General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Graphene oxide in covid vaccine. Proof.

Message started by zevenenergie on 03/22/23 at 09:36:37

Title: Graphene oxide in covid vaccine. Proof.
Post by zevenenergie on 03/22/23 at 09:36:37

It has always been a conspiracy and theory that there is graphene oxide in the covid vaccines, but official evidence has now been found in nothing els then classified documents from Pfizer.

Graphene oxide is a substance that destroys cell walls. Pfizer has always denied that there is graphene oxide in the vaccine and can now expect huge damage claims.

125742_S1_M4_4.2.1 vr vtr 10741.pdf
Is the document you want to look at.

And you wil see this:


Title: Re: Graphene oxide in covid vaccine. Proof.
Post by MnSpring on 03/22/23 at 10:02:55

"...Pfizer has always denied that there is graphene oxide in the vaccine and can now expect huge damage claims. ..."

Waiting for the Spin, Deflection,
defense of Pfizer.

Title: Re: Graphene oxide in covid vaccine. Proof.
Post by Eegore on 03/22/23 at 11:10:41

 The document clearly states that it was the material that covers the slide used in the cryoscopy process for examining it under electron microscopy.  That section is describing the slides and the electron microscope used in the experiment.

 Claiming graphene oxide is "in" the vaccine because its on an analytic screen used to examine it is like saying the vaccine has glass "in" it because the vials the fluid was in, for microscopic analyzation, are made of glass.  The slide material isn't a vaccine ingredient, its a component on the amorphous slides.  

For TwinStrep-tagged P2 S, 4 [ch956]L purified protein at 0.5 mg/mL were applied to gold Quantifoil R1.2/1.3 300 mesh grids freshly overlaid with graphene oxide. The sample was blotted using a Vitrobot Mark IV for 4 seconds with a force of -2 before being plunged into liquid ethane cooled by liquid nitrogen.

 Graphene oxide is nothing more than a coating applied to part of the equipment used to examine vaccine material according to the "proof" provided in this thread.  You can buy your own Quantifoil grids here:

 If Pfizer is sneaking it in, this document does not prove it.

 You want to see spin, keep believing the description of one thing, is the description of a different thing.

3.4. Cryo-EM of P2 S
For TwinStrep-tagged P2 S, 4 [ch956]L purified protein at 0.5 mg/mL were applied to gold Quantifoil R1.2/1.3 300 mesh grids freshly overlaid with graphene oxide. The sample was blotted using a Vitrobot Mark IV for 4 seconds with a force of -2 before being plunged into liquid ethane cooled by liquid nitrogen. 27,701 micrographs were collected from two identically prepared grids. Data were collected from each grid over a defocus range of -1.2 to -3.4 [ch956]m with a total electron dose of 50.32 and 50.12 e-/Å2, respectively, fractionated into 40 frames over a 6-second exposure for 1.26 and 1.25 e-/Å2/frame. On-the-fly motion correction, CTF estimation, and particle picking and extraction with a box size of 450 pixels were performed in Warp (Tegunov & Cramer, 2019), during which super-resolution data were binned to give a pixel size of 0.87 Å. A total of 1,119,906 particles were extracted. All subsequent processing was performed in RELION 3.1-beta (Zivanov et al, 2018). Particle heterogeneity was filtered out with 2D and 3D classification, yielding a set of 73,393 particles, which refined to 3.6 Å with C3 symmetry. 3D classification of this dataset without particle alignment separated out one class with a single RBD up, representing 15,098 particles. The remaining 58,295 particles, in the three RBD ‘down’ conformation, were  refined to give a final model at 3.29 Å. The atomic model from PDB ID 6XR8 (Cai et al, 2020) was rigid-body fitted into the map density, then flexibly fitted to the density using real-space refinement in Phenix (Adams et al, 2010) alternating with manual building in Coot (Emsley et al, 2010). Data collection, 3D reconstruction and model refinement statistics are listed in Table 1.

Title: Re: Graphene oxide in covid vaccine. Proof.
Post by Serowbot on 03/22/23 at 11:40:02

Fact Check-COVID-19 vaccines do not contain graphene oxide

Title: Re: Graphene oxide in covid vaccine. Proof.
Post by MnSpring on 03/22/23 at 13:43:07

49696B637E690C0 wrote:
 " The document clearly states that it was the material that covers the slide used in the cryoscopy process for examining it under electron microscopy.  ... That section is describing the slides and the electron microscope used in the experiment.
 Claiming graphene oxide is "in" the vaccine because its on an analytic screen used to examine it is like saying the vaccine has glass "in" it because the vials the fluid was in, for microscopic analyzation, are made of glass.  The slide material isn't a vaccine ingredient, its a component on the amorphous slides. ..."

