General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Putin

Message started by MnSpring on 06/26/23 at 07:42:50

Title: Putin
Post by MnSpring on 06/26/23 at 07:42:50

Funny, with Putin’s recent troubles, Everybody , that is EVERYBODY, is saying he looks very weak.

Yet the USA has a Puppet, Pudding Head, as the President. And the UL, DFI, FDS, WOKE Socialists are saying he is ‘Wonderful’, while the WORLD is saying, for Years now, he and the USA are Weak.

Title: Re: Putin
Post by MnSpring on 06/26/23 at 13:19:22   CNBS. Says:
Story by Christina Wilkie • 23m ago
"Putin says leaders behind failed Wagner mutiny in Russia will be brought to justice"


  "In exchange for his turning back, a criminal case against Prigozhin was dropped and he was permitted to leave Russia for Belarus"
   "The Kremlin said late Saturday that Wagner mercenaries who participated in Prigozhin's "walk" will not be prosecuted and will be given the opportunity to sign contracts to join the Russian military, ostensibly to return to the fight in Ukraine"

    Which is it ???????

And of course:
USA TODAY says:  
“…Get All The News YOU Need…”

What was it that Sagan Said ?
“… propaganda outlets masquerading as news …”

Title: Re: Putin
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/26/23 at 13:52:12

Interesting theory,,
Apparently WE discovered a SixIsh  Billion dollar surplus and That is really where the money went.. To pay for a coup. Which cost a lot to perform the play. But still a LOT of money left over. To share with Putin and help get troops in range of Kyev and have supplies.
If that happened,, ohh,NOBODY CARES!!
It's Obvious the Biden's are corrupt and nobody cares.
So ,continued loss compounded at a nonlinear rate won't cost him any support.

Title: Re: Putin
Post by Serowbot on 06/26/23 at 15:03:34

Wagner fighting with Putin.
Again like in the Proud Boys post, I just don't know who to root for.

Next it'll be MAGA heads fightin' RINO's and I'll just make some popcorn.

Title: Re: Putin
Post by MnSpring on 06/26/23 at 19:11:41

3224332E36232E35410 wrote:
Wagner fighting with Putin...
... I just don't know who to root for ...

And why would you want to ,'root for', either one ?

Title: Re: Putin
Post by Serowbot on 06/27/23 at 06:41:44

Uhhh,... because they're both killing innocent people in the Ukraine committing war crimes?

Title: Re: Putin
Post by zevenenergie on 06/27/23 at 12:06:53

It is naive to think that you are going to a war zone and that you are not going to shoot women or children or that you or your colleagues are not going to committing war crimes.
I am not even talking about rape and torture and other forms of ill-treatment.

I had a teacher who was a marine in new guinea and who single-handedly massacred an entire village when he went to relieve his friend's watch and found them alive without arms and legs. They had amputated him without anesthesia.

There are no war criminals, it's people like you and me who do things like this.
And often people who are highly respected in society turn out to do the most horrible things in war time, while the losers and the bums are the most human when the nuts hits the fan.

When a war breaks out, people who have always held back finally let it all loose.
Believe me, civilization is a wafer-thin layer.

And thus war comes to its bad reputation.

Title: Re: Putin
Post by Serowbot on 06/27/23 at 12:27:39

... and I guess there are no serial killers either.

Title: Re: Putin
Post by zevenenergie on 06/27/23 at 13:45:03

6E7162717A717A7166737D71140 wrote:
In a war, you and I become a serial killer, Just as anybody else.

It is known that in germany a whole nation was fanatical and enthusiastic to invade the neighboring countrys.

And the ones who didn't want to participate feared reprisals and then joined in just as hard.

Just watch the George Orwel,s 1984 movie.

There, people are confronted with their greatest fear. And because no one dares to face his deepest fear, they betray there loved ones.

That's the sad thing about humanity people consciously or unconsciously always choose the safest option.
And so we deny ourselves.

