General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Tucker and Jan 6th tapes

Message started by WebsterMark on 03/07/23 at 04:34:39

Title: Tucker and Jan 6th tapes
Post by WebsterMark on 03/07/23 at 04:34:39

McCarthy gave Tucker tens of thousands of hours of surveillance video from Jan 6th and the little I’ve seen, paints a vastly different picture than was presented over and over for the past two years. It’s been obvious to anyone with a brain this didn’t meet any definition of armed insurrection, but what’s becoming more and more obvious is the members of the Jan 6 banana republic show trial should themselves be prosecuted for lying. They lied because they did not honestly present evidence. It’s a bigger farce today than the obvious farce it was when it was going on and televised in prime time.

Here’s my point. This weekend, hundreds attacked what’s known as cop city in Atlanta firing fireworks at police officers. These are not bottle rockets. These are big fireworks. When I first saw the video I thought this must be from Ukraine or something. Only a couple dozen were arrested and this morning I read 23 have been let go already. They were charged with domestic terrorism and let go. Some of these January 6 protesters who walked through the capital are still in jail. The infamous guy with the horns on his head was lead around by the police. He didn’t break anything down, but he’s in jail for four years, but someone who just fired a large firework at a police officer with the intent to kill him is walking the streets today.

Title: Re: Tucker and Jan 6th tapes
Post by pg on 03/07/23 at 04:44:27

"Besides misleading the public, they withheld evidence for partisan political reasons that sent people to prison for far more serious crimes than they committed,

"That is deeply wrong, legally and morally."

Elon Musk, spot on..............

Best regards,

Title: Re: Tucker and Jan 6th tapes
Post by MnSpring on 03/07/23 at 08:16:38

It's what one does,
  have the, 'no brainers', doing the dirty work.
Then ya let them go.

Then, Punish the intelligent people !
Hoping they will learn  SUBMISSION.

Title: Re: Tucker and Jan 6th tapes
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/07/23 at 09:01:05

If you will remember how adamantly They defended NOT releasing the video of The Ongoing Investigation of the Gentle Giant being shot by the cop who had been punched so hard he had a busted orbital,, remember that? The reason why they didn't Want the video out was, it ENDED the alleged investigation. They were pushing for as much racial discord as they could create. It's NOT the only time.
The government lying is nothing new.
Safe and Effective boys and girls!

Title: Re: Tucker and Jan 6th tapes
Post by Eegore on 03/07/23 at 10:40:06

 Many of them are submitted as evidence in defense exhibits.  Does anyone have any evidence that any of these videos were withheld in the actual court proceedings?


Title: Re: Tucker and Jan 6th tapes
Post by WebsterMark on 03/07/23 at 11:04:24

I’ve read articles that said both. One that said it was available to all defendants during discovery and another one says it was not available. I imagine that answer will come out soon enough. It would be hard to imagine you could sentence the horn hat guy to four years in jail, based on what I saw. although, if you get a hard-core, leftist judge, anything is possible.

Title: Re: Tucker and Jan 6th tapes
Post by Eegore on 03/07/23 at 12:54:03

 If it was in the prosecution's possession and never released as possible evidence I would expect immediate mistrial filings.  If we aren't seeing those pop up, then those exhibits were available to both, or to none, or every single lawyer is in on it.

Title: Re: Tucker and Jan 6th tapes
Post by pg on 03/07/23 at 13:20:42

This is a first class, 'A' grade, $hit-$how......

Best regards,

Title: Re: Tucker and Jan 6th tapes
Post by WebsterMark on 03/07/23 at 13:39:16

In this case, the lawyer is arguing, he did not have access to all the video. If true, what a mess this is going to be.

Title: Re: Tucker and Jan 6th tapes
Post by Eegore on 03/07/23 at 13:45:43

 I expect multiple to file extension or mistrial based on the footage aired on television.  The issue is if that information was available to the prosecution and withheld.

 New evidence is to be expected in multiple situations.  Intentional withholding of evidence that was available the whole time is a whole other thing.

Title: Re: Tucker and Jan 6th tapes
Post by J Mac on 03/07/23 at 17:22:27

Dirtbags on both sides of the aisle are angry that it was released and that Carlson featured it, claiming it is "whitewashing" of the event.  I HATED seeing people break windows and doors during that event, but I also knew it wasn't an insurrection.  J6 was clearly orchestrated by RINOs and Democrats to punish Trump and ensure he didn't run again.  They could have easily arranged for security that included the Guard to make sure nobody got close to the Capitol.  What a bunch of nonsense.  Both McConnell and Schumer are angry and yapping about this.  What does that tell us?  

