General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Plandemic??............

Message started by pg on 03/11/23 at 06:11:29

Title: Plandemic??............
Post by pg on 03/11/23 at 06:11:29

Oppsie, the pandemic didn't start yet..........

The CEO of
, Stéphane Bancel, has come forward and confessed that their company manufactured 100,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccine in 2019, before the plandemic even began!

Best regards,

Title: Re: Plandemic??............
Post by MnSpring on 03/11/23 at 07:48:12

Yep, NOW everyone,

  (with a brain)

Knows it was Planed.

Title: Re: Plandemic??............
Post by J Mac on 03/11/23 at 08:07:40

I heard something about a company patenting a COVID RNA sequence or something a few years before the scamdemic started.  The chances of it being accidental were impossible.

Title: Re: Plandemic??............
Post by Eegore on 03/11/23 at 08:24:07

 She's referencing the entire vaccine manufacture loads for 2019 from Moderna not SARS-COV-19 specific.  Multiple statements enforce this timeline.

 But taking the quote out of context, and ignoring all other comments with this same information is the only way to say a Covid 19 specific vaccine was "already" manufactured.  

 This is conveniently left out:  "total doses across our portfolio: Vaccines, rare diseases, cancer - the entire companies 2019 pipeline"

 If we look at the entire information we can see what she was actually talking about.

 So if you want the vaccine to have been pre-made, you ignore all other information.  If you don't care, you look at all of the information.

Title: Re: Plandemic??............
Post by J Mac on 03/11/23 at 09:15:17

I don't agree with people on Twitter manipulating or taking things out of context.  I didn't research this claim myself.  Regardless, it was still a plandemic.  There are enough provable crimes, lies, actions, etc. to indicate we were manipulated to the nth degree.

Title: Re: Plandemic??............
Post by pg on 03/11/23 at 09:37:38

‘Yeah we need to make a billion dose next year, there’s going to be a pandemic.’”

Interestingly enough, first covid patent on their website was dated 1/16/2018.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Plandemic??............
Post by Eegore on 03/11/23 at 11:19:50

"Yeah we need to make a billion dose next year, there’s going to be a pandemic."

 Pharmaceuticals have claimed this every year for decades, it's a great way to get funding.  Then once it happened they can finally say they were right, and everyone else can say look they planned it.

 This trope was so common that when "swine flu" started there was this whole mass of articles saying that they finally made a "pandemic" prediction that came true.  

 This lady's statement isn't enough for me to say yeah SARS-COV-19 was "planned".  The funding requests too closely match literally decades of previous claims and requests.

As for the patents, I imagine they come out around the time research and development of a disease is created.  The mRNA structure for that vaccine to my understanding wasn't stable until late 2016, so a 2018 patent seems about right to me.

Title: Re: Plandemic??............
Post by Eegore on 03/11/23 at 11:24:55

"I don't agree with people on Twitter manipulating or taking things out of context."

 Yeah me either but the money to be made from that is outstanding.  I think there's this whole generation that never experienced the development of Social Media that don't quite understand that so much of it is just artificial information driven by advertising metrics.  They see the selected information that gets repeated and that's all.

 There's this rose-colored-glasses effect when 10 out of millions of posts reveal something valuable.

 As for the "plan" part of it, I think that getting all these countries leadership to agree on the release of this one disease and all the actions that came after is unreasonable.  They have too much to gain by not doing this, and so much to lose by trying.  I lean more towards a mishandling that got out of control, that was then covered up.

Title: Re: Plandemic??............
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/11/23 at 12:22:25

Who was it that TOLD Trump that he was going to have a big problem? Fauci?  

Title: Re: Plandemic??............
Post by J Mac on 03/11/23 at 12:48:45

2E3137302D2A1B2B1B23313D76440 wrote:
Who was it that TOLD Trump that he was going to have a big problem? Fauci?  


If they were doing dry runs and gain of function (they most certainly were) and it got out of control "accidentally", that's just as bad as an intentional release.

