General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Gone with the Windy City

Message started by WebsterMark on 04/19/23 at 05:08:15

Title: Gone with the Windy City
Post by WebsterMark on 04/19/23 at 05:08:15

Exchange with the new mayor of Chicago after last weekend’s events in what I think should be called “The Insurrection on Civilized Society” (I’m going to trademark that phrase) For those few remaining civilized people left in Chicago who thought the previous mayor couldn’t be beat as far as stupidity goes, they were wrong. My girl Ann Coulter wrote a book how liberalism is a mental disease and that’s an understatement.

ANCHOR: So, you're not condoning looting?

JOHNSON: I'm saying that people are acting out of desperation. We don't want a society that is acting out of desperation, but you have to pay attention to the cries that people have.  

ANCHOR: You're not condoning looting?

JOHNSON: There's no way to try to embrace that. What I'm saying is you can't condone the looting that corporations continue to do every single day when they take tax dollars from Black, Brown, White folks all over the city of Chicago so that they can turn a profit.  

Title: Re: Gone with the Windy City
Post by LANCER on 04/19/23 at 05:29:52

Ok, so the REAL problem is that businesses want to make a “profit” ?

Businesses are “taking tax dollars” from everyone.


Title: Re: Gone with the Windy City
Post by oldNslow on 04/19/23 at 06:12:19

Ok, so the REAL problem is that businesses want to make a “profit” ?

It's a REAL problem for a communist ( or a democrat) ::)

Title: Re: Gone with the Windy City
Post by zevenenergie on 04/19/23 at 07:01:22

The person appears to acknowledge that looting is not acceptable but argues that people are acting out of desperation and that their cries need to be heard.

I get that, but damm...

They also argue that corporations engage in looting by taking tax dollars from all races in Chicago and turning a profit.

I think its time to let someone go on this one.

Because if you give this kind of answer to the situation as it is in gicago then you are not the right person for the task at hand right now.

When a third generation of derailed and unhinged young people bring the city back to the Middle Ages, it takes something more than squeezing the soul of society.

There's nothing wrong with a crackdown.
A crackdown on the police is also part of this, because they are thoroughly corrupt.

But there are still people of caliber who can do such a job?

You should organize such a task on a national level.

You would first have to map out who should be replaced within the city's administration. then map out who needs to be replaced in the police board. And you would have to have a group of real militaries who would have to undergo special training to replace the police for at least half a year. All this in secret.

Then you would have to shut down the city and replace the board and the police. And then the sweeping can begin.

Only the rumors that such a thing is imminent is already effective.
And unfortunately something like this never happens without victims. But that's a price the city has been paying for many years.

This task force could be used to clean every city...

But such an action is criminal if you don't transfer something against it. Those young people don't know any better. Their parents are not the people who could correct them because maybe they were just like them. Therefore, such a corizing action must not be reactive. It must be an intervention.

You have to give people back their responsibility. If you see 2 children walking with guns, you must call the police. If you are police, your hands must be clean.
You can no longer look the other way when you see someone who is hungry or has no job. you have to do it  in a conscious way .

If it does not involve a total social revolution, an intervention only working as a schock.

But also projecting your negativity on it is a bad thing. This entire event revolves around people who bear no responsibility for their negativity.

Title: Re: Gone with the Windy City
Post by zevenenergie on 04/19/23 at 07:36:03

It is unrealistic to expect that a city like Chicago can be made completely crime free, as crime is a complex problem influenced by various factors such as economic inequality, education, drug use, mental health, and so on.

Reducing the level of crime in Chicago would require several approaches, such as:

    Community Involvement: Community-based initiatives aimed at building police-community relationships and fostering trust and cooperation can help solve crime problems.

    Effective policing: An effective and efficient police force can help reduce crime. This could include deploying more officers on the streets, deploying technology to assist police in detecting and tackling crimes, and so on.

    Social and economic programs: Social and economic programs aimed at improving people's living conditions can also help reduce crime. These programs can include providing employment, access to education, health care, social services, and so on.

    Combating drug abuse: Drug addiction and trafficking are major causes of crime. Therefore, implementing programs aimed at drug prevention and addiction treatment can help reduce crime.

Thus, reducing crime in Chicago requires an integrated and comprehensive approach, with various agencies and stakeholders working together to address the various factors that contribute to crime. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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