General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Charges have been dropped ...

Message started by MnSpring on 06/23/23 at 07:53:17

Title: Charges have been dropped ...
Post by MnSpring on 06/23/23 at 07:53:17

“… Charges have been dropped against Alec Baldwin in the fatal shooting of cinematographer …”

"The dropping of criminal charges against Alec Baldwin is a huge weight off of the entertainment industry’s shoulders," Lovell said. The Baldwin prosecution would have created precedence to hold actors and production personnel unrelated to set safety criminally responsible for accidents on set, which would have turned the world of movie-making upside down. Collective bargaining agreements, set safety procedures, exclusive reliance on safety experts, among other things, would have changed, and not for the better.”

So who is checking/monitoring, bank statements, car purchases, house purchases, spending habits, vacations, of the ‘prosecutors’ ?????????

Title: Re: Charges have been dropped ...
Post by Eegore on 06/23/23 at 08:02:41

 I imagine a lot of people.  I know two disabled truck drivers that pretty much do this all day long.

 This happened in April, and was addressed here already, so if they are really stupid the Prosecutors took a vacation to Dubai already.

 Personally I agree with the reason they did it, and without prejudice.  Anything left open to a mistrial should be corrected before they continue.

Title: Re: Charges have been dropped ...
Post by MnSpring on 06/23/23 at 08:28:38

2505070F1205600 wrote:
"...   This happened in April, and was addressed here already, ..."

Thanks for the, ’schooling’.

The ‘POINT’ is.
Enough time has passed so people making that decision, feel is is safe to spend a bit.
The two truck drivers, and any other people looking, could easily be bought off.

Or, ’suddenly’ commit Suicide, with two shots to the back of the head.

Again the, Point,  Baldwin IS totally responsible.
Did he purposely mean to, most probably not.
Was he RESPONSIBLE, Absolutely !

Title: Re: Charges have been dropped ...
Post by Eegore on 06/23/23 at 09:08:03

Thanks for the, ’schooling’.

The ‘POINT’ is.
Enough time has passed so people making that decision, feel is is safe to spend a bit.
The two truck drivers, and any other people looking, could easily be bought off.

 Thanks for the edification.

 The POINT is this topic has supplemental information available on this forum posted in April.  I agree with the without prejudice decision, since it was made to possibly strengthen the case against Baldwin since the current state of evidence is going to favor the Defense.

 Hopefully these two truck drivers get a payout instead of being executed.

 The Armorer must not have enough money to conduct executions and payouts:

Title: Re: Charges have been dropped ...
Post by MnSpring on 06/23/23 at 12:42:49

49696B637E690C0 wrote:
"...  I agree with the without prejudice decision, since it was made to possibly strengthen the case against Baldwin since the current state of evidence is going to favor the Defense. ..."

Baldwin knew what went on.
He knew of the live rounds on set, being shot, 'after', the camera time.
He knew of the drugs on site.
He knew of the drinking after the cameras were shut down.
And he KNOWS their will be other people that will testify to all those things.

Yet, Baldwin will Skate, just like Hunter.
Simply because they have learned, they are NOT responsible for anything they do.

Title: Re: Charges have been dropped ...
Post by Serowbot on 06/23/23 at 14:46:13

4D6E537072696E67000 wrote:
Baldwin knew what went on.
He knew of the live rounds on set, being shot, 'after', the camera time.
He knew of the drugs on site.
He knew of the drinking after the cameras were shut down.
And he KNOWS their will be other people that will testify to all those things.

And you know because.... you were there?

Title: Re: Charges have been dropped ...
Post by MnSpring on 06/23/23 at 17:06:19

3E283F223A2F22394D0 wrote:
And you know because.... you were there?