Title: Re: Plandemic??............
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/11/23 at 15:51:17

I've always believed the odds it was intentionally distributed around the world are a lot better than it was just something that happened. Or it Accidentally leaked out. When it was first being discussed we had our resident know it all using his network to bring us The Facts. It lacked certain elements that would have been there If it was a lab creation. We got The Speech,the science,, and it was the bat soup,baybee..
No, we have just seen the biggest psy op in history. Look what it did. What a success. It stopped Trump from fixing things. If you have not read the things I've been telling people to read, if you don't understand that there are people making decisions that are not elected, you don't have a hope of seeing.
Nobody can explain why the border is open. It's obviously not what the American people want. The ones who do don't understand the cost,
Read Agenda 21,'

Hey! Is there a country that doesn't have a national debt?
Who does everyone owe?
Yeah, watch G Edward Griffin videos
Clowerd and Piven strategy.

How many times do we see decisions made that cause America to suffer?
When Not screwing up is just as easy..

NAFTA and Every trade agreement we have engaged in has SCREWED US.
We wrecked the Mexican farmers with nafta, creating a flood of immigrants.

Did you Know that Ghadaffi went to the UN security council and Told them
If you take me out, Europe will be overrun by immigrants...??
And then they not only did that
They destroyed the Worlds Largest irrigation system that He built. Not with monies taxed, but with oil money. He was painted as a brutal man, but he was loved.
Okay, be stupid, point out how he dealt with troublemakers.. The average person was happy. Life was good. And the irrigation system was Well out of town,, but we wrecked it. All under the guise of Freeing the people. BullShitt.
Wake up people.
Insurrection my tushy..

Title: Re: Plandemic??............
Post by Eegore on 03/11/23 at 16:20:17

"When it was first being discussed we had our resident know it all using his network to bring us The Facts. It lacked certain elements that would have been there If it was a lab creation. We got The Speech,the science,, and it was the bat soup,baybee.."

 It still doesn't have any evidence it was synthetically created, this is almost impossible to find from human cultures, which was the evidence I was referencing.  You refuse to look at the evidence, then tell people it's wrong, somehow knowing without looking.  Just because you won't acknowledge the difference between an evolved/mutated virus in a lab in human cultures, and a synthetically fabricated virus in a lab, doesn't change the evidence.

 It most likely came from bats.  It was most likely altered in a laboratory environment.  The evidence you provided, that I read for you, did not indicate any synthetic components.

Title: Re: Plandemic??............
Post by pg on 03/11/23 at 17:02:19

Who was it that TOLD Trump that he was going to have a big problem? Fauci?


Best regards,

Title: Re: Plandemic??............
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/11/23 at 17:44:40

did not indicate any synthetic components.

I didn't say it did or should
You said it didn't have something that it should have it it was manufactured.
Like I remember what you said exactly...

And Of Fukkin COURSE it came from bats,,that was the Source of what they performed Gain of function on.

Title: Re: Plandemic??............
Post by Eegore on 03/11/23 at 19:21:02

"I didn't say it did or should
You said it didn't have something that it should have it it was manufactured."

 Yes.  And to this day that evidence has not been found.

 Just because I don't agree that the information I read for you shows synthetic fabrication does not mean I think the virus was completely a natural event.  It only means your evidence does not show what the articles headline said it does.

Title: Re: Plandemic??............
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/12/23 at 08:59:27

Who Told you what it Should look like if it was manufactured?
Why is it so important for you to bend yourself into a pretzel to believe what is
And B
Doesn't line up with what the eyes see?

Trump was WARNED by FAUCI that A big problem was going to hit his administration.
The evidence of the Observed Real points to
Created through Gain of Function, fifty cent phraseology for
Bioweapon creation.
But work,, hold on tight,, don't just admit they LIED to us.
I didn't believe it,, but, some people are just more willing to believe that the people running things don't hate us. My world view is Vastly darker than most.
Watching the World just watch as things get worse and worse and act like it is just because we aren't voting hard enough,,
But Nooothing is Really going on at the Bilderberg meeting,, grandkids and the weather,, that's what they talk about.
Clowerd and Piven
The federal Reserve
And that is just a start.

Title: Re: Plandemic??............
Post by Eegore on 03/12/23 at 12:39:32

Who Told you what it Should look like if it was manufactured?

 The reference material in the information You provided that I read for you.  There isn't anything in the actual cultures, that You provided, that indicate any kind of man-made components.  There still isn't.

 "Why is it so important for you to bend yourself into a pretzel to believe what is
And B
Doesn't line up with what the eyes see?

 The biggest part of that is your inability to have an adult conversation.  If I say the information You offered that I read for you does not have the information the lying Facebook post said it does - that is not equal to me saying I think the virus was 100% naturally occurring.

