General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Sweet transvestite from Transivania

Message started by WebsterMark on 04/07/23 at 05:10:48

Title: Sweet transvestite from Transivania
Post by WebsterMark on 04/07/23 at 05:10:48

Some woman kills 6 people, including 3 children, and now some dude in Colorado Springs was going to kill more but got caught.

Transvestites are 10 times as violent as antifa. What’s the deal? Why? There’s something behind this.

Certainly some of the violence is caused by the drugs they take that is destroying their body and obviously their minds, but there are plenty of violent protesters who aren’t drugged up.

Is it that this gender-craze is really a surrogate for other causes? An awful lot arrested in antifa violent protests are trannies or tranny want-a-bes.

Title: Re: Sweet transvestite from Transivania
Post by Eegore on 04/07/23 at 05:39:53

 How are you calculating "Transvestites are 10 times as violent as antifa."?

 I think this stuff is worth looking at, but I haven't seen any actual crime statistics besides anecdotal incident coverage.  

"An awful lot arrested in antifa violent protests are trannies or tranny want-a-bes."

 Well they aren't exactly invited to other violent protests.

Title: Re: Sweet transvestite from Transivania
Post by WebsterMark on 04/10/23 at 08:58:51

Whenever someone says “10 times as…“ it’s obvious that’s a statement that’s not intended to be precise, but an exclamation of multiple times greater than.

Title: Re: Sweet transvestite from Transivania
Post by Serowbot on 04/10/23 at 09:11:41

Yes, I see trans people with AR's running amok all over the place.  ;D

Title: Re: Sweet transvestite from Transivania
Post by WebsterMark on 04/10/23 at 13:07:31

Exactly! See Eegore that’s the correct usage of hyperbole. Sew says “all over” which means virtually every instance, but the truth is the most recent random mass shootings were done by those suffering with some form of the recent social contagion about confused gender.

Title: Re: Sweet transvestite from Transivania
Post by Serowbot on 04/10/23 at 13:19:32

4 out of the last 300 mass shootings identified as trans or non binary.

Title: Re: Sweet transvestite from Transivania
Post by WebsterMark on 04/10/23 at 13:30:57

There have not been 300 RANDOM mass shootings. There may have been 300 mass shootings but what happened in Nashville last week and Louisville today have zero to do with gang bangers shooting each other in a St Louis drug deal gone bad. That statistic is used on purpose and very deceptively to preach gun control.

But the TRUTH is several recent RANDOM mass shootings have been conducted by those suffering from the liberal fantasy of gender-fluidity.

In other words, leftist are weirdos destroying young people with ridiculous ideas.

Title: Re: Sweet transvestite from Transivania
Post by WebsterMark on 04/10/23 at 13:31:17

Good article.

Title: Re: Sweet transvestite from Transivania
Post by J Mac on 04/10/23 at 16:58:25

615354454253447B57445D360 wrote:
Is it that this gender-craze is really a surrogate for other causes?


Title: Re: Sweet transvestite from Transivania
Post by WebsterMark on 04/11/23 at 12:51:36

Just read a tranny murdered a cab driver in Portland on Easter Sunday.

Title: Re: Sweet transvestite from Transivania
Post by Eegore on 04/11/23 at 16:17:29

"Just read a tranny murdered a cab driver in Portland on Easter Sunday."

 Plenty of people were murdered on Sunday.  

 I think it's best to look at percentage of murders by population type versus number of murders by population type.  Let's take all the murders on Sunday, assign a specific sociological parameter like trans, straight, gay, bisexual to each known criminal then compare that human's sociological identifier to the overall known humans in the US also in that category.

 What percentage of trans-humans murder out of the trans-human pool, versus how many articles can we find where trans-humans murdering.  It's like someone saying they saw an article that a straight guy killed people.  You can find that article every day.

 Quantifying trans-humans by percentage of population is difficult though.  

Title: Re: Sweet transvestite from Transivania
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/11/23 at 20:56:47

Who agrees with the
But look at the jabs that didn't kill anyone?
Look at the queers that didn't kill?

It's such a crap argument.

Title: Re: Sweet transvestite from Transivania
Post by WebsterMark on 04/12/23 at 04:27:27

133331392433560 wrote:
"Just read a tranny murdered a cab driver in Portland on Easter Sunday."

 Plenty of people were murdered on Sunday.  