No, I wasn’t there.
Yet I know, by the following info.
- - - - - - -
From CNN,  One of your favorites,
(All knowing, Totally honest, No bias whatsoever)
Hannah Gutierrez Reed charged with tampering with evidence in ‘Rust’ case - by Taylor Romine.  Fri, June 23, 2023
‘ Prosecutors on Thursday charged “Rust” film armorer Hannah Gutierrez Reed with tampering with evidence in relation to the shooting death of the movie’s cinematographer Halyna Hutchins, … … The charge is in addition to two counts of involuntary manslaughter filed against Reed … … Reed transferred narcotics to another person “with the intent to prevent the apprehension, prosecution or conviction of herself,” the amended complaint says. Gutierrez Reed was likely hungover when she loaded a prop gun used by actor Alec Baldwin that fired a live round of ammunition during a rehearsal, prosecutors alleged in a prior court filing CNN reported on last week. Witnesses told investigators Gutierrez Reed “was drinking heavily and smoking marijuana in the evenings during the shooting of Rust,” the filing from prosecutors said. ‘

Baldwin was in charge as being also a Producer. (BOSS)
Baldwin stayed on set many nights, live ammo was on set. (This info was on the web early, yet I don’t know if the web pages that had information, had the 'correct' info. Also don't know if they have been vetted)
Baldwin as a person totally in charge, would know, (Should Know), what is going on.
There are eye witness, that (no doubt) will testify in court, that say it is so.

But, not to fear,
Baldwin is clear !

Title: Re: Charges have been dropped ...
Post by MnSpring on 06/24/23 at 12:21:50

"... the current state of evidence is going to favor the Defense ..."
OK, your opinion.

Mine is, un-intentional manslaughter.
'Reckless handling of ...'
'Disregard for safe actions ...'
'Not being responsible for ...'

But time will tell.
Baldwin will pay/lie his way out.

Title: Re: Charges have been dropped ...
Post by MnSpring on 06/24/23 at 12:44:41

Then the Anti-Gun,
Fairy Dust Sprinkling,
Dumb Fcrappity smacking Idiot,
woke, Socialists.

Will continue trying to,
change the 2nd,
 then remove the 2nd.
Change the 1st,
 then remove the 1st.

And if the Citizens
of this FREE Nation let them.

Just move to China !
      (or Venezuela)

;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D

Title: Re: Charges have been dropped ...
Post by Eegore on 06/24/23 at 14:06:10

 Since it has been claimed that modifications to the 2nd can only be ONLY be in favor of gun control, something unique to this Amendment, not to any other Amendment, or any topic of any kind anywhere ever, then yeah it's going away someday.

 If it were possible to strengthen the 2nd Amendment, somehow, then it's plausible that it could remain relevant.  Too bad any changes can ONLY be in favor of gun control measures.

Title: Re: Charges have been dropped ...
Post by MnSpring on 06/24/23 at 15:15:41

78585A524F583D0 wrote:
 Since it has been claimed that modifications to the 2nd can only be ONLY be in favor of gun control, something unique to this Amendment, not to any other Amendment, or any topic of any kind anywhere ever, then yeah it's going away someday....

Well then it is necessary to, 'redefine' what the word 'GAY' means today.

The word 'GAY', Today, refers to someone who has sex, with the same sex person, when that sex is the same sex they were both born with.

Not a lot know what it MEANT, BEFORE the late 40's early 50's.
       (AND STILL CAN)

Thanks to, DUMBING DOWN, of our schools, not many know what the words, 'Regulated' & 'Militia', meant at the time those were written in the Constitution.
And WHY, they were written,
and WHY they are defended today.

Title: Re: Charges have been dropped ...
Post by MnSpring on 06/24/23 at 15:23:16

2606040C1106630 wrote:
" ...yeah it's going away someday..."  "... If it were possible to strengthen the 2nd Amendment, somehow, then it's plausible that it could remain relevant.

Excuse me,
And it REMAINS So.
Despite the UL, DFI, FDS, WOKE Socialists,
who do not know what those words mean.

Title: Re: Charges have been dropped ...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/24/23 at 15:43:07

YaKnow,, they are gonna HAFTA prosecute A lefty eventually.. Even willfully blind liars will eventually be unable to pretend things are just if they continue to run cover for every wealthy, connected lefty.