 I use actual evidence, not TGP/Facebook headlines for information I refuse to read, but will argue about.

 What your eyes choose to see is not indicative of what the evidence You provided, but will not look at, shows.

Title: Re: Plandemic??............
Post by pg on 03/12/23 at 14:39:31

I use actual evidence

Evidence is merely the opinion of the powerful..............

Best regards,

Title: Re: Plandemic??............
Post by Eegore on 03/12/23 at 15:43:51

Evidence is merely the opinion of the powerful............

 Yeah if I have a broken window, and there is video footage of my neighbor breaking my window, that's just an opinion.  

 If people claim they have their 6th Amendment violated, and multiple sources show their legal representation extended trial times in writing, that's just an opinion.

Title: Re: Plandemic??............
Post by pg on 03/12/23 at 17:35:14

Yeah if I have a broken window, and there is video footage of my neighbor breaking my window, that's just an opinion.  

Nearly all information TPTB allow us to have access to let is vetted.  Not everything, but the overwhelming majority..................

Regarding the window, how about a building?  Would that suffice?

Best regards,

Title: Re: Plandemic??............
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/12/23 at 17:55:01

7F5F5D55485F3A0 wrote:
Evidence is merely the opinion of the powerful............

 Yeah if I have a broken window, and there is video footage of my neighbor breaking my window, that's just an opinion.  

 If people claim they have their 6th Amendment violated, and multiple sources show their legal representation extended trial times in writing, that's just an opinion.

Is there any explanation for Why they are doing that?

Title: Re: Plandemic??............
Post by Eegore on 03/12/23 at 21:30:03

"Is there any explanation for Why they are doing that?"

 If by this you mean why are they saying their rights are violated when they aren't then read all of this post.  If you mean why are there waivers, there are multiple reasons, travel, evidence review, firing their lawyers, charges being altered, defense adding evidence, etc.  

 Where I've primarily seen the claims of 6th Amendment violations has been on fundraising sites, so money I assume is the primary reason for those claims.  Also I've seen this on Twitter/Facebook/Truth etc. but those are literally just anybody typing in anything they want, I've seen 8th graders create garbage that was believed about Jan-6th and it's a high-share component, which also creates more income and online status.

 Lastly YouTube has quite a bit of false claims, which is also ad-revenue driven, but many of the videos do not have a ton of views.

 I figure some Defendants might actually believe it, if they have poor legal counsel that is not explaining it to them.

 Where I have seen the claims the most are from people that just blindly share and believe anything that pisses them off.  The proven legal documentation is irrelevant, they are angry about it and don't care if they are wrong about the 6th Amendment because rights should work how they want them to, not how they actually do.

Title: Re: Plandemic??............
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/13/23 at 06:29:54

All kinds of people get bail. Why not these?

Title: Re: Plandemic??............
Post by pg on 03/13/23 at 06:55:16

All kinds of people get bail. Why not these?

No kidding, they railroaded those people from start to finish..............

Best regards,

Title: Re: Plandemic??............
Post by Eegore on 03/13/23 at 14:56:29

All kinds of people get bail. Why not these?

 Most of them did get bail.  Many of the dockets from the links I posted here clearly have release conditions.  

 Again the PG's reference freely mixes incarcerated from sentencing with awaiting trial.  So a lot of them were out on bail.  They aren't awaiting trial, they are sentenced, but nowhere do they clarify that.  So some people are interpreting all of the people listed as being held to this day awaiting trial.  

 I'd read some of those and look at the charges and you will see a pattern of those being held in jail were assault charges etc. and those on bail were mostly just trespassing charges.  Even people with assault charges were out on release conditions, but some websites never mention that part.

 I've not seen a single trespass charge awaiting trial in regards to real verified court proceedings, but many on Twitter and fundraising websites.

Title: Re: Plandemic??............
Post by MnSpring on 03/13/23 at 21:06:22

4E6E6C64796E0B0 wrote:
"... your inability to have an adult conversation. ..."

Wow, you have been saying that a lot !
(In fact the only person that says that)

Could it be that when you cannot change someone’s mind,
that is your, ‘go-to’ statement ?

Title: Re: Plandemic??............
Post by Eegore on 03/14/23 at 05:58:32

"Could it be that when you cannot change someone’s mind,
that is your, ‘go-to’ statement ?

 No.  I don't care what you think, I just won't agree to lies posted here as reference for truth.  The response to this is to over-react and make false claims like I said to trust the WHO, and that the virus didn't come from a lab.