Is that like a UL, DFI, FDS, Socialist saying;
‘Ban that type of gun, because someone used that type of gun in a crime’

Is that like Baldwin saying he did not pull the trigger ?

Its that like Clinton saying ‘I did not have sex…’

So if someone is familiar with,  understands,  uses,  a particular vocabulary, which is particular,  to a particular item,  subject,  way of doing things.
And someone who understands that, because they use it. The, 'explanation’, is gospel.

Yet when someone has, the SAME, knowledge, about firearms, 2nd Amendment, etc.
That persons knowledge about the subject, the language, the meanings,
            are all ‘bunk’ !

      OK. Got it !

Title: Re: Graphene oxide in covid vaccine. Proof.
Post by Serowbot on 03/22/23 at 14:17:33

You could relate toast to guns...  :-?

Title: Re: Graphene oxide in covid vaccine. Proof.
Post by MnSpring on 03/22/23 at 14:30:05

2731263B23363B20540 wrote:
You could relate toast to guns...


Yea, one could !

Title: Re: Graphene oxide in covid vaccine. Proof.
Post by zevenenergie on 03/22/23 at 15:25:19

133331392433560 wrote:
 The document clearly states that it was the material that covers the slide used in the cryoscopy process for examining it under electron microscopy.  That section is describing the slides and the electron microscope used in the experiment.

 Claiming graphene oxide is "in" the vaccine because its on an analytic screen used to examine it is like saying the vaccine has glass "in" it because the vials the fluid was in, for microscopic analyzation, are made of glass.  The slide material isn't a vaccine ingredient, its a component on the amorphous slides.  

For TwinStrep-tagged P2 S, 4 [ch956]L purified protein at 0.5 mg/mL were applied to gold Quantifoil R1.2/1.3 300 mesh grids freshly overlaid with graphene oxide. The sample was blotted using a Vitrobot Mark IV for 4 seconds with a force of -2 before being plunged into liquid ethane cooled by liquid nitrogen.

 Graphene oxide is nothing more than a coating applied to part of the equipment used to examine vaccine material according to the "proof" provided in this thread.  You can buy your own Quantifoil grids here:

 If Pfizer is sneaking it in, this document does not prove it.

 You want to see spin, keep believing the description of one thing, is the description of a different thing.

3.4. Cryo-EM of P2 S
For TwinStrep-tagged P2 S, 4 [ch956]L purified protein at 0.5 mg/mL were applied to gold Quantifoil R1.2/1.3 300 mesh grids freshly overlaid with graphene oxide. The sample was blotted using a Vitrobot Mark IV for 4 seconds with a force of -2 before being plunged into liquid ethane cooled by liquid nitrogen. 27,701 micrographs were collected from two identically prepared grids. Data were collected from each grid over a defocus range of -1.2 to -3.4 [ch956]m with a total electron dose of 50.32 and 50.12 e-/Å2, respectively, fractionated into 40 frames over a 6-second exposure for 1.26 and 1.25 e-/Å2/frame. On-the-fly motion correction, CTF estimation, and particle picking and extraction with a box size of 450 pixels were performed in Warp (Tegunov & Cramer, 2019), during which super-resolution data were binned to give a pixel size of 0.87 Å. A total of 1,119,906 particles were extracted. All subsequent processing was performed in RELION 3.1-beta (Zivanov et al, 2018). Particle heterogeneity was filtered out with 2D and 3D classification, yielding a set of 73,393 particles, which refined to 3.6 Å with C3 symmetry. 3D classification of this dataset without particle alignment separated out one class with a single RBD up, representing 15,098 particles. The remaining 58,295 particles, in the three RBD ‘down’ conformation, were  refined to give a final model at 3.29 Å. The atomic model from PDB ID 6XR8 (Cai et al, 2020) was rigid-body fitted into the map density, then flexibly fitted to the density using real-space refinement in Phenix (Adams et al, 2010) alternating with manual building in Coot (Emsley et al, 2010). Data collection, 3D reconstruction and model refinement statistics are listed in Table 1.

I only showed you a part of 1 document, and there are 626 documents.