 I think it's best to look at percentage of murders by population type versus number of murders by population type.  Let's take all the murders on Sunday, assign a specific sociological parameter like trans, straight, gay, bisexual to each known criminal then compare that human's sociological identifier to the overall known humans in the US also in that category.

 What percentage of trans-humans murder out of the trans-human pool, versus how many articles can we find where trans-humans murdering.  It's like someone saying they saw an article that a straight guy killed people.  You can find that article every day.

 Quantifying trans-humans by percentage of population is difficult though.  

The tranny pool is small yet the incident of violence is high. There’s something going on.

Title: Re: Sweet transvestite from Transivania
Post by Eegore on 04/12/23 at 07:18:32

Who agrees with the
But look at the jabs that didn't kill anyone?
Look at the queers that didn't kill?

 Its called math.  You can't have a percentage with ONE number.

 Are you ok with only looking at oil spills?  Your answer to that before was no.  

 Lets only look at and count gun owners that kill other humans.  You agree with that?

 Lets only look at motorcycle fatalities to decide insurance rates, and not motorcycles on the road with zero accidents.  You agree with that?

 You use a double standard.  You only count damages in subjects you disagree with, but you won't agree to that standard with subjects you do agree with.  

Title: Re: Sweet transvestite from Transivania
Post by Eegore on 04/12/23 at 07:20:47

The tranny pool is small yet the incident of violence is high. There’s something going on.

 How are you calculating this?  I'm not finding it very easy to get a substantially accurate number of how many humans are trans due to the constant fluidity of the action.

 What is "high" to you?  How are you quantifying this?  Are you comparing it to a percentage of violent acts among non-trans humans somehow?

Title: Re: Sweet transvestite from Transivania
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/12/23 at 07:22:05

Row? You tracking with that?
You can just use that on all the guns that didn't go kill innocent people.

Title: Re: Sweet transvestite from Transivania
Post by Eegore on 04/12/23 at 07:31:35

Row? You tracking with that?
You can just use that on all the guns that didn't go kill innocent people.

 You expect to magically come up with a crime percentage by only looking at crimes?  

 Your logic is we are to only look at humans that died from the vaccine and ignore entirely living humans by means of refusing to even discuss a number.  Because you "don't want to be played".

 Why then should anyone count gun owners that did not kill someone?

 Would you agree to that logic?

 Should we only count the posts where you made blatantly prejudicial comments or insulted other members and ignore every other post you ever made that had no negative statements and recommend a permanent ban?  Or any of the stupid things I have said here, lets only look at those - ignore all other posts.

 Would you agree to that?  Does that make any sense at all?

 Or is this logic just for the vaccine, or trans-humans, or anything you do not like?  

Title: Re: Sweet transvestite from Transivania
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/12/23 at 15:31:02

3D2224233E3908380830222E65570 wrote:
Row? You tracking with that?
You can just use that on all the guns that didn't go kill innocent people.

Same argument applies. I was waiting,, it's your argument.

Title: Re: Sweet transvestite from Transivania
Post by Eegore on 04/12/23 at 16:19:33

"Same argument applies. I was waiting,, it's your argument."

 I would say it's your argument as well since you don't think that only looking at oil spill damage is an appropriate way to calculate oil impact.

 But then you flat out refuse to acknowledge vaccine recipients that did not die.  Only the dead, even if they are alive, are to be counted.

 Do you agree that gun laws should only use murders and not ownership without murders as "proof" that guns are bad?  By your logic counting gun owners that did not kill is such a crap argument.

 Should only motorcycle fatalities be used to calculate motorcycle insurance rates?  By your logic counting motorcycles with no accidents is such a crap argument.

Title: Re: Sweet transvestite from Transivania
Post by Serowbot on 04/12/23 at 16:43:28

In the article I posted (which no one here reads), the stats say trans are .6% of population.  They are responsible for 1.2% of mass shootings.
Golly!  That's double!   That's 4!
It only should have been statistically 2!

You're right!
We've got to do something about that.
4 is more than 2!
Okay... no more trans can buy guns.... :-?

Title: Re: Sweet transvestite from Transivania
Post by Eegore on 04/12/23 at 17:35:37

In the article I posted (which no one here reads), the stats say trans are .6% of population.

 I wish they provided more info on how they came to that number.

Title: Re: Sweet transvestite from Transivania
Post by zevenenergie on 04/13/23 at 00:14:17

There is no scientific evidence that transsexuals, as a group, are more involved in mass shootings in the United States than other population groups. It is important to be careful about generalizing behaviors or characteristics of an entire group of people, as this can contribute to stigma and discrimination.