We are comfortably numb. Live in fantasy. Think we know everything. Look for false certainties. Searching for satisfaction that we never find. And blame others for our anger. Ect. Ect.

That is the average state of man.

It seems harmless because we all do it, but it certainly isn't.

Title: Re: Putin
Post by WebsterMark on 06/27/23 at 14:25:13

Socialist progressives like what our Democratic Party is turning into, yeah…they’ll be the new Brown shirts. I know our ridiculous president and news media likes to say white supremacy is the number one threat, but there’s fewer things stupider than that statement. Just look at the violence that comes out of BLM, antifa, and the LBGTQRSTVWXYZ movement…..they’re all extremely violent.

But not everybody in pre-war Germany allowed themselves to be brainwashed. Some saw more clearly than others.

Title: Re: Putin
Post by Serowbot on 06/27/23 at 15:19:22

0E3C3B2A2D3C2B14382B32590 wrote:
But not everybody in pre-war Germany allowed themselves to be brainwashed. Some saw more clearly than others.

Your skills at projection are astounding!
The Brown Shirts were a right-wing, white, nationalist, group that espoused hatred of Jews, gays, immigrants, liberals.
Now who does that sound like?

You're a silly man.
As silly as tRump saying his taped confession at Bedminster exonerates him.

Up is down, black is white in tRumpworld  ::)

Title: Re: Putin
Post by zevenenergie on 06/28/23 at 01:55:09

You must be aware that when you hang a name on someone. That you do that to distance yourself from that person or group, you give such a person an identity.

This mechanism of dehumanization made possible that Jews, gypsies, gays and disabled people were were gassed en masse.
The reality, of course, was that they were humans, murdered by humans, who thought they were Germans.

It is certainly true that there are people more or less separated from their natural state of being.

In a concentration camp, that becomes very clear. Your moral superiority is of no use to you there.
There the wheat is separated from the chaff.
Life is very honest.

People who meditate and really fall into meditation, find that there is no identity at all. Nothing, nada.
Its illusion.
For most people, this is extremely threatening.

That's why all people are afraid of love. love, meditation, god are al the same. We dissolve in that. we literally die, with all the feelings of dying Its a verry frightening thing.

And that is why Jesus was crucified. He was too dangerous for the established order.

And make a mistake about it, your thinking the mind is the established order.

Title: Re: Putin
Post by MnSpring on 06/28/23 at 11:06:17

6D7B6C71697C716A1E0 wrote:
"... The Brown Shirts were a right-wing, white, nationalist, group ..."

Wow, just WOW !
Study the topic a bit.

National Socialist German Workers Party.
 (Do you see the key word in that ?)

The start of the Hitler SOCIALIST political party, was the unprecedented rise of  unemployment which the Nazi Party exploited to its advantage. Then in the early 30’s, the SOCIALIST’S got an ‘Enabling’ act passed. Shortly after that  Hitler assumed dictatorial powers, then decreed Nazi Party to be the only political party in Germany.

(Ever hear about a country called Venezuela. Ya think uncontrolled migration, mass immigration, and crooked leaders had something to do with it?)

So here is the US:   Socialists,
Manufactured  unemployment,  
MANUFACTURED open Boarders,
manufacturing evidence of fraud.
IGNORING PROOF of fraud, and Socialists steeling/cheating.
Crooked POTUS and family.

The Brown Shirts,
were basally equivalent to the,
‘useful Idiot’s’ of today.

Title: Re: Putin
Post by Serowbot on 06/28/23 at 13:23:41

Wow yeerself...

"Hitler formed the SA in Munich in 1921, drawing membership from violent anti-leftist and anti-democratic former soldiers (including the Freikorps) in order to lend muscle to the young Nazi Party, using them like a private army to intimidate opponents. According to the Nuremberg Military Tribunal, the SA was ‘a group composed in large part of ruffians and bullies

The SA was instrumental in the Nazi’s rise to power yet played a diminished role during the Second World War. The Brownshirts are infamous for their operation outside of the law and their violent intimidation of Germany’s leftists and Jewish population.’"

