General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> I'm sure it's nothing

Message started by Serowbot on 07/04/23 at 14:36:00

Title: I'm sure it's nothing
Post by Serowbot on 07/04/23 at 14:36:00

World Registers Hottest Day Ever Recorded on July 3
Monday, July 3, was the hottest day ever recorded globally, according to data from the U.S. National Centers for Environmental Prediction.

Title: Re: I'm sure it's nothing
Post by WebsterMark on 07/04/23 at 14:55:15

So what? Turn the freaking AC on.

Title: Re: I'm sure it's nothing
Post by MnSpring on 07/04/23 at 16:26:07

"...Turn the freaking AC on. "

       He can't !

He bought a, EV !!!!!!!!!!!!!

A-Yep it will get hotter, for a while,
why we are still coming out of the last 'Ice Age'.

Then it will start to get cooler again, for a while.

Bot, ya got some firewood made up ?

Title: Re: I'm sure it's nothing
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/04/23 at 19:53:56

It's bullshit.. Medieval warm period. The data are manipulated.

Title: Re: I'm sure it's nothing
Post by zevenenergie on 07/05/23 at 02:27:01

As we speak we have a cold day 12 degree celcius ( 53.6 F )mid summer,  here in windmill country.  ;D

Title: Re: I'm sure it's nothing
Post by WebsterMark on 07/05/23 at 08:58:05

As I like to point out and something which is never been satisfactorily refuted, 15,000 years is a fraction of a second on the earths geological clock. Yep, a fraction of a second ago, if you went to where present day Chicago sits and wanted to stand on the beach and look out across Lake Michigan, you’d be under a couple hundred feet of ice. That was a fraction of a second ago. And now you’re telling me we have to change everything in our society, because the global temperature has increased a fraction of a degree over the past 50 years. No thanks.

People live everywhere on this planet; Hot, cold, wet, dry, high elevation, low elevation. We can survive by making a few modifications. All we need to do is to keep working to develop widespread nuclear energy and we’ll be fine.

Title: Re: I'm sure it's nothing
Post by WebsterMark on 07/05/23 at 09:49:33

Title: Re: I'm sure it's nothing
Post by MnSpring on 07/05/23 at 11:53:14

7D4F48595E4F58674B58412A0 wrote:

How DARE you post scientific study/recorded information.
With OUT vetting it first.

After all,
the UL,DFI, FDS, WOKE, Socialists say something else !!!!!!!

Title: Re: I'm sure it's nothing
Post by Serowbot on 07/05/23 at 13:46:38

Scientific charts from the right-wing blogosphere   ::)

Yes, it was hotter once.... and colder.
Do we want that to happen again?  Worse?
The irony here is it will affect Righty states more.
Florida, Louisiana, Texas, will be ghost states.

I'm good with that.  ;D

Title: Re: I'm sure it's nothing
Post by WebsterMark on 07/05/23 at 14:45:17

Do you read?

Title: Re: I'm sure it's nothing
Post by MnSpring on 07/05/23 at 18:07:37

5345524F57424F54200 wrote:
"...  it will affect Righty states more.
Florida, Louisiana, Texas, will be ghost states. ..."

Really ?
Why !
NM, AZ, CA not affected ?

"... Do we want that to happen again? ..."

Just exactly how would you, Not allow, this Spaceship to function, or change the way it has for the last 4 + BILLION years ?

Title: Re: I'm sure it's nothing
Post by Serowbot on 07/06/23 at 07:57:14

Were not here to change the way it functions,... that's the point.
We want to not be changing the way it functions.

Title: Re: I'm sure it's nothing
Post by zevenenergie on 07/06/23 at 12:36:57

The planet will not perish. But is a little sick of how we treat her.

She has a hole in her aura and she has a fever. But she still hopes we're taking an evolutionary step.

If we don't take that step, she'll shake her fur and her problem will be solved. it's kind of human to think we can hurt her. We only hurt her heart. But she is too mature to sacrifice herself.

It's not realy about environmental measures or turning off the air conditioning.

We have to get out of the identified mind consciousness.
That will solve all our problems.

Title: Re: I'm sure it's nothing
Post by MnSpring on 07/06/23 at 12:39:39

5147504D55404D56220 wrote:
"... We want to not be changing the way it functions.

Why is a group trying ?

And why is NM, AZ, CA not affected ? » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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