General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Area 51 is bigger than we thought

Message started by WebsterMark on 06/07/23 at 05:21:28

Title: Area 51 is bigger than we thought
Post by WebsterMark on 06/07/23 at 05:21:28

I don’t believe this. Assuming an alien civilization somehow discovered how to fly multiple times faster than the speed of light, manipulate time and travel around the galaxy and/or universe, do you really think they’re going to crash and leave parts behind?

Also, if true, how many people know about this and have seen the parts? Dozens? Hundreds? Arguably one of the biggest stories in the history of mankind, and no one let it out until now? The bigger secret, and the more people know about it, the harder it is to hide.

Title: Re: Area 51 is bigger than we thought
Post by zevenenergie on 06/07/23 at 06:00:10

I think it's strange that you don't believe in it, but use a lot of thoughts around it that you use to explain that it's a lie.

Furthermore, this kind of information has been leaked for many years, by people who have worked in those places.
And they have told in detail what those vehicles look like and what they do. And even what extraterrestrials look like who are held captive.

Belief can also be fueled by emotional needs, such as a desire for meaning, security, hope, or control. It can be comforting to believe in something or not.
And it may also have to do with social acceptance.

Sometimes it is better to first see whether you are credible before you distrust something or someone.

I think those vehicles really fly around, there are so many reports of pilots and astronauts, you can't ignore that.

If you see the progress our own technology is making, then it is not at all surprising that there are civilizations that are much further than us.

The crazy thing is that we humans practically never doubt our head, while that is the biggest lying machine that exists.

http:// Just look at how big there head is the are much more clever.
Furder more, they don,t doubt our existence..... :o

Title: Re: Area 51 is bigger than we thought
Post by Eegore on 06/07/23 at 08:01:21

I don’t believe this. Assuming an alien civilization somehow discovered how to fly multiple times faster than the speed of light, manipulate time and travel around the galaxy and/or universe, do you really think they’re going to crash and leave parts behind?

 I agree.  But if we don't say "$h!t happens" then we can't have all these UFO shows on TV.

"Also, if true, how many people know about this and have seen the parts? Dozens? Hundreds? Arguably one of the biggest stories in the history of mankind, and no one let it out until now? The bigger secret, and the more people know about it, the harder it is to hide."

 I also agree here.  This level of claimed availability of material has been researched an effectively utilized to expand technology, globally, and nothing tangible to go off of?  Just more claims.

 What I would like to see if a group of people who "came forward" who have no knowledge of each other, or each other's claims, be independently interviewed.  Similar to a crime scene interview where you don't get to participate with other people being interviewed, instead the individual statements are evaluated for consistency.

 Let's have all these whistleblowers give isolated individual accounts.

Title: Re: Area 51 is bigger than we thought
Post by WebsterMark on 06/07/23 at 09:56:27

My suspicions are based on logic. Personally, I’d love it to be true, but it is virtually a certainty that it is not.

Again, if a species has the technology to travel these vast distances and solve the time issue, they’re not gonna be captured by us and held in the cell.

We have a probe that has moved into interstellar space and is traveling at a high speed, but will take 75,000 years to reach the nearest star. And that’s just the nearest star, not one with a probability of having a planet that can sustain life. Fermi’s paradox is answered easily; Where is everybody? They might be there, but the distances and the time to reach them are so great, it doesn’t matter if they’re there or not. We will never ever know.

Title: Re: Area 51 is bigger than we thought
Post by MnSpring on 06/07/23 at 12:49:43

"...  has the technology to travel these vast distances and solve the time issue, they’re not gonna be captured by us and held in the cell ..."

Ah, but it happened to Captain Kirk !

  ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

Title: Re: Area 51 is bigger than we thought
Post by zevenenergie on 06/08/23 at 02:46:53

Humans have senses that fit very well with everything that is important to us on this planet.
In other words, this body is perfect for surviving on this planet. but perhaps eyes and ears and the brain that we have are not suited to register certain things.

If you look at alians you see they look very different. They probably also have abilities beyond us.

