General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Naah,, there was No governmental attempt

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 07/10/23 at 14:42:36

Title: Naah,, there was No governmental attempt
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/10/23 at 14:42:36

to limit free speech, debate or evidence that was contradictory to the Official Narrative.

Feel free to Fisk it, line by line.

Who called it in real time?

But, we,the constitutional conservatives, are wrong about everything.

Title: Re: Naah,, there was No governmental attempt
Post by MnSpring on 07/10/23 at 15:47:49

Can't wait for the SPIN,
Which will be posted shortly  !

    ;D.  ;D   ;D

Title: Re: Naah,, there was No governmental attempt
Post by Eegore on 07/10/23 at 16:03:21

 I understand why this decision is made, but people confuse the application with personal rights on private property as usual.


Title: Re: Naah,, there was No governmental attempt
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/10/23 at 20:40:01

When the fukking GOVERNMENT gets involved, telling people how much they want something to disappear, that, is wrong.
I said it when it was happnin.
Now courts are agreeing.
So,,get over it

Title: Re: Naah,, there was No governmental attempt
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/10/23 at 23:06:31

Maybe get the smart one on your Team to read this for you, E.

Just a quick rundown

The GOVERNMENT,, ( you know, the ones who take the oath,, blah blah, protect, defend constitution blah blah,, whatever, right?) trying to STOP an INJUNCTION (  in·junc·tion
an authoritative warning or order)
That would STOP them from using the lefty leaning platforms to censor the American people. Because, they are Tyrants and Did Not want anyone exposing the bullshit of the covid numbers or the alternative treatments, because with ANY ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT the Emergency Authorization would cease to exist. And then the jabs wouldn't be able to destroy the lives of so many. You Know about agenda 21,RIGHT? Answer that. Yes or no,E,,
You think the criminals running things are so Stewpid they didn't make different recipes even IN different Lot Numbers?
I'm saying that the recipe changed, during the manufacturing process, even though the lot numbers stayed the same. I knew that two years ago. It's starting to leak out.

A few of us here have been Consistently CORRECT,, and for all your posturing about how You have the Best Sources and you are just smarter, E,, you are consistently Wrong,, authoritative,, but WRONG, run,hide behind the details,, but the SUBSTANCE of the arguments?? You should stop Telling and start listening..

Title: Re: Naah,, there was No governmental attempt
Post by Eegore on 07/11/23 at 05:33:49

That would STOP them from using the lefty leaning platforms to censor the American people. Because, they are Tyrants and Did Not want anyone exposing the bullshit of the covid numbers or the alternative treatments, because with ANY ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT the Emergency Authorization would cease to exist. And then the jabs wouldn't be able to destroy the lives of so many. You Know about agenda 21,RIGHT? Answer that. Yes or no,E,,

 I do.  none of that applies to my comment.  Private companies do not have the responsibility to protect your First Amendment rights.  None of us have the "right" to use Twitter.

You think the criminals running things are so Stewpid they didn't make different recipes even IN different Lot Numbers?
I'm saying that the recipe changed, during the manufacturing process, even though the lot numbers stayed the same. I knew that two years ago. It's starting to leak out.

 I posted that here years ago.  You refuse to Observe it.  

A few of us here have been Consistently CORRECT,, and for all your posturing about how You have the Best Sources and you are just smarter, E,, you are consistently Wrong,, authoritative,, but WRONG, run,hide behind the details,, but the SUBSTANCE of the arguments?? You should stop Telling and start listening..

 "CORRECT" So you have Observed over 300000 DEAD kids in a single year in TX then?

 There are 2000+ soldiers per day disabled?  

 There are over 100 professional athletes, per-day, dying?

 There are more D.E.A.D. kids in Nebraska after the vaccine?

 "Insurance Companies", (not websites lying to you about what the paperwork You wont read says) are saying vaccinated humans are dying at higher rates?  The "Insurance Companies" are actually themselves saying that?

 That kind of "CORRECT"?  The information you offer half the time are flat out lies, then you say ignore them and look at the "SUBSTANCE" of an argument.  Why can't that "SUBSTANCE" be reasonable information?