Title: Re: Graphene oxide in covid vaccine. Proof.
Post by Eegore on 03/22/23 at 16:15:29

I only showed you a part of 1 document, and there are 626 documents.

   Then reference the one(s) that are "proof" instead of referencing the one that is not "proof" and literally telling us that's the document we want to look at and showing an image of the exact words you are referencing:

"125742_S1_M4_4.2.1 vr vtr 10741.pdf
Is the document you want to look at.

 Or is this an issue of saying there is "proof" somewhere in the 626 documents you wont look at for yourself, and the evidence is this one document that uses the words "graphene oxide" but not when describing the vaccine?

 Why show an image circling the words if they aren't the words that prove your position?

Title: Re: Graphene oxide in covid vaccine. Proof.
Post by Eegore on 03/22/23 at 16:24:33

"Is that like a UL, DFI, FDS, Socialist saying;
‘Ban that type of gun, because someone used that type of gun in a crime’

 If they described that "type of gun" to describe the "video camera" used to observe the crime.  Reports show an AR-15 Assault Rifle recorded the incident.  In this case the vaccine is claimed to have a substance "in" it, that a slide on an electron microscope had on it.

"Is that like Baldwin saying he did not pull the trigger ?"

 No.  Unless Baldwin said the camera used to observe the murder had bullets "in" it and so that proves that gun was loaded.

"Its that like Clinton saying ‘I did not have sex…’"


"So if someone is familiar with,  understands,  uses,  a particular vocabulary, which is particular,  to a particular item,  subject,  way of doing things.
And someone who understands that, because they use it. The, 'explanation’, is gospel.

Yet when someone has, the SAME, knowledge, about firearms, 2nd Amendment, etc.
That persons knowledge about the subject, the language, the meanings,
           are all ‘bunk’ !"

 No idea how this compares.  The graphene oxide is on the slide used to observe some vaccine samples under an electron microscope.  That's what the document says.

  Coming from someone always bringing up spin and deflection you sure manage to bring up things that don't reference the actual document used in this post.

Title: Re: Graphene oxide in covid vaccine. Proof.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/22/23 at 16:50:18

Okay, goodie!
Safe and Effective then

Title: Re: Graphene oxide in covid vaccine. Proof.
Post by Eegore on 03/22/23 at 18:33:08

Okay, goodie!
Safe and Effective then

 Yeah, a document describing the coating on an electron microscope slide can only mean the vaccine is safe and effective.  Whatever we do, make sure we do not acknowledge the "proof" is talking about something that is NOT the vaccine.

 Acknowledging something is incorrect, and misleading, does not make all other things correct.  The vaccine can be unsafe and ineffective, and also not have graphene oxide in it.  Just as a website can lie to you and that does not make all other websites honest.

 But avoiding the actual content here is easier, I will agree to that.


Title: Re: Graphene oxide in covid vaccine. Proof.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/23/23 at 12:06:16

No, it's case closed. Again, documents are irrelevant. The jabs are deadly. Whogivesafukk WHY? Stop making it. Stop poking it in people.
Then figure it out. For now, stop hurting people.

Title: Re: Graphene oxide in covid vaccine. Proof.
Post by Eegore on 03/23/23 at 13:47:22

No, it's case closed. Again, documents are irrelevant.

 They are relevant when they are used as "proof".  If they aren't relevant, then why all the references to them?  

"The jabs are deadly. Whogivesafukk WHY? Stop making it. Stop poking it in people.
Then figure it out. For now, stop hurting people.

 This is impossible because the number of humans vaccinated without negative effect, by your logic, is to be ignored.  Since 100% of all humans according to your math will be harmed by vaccination, then you can never "figure it out" because there can be no second number to create a percentage of injured.  This means a 100% injury rate.

 The only reason we have to use this math is because you "don't want to be played", so you refuse to even discuss the people that have been vaccinated with zero negative impacts.  Until that is acknowledged, there is no real discussion to be had, no possible way to argue for impact ratio moderation.

Title: Re: Graphene oxide in covid vaccine. Proof.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/23/23 at 23:44:46

Different lots are more deadly.
Funny how many young healthy people have fallen dead.
The government people just say they have it
If it KillYaDed every time, even democrats would figure it out

Title: Re: Graphene oxide in covid vaccine. Proof.
Post by Eegore on 03/24/23 at 05:46:20

Different lots are more deadly.

