General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> It Was climate change

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 06/21/23 at 12:02:55

Title: It Was climate change
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/21/23 at 12:02:55

But now it's arson,,a Democrat started it. One of the big fires in California that lefties hyperventilated about was started, by a lefty.

And how about the water levels? Climate change, not cyclical drought and idiots dumping water into the ocean instead of holding it back, was the reason for Lake Mead and Oroville to get so low.. Aaand look at them now.
So, still climate change causing the increase in water level?
IDK what to freak out about.. Please, lefties, tell me what to believe.

Title: Re: It Was climate change
Post by MnSpring on 06/21/23 at 18:26:55

"...Please, lefties, tell me what to believe. ..."

So simple,
  they will tell you,
what they are told
  to tell you.

(Have not seen any, 'PROOF' that a UL, DFI, FDS, Woke Socialist has the ability to think for their self, or  have any Rational thought.  
They can only 'SAY' what they are told to say.)

Title: Re: It Was climate change
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/21/23 at 21:41:52

Title: Re: It Was climate change
Post by zevenenergie on 06/22/23 at 03:29:19

In my country, the government will implement 122 climate measures. It is about achieving a 22 megaton CO,2 reduction by 2030.

 All this to ensure that the earth is 0.000036 degrees Celsius less warm in 2030.
(No joke)

Guess what these measures cost... 28 billion Euros!!!!!!!!!!

And we as taxpayers have to cough it up.

And for comparison:
22 mega tons is what China emits in 6 hours!!!!!!!!

Complete madness.

This has nothing to do with the climate anymore, this is meant to withdraw money from citizens.

Title: Re: It Was climate change
Post by LANCER on 06/22/23 at 06:51:48

Yep, it has nothing to do with the climate, it’s about making the population dependent upon the government by removing any independent support such as confiscating your money.  Tax people to death.  Once cash is eliminated we will be wholly dependent on the gov’t.  Obey or be cut off…no buying or selling without approval.  At this point we are slaves without recourse.  Can’t buy food; can’t pay bills or taxes; property is confiscated and you are out on your own, or arrested and charged with failing to comply.   Then it’s prison or elimination.

Think not ?
Look at the history of dictatorial governments.  
All of them follow the same pattern.  Details may vary, but the pattern remains.

Are you prepared ?

Title: Re: It Was climate change
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/22/23 at 10:05:44

I'm not sure I know How to prepare for what I see coming. YaKnow, Gates has bought up a buncha Prime farmland. We sure saw a lot of Accidental fires,explosions and generally bad things happening to food processing plants, etc. What's Next? Ebola?
The global warming cult are being used. They are willing to make sacrifices to save the planet from a completely made up load of crap.

Title: Re: It Was climate change
Post by MnSpring on 06/22/23 at 10:30:27

" save the planet from a completely made up load of crap ..."

And the, 'Useful IDIOTS', do not have a clue, they will be the first to go when Freedom Collapses.

Title: Re: It Was climate change
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/22/23 at 18:46:42

They are so Stewpid that they still believe They are the majority. Because social media stomped on the voices of the people who saw through the lies of the plandemic and the crotchety old fart who FAILED to win the places that are considered to be Must Win or lose the election, and then got the most votes EVAHH,, the simultaneous vote count stopping around three am,, all the Obvious red flags,, and Hillary paid for the creation of the lies,, it's all so obvious,, except to lefties.. The same people who declare
The Science is Settled regarding climate, the data created by moving the weather stations to locations that make the reported temperature Higher,, yeah BELIEVE THAT SCIENCE, but IGNORE the data that PROVES that where they have made armed self defense illegal is where the most people get shot.. Fukkin IDIOTS,, And follow the science of the climate cult,, but rest assured, men can be women if they Want to.
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