 You claim the vaccine is killing people, then your evidence is numbers where we should be seeing millions and millions dead by now.  That is not "CORRECT", it's not even close.  The vaccine kills people, your numbers are outrageously wrong.

Title: Re: Naah,, there was No governmental attempt
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/11/23 at 06:01:50

chew on it till it tastes good
You want to pretend that since the numbers that were offered were exaggerated that it is not and was not a buncha dead people covered up by the government and media and minions of all stripes. The point I was making was to shine a light on it. You didn't. You were not the guy telling about the dangers. You supported the censorship. You SAY you have fought for American rights and freedom,, but I'm not ready to see you in that role.

I expected you to run for the details.. And avoid the substance of the issue.
You were
Jabs good
I was

You were wrong..

Peru, is Locked Down,, seems that A RARE issue is not being Rare, there.

Ohh,gosh,, But What Causes THAT, Wally?

Vaccines, Beave,, vaccines do that..

The article? Phhht,, it's not about to report the problem accurately..
You people need to look stuff up. My wife came home from work with interesting stories.
My favorite was a woman who was about to be sent home.
Nurse asks if she wants her flu jab before she goes.
Took the jab,, then couldn't walk. They had to do a tracheotomy.. She was in bed for less than two weeks,, sometimes it goes better, sometimes worse,, a housekeeper here lost her son in Galveston..
YaKnow, there's a Reason you can't sue vaccine makers.
Tell me how wrong I am, E.. And make it as authoritative as you can,,

Title: Re: Naah,, there was No governmental attempt
Post by Serowbot on 07/11/23 at 06:20:26

When a single judge agrees with you, you site it as proof.
When more than 60 judges disagree, you cry foul.

A single reaction and you site it as proof.
100,000 lives saved and you cry foul.

Title: Re: Naah,, there was No governmental attempt
Post by Eegore on 07/11/23 at 06:20:55

chew on it till it tastes good

 Interesting coming from the guy that literally re-posted the exact same information that I did, multiple times, that he called "lies".  But when you do it, it's the truth.

I expected you to run for the details.. And avoid the substance of the issue.
You were
Jabs good

 I never said that.  You refuse to Observe that I have never said people should be vaccinated.  I have never stated, in any way, that the vaccine is safe or effective.  You over-react and act like if I am not going to believe over 8 million kids died in 2021, that I think everyone should be vaccinated.  I just think 8million kids is a ridiculous number - you were lied to about that.

 You posted many, many times that "Insurance Companies" are saying the vaccine is causing more deaths, I am saying you are being lied to about that.  I read it for you, why are you arguing?  Show me where "insurance Companies" are actually saying what you repeatedly claim.  Not the "SUBSTANCE", I mean the actual words you claim they are saying.

 You posted lies, then tell me to look at the "SUBSTANCE".  Your information is horrendously inaccurate, and acknowledging that does not make me a vaccine supporter.  

 You wife's anecdotal evidence means nothing because you refuse to acknowledge vaccinated humans that have had no side-effects.  When you won't let other people use comparative data, you get a 100% rate of damage.  You really think anyone will take you seriously with that type of intentional skewing of information?

Title: Re: Naah,, there was No governmental attempt
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/11/23 at 07:00:48

Blah Blah Blah,,

And yeah, ONE judge matters. When corruption is the norm, the one who gets it right MATTERS. Of Course the people who Support the direction of the government censorship don't see it that way.

Title: Re: Naah,, there was No governmental attempt
Post by MnSpring on 07/11/23 at 08:06:46

"... Legions of doctors stayed quiet
after witnessing the demonetization
of their peers
who challenged the Covid orthodoxy.
A little censorship
leads people to watch what they say.
Millions of patients and citizens
were deprived of important insights as a result ..."

Judges, Lawyers, Politicians, CEO's,  Union heads,
(I Believe) Are subject to the same CENSORSHIP.

Oh, don't forget one of the solutions to the spread,
was to NOT have a MOTOR on your BOAT !
And that person is the Current Favorite of the people that figured CENSORSHIP would work.