 Agreed.   The question is, what percentage are impacted.  Unfortunately your math indicates 100% fatality rate until you quantify an alternative, like that some humans don't die, or have any known negative side-effects.  There has to be some estimate there.

 Ignoring how base-rate works doesn't help either.  It's an absolute mathematical fact, not an opinion, but somehow it doesn't apply to the vaccine.

"Funny how many young healthy people have fallen dead."

 Again, in relation to how many have not.  Also how many did before the vaccine in comparative health categories?  Are there more dead kids in your area?  If even a 1% increase happened it would be visibly noticeable just in the school yearbooks memorializing all those dead kids.  That's not "government information" it's just a logical outcome when kids die -  they memorialize them.  Where are these memorials?

 If a 1% increase happened in my area 4839 kids would have died in 2022.  This would have been acknowledged somewhere.

 Dodging the total vaccinated estimates only does one thing:  Prevents a comparison from being available to the discussion.

 If athletes were dying at a substantially higher rate, why aren't average people that use the athletics stats trackers for gambling being silent?  Madden NFL literally for the survival of their franchise track every NFL player, and not a word from them, or any of the 130 Million customers brought up that there are less active NFL players.  Why is that?

 How did every major sports team dodge the big vaccine death wave?

If it KillYaDed every time, even democrats would figure it out

 Agreed.  I am talking about your avoidance of quantifying the non-impacted humans because you "don't want to be played".  How do you expect to have a discussion at all with that type of contribution to what would be a required part of vaccine impact assessment?  Percentages require 2 or more numbers.


Title: Re: Graphene oxide in covid vaccine. Proof.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/24/23 at 14:58:40

Again, in relation to how many have not

Really? That is lame,,it's a JOKE.

Title: Re: Graphene oxide in covid vaccine. Proof.
Post by Eegore on 03/24/23 at 19:51:33

Really? That is lame,,it's a JOKE.

 Its a requirement.  To establish what percentage of humans die from a vaccine you need to compare that to the number that did not.

 At this point you have made it clear you will not acknowledge humans that took the vaccine and were unharmed.  Because you "don't want to be played".

 If some global warming activist only wanted to talk about oil spills and ignored completely the number of barrels per day used, calling it a JOKE to acknowledge any barrels of oil that never harmed the environment... what would you think about that person's interest in the truth?

 Why do you think a person would refuse to even discuss the barrels of oil that never spilled anywhere?

Title: Re: Graphene oxide in covid vaccine. Proof.
Post by pg on 03/26/23 at 16:04:14


Would you??

Best regards,

Title: Re: Graphene oxide in covid vaccine. Proof.
Post by Eegore on 03/26/23 at 18:07:13

Would you??

 No.  But what the "proof" here, and everywhere else claims, is that graphene oxide is on the slide used for an electron microscope that looked at the vaccine.  Not in vaccine ingredients.

 Lets at least ask questions that are more accurate to what the "proof" is showing us:
 Would you eat an apple that is the same as an apple that was viewed under an electron microscope with graphene on the slide?  

 Just a regular apple.  Would a different regular apple used in electron microscope cyro-analysis somehow infect your apple with graphene oxide?

 Why is accuracy only important if you don't agree with the information?

 If we are going to go this route, pick any medication, separate the ingredients and put them on a list, include toxic chemicals used in the observation - but not INSIDE - of that medicine too, then go ask people if you could put those ingredients on their food and tell me how many say yes.

Title: Re: Graphene oxide in covid vaccine. Proof.
Post by pg on 03/26/23 at 19:22:32

No.  But what the "proof" here, and everywhere else claims, is that graphene oxide is on the slide used for an electron microscope that looked at the vaccine.  Not in vaccine ingredients.

What is proof?  Who decides what proof is validated?
I disagree with the GO on the slide.  Regardless, if GO was on the slide that sample is tainted and has no merit.

Why is accuracy only important if you don't agree with the information?

For starters, that is the topic of this thread.  Second, our government mandated a drug that they knew did not work, was not tested, was likely dangerous or was dangerous to certain segments of the population.

If we are going to go this route, pick any medication

Feel free, I will likely have similar comments.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Graphene oxide in covid vaccine. Proof.
Post by Eegore on 03/27/23 at 02:16:12

"What is proof?  Who decides what proof is validated?"

 In this thread zevenenergie did when he offered this document as "Proof", literally in the thread title.  He said this is "proof", but the document doesn't say what he was told it says.  He was mislead.

"I disagree with the GO on the slide."