Title: Re: Tucker and Jan 6th tapes
Post by pg on 03/07/23 at 18:09:37

Sure looked worse than Pearl Harbour and 911, wasn't that the VP............

Best regards,

Title: Re: Tucker and Jan 6th tapes
Post by Serowbot on 03/08/23 at 07:00:19

Here's a picture of me not smoking...
That must mean I don't smoke.

... and here's one of me not beating up a cop or yelling "Hang Mike Pence"...

Wanna' see a picture of OJ not killing his wife?
They're out there...

Proof of absence is not absence of proof.

Title: Re: Tucker and Jan 6th tapes
Post by WebsterMark on 03/09/23 at 04:19:13

So the few minutes of the videos you saw of Jan 6th released by a completely partisan Congressional committee is all you need to understand the totality of that day’s events?
There’s nothing more that could be learned from more footage?

Title: Re: Tucker and Jan 6th tapes
Post by Serowbot on 03/09/23 at 07:03:20

You watch a car crash on video, and then watch 40,000 hours of cars not crashing.  
The crash didn't go away.

Title: Re: Tucker and Jan 6th tapes
Post by WebsterMark on 03/09/23 at 08:57:14

You definitely qualify as a CNN anchor.

Those things are completely unrelated.

However, watch a video of person A  attacking person B and you could say person A is guilty of assault. Maybe what you didn’t see was one minute before, person B was attacking an helpless person C and person A jumped in and fought him off.

Kind of makes a difference doesn’t it?

Title: Re: Tucker and Jan 6th tapes
Post by WebsterMark on 03/09/23 at 08:58:25

Here it is. Finally, this is the definitive video from January 6 just released.

Title: Re: Tucker and Jan 6th tapes
Post by MnSpring on 03/09/23 at 12:24:08

"...You definitely qualify as a CNN anchor. ..."

Don't confuse Bot with the Facts.
    His mind is made up !

Title: Re: Tucker and Jan 6th tapes
Post by WebsterMark on 03/10/23 at 03:48:29

1F2D2A3B3C2D3A05293A23480 wrote:
Here it is. Finally, this is the definitive video from January 6 just released.

Oh come on now people, you guys gotta watch this.

Title: Re: Tucker and Jan 6th tapes
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/10/23 at 06:52:26

I have,

Title: Re: Tucker and Jan 6th tapes
Post by J Mac on 03/10/23 at 07:19:01

Good video.

Title: Re: Tucker and Jan 6th tapes
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/10/23 at 10:02:30

Speaks volumes. If anyone has an opinion about J6 and will not admit undercover feds were in the crowd and agitating,Epps can't just fade away,anyone who will not acknowledge the basic facts, it's pointless to try to discuss it with them. Truth rests on the shoulders of their Facts they pretend are reality.
Tell me ANYTHING that is going right. Anything..

Look, everything we on the right said was always poopooed. Saying what was perfectly obvious was just hateful.. Pointing out Fetterman being clearly diminished in capacity was met with unyielding resistance. THE FUKKING OBVIOUS ,if that is You,, well, WTF are people supposed to do? How is it possible to have a serious discussion with anyone who doesn't see it. If you're that guy, it's Really time to start getting it figured out how to add up two and two.  And now it's obvious you were wrong,, so maybe you are Wrong in other places.

Gee,,I wonder how many Other unconscionable ideas I have that are not incorrect..

Run grab it and post it again, E..

Title: Re: Tucker and Jan 6th tapes
Post by WebsterMark on 03/10/23 at 10:53:38

And I saw the officer who died the next day on video walking around perfectly fine. Seems like the events of that day had nothing to do with his unfortunate death.

I also saw the horned hat dude reading Trump’s tweet for everyone to leave. Saw his lawyer on Tucker last night. According to him, he had a terrible lawyer who agreed to a plea deal without even trying.

Title: Re: Tucker and Jan 6th tapes
Post by pg on 03/10/23 at 12:04:55


Best regards,

Title: Re: Tucker and Jan 6th tapes
Post by pg on 03/11/23 at 16:58:23

And the hits just keep coming.............

The feds’ political persecution of the Proud Boys took a wild turn after unintentionally leaked chat logs from FBI Special Agent Nicole Miller revealed she said she was ordered by her boss to “destroy” “338 items of evidence.”