 For instance when I clarify that JoG's reference - that he won't even look at - does not show any evidence of a fabricated or synthetic component to SARS-COV-19, as his source claimed, he responds by implying my "Facts" that he also never read, said it was exclusively naturally occurring.  I never said that, I actually brought up the gain of function information.  Further responses typically involve insults, a component of conversations I consider to not be adult.  Calling people jakkasses is not, to me, an adult conversation.

 Also arguing about information he won't look at, then claiming my information, he also won't look at, says something I never claimed, is by my assessment, actions of someone who has the inability to have an adult conversation about the topic.  Most people don't claim I said things I didn't just because I don't agree with three sentences in one of their references - that they never read for themselves.

 We just disagree and move on, no need for name-calling, no need to over-react and make claims about someone that aren't true.

Title: Re: Plandemic??............
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/14/23 at 08:06:01

You have stood on lies and demanded to be seen as The Source of what Is to be believed. You are Very authoritative, and still wrong.
Yyou argued against natural immunity and used Scientific Studies for your foundation.
You supported the Jabs. You have been Wrong.
The stuff I posted used impossible numbers, okay, but let's not dismiss the points.
People ARE dying, or you absolutely live under a rock.
You supported what was Factually proven wrong.
I support what is obviously happening, just not to the degree the article said.

So, you can stop dragging it in.

You can change Your mind about what is and isn't REAL and I'll change My mind about How Much is happening.

I'm wrong in Scale
You're wrong in Fact.

Is that an adult enough conversation?

Title: Re: Plandemic??............
Post by Eegore on 03/14/23 at 08:18:05

"You have stood on lies and demanded to be seen as The Source of what Is to be believed. You are Very authoritative, and still wrong."

 You literally handed back to me the exact same documents as facts after you called them lies.  The exact same ones.

"Yyou argued against natural immunity and used Scientific Studies for your foundation."

 How are you "immune" if you can still get and spread the disease?  Your  refusal to acknowledge what natural immunity is not my inaccuracy.  Refusing to take a vaccine does not make you "immune" to Covid, getting Covid does not make you "immune" to Covid for any substantial amount of time.

"You supported the Jabs. You have been Wrong."

 I never once said anyone should get the vaccine.  Your over-reactions to anything that isn't an absolute agreement to your position, prohibits you from acknowledging that.

 Arguing that millions of kids and soldiers haven't died from the vaccine - which Your sources, that you repeatedly post, claims -  is not equal to saying everyone should go out and get it.  

"I'm wrong in Scale
You're wrong in Fact.

 As long as you incorrectly keep claiming I said the vaccine was safe, or effective, then "fact" as you apply it to me is not ever going to be accurate.  

 You won't even acknowledge a second number to create a percentage of those impacted by the vaccine.  A percentage requires two numbers, but you refuse to contribute because you "don't want to be played".  Facts aren't even on your radar if we use that stance, if we use your process for evaluating vaccine deaths we get 100% D.E.A.D. because we can't add in people who didn't die.  But for some reason we can add in living people, ignore it, and say they are dead?  Those facts?

Title: Re: Plandemic??............
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/14/23 at 09:13:31

Okay, you wouldn't agree to the fact they were lying. Sounded like support.

The Point IS, it Does Not Matter WHAT article I linked.

The POINT is, people are dying and you don't Want to agree. Dying Because they took the jab. Lots of them. Nobody Needs a report. LOOK at the world. Reports of young people Dying Suddenly.. Are you going to swoon at the obvious and pretend that until the official autopsies are in we can't believe with any certainty that it Is the jabs?
That would require what is called Willful Ignorance.

Even the people who Said they didn't see natural immunity have retreated. It's now accepted.
Of Course they won't admit it provides better protection and longer, much much longer, than the Jab that comes with  life threatening side effects. However you want to dance with the definition of immunity, The AwThoriTaahhs that you are so happy to quote
Are Calling it
Natural Immunity, so don't expect me to argue the definition of immunity and whether or not it's reasonable to call it that.
The reason I stopped having Adult Conversations with you is because you play chikkenshit games that require Much more effort to explain than would be necessary if yyou were not being disingenuous. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt there. Because if you're Not intentionally misunderstanding and demanding explanations that you fully understand, you are one seriously obtuse clown.