With us, for example, the hypophic is calcified and no longer works. While gulls use it to know where the perfect wind current is to fly into. babies use it to pull objects just out of their reach or to mentally call adults to grab it for them.

It is known that some yogis in India develop incredible powers, such as teleportation, flying, living without food, water or air. And healing powers.
It is sometimes said that the builders of the pyramids could cancel gravity.

I know an exercise that everyone can try for themselves that can lift gravity.
Anyone can do it, but you need to know how.
It,s simpel.

We humans and especially in the west, have no idea about what is possible.
I spoke to a woman who could mentally move around the world. she can look wherever she wants and tell in detail what is happening there. I also know a sage who can see through walls.
A lot is possible in the world and the art is to have an open mind. And of course standing with both feet on the ground.

Man is usually very limited becouce he is in his mind and that is a very small world.
If you focus all your energy on your body for a week and really descend into it. Then after a week you are a completely different person.
It is called meditation.

Title: Re: Area 51 is bigger than we thought
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/08/23 at 09:07:05

Did you ever get your hands on
Be Here Now?
You would appreciate that book.
Babba Ram Dass, Richard Alpert,
I read it 47 years ago. But remember that. So,, must have been an experience..
Might not be easy to find. It was printed at a small outfit in New Mexico.

Title: Re: Area 51 is bigger than we thought
Post by WebsterMark on 06/08/23 at 09:08:21

Anyone claiming a Christian belief, by definition, believes in dimensions that we are not capable of observing. Christianity demands an understanding that we are constrained by certain physical laws placed upon us.

For human beings in this time in place and without supreme being interference, none of those things you mentioned are possible. You cannot defy gravity. You can overcome gravity, using mechanical means, but you cannot cancel gravity. You cannot change the laws of physics. In fact, one definition of a miracle is something that defies the physical laws that we observe.

Title: Re: Area 51 is bigger than we thought
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/08/23 at 09:21:31

I don't know of anything in Christianity that demands our experiences be limited as you suggest. I can't remember the name of the gland, But I Can look it up..
The pineal gland in our culture is not cared for. What happens elsewhere isn't the same.
In the book, Be Here Now Alpert saw a Yoga take a rather large dose of acid. Because his mind was so focused on Just Being, he was unaffected by the drug. Sure, and I can write anything,,, but I wasn't There,, so I don't Know. I can wrap my head around how it would be possible.
Deciding what is and isn't possible based on what We believe in The West might be closing the door to some things that are real.

Title: Re: Area 51 is bigger than we thought
Post by WebsterMark on 06/09/23 at 04:50:58

I don't know of anything in Christianity that demands our experiences be limited as you suggest.

Sure they are, just think about it for a few moments.

In the book of Daniel, he described an incident in which the angel Gabriel is delayed visiting him because he had a battle to finish that was so harsh,  he needed help from the angel Gabriel. Just ponder the ramifications from a statement like that. Are there unseen events swirling all around us in a dimension that we humans are not capable of observing? The answer seems to be an obvious yes.

Secondly, look at some of the miracles recorded. The man who was lame from birth. Think about what that man would’ve looked like. His legs would’ve emasculated, skinny little toothpicks, and his brain would not have accumulated knowledge to even know how to walk. Yet upon being healed he was immediately able to lift up his body weight which means muscle mass had to been created. That’s impossible. That’s the definition of a miracle. Something or some being violated the laws of physics. You cannot create mass. all the mass that exist in the universe is here right now. So something or someone create additional mass which we say can’t be done. That’s a violation of physical laws, which is the definition of a miracle.

Title: Re: Area 51 is bigger than we thought
Post by Serowbot on 06/09/23 at 06:27:41

The entire foundation of Christianity is based on Jesus rising from the dead.
You try it.  ::)

Title: Re: Area 51 is bigger than we thought
Post by WebsterMark on 06/09/23 at 07:37:58

I can’t.

Title: Re: Area 51 is bigger than we thought
Post by MnSpring on 06/09/23 at 08:10:23

3B2D3A273F2A273C480 wrote:
The entire foundation of Christianity is based on Jesus rising from the dead.

