, that's the perfect cover because everyone will say: it can't be.

And "It can't be", is denial.
And denial is the greatest form of unconsciousness...

So we moved it to consipericitheory.


Shortly before 9/11, the owners of WTC 7 purchased expensive damage insurance for the building.

20 minutes before wtc 7 came down the bbc was screaming that it had collapsed.

So my question to you is now, are you denying it?

Yes, I’m denying that there was a massive conspiracy involving hundreds of people and dozens and dozens of government officials to fly planes into the world trade center. Yes, I’m denying that. It was an attack, planned out a radical terrorist, who hated the United States, and they came up with a new way to attack us.

Title: Re: Conpiracy theories
Post by WebsterMark on 07/13/23 at 11:06:19

And Serowbot, would you care to explain how a 17-year-old son of a prominent lawyer organized and ran gang rape parties for an entire summer with the same girls raped multiple times and no one said anything about it. That’s the allegation. That is apparently what you believe to be true.

Title: Re: Conpiracy theories
Post by MnSpring on 07/13/23 at 11:21:06

2F392E332B3E33285C0 wrote:

I've mentioned this at least a dozen times on this site and it is ignored... much like the FBI did.
But read this...
4,500 tips were ignored by the FBI because they were only charged with investigating on behalf of the WH,... not to investigate criminally because it's beyond the statute of limitations. ..."

Can you tell all of us,
what those tips were,
And supply the Proof
they were about RAPE !

Not a bunch of Fairy Dust Sprinklers,
writing letters, cause they were told to.

Title: Re: Conpiracy theories
Post by zevenenergie on 07/13/23 at 11:28:18

053730212637201F332039520 wrote:
[quote author=36293A29222922293E2B25294C0 link=1689179656/15#26 date=1689268603]I'm not saying that every story is tru, but if something is very unbelievable, that's the perfect cover because everyone will say: it can't be.

And "It can't be", is denial.
And denial is the greatest form of unconsciousness...

So we moved it to consipericitheory.


Shortly before 9/11, the owners of WTC 7 purchased expensive damage insurance for the building.

20 minutes before wtc 7 came down the bbc was screaming that it had collapsed.

So my question to you is now, are you denying it?

Yes, I’m denying that there was a massive conspiracy involving hundreds of people and dozens and dozens of government officials to fly planes into the world trade center. Yes, I’m denying that. It was an attack, planned out a radical terrorist, who hated the United States, and they came up with a new way to attack us.


Doesn't matter, we all deny something.

Title: Re: Conpiracy theories
Post by MnSpring on 07/13/23 at 13:03:03

Is it a ' Conspiracy theory',
to believe C-19 was not nearly as bad
as the WHO/CDC/Governments said.

Is it a ' Conspiracy theory',
to believe, 'The Sky is Falling'
   (Or could)
Because of C-19

So which person is a 'Conspiracy Theorist' ?

From a Favorite Source of 'WOKE" people.
NPR: “Mounting Evidence”
Suggests COVID Not As Deadly as Thought.
    Did the Experts Fail Again?
The 'experts' may have subjected us
to a blunder greater than any
    since the Iraq War.

And from  June 12, 2020

Title: Re: Conpiracy theories
Post by Serowbot on 07/13/23 at 15:16:20

043631202736211E322138530 wrote:
And Serowbot, would you care to explain how a 17-year-old son of a prominent lawyer organized and ran gang rape parties for an entire summer with the same girls raped multiple times and no one said anything about it. That’s the allegation. That is apparently what you believe to be true.

Tell me where those 4,500 sworn affidavits went that were turned over to the the tRump WH...
Are they in 4 tons of documents tRump scurried away?

People don't make sworn affidavits to the FBI about beer pong.  4,500 people had some thing to say and the tRump admin buried it.
Tell me if that was Obama you'd say ....."Naaaaaa"

Title: Re: Conpiracy theories
Post by MnSpring on 07/13/23 at 16:14:13

1006110C14010C17630 wrote:
"... People don't make sworn affidavits to the FBI about beer pong. ..."

WOW, 'misconduct allegations'  (many called them 'tips')
SUDDENLY became '...sworn affidavits ..."

What a Standard UL, FDS'ing WOKE, move.

Again, 'tips', 'allegatioins', made by puppets,
     because they were told to do it.

Title: Re: Conpiracy theories
Post by WebsterMark on 07/13/23 at 16:31:38

5442554850454853270 wrote:
[quote author=043631202736211E322138530 link=1689179656/30#30 date=1689271579]And Serowbot, would you care to explain how a 17-year-old son of a prominent lawyer organized and ran gang rape parties for an entire summer with the same girls raped multiple times and no one said anything about it. That’s the allegation. That is apparently what you believe to be true.

Tell me where those 4,500 sworn affidavits went that were turned over to the the tRump WH...
Are they in 4 tons of documents tRump scurried away?

People don't make sworn affidavits to the FBI about beer pong.  4,500 people had some thing to say and the tRump admin buried it.
Tell me if that was Obama you'd say ....."Naaaaaa"[/quote]

So now it’s true but Trump had the FBI sit on it. This is the same FBI work diligently to get rid of Trump?

You are a conspiracy theorist.

Title: Re: Conpiracy theories
Post by Serowbot on 07/13/23 at 17:04:55

You know, Webby...  every FBI head since Hoover has been an extreme right wing conservative, (so ironic that they are being attacked as biased against tRump)

...but I digress...
Do you know how many conspiracy theories are inspired by movies?
Bunches!... Ooodles!...
Philadelphia Experiment... it's movie!
Capricorn One... it's a movie!
Matrix!... it's a movie!...
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas... it's a movie!

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas made mention of "Adrenachrome"... a virtually unknown and useless drug that just sounds amazing, and the Pizzagate myth was born.
An elite cabal of liberal elites are harvesting children to drain them of their "adrenochrome" to give them eternal life... in a Pizza Shop!.

I know... it sounds totally retarded,... but it's a thing.
...and it's your thing....  it's not my thing.

Just stop watching movies.
You can't handle it.
... or,... maybe watch more movies so you'll know when you're being being duped?
I don't know.
Just quit believing every finger that points.
:-/ :-/ :-/

Title: Re: Conpiracy theories
Post by MnSpring on 07/13/23 at 18:07:03

5C4A5D40584D405B2F0 wrote:
"... Just quit believing every finger that points. ..."

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