 Why?  It is very clear what it is talking about.

"Regardless, if GO was on the slide that sample is tainted and has no merit."

 That's not how electron cryo-analysis works, but what do thousands of chemists and physicists know?  They can't possibly know how electron microscope cryo-analysis works any better than the guy on the internet that didn't even read the document.

 I talked this over with 4 different TEM Microscopists, two at the  Core Facility in the University of Colorado School of Medicine, and two tomographic data analysts from other facilities to corroborate.  These morons know nothing, they could only outline exactly what happens in cryo-analysis, and they seem to think graphene oxide slides are highly electron-transparent and stable in an electron beam making them ideal support films for the study of nanoparticles and macromolecules by transmission electron microscopy.

 The underlying carbon lattice maintains the order and lattice-spacings of graphene.  A structure that is clearly resolved in 80 kV aberration-corrected atomic resolution transmission electron microscopy image, making it more accurate.  

 Thousands agree worldwide, and they are all idiots right?

 Or maybe.... you don't know anything at all about what is being discussed in the document.  

"For starters, that is the topic of this thread.  Second, our government mandated a drug that they knew did not work, was not tested, was likely dangerous or was dangerous to certain segments of the population."

 And lying about the content of a amorphous slide as if the chemical is "IN" the vaccine does what?  

 Use lies to fight lies, real smart.  Wait it is smart, because people that won't look for themselves, and think they can accurately analyze things that they never even knew about a week ago, fall for the lies because those lies tell them what they want to hear.

 Admitting you know nothing about the topic, and that this "proof", read by someone else for you, does not say graphene oxide is "in" the vaccine is not equal to saying the vaccine is safe.  The vaccine can still be unsafe.  

 This just means that the document does not say what you were told it does.

Title: Re: Graphene oxide in covid vaccine. Proof.
Post by pg on 03/27/23 at 04:27:36

And lying about the content of a amorphous slide as if the chemical is "IN" the vaccine does what?  

Use lies to fight lies, real smart.

How many times have you accused other forum members of not having an adult conversation.  Sure looks like it is becoming a pattern...........

Best regards,

Title: Re: Graphene oxide in covid vaccine. Proof.
Post by Eegore on 03/27/23 at 07:14:38

How many times have you accused other forum members of not having an adult conversation.  Sure looks like it is becoming a pattern...........

 I think websites/bots/social media postings that use lies to manipulate people are doing a good job.  Or as I stated......... Smart.  Using lies to fight lies works, because they tell people what they want to hear.  

 Like graphene oxide being "IN" the vaccine.  The "proof" provided here does not prove that.

 Why fight that?  Why does graphene oxide absolutely have to be "IN" that vaccine?  Why argue about something presented here in black and white that somebody read for you?  Cant the vaccine be dangerous and also the "proof" in this thread be incorrect?

 Everyone else I have talked to about this exact same document just thanks me for breaking it down and providing resources to TEM cryo-analyzation methods so they can verify for themselves if they want to.  They are typically just happy that they aren't still using the lie posted here to support their position about a dangerous vaccine.  

Title: Re: Graphene oxide in covid vaccine. Proof.
Post by Eegore on 04/04/23 at 05:24:52

I only showed you a part of 1 document, and there are 626 documents.

 Ok so all 626 documents, plus 19 additional in relation, have been reviewed by 2 organizations, a paid group of private citizens, and 4 AI search programs.

 Organization 1 was aware of the contents of each document, presented them in order and had full access to all FOIA requests and returns from Pfizer.  They found zero references to graphene oxide in other documents pertaining to implementation in the vaccine.

 Organization 2 had the documents split between 31 remotely working  analysts in random order that had no knowledge of other humans doing the same thing.  Each analyst had 30 pages to review creating redundancy.  They found zero references to graphene oxide in other documents pertaining to implementation in the vaccine.

 Each group had 2 AI search programs do an independent run of the documents.  I had 20 people do standard old-school "find" searches on packets.  They found zero references to graphene oxide in other documents pertaining to implementation in the vaccine.

Title: Re: Graphene oxide in covid vaccine. Proof.
Post by zevenenergie on 04/04/23 at 07:12:32

Ok thanks for your effort :-)

Title: Re: Graphene oxide in covid vaccine. Proof.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/04/23 at 09:31:44

If all the
Died Suddenly
Young,athletic people isn't enough
Then enough doesn't exist.

