General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> I guess White Supremacist was taken..

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 05/27/23 at 08:43:37

Title: I guess White Supremacist was taken..
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/27/23 at 08:43:37

Is there no boundary to the magical effects of Global Warming?

It takes a Special Kind of ,,,,ohh,well..

Title: Re: I guess White Supremacist was taken..
Post by Eegore on 05/27/23 at 09:45:49

 I heard it was Covid vaccinations causing all the knife crime.

Title: Re: I guess White Supremacist was taken..
Post by MnSpring on 05/27/23 at 10:01:38

7454565E4354310 wrote:
 I heard it was Covid vaccinations causing all the knife crime.

That sounds EGZACTALY like Bot !

Title: Re: I guess White Supremacist was taken..
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/27/23 at 10:10:10

2606040C1106630 wrote:
 I heard it was Covid vaccinations causing all the knife crime.

Almost equally ludicrous.
He is complete bullshit.
Do I HAVE to include
Yeah, it's getting a bit warmer?
The Big difference is
The Jabs ARE killing people and destroying lives.

Title: Re: I guess White Supremacist was taken..
Post by Eegore on 05/27/23 at 13:18:32

The Big difference is
The Jabs ARE killing people and destroying lives.

 When you insist, repeatedly, that information showing over 8 Million kids died in 2021, is true, or completely ignore the videos you provided of kids dropping dead are pre-2018, then obviously the assessment should be: Is there no boundary to the magical effects of Covid Vaccines?

 Climate is changing too.  I can guarantee anyone can find more information "proving" man-made climate change just like you can find information "proving" Covid vaccines are killing millions of humans.  The fact is both sides are exaggerating the numbers for profit.

 Have you Observed anything that indicates hundreds of kids died in your area?  That last information you offered indicated, by using "insurance companies" that at a minimum, 24,000 kids died in TX last year from vaccines.  In actuality you were lied to by that guy, he used UK data and removed the base-rate.  

 Both sides lie.  Global warming is causing knife attacks, and according to your latest information, thousands of kids died in TX alone last year from vaccines.  Why wouldn't they cause mass shootings too?  Any of us can pick any topic, provide lies as evidence, you would never know if you won't look at it, and you won't accept information from people that read it for you.   Better yet, provide documentation, then say "the documents don't matter."  

 So now anything can be blamed on anything else.

Title: Re: I guess White Supremacist was taken..
Post by Serowbot on 05/27/23 at 13:31:23

"Sadiq Khan says London's knife crime can be blamed on one thing",-says extreme Right-Wing website.
Mayor of London Sadiq Khan held a cross-party violent crime summit on Friday as the capital faces its worst year for violent teenage deaths.

Police have warned that violence is likely to surge following the lifting of lockdown restrictions, with the pandemic having created a “perfect storm” of factors that have furthered inequality among disadvantaged youths.

Title: Re: I guess White Supremacist was taken..
Post by MnSpring on 05/27/23 at 14:34:59

1107100D15000D16620 wrote:
"... Police have warned that violence is likely to surge  ..."

    It is VERY clear now,
the ONLY way to Stop 'Global Warming',
   is to BAN
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