The day of the week actually has nothing to do with it either.

There is nothing inherently wrong with Sundays, but some people may have negative associations with this day of the week.

There are also people who enjoy Sunday and view it as a day to relax, spend quality time with family and friends, pursue hobbies or engage in other activities that make them happy.

Ik think only mass shooters who have cross-dressing as a hobby on Sunday, they pose a danger.

I therefore think it is better to focus the discussion on this group.
To discuss what their motivations are.
What they find so hot about wearing women's underwear and why shooting 1 person is not enough for them.

Title: Re: Sweet transvestite from Transivania
Post by WebsterMark on 04/13/23 at 03:43:49

*Those who perpetrate random mass shootings are mentally ill.
*A person who’s fooled into thinking their brain does not match their physical gender is mentally ill.
*There was a widely praise report recently about the level of depression among young people, particularly women.
* Gender drugs and reconstructive surgery is a money making venture now.
A high percentage of those arrested during antifa and Black Lives Matter violent protest identified as gender nonconforming.

Conclusion: there’s a relationship between violence and the gender identity movement and encouraged by the leftist, socialist, communists, ‘progressive’ scumbags who are currently dominating the Democratic Party.

Title: Re: Sweet transvestite from Transivania
Post by zevenenergie on 04/13/23 at 06:07:01

It's all about sex isn't it?

Title: Re: Sweet transvestite from Transivania
Post by Eegore on 04/13/23 at 07:41:14

"Conclusion: there’s a relationship between violence and the gender identity movement and encouraged by the leftist, socialist, communists, ‘progressive’ scumbags who are currently dominating the Democratic Party."

 I agree here however I am not sure correlation is equal to causation here.

 For instance what if a Conservative group of peaceful non-violent gun-rights protesters also invited trans-humans to attend a trans-rights protest with them.

 Would only the trans-humans be violent, or would the event actually be peaceful since the general actions of the group as a whole is historically and consistently peaceful?

 Is there actually a physiological or medically induced component that creates a psychological violent human, or are they just invited/accepted by groups that are already planning on being violent?

 One thing that we would have to do is get a dosage and frequency list of medications for every trans-human arrested for a violent crime.  Otherwise it's just theory in regards to the medication.

Title: Re: Sweet transvestite from Transivania
Post by WebsterMark on 04/13/23 at 09:23:14

One thing that we would have to do is get a dosage and frequency list of medications for every trans-human arrested for a violent crime.  Otherwise it's just theory in regards to the medication.

You could do that. Or you could rely on my superpower.

Title: Re: Sweet transvestite from Transivania
Post by WebsterMark on 04/13/23 at 09:25:19

726D7E6D666D666D7A6F616D080 wrote:
It's all about sex isn't it?

Not really, it only seems that way.

Title: Re: Sweet transvestite from Transivania
Post by MnSpring on 04/13/23 at 09:54:54

"... One thing that we would have to do is get a dosage and frequency list of medications for every trans-human arrested for a violent crime.  Otherwise it's just theory in regards to the medication.  ..."

          Absolutely !
Need to do a Study.
Need to get Funding, Grants, Gifts to do that study.
Then develop medication/s needing more Studies.
More  Giving, Grants, Funding,
Also, double blind test studies to determine the correct dosage.

one could just stop, coddling,
and accepting that 2+2, “COULD” = 3 or 5, depending on …….

Title: Re: Sweet transvestite from Transivania
Post by MnSpring on 04/13/23 at 10:03:59

" FBI Admits
    It Doesn’t Track
        Antifa Violence "

    But that's OK.
Cause a whole bunch of people that took selfies,
    got punished !

Title: Re: Sweet transvestite from Transivania
Post by Eegore on 04/13/23 at 11:46:27

        Absolutely !
Need to do a Study.
Need to get Funding, Grants, Gifts to do that study.
Then develop medication/s needing more Studies.
More  Giving, Grants, Funding,
Also, double blind test studies to determine the correct dosage.

one could just stop, coddling,
and accepting that 2+2, “COULD” = 3 or 5, depending on …….

 Just assume with zero medical knowledge that a medication is causing  a behavior in humans especially when one doesn't even know if the human took the medication.  

 That's kinda like a double blind study, not knowing anything about what one is talking about or if that thing is even present. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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