Title: Re: Naah,, there was No governmental attempt
Post by MnSpring on 07/11/23 at 11:35:04

5A7A78706D7A1F0 wrote:
"... I have never said people should be vaccinated...
... vaccine is safe or effective ..."

Seem to remember the IMPLYING it.

Or was that
 (the likes of)
saying and or implying,
'it's good thing'. or
'everybody should do it'.

Title: Re: Naah,, there was No governmental attempt
Post by Serowbot on 07/11/23 at 11:35:25

The fight for the right to be wrong.

What a world  :-?

Title: Re: Naah,, there was No governmental attempt
Post by Eegore on 07/11/23 at 15:59:58

Seem to remember the IMPLYING it.

Or was that
(the likes of)
saying and or implying,
'it's good thing'. or
'everybody should do it'.

 Since there are no actual words I said to support this standpoint you have to say it is implied or you would have to Observe that I never actually said any words that indicate humans should be vaccinated for Covid.

 I never said the vaccine is "good" or any synonymous words to the word "good".  I certainly never said "everybody should do it" or sentence structures that would imply that any human anywhere should, ever.  I have never recommended anyone take the vaccine.  People will refuse to Observe this.

 Saying that I do not think an "additional 600000 people" died from the vaccine last year, is not equal to saying that everyone should take the good vaccine.  I never implied anyone should take the vaccine, I said the 600000 "additional" dead humans is a lie.  JoG was lied to about that, and after I read it for him, I also showed the information came from UK government charts - not "Insurance Companies".  Showing JoG was lied to is not implying the vaccine is good, safe and that everybody should do it.  It's an attempt to show him he is being lied to and nothing more.

 Acknowledging that videos, repeatedly posted as "proof", that are from 2018 are impossible to use as evidence of vaccine deaths is not equal to "implying" every kid should be vaccinated.  I tried to post MRI inflammation information here to show an actual number of inflammation increases and you kept asking why scans from 2019 "don't apply" to vaccine deaths.

 How can that possibly be me implying the vaccine is good?  

Title: Re: Naah,, there was No governmental attempt
Post by MnSpring on 07/11/23 at 19:44:59

"...  no actual words I said to support this standpoint you have to say it is implied ..."

U-Yep, I said you IMPLIED

What was that you said about a Morgue you were at, which was overflowing ?
What was that you said about refrigerated units to hold bodies ?
What was that you said about hospitals running out of beds ?
What was that you said about Dr. Scot Jensen ?
What was that you said about the CDC/WHO numbers being correct ?
And on and on and on

Title: Re: Naah,, there was No governmental attempt
Post by Eegore on 07/11/23 at 20:26:09

U-Yep, I said you IMPLIED

What was that you said about a Morgue you were at, which was overflowing ?
What was that you said about refrigerated units to hold bodies ?
What was that you said about hospitals running out of beds ?
What was that you said about Dr. Scot Jensen ?
What was that you said about the CDC/WHO numbers being correct ?
And on and on and on

 Again.  Disputing obviously incorrect numbers is not equal to supporting the vaccine.  You refuse to Observe information I post that outlines literally the information JoG posted here, but I provide actual evidence.  

 This selective information Observation is, I assume, intentional because if you Observe I said that specific vaccine batch numbers are detrimental and that the trials were poor, and Fauci should not be taken at face value, then you can't keep saying I said people "should" take the "good" vaccine because Fauci said so.

 I have never said anyone should take the vaccine.  You refuse to Observe that.

 JoG said people in TX "Aren't dying", I was in Houston loading a refrigerator truck on the day he made this claim.  I think people in TX were dying.  That does not mean people should take the vaccine, I never said the vaccine would have stopped the dying that JoG claimed never happened.

 Not once, in any of the subjects you mention did I recommend anyone get a vaccine.  I literally worked in CO to change documentation methods because the CDC numbers were wrong, something you refuse to Observe, so you can sit here implying I said CDC or WHO numbers were "correct".  I never said that - I said they were not correct.  So much so I helped change State policy.

 But if you Observe that, you can't keep claiming I implied people should get vaccinated.

 The fact is you equate anything that is not lock-step with your assessment as being pro-vaccine.  If I think over 8 million kids did not die from the vaccine, you claim that implies I think every kid should be vaccinated.  