Title: Re: Charges have been dropped ...
Post by Eegore on 06/24/23 at 18:48:04

Excuse me,
And it REMAINS So.
Despite the UL, DFI, FDS, WOKE Socialists,
who do not know what those words mean.

 No subject can remain relevant if the ONLY possible outcome that can ever happen are future impacts that effect it negatively.

 You indicate any change to the 2nd Amendment can ONLY be for gun control.  This means for some reason it is impossible to make any changes that would be for gun rights.  It's a weird thing to think.  For some reason this is the only subject that can never have any alterations created by a side that supports what it stands for.  It makes no sense.

 Why couldn't the NRA formulate an augment to the 2nd Amendment that would be for the purpose of further strengthening the intent and application of the 2nd Amendment?


Title: Re: Charges have been dropped ...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/24/23 at 19:21:59

The problem with the second amendment is not the effectiveness of the language.
Shall not be infringed
Isn't complicated.
The problem, IMO, is the people who took an oath to the constitution and either don't know what it says or don't Like it.

So, if someone handed you a pen and said

Rewrite it..

What would you want it to say?

Title: Re: Charges have been dropped ...
Post by Eegore on 06/24/23 at 21:51:42

So, if someone handed you a pen and said

Rewrite it..

What would you want it to say?

 I'd remove "well regulated militia" simply because it is misinterpreted, and has lead to successful gun control measures.  The misinterpretation has lead to a string of gun control measures, and more US citizens believing they, as a private citizen, not in a stated/recognized "militia", do not have a right to gun ownership.

 We can try to re-educate millions of people, and continue down the losing path, or remove the tool most used to do damage.  It's always more efficient to remove the damaging component than trying to convince/educate everyone how to use it right.

Title: Re: Charges have been dropped ...
Post by MnSpring on 06/25/23 at 10:30:01

 “… I’d remove "well regulated militia" simply because it is misinterpreted …”

         So, what words would the ‘regime’,
                decide to put in place ?

 “… try to re-educate millions of people, and continue down the losing path …”

        (Educating people is a ‘loosing Path ?)
        So DUMBING DOWN, is working !

No reason to teach 2+2=4 in school,
Cause all the ‘kids’, have a phone that does what their mind can not.
The way to learn something now is, ‘Just Google It’.
Never mind that ‘Googling It’, OFTEN TIMES, is the wrong answer, or the, ‘WOKE”  FDS, DFI, Answer.

“… more US citizens believing they, as a private citizen, not in a stated/recognized "militia", do not have a right to gun ownership…”

Those people are the UL Gun Hating, Socialists.
NOT, the people that buy, own, use, have firearms.
  (Well unless you are Bot !)

Title: Re: Charges have been dropped ...
Post by Eegore on 06/25/23 at 11:49:47

So, what words would the ‘regime’,
               decide to put in place ?

 None, the question was what would I do.  

(Educating people is a ‘loosing Path ?)
       So DUMBING DOWN, is working !

 You will lose your lug nuts if they are loose.  That's a simple teaching mechanism to explain how the words "lose" and "loose" differ.  Does it work?  When did you learn basic spelling, before or after the "dumbing down" of the education system?  Oh wait, it was probably auto-correct, the language calculator.  Looks like the problem persists from something other than modern education.  Should we blame auto-correct, the education system, or you for the spelling in your posts?

"Those people are the UL Gun Hating, Socialists.
NOT, the people that buy, own, use, have firearms.
 (Well unless you are Bot !)"

 This proves my point.  Plenty of people know the truth but we still have gun control measures advancing in legislation.  I'd want to solve that problem by taking away the strongest weapon in that field.  If educating people what "well regulated militia" means was an effective strategy then we would see fewer gun control measures.

 But since, just for the 2nd Amendment and no other known topic on the planet, any changes can ONLY be for gun control, then we are screwed anyway.  

 Why couldn't the NRA create a pro-gun proposal?  What makes this one topic impossible to alter in a supporting way?

