General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Heat

Message started by MnSpring on 07/07/23 at 07:10:47

Title: Heat
Post by MnSpring on 07/07/23 at 07:10:47

All those people that crossed the mountains, and prairies many years ago.
NO ONE told them to go.
They made the choice.

Yet, ‘someone’, is telling illegal people to cross the south border.

The Heat Warnings for citizens who choose to hike on trails and around mountains abound.

As well as the UL, FDS, WOKE ‘news’ stations, which ‘almost’ post as many, ‘warnings’, for illegals, crossing the boader.

OH Wait !

Eegore wrote on Yesterday at 9:46pm:
"... none of it matters. ..." 

Title: Re: Heat
Post by Eegore on 07/07/23 at 07:33:37

OH Wait !

Eegore wrote on Yesterday at 9:46pm:
"... none of it matters. ..."

 It doesn't matter to people that don't care.  You must not want to Observe the context of my words so you can apply them however you want.

 Would it make sense for a human to pick random quotes from you from other threads, misinterpreted and taken out of context, and ignored when clarified, and pretend you said that about different topics?

Title: Re: Heat
Post by MnSpring on 07/07/23 at 07:49:32

133331392433560 wrote:
"...  Would it make sense for a human to pick random quotes from you from other threads, ..."

If someone does not care about,
How this Nation is run.
Who is running this Nation.
Exactly what would they 'care' about ?

Don't see that person caring about Illegals.
 Sneaking, across the border,
  to Steal money from Tax Paying Citizens.

Title: Re: Heat
Post by Eegore on 07/07/23 at 09:03:43

 If someone does not care about,
How this Nation is run.
Who is running this Nation.
Exactly what would they 'care' about ?

 I imagine a human that does not care about the POTUS could care about their kids for instance.  I think it's possible to care about things, and not care about US politics, I see many many US citizens like this.  An example would be ones that care about what a vehicle registration costs, but they don't vote.  

Don't see that person caring about Illegals.
Sneaking, across the border,
 to Steal money from Tax Paying Citizens.

 You are fabricating a narrative that my statement about humans that do not care about who the POTUS, also do not care how the country is run.  This is inaccurate - I was talking about the value of the cocaine evidence, only.  Not the country.

 What I indicated was there is not enough evidence to say who brought that exact bag of cocaine into the White House, so none of that evidence matters to people that do not have a preference who the POTUS is, specifically when it comes to assigning blame on Hunter.  If one wants to, or does not want to, assign blame on Hunter, then it matters who the POTUS is.  To everyone else, it does not matter.  The statement is about blaming Hunter, not how the country is run.

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