You should be thrilled that I'm just going to label you a Jakkass,, because you don't Want me believing you are actually so stupid as to believe that BullShitt with not being able to accept the label Natural Immunity.. Dude,, you have to know, I'm not the only person reading this crap. Run ReeRee Red

Nobody CARES about reference articles Now.
The OBVIOUS is now Obvious.

You argued For what has been disproved

People are DYING from the jabs

Natural Immunity is a Thing
You argued against it being valuable, you argued it went away quicker than the Jab which has not even been shown to help. Whoopee, they can make it look good for three weeks!

Ohh yeah,, the Definition of Jabbed
I said two weeks
NOOOO says E.
You're Jabbed like When it goes in your arm..

So, since you are only Effectively Jabbed two weeks after the Jab,, then if you Get the Jab and Die in a week,, Officially, you weren't jabbed.

You never acknowledged when I posted Official guidelines,
You were Wrong, again.

Your Supreme stance doesn't change the facts.
I wonder how ole T and T Garage is doing

Title: Re: Plandemic??............
Post by Eegore on 03/14/23 at 10:42:32

"Okay, you wouldn't agree to the fact they were lying. Sounded like support."

 Incorrect, I actually said "both sides" lie.  I have always said that.

"The Point IS, it Does Not Matter WHAT article I linked."

 I think it does.  Why would you use an article to support your stance then?  What is the purpose of providing information if it Does Not Matter?

"The POINT is, people are dying and you don't Want to agree. Dying Because they took the jab."

 Incorrect, I do think people are dying from the vaccine, I posted, repeatedly the batch numbers and demographics most effected.  You won't read it, you just say I think the jab is safe because I refute your evidence that kids are dropping dead all over the place, or that living athletes are not dead.

"Lots of them. Nobody Needs a report. LOOK at the world. Reports of young people Dying Suddenly.. Are you going to swoon at the obvious and pretend that until the official autopsies are in we can't believe with any certainty that it Is the jabs?"

 Again, as long as you ONLY look at the autopsies chosen for you, and not ALL autopsies from ALL humans proven, again, proven to have taken the vaccine, then your math will dictate the vaccine is 100% deadly.  Why wouldn't you want to know what other autopsies report?  Doesn't flat out ignoring anything other than potential vaccine deaths sound like willful ignorance?

 Reports of young people dying suddenly, but you won't acknowledge reports prior to Covid.  Why shouldn't we look at the current vaccination amounts, and compare to pre-vaccination rates of death?  Why would we only look at kids dying today, and at that, not even verify that kid is dead, or didn't die in 2018?

"Even the people who Said they didn't see natural immunity have retreated. It's now accepted."

 Agreed but not to what you presented here, and that was multiple articles claiming that humans that got Covid, are "immune" can't spread it and will not get it again.  I read those articles for you, but you sit here today claiming I am the one that came up with that.

 Natural Immunity as an accepted clinical definition means your body creates antibodies that are effective for varying timeframes.  Your sources, that for some reason now "no longer matter", claimed those antibodies prevent Covid far, far longer than what has been proven.  As in some claimed infinitely, some had timeframes longer than what was even mathematically possible.  Disagreeing with that is not equal to me claiming you should get a vaccine.

"Natural Immunity is a Thing
You argued against it being valuable, you argued it went away quicker than the Jab which has not even been shown to help. Whoopee, they can make it look good for three weeks!

 At that time natural immunity was not demonstrating anything close to long-term effectiveness, because people were getting the disease again within weeks.  That's not an effective natural immunity.  People, at that time, that were vaccinated had longer durations of Covid-free timeframes.  As the demographics change, as in people die off and more get vaccinated, those numbers will change - I literally said this would happen.

"So, since you are only Effectively Jabbed two weeks after the Jab,, then if you Get the Jab and Die in a week,, Officially, you weren't jabbed."

 Except hundreds of thousands of medical records disagree.  People are documented as being partially vaccinated, that's how they know what phase they are in.  Many of them that died were not listed as "unvaccinated".

"Your Supreme stance doesn't change the facts."

 You anecdotal observations don't either.  Why if athletes are dropping dead at high rates is not one, not a single major sports team, gambling business, college, school district in the nation mentioning it?  Where are all these dead schoolkids?  Where are their graves?

 How can sports betting, like Fantasy Football that tracks every single player and their stats, miss something like athletes dying at these crazy high rates?


Title: Re: Plandemic??............
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/14/23 at 12:42:21

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