Title: Re: Charges have been dropped ...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/25/23 at 13:54:06

IDK if someone could improve on your idea, but I agree that those words Have been used to pretend the second amendment doesn't Do what it does. Unless someone believes the people who wrote the constitution were so Stewpid that they wrote a
ESSENTIAL ELEMENT into it,, then any honest person who is not an absolute idiot knows that they meant that
Shall Not Be Infringed
Maybe the last sentence is all we need.

Title: Re: Charges have been dropped ...
Post by MnSpring on 06/25/23 at 14:42:57

426260687562070 wrote:
"...   Should we blame auto-correct, the education system, or you for the spelling in your posts? ..."

What alatumate, spenning, !!!!!!!
       Yus den guud !!!!!

Title: Re: Charges have been dropped ...
Post by Eegore on 06/25/23 at 15:21:37

What alatumate, spenning, !!!!!!!
      Yus den guud !!!!!

 You blame DUMBING DOWN, I blame the human.  Each human "should" educate themselves to the laws they vote on, but we have zero control over that.  The ammunition the legislative agenda uses, that we have control over.  

 I can't make you spell better.  But I can alter the legal language that politicians/lobbyists/lawyers use to create law.

 You can blame DUMBING DOWN all day long, that will never solve your problem.

 Why can't the NRA offer pro-gun rights alterations to the 2nd Amendment?  Why is this specific Amendment unique in your assessment that alterations can ONLY be for gun control?


Title: Re: Charges have been dropped ...
Post by MnSpring on 06/25/23 at 16:38:17

0C2C2E263B2C490 wrote:
"...  I can alter the legal language that politicians/lobbyists/lawyers use to create law ..."

Wows, dideint noe, you was a Layer or Potitlin.
Do know any DFI, canna bee a lobboeist.
Do noe dem lobyists, do not make any lays.

Title: Re: Charges have been dropped ...
Post by Eegore on 06/25/23 at 18:06:04

Wows, dideint noe, you was a Layer or Potitlin.
Do know any DFI, canna bee a lobboeist.
Do noe dem lobyists, do not make any lays.

 I didn't claim to be a lawyer or politician.  I have however outlined on here multiple laws in CO and in one instance Nationwide policy that I, along with others, have changed, including the recall of politicians.  Also I have outlined how we successfully defunded the DoD land-grab along the entire Pinon Canyon by altering how the Pentagon legally allocated money to those kinds of projects.  So I don't have to be a lawyer or politician, I just have to get involved.

 What we did not do is blame DUMBING DOWN, to change things and rely on everyone else to change their behavior to what we think is right.  

 We changed the tools the idiots have to negatively impact their constituents.  

 Lobbyists have to use the current language of law, to lobby accurately for a law.  If that language is removed, they can not lobby for it as efficiently since it no longer exists in the law they are lobbying for.  

 You can blame DUMBING DOWN all day long, that will never solve your problem.

 Why can't the NRA offer pro-gun rights alterations to the 2nd Amendment?  Why is this specific Amendment unique in your assessment that alterations can ONLY be for gun control?

Title: Re: Charges have been dropped ...
Post by MnSpring on 06/26/23 at 07:54:14

1D3D3F372A3D580 wrote:
" You blame DUMBING DOWN, I blame the human.  ..."

Oh Yeas, soes it da, 'Human's fulate', not the person who tache the humean.

Title: Re: Charges have been dropped ...
Post by Eegore on 06/26/23 at 11:04:00

Oh Yeas, soes it da, 'Human's fulate', not the person who tache the humean.

 Blaming the education system will never solve your problem.  I would rather remove the tools used to further gun control  legislation, than try to go back in time and change how kids were educated, or try to get people to learn things differently, or anything else with all these variables I can never impact enough.

 Like your spelling, if I actually cared, should I blame the education system, blame auto-correct (the language calculator,) blame You, or should I try to input an AI grammar program into the forum, thus removing a human's ability to place misspelled words into the forum?

 One of those I could do and get results, the others I could not.  I have as much control over how you learned, and what you do, as you do over the "dumbed down" US Education System and how they vote.

 Why can't the NRA offer pro-gun rights alterations to the 2nd Amendment?  Why is this specific Amendment unique in your assessment that alterations can ONLY be for gun control? » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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