 I never said anything that implies any kid should ever get vaccinated, I just don't care for people telling me over an "Additional 600000 people died last year like I'm some idiot that can't do basic math.

Title: Re: Naah,, there was No governmental attempt
Post by MnSpring on 07/12/23 at 09:10:35

“…Just like saying vaccines are killing everyone is plausible by ignoring that over a billion had no negative reactions…”
Asked: “… When you were having to deal with the dead and mortuaries backed up, where were you and can you know how many kids have kicked off there? …”
The answer was; “… I was in a few locations in CO, WY and TX.  At the time the paperwork was not made available as it was just a morgue consolidation process.  We had no reason to know who anyone was …”

 The answer was ‘Who Was, not How Many
“…One could also … Maybe try that … So to me, a video of a few kids dropping dead (not counting the ones before 2020 that claim they were from the vaccine) isn't a substantial increase in underage deaths …”
_ _ _
“… saying vaccines are killing everyone is plausible by ignoring that over a billion had no negative reactions …”
“… How is CNN or the CDC intercepting a college testing group and then cross referencing with medical center visits and filtering that information …”
“… When a medical center has staffing shortages …When a morgue fills to capacity … When a facility fill it's morgue do we complain that the CDC gives out bad information?  When a college opens and every medical center nearby has a 77% or higher increase in ICU usage within 30 days do we say CNN is full of sh!t, keep the college open …”
_ _ _
“…I assume if Michigan has more people dying from suicide than people dying inside medical centers then they should act appropriately …”
“…  I shipped two mobile morgues to Houston and was told TX "will never use them."  One is still in Houston with bodies in it, the other is going to a location near El Paso …”
_ _ _ When it was said: ‘"So many are dying that the system is overwhelmed.."
You said: “ This is correct.  But one can not say that everything is completely the same with the exception of SARS-COV-2. …” 
“… people still die from other things.  Some bodies are held for examination, autopsy, or testing, not every one will absolutely be SARS-COV-2, just most of them …”
“… The rate of change is substantial … people want to focus on the bogus death reporting, but ignore the confirmed positives.  When you have over 10,000 new positive cases in one day, confirmed tests, it would be a miracle for all of those people to live through any influenza infection, especially one without a vaccine.  So a percentage increase of medical care can be assumed based off of historical outcomes since recording has existed.
_ _ _
"... Since people who are hospitalized in intensive care with SARS-COV-2 die at a higher percentage than other patients, a 10,000 person infection rate increase will most likely mean more deaths ..."

" ...  I for one am trying to get out from under this.  FN has a new SCAR platform that my real job needs to be implementing and I need 20 minutes a day minimum of usage I am not getting.  If this goes on much longer I will lose my certification, so I'd love to hear good news about how all of this death count and infection rates are bogus  …”

Well my Coffee is empty, had my Yogurt.
Time to stop looking.
 Heading out to the work shed to cut a board.

The ‘quotes’ above are all INFERENCES’, that c19 was much, MUCH, worse than real.
For the purpose of CONTROLLING the world Populous.

NOW, the bogus/lies/outrageous mandates.
Are in the light of day !

Spin/Deflect all you want.
I (and MANY OTHERS) believe you Infered!

Title: Re: Naah,, there was No governmental attempt
Post by Eegore on 07/12/23 at 11:27:12

The ‘quotes’ above are all INFERENCES’, that c19 was much, MUCH, worse than real.
For the purpose of CONTROLLING the world Populous.

Not once in any of those posts do I recommend anyone take the vaccine.

 Acknowledging Houston had people dying is not equal to saying people should be vaccinated.  Acknowledging humans get vaccinated and do not die is not equal to saying they should take it.  

 For instance in one quote you won't Observe that the vaccine I was talking about was the standard influenza vaccine, so you can falsely claim I was talking about the Covid vaccine.  Nothing about my statements implies anyone should be vaccinated.  

 When I call the lying bullsh!t numbers where 8 Million kids supposedly died from a vaccine a lie, you hear me saying every kid should be vaccinated.  I am saying there's no way 8 Million kids died, that's it. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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