Vaccine programs that showed just a few major problems were shut down in the past.
Insurance companies are reporting Excess Deaths,,, and if the Suddenly Dead were unvaccinated, it would be Widely reported.
The only reason they ran a propaganda program against the horse medicine was because IF an alternative exists, the Emergency Use Authorization can't be granted.
I don't know Anyone who Didn't Take the jabs that regret it.
I got it, I got over it. It sukkt, but the jab damages the immune system. Keep watching as the people who insist we are overpopulated rejoice. The world's largest psy-op got a whole buncha people who believe what they are told.
That is my opinion. It's based on what I have seen, not Just recently, but over several decades. Flame on! I don't care what anyone says. Sweden did it right.

Title: Re: Graphene oxide in covid vaccine. Proof.
Post by Eegore on 04/04/23 at 11:50:53

If all the
Died Suddenly
Young,athletic people isn't enough
Then enough doesn't exist.

 This has to be compared against those that never had any side-effects.  Or it's nothing more than the environmentalist that will only talk about oil spills.  Obviously oil is bad for the environment when you will refuse to talk about anything other than oil spills.  Oil has done damage, that's all we need to know right?

"Insurance companies are reporting Excess Deaths,,, and if the Suddenly Dead were unvaccinated, it would be Widely reported."

 Your own evidence you repeatedly reference but won't read disagrees with you.  

"Sweden did it right."

 As long as you ignore what happened during the two major medical shortages.  As long as I don't observe it, it's not part of Observed Reality.

Title: Re: Graphene oxide in covid vaccine. Proof.
Post by MnSpring on 04/04/23 at 13:04:16

1E3E3C34293E5B0 wrote:
"... but what do thousands of chemists and physicists know?  They can't possibly know how electron microscope cryo-analysis works any better than the guy on the internet ..."

Then why are the ‘people/groups’, that don’t know the first thing about firearms, SUDDENLY, experts ???????
What guns should be banned, why they need to be banned, effectiveness of signs, the ‘power/effectiveness’ of a certain round, etc.etc.etc.
LOLOL  a-yup, ‘Experts’,.
And everything they say is sacrosanct.

Guess if it is about guns, it doesn’t matter if a gun hater is lying.
We all are to tug our forelocks, bow and say,
            ‘Yes-Massa’ !

Title: Re: Graphene oxide in covid vaccine. Proof.
Post by Eegore on 04/04/23 at 14:21:07

"Guess if it is about guns, it doesn’t matter if a gun hater is lying.
We all are to tug our forelocks, bow and say,
           ‘Yes-Massa’ !

 Ok Got it!


Title: Re: Graphene oxide in covid vaccine. Proof.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/04/23 at 22:10:37

Sorry, I responded having forgotten about the graph end claim. I don't have a clue about That. It's a red herring, because if it's there or NOT, The Jabs were known to be bad,possibly worse than doing nothing,, and they lied,and manipulated numbers and drove panic.

Title: Re: Graphene oxide in covid vaccine. Proof.
Post by Eegore on 04/05/23 at 05:11:19

 It's a red herring, because if it's there or NOT, The Jabs were known to be bad,possibly worse than doing nothing

 But by how much?  How can you even consider that an assessment if you completely ignore that humans took the vaccine, multiple times, and had zero negative impacts?  To be fair you haven't ignored it, you just completely refuse to quantify it or discuss that part in any way.  Only look at the deaths, only look at the oil spills, only the damage matters.  Unless it's about environmental warming, then it's unacceptable to only look at damages.

 As for manipulating numbers maybe actually look at some of the sources you offered instead of citing them as "proof" then telling us (Us meaning all known humans) that none of those documents, that you provided, matter.  Why offer them?

 Why can't both sides lie?  Why can't humans that took the vaccine and did not die be counted?



Title: Re: Graphene oxide in covid vaccine. Proof.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/05/23 at 09:41:44

Utilize the information however you want.

Title: Re: Graphene oxide in covid vaccine. Proof.
Post by MnSpring on 04/05/23 at 11:14:56

5B7B79716C7B1E0 wrote:
"...  Ok Got it!   

 Great !!!!!

7555575F4255300 wrote:
 "... you just completely refuse to quantify it or discuss that part in any way ...
... manipulating numbers ..."

So when the Gun Banners LIE about 'Gun Violence / Gun Murders'.
So when the Gun Banners LIE and use INFLATED Numbers.
So when the Gun Banners LIE about Justifiable, Defense, Accidental.
So when the Gun Banners LIE about 'the 2nd needs to be re-written'.