Title: Re: Putin
Post by MnSpring on 06/28/23 at 13:53:36


A-Yea, ya needs to stuediey up some !!!!!

Title: Re: Putin
Post by Serowbot on 06/28/23 at 14:07:15

One more time... for those who have never read a book.

"Brownshirts are infamous for their operation outside of the law and their violent intimidation of Germany’s leftists and Jewish population. "

Title: Re: Putin
Post by WebsterMark on 06/28/23 at 16:31:23

You’re clueless. Your peeps are the bad guys. You are the new Brown Shirts. I keep pointing out the ridiculous “truths” you believe. That’s why you’ll march arm in arm when asked because you can’t see any other point of view. You can’t discern truth. I see Trump exactly who he is but you see your party leaders as borderline gods who can do no wrong and the other side as absolute evil. And that’s why when antifa or BLM or the tranny wackos hit and even kill, you justify it away.

Title: Re: Putin
Post by Serowbot on 06/28/23 at 16:52:39

Antifa.... Anti Fascist
Brown Shirts... Fascist

It is what it is.
Mussolini invented the term Fascism, founded the Fascist party in Italy... he was with Hitler you know.
Hitler was a Fascist.
Brown Shirts were Hitlers thugs and henchmen.

You can't rewrite history

Fascism -
A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.

Title: Re: Putin
Post by MnSpring on 06/28/23 at 16:54:06

Bot you say exactaly what,
  you are TOLD to say,
You are a dutiful subject repeating propaganda.
As well as a devotee of the cancel culture.

Part of the goal of ruling the world, the  National Socialist German Workers' Party started with;
Calling for the nationalization of education, health care, transportation, major industries.
Vigorously enforced a strict gun control regimen.
Encouraged pornography, abortion, fornication
Christians were fanatics.
And hated Jews. Which was not about their heritage, but about their wealth and power.

Of course the UL, DFI, FDS, WOKE, Socialists Conveniently ‘forget’, Hitler himself said, (to the like)
…"We are socialists. ... We are the enemies of today's capitalist system of exploitation ... we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions. …”

Title: Re: Putin
Post by WebsterMark on 06/29/23 at 03:23:31

5C4A5D40584D405B2F0 wrote:
Antifa.... Anti Fascist
Brown Shirts... Fascist

It is what it is.
Mussolini invented the term Fascism, founded the Fascist party in Italy... he was with Hitler you know.
Hitler was a Fascist.
Brown Shirts were Hitlers thugs and henchmen.

You can't rewrite history

Fascism -
A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.

The fact you think antifa are actually anti fascist says it all. You routinely defend them and apparently the violence and murder they commit. You, as the saying goes, can’t see the forest for the trees. Antifa is the face of modern fascism. You don’t see it because you’re part of it. You are antifa.

No, I’m not rewriting history (although you rewrite science) but leftist government officials, and certainly the media and entertainment cultures, routinely rely on antifa to violently make their point. Remember when Democratic members of Congress encouraged violent protest and violent confrontations against conservative members of Congress during the George Floyd riots? Remember when Senator Rand Paul and his wife were accosted when leaving a dinner event ? Protester still protest and circle the entire neighborhood of Supreme Court justices Kavanaugh and Barrett which is blatantly illegal, but the current democratic administration allows it (and their partners in the media ignore it and don’t even cover it anymore, but it still happens  ) because that’s what fascist do. You have a wide swath of leftist, progressive democratic politicians, and virtually entire media and entertainment culture, behind you. So yes, you are part of a modern day fascists.

Yes, progressive leftist Democrats will be the ones to use extreme violence and mass killings and imprisonment to get their way. Remember, Nazis were socialist, they weren’t capitalist, they weren’t members of a democracy. They were exactly what the Democratic Party is evolving into. I think you better hope RF Kennedy Junior takes over leadership of the Democratic Party even if he loses the election because I don’t see him as someone going down the path your Democratic Party is heading into. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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