From a person who believes in;
    NOT believing

“… Self-identified Christians make up 63% of U.S. population in 2021, down from 75% a decade ago …”

Clinton started it, Bush Jr, slowed it down, Obama sent it speeding downhill, Trump stood strong yet was bulled over.

Now their is no more POTUS, their is just a Puppet.

The USA is now run by greedy, Socialists, who are pushing harder downhill using the ‘woke’ &  ‘cancel’ culture.
They are insuring that people are,  ‘relieved’ of responsibility, and are ‘assured’ that not believing in a religion is correct.

One must believe in, ’not believing’.

Title: Re: Area 51 is bigger than we thought
Post by zevenenergie on 06/09/23 at 08:56:22

It gives a kind of freedom, No matter how you are, there is always someone who has a comment.


Title: Re: Area 51 is bigger than we thought
Post by J Mac on 06/16/23 at 00:14:35

Aliens are demons, i.e. interdimensional beings.  They exist outside of the time/space paradigm that we intrinsically adhere to.  I cannot explain the physical manifestation of demons, but precedent was set in Genesis in regard to the "Sons of God" (Nephilim) who produced offspring with human women.  The only explanation that makes sense to me regarding aliens visiting earth, given the hopelessly large distances between star systems, is demons manifesting in physical form.  I honestly feel that some of the awe-inspiring advances in technology in the past 100 years are related to said demons.  Technology progressed with fits and starts over the past 6000 years or so followed by the frenetic pace of the last 60 years during which we sent people to space, sent probes throughout our solar system, created unimaginable advances in microsurgery, genetic manipulation, quantum physics, digital/AI, and enabled our globe to be connected with instantaneous HD video.  The progression seems very unnatural to me.

Title: Re: Area 51 is bigger than we thought
Post by WebsterMark on 06/16/23 at 04:15:43

I agree with this as a possibility.

My brother believes Bigfoot is in fact a being like that. It explains personal observations with little physical evidence. Worth thinking about anyway.

Title: Re: Area 51 is bigger than we thought
Post by MnSpring on 06/16/23 at 07:26:02


We are 3 dimensional people.
Imagining if we encountered a 2 dimensional, people with a balloon.
A, “thing”, would appear as a dot, then a circle increasing in diameter, then decreasing in diameter, then a dot, then disappearing.
We know this because we are 3 dimensional.

We can guess what a 4th dimensional thing looks like. My favorite is a, Tesseract.

Imagine a 3rd dimensional person, having an encounter with a 2nd or 4 th dimensional thing/person.
Would be strange, and un-explainable.

Imagine 1, or 5,6,7  + dimensional people/things !

We just won't know, tell we are Dead !

Title: Re: Area 51 is bigger than we thought
Post by J Mac on 06/16/23 at 08:33:41

Hmm, tesseract.  I'll have to look it up.  I never thought of Bigfoot being this.  Very interesting.  He's usually described as a giant too.

Title: Re: Area 51 is bigger than we thought
Post by WebsterMark on 06/16/23 at 08:51:59

Watch the movie interstellar.
Course you need to set aside like 3 1/2 hours.

Title: Re: Area 51 is bigger than we thought
Post by Eegore on 06/16/23 at 09:12:05

 I'd say interdimensional existence , not super-position would be the only way to explain things like Bigfoot considering how accessible modern technology is.

 Definite Bigfoot sightings are reported, people seeing it right in front of their vehicle, no doubt of what they saw.  Except they never happen in cars with recording dash cameras for instance.  On the one's that do record, the raw footage is never available.

 Drone FLIR cameras can see mice in a forest but not Bigfoot.  Bigfoot travels across a guy's property every month, until a series of trail cams are installed.  

 Must be in a different dimension.

Title: Re: Area 51 is bigger than we thought
Post by J Mac on 06/16/23 at 19:58:41

That must be the case.  Or:

“I think Bigfoot is blurry, that's the problem. It's not the photographer's fault. Bigfoot is blurry, and that's extra scary to me. There's a large out of focus monster roaming the countryside”
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