JUST to, SCARE, by LYING about the numbers.

You are not, OK, with that.

 Great !

Title: Re: Graphene oxide in covid vaccine. Proof.
Post by Eegore on 04/05/23 at 14:19:14

So when the Gun Banners LIE about 'Gun Violence / Gun Murders'.
So when the Gun Banners LIE and use INFLATED Numbers.
So when the Gun Banners LIE about Justifiable, Defense, Accidental.
So when the Gun Banners LIE about 'the 2nd needs to be re-written'.

JUST to, SCARE, by LYING about the numbers.

You are not, OK, with that.

Great !

 Ok.  Got it!

Title: Re: Graphene oxide in covid vaccine. Proof.
Post by Eegore on 04/06/23 at 13:34:26

Utilize the information however you want.

 I typically start by actually looking at it.

Title: Re: Graphene oxide in covid vaccine. Proof.
Post by zevenenergie on 04/07/23 at 03:48:23


This is impossible because the number of humans vaccinated without negative effect, by your logic, is to be ignored.  Since 100% of all humans according to your math will be harmed by vaccination, then you can never "figure it out" because there can be no second number to create a percentage of injured.

It has been proven that the vaccine can reach the DNA and damage the self-repairing capacity of the DNA. It was presented to us that this was not possible.

With a risk of cancer as a result. So it is 100% sure that every time you get a shot you are at risk of developing cancer als long as the vaccin is in your body.
So the vaccine is 100% a Russian roulett and therefore harmful to public health.

Title: Re: Graphene oxide in covid vaccine. Proof.
Post by Eegore on 04/07/23 at 05:20:35

"It has been proven that the vaccine can reach the DNA and damage the self-repairing capacity of the DNA. It was presented to us that this was not possible."

 Proven in the same capacity as the "proof" in this thread?  Where a website lies to you about what the document actually says so people that won't read it for themselves spread the lie?

 Your math is not equal to the math JoG uses as your assessment includes "risk" or "roulett" which in itself requires TWO numbers to calculate the "risk" or chances of damage in "roulette".  JoG uses only ONE number, and refuses to acknowledge the people in "roulette" that live.  By his logic every person who plays Russian Roulette dies because we are not allowed to count the empty chambers that did not kill anyone.

 It has been proven that automobile accidents can kill people.

 Any time you choose to be anywhere an automobile moves you take a "risk" or play "Russian Roulette" with your life therefore 100% of automobiles are harmful to public health.  

 If we only count automobile fatalities, and completely ignore all humans that use automobiles and do not die, then 100% of automobile usage is deadly.  Not "risk" of maybe dying, but 100% D.E.A.D. every single time.


Title: Re: Graphene oxide in covid vaccine. Proof.
Post by zevenenergie on 04/07/23 at 05:28:17

You Bebunkt it whit a lot of fair Egore.
Do you want me to run AI on those ducument?

Because you said you did, but those files are huge. And wen I only offer a small part of one file to an AI program, I get the message that I offer too much text.

So I've debunked your way of arguing once and for all.
And that's why you look so critically at everyone. you think they screw things up just like you do.

So from now on when you reply in a discussion, we just have to say "GRAFEEN" and we have answered you enough.

Title: Re: Graphene oxide in covid vaccine. Proof.
Post by Eegore on 04/07/23 at 05:47:31

"You Bebunkt it whit a lot of fair Egore.
Do you want me to run AI on those ducument?

 Go ahead.  Or you can defend lies told to you and deflect by claiming the "proof" must be in the documents you did not provide, none of which you actually looked at for yourself.

 Just make sure you do not acknowledge your source lied to you.  Anti-vaccine sources won't lie to you right?

Title: Re: Graphene oxide in covid vaccine. Proof.
Post by Eegore on 04/07/23 at 05:52:53

"Because you said you did, but those files are huge. And wen I only offer a small part of one file to an AI program, I get the message that I offer too much text.

So I've debunked your way of arguing once and for all."

 Did I say I used "AN" or ONE AI program, or did I say I used multiple?

 Did I say I had it all run at once?  Did it take me weeks to provide this information?

 Nice try.  Anyone can intentionally refuse to break down documents into AI passable sections of data so it won't work - then claim everyone else is incapable of doing it in a way that actually works.  

 You also ignore all the humans involved in the project, and the "standard old-school "find" searches on packets.", "packets" being the broken down documents.  I wonder why that is.

 Make sure you do not acknowledge the source You provided to us here lied to you though.  If you acknowledge you were lied to, then the vaccine all the sudden magically is safe right?  Why can't this source be wrong, and also the vaccine be unsafe?

Title: Re: Graphene oxide in covid vaccine. Proof.
Post by MnSpring on 04/07/23 at 09:55:00

“… If we only count automobile fatalities, and
completely ignore all humans that use automobiles and do not die,
then 100% of automobile usage is deadly…”   


The argument the Gun Banning, Gun Hating, Socialist's, ‘have to change the 2nd’, Fairy Dust Sprinkling, DFI’s, use !

Using a  (60+/-%) Inflated number
    of murder from firearms,
        To ‘prove’,
A Firearm that looks like ‘something’,
A Firearm that is a certain model,
A Firearm that holds X amount of rounds,
A Firearm that has a certain configuration,
Etc., etc., etc., Needs to be BANNED !

While NOT taking into consideration on how many rounds are fired in a year.
How many people own, firearms,
How many firearms exist.

And adding  suicide’s (calling them murders)
When if there was no firearms, there would be just as many suicides, by car/truck, hanging, jumping, drugs, suffocation, drowning, etc, etc, etc.
(Suicide can not be prevented by one ‘thing’ because another, ‘thing’ will be used.)

But hey. That’s OK !

As long as the Fairy Dust Sprinkling, click heals together, Dumb F ucking Idiot, Socialists say so.
And the people  that ‘blog’, writes on forums, ‘anchors’ on a, ‘news’ station, has a ‘comedy’ show,  call themselves a artist, or a 'actor', etc, etc, etc.
AND have NO experience with firearms, and refuses to learn.

Title: Re: Graphene oxide in covid vaccine. Proof.
Post by zevenenergie on 04/07/23 at 10:44:57

79595B534E593C0 wrote:
"Because you said you did, but those files are huge. And wen I only offer a small part of one file to an AI program, I get the message that I offer too much text.

So I've debunked your way of arguing once and for all."

 Did I say I used "AN" or ONE AI program, or did I say I used multiple?

 Did I say I had it all run at once?  Did it take me weeks to provide this information?

 Nice try.  Anyone can intentionally refuse to break down documents into AI passable sections of data so it won't work - then claim everyone else is incapable of doing it in a way that actually works.  

 You also ignore all the humans involved in the project, and the "standard old-school "find" searches on packets.", "packets" being the broken down documents.  I wonder why that is.

 Make sure you do not acknowledge the source You provided to us here lied to you though.  If you acknowledge you were lied to, then the vaccine all the sudden magically is safe right?  Why can't this source be wrong, and also the vaccine be unsafe?


Title: Re: Graphene oxide in covid vaccine. Proof.
Post by Eegore on 04/07/23 at 11:59:32

"WOW sounds JUST LIKE,
The argument the Gun Banning, Gun Hating, Socialist's, ‘have to change the 2nd’, Fairy Dust Sprinkling, DFI’s, use !

 WOW, JUST LIKE the argument that people who died in car accidents with Covid were documented as dying FROM Covid because the CDC "said" to do it  - that there is still no documentation for!

 OK, Got it!


Title: Re: Graphene oxide in covid vaccine. Proof.
Post by Eegore on 04/07/23 at 12:02:34


 Your source lied to you.  You did not offer proof, acknowledging this won't magically make the vaccine safe, it's ok to have been lied to by an anti-vaccine source, they lie too.  The vaccine can still be unsafe.

Title: Re: Graphene oxide in covid vaccine. Proof.
Post by zevenenergie on 04/07/23 at 13:21:19

"Grafeen, Grafeen, Grafeen"

Title: Re: Graphene oxide in covid vaccine. Proof.
Post by Eegore on 04/07/23 at 13:41:04

"Grafeen, Grafeen, Grafeen"

 It's ok, the vaccine can still be unsafe and also the source you used can lie to you.  

Title: Re: Graphene oxide in covid vaccine. Proof.
Post by MnSpring on 04/07/23 at 16:28:32

5676747C6176130 wrote:
" ...   OK, Got it!"    

So glad you finally understand
that other people,
understand how things work.

Title: Re: Graphene oxide in covid vaccine. Proof.
Post by Eegore on 04/07/23 at 17:04:10

"So glad you finally understand
that other people,
understand how things work."

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