Best regards,

Title: Re: Tucker and Jan 6th tapes
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/11/23 at 17:49:57

Okay, okay, FBI would destroy evidence but they would NEVER have people infiltrate a crowd and instigate..

Title: Re: Tucker and Jan 6th tapes
Post by Eegore on 03/11/23 at 19:18:07

 I wouldn't be surprised if the FBI had some sort of red cell operatives in the crowd, but Epps is most likely not one of them.  His situation is pretty overblown in my opinion, and if he was an operative, he'd definitely be bottom of the barrel.

Title: Re: Tucker and Jan 6th tapes
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/12/23 at 09:15:24

His situation is pretty overblown in my opinion

Overblown is the FBI tracking down grandmothers and arresting them.
Epps originally Was on the FBI list,, but, he just kinda fell off. Others have suffered more and he has been ignored.

Title: Re: Tucker and Jan 6th tapes
Post by Eegore on 03/12/23 at 12:55:28

 Epps isn't unique to the "falling off" the list.  Many people did.  The evidence that he is a sleeper agent is one video of him whispering into someone's ear.  

 Everything after that is grasping at straws to support  a pre-decided component.  Also known as confirmation bias.  Also known as cherry picking.

 If Epps is how they are doing this, they are scraping the bottom of the labor pool.

Title: Re: Tucker and Jan 6th tapes
Post by pg on 03/12/23 at 14:48:30

If Epps is how they are doing this, they are scraping the bottom of the labor pool.

I suspect he is one of many plants, provocateurs, informants, undercover agents, so on so forth who was present.  He happened to be caught on tape three times.


Best regards,

Title: Re: Tucker and Jan 6th tapes
Post by Eegore on 03/12/23 at 15:48:20

 I had not seen the one where they were chanting Fed, thanks for posting that.  I still don't think he's an FBI agent, there's way too much time spent at home prior to all this.

 At most he's a paid civilian with minimal training.

Title: Re: Tucker and Jan 6th tapes
Post by pg on 03/26/23 at 13:08:27

Do you think they arrested this guy?

Best regards,

Title: Re: Tucker and Jan 6th tapes
Post by Serowbot on 03/26/23 at 13:57:08

Out of 150 cops, I imagine at least few were tRump supporters,,, sad but true
Probably aren't any more.

Title: Re: Tucker and Jan 6th tapes
Post by pg on 03/26/23 at 15:25:07

Out of 150 cops, I imagine at least few were tRump supporters,,,

I seriously doubt that.  If he were a Trumo supporter, they would have tared and feathered him, as opposed to withholding the video evidence.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Tucker and Jan 6th tapes
Post by Eegore on 03/26/23 at 15:41:39

"Do you think they arrested this guy?"

 Not if he was on duty.  It doesn't seem like any of them were though from that video.

 I did notice the claim of all the people held indefinitely without trial, I looked at the references they offered and almost all of them went to trial, and all of them had speedy trial waivers.

Title: Re: Tucker and Jan 6th tapes
Post by pg on 03/26/23 at 16:05:37

Not if he was on duty.

That's nice, it must absolve one from criminal responsibility.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Tucker and Jan 6th tapes
Post by Eegore on 03/27/23 at 01:39:07

That's nice, it must absolve one from criminal responsibility.

 Yeah that's what I was saying.  On duty cops can never ever be criminally prosecuted for any crime ever.

 Undercover cops typically aren't arrested for engaging in activities that are part of their assignment and not severe violations like murder.  An undercover cop assigned to try to sell guns to a street gang is not going to be arrested for selling those guns.  

Title: Re: Tucker and Jan 6th tapes
Post by pg on 03/27/23 at 04:22:17

Undercover cops typically aren't arrested for engaging in activities that are part of their assignment and not severe violations like murder.

Did you watch the videos?  It is highly unlikely he was undercover with a body cam front and center on his chest. It appears he was a willful participant in the duplicity of the police involvement to ensure Trump supporters on J6.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Tucker and Jan 6th tapes
Post by Eegore on 03/27/23 at 07:01:02

Did you watch the videos?  It is highly unlikely he was undercover with a body cam front and center on his chest. It appears he was a willful participant in the duplicity of the police involvement to ensure Trump supporters on J6.

 I did watch them.  Of those three, none of them appeared to me to be on duty to me.  No radio communication seems odd to me.

 He obviously was a willing participant, and I do not think he was arrested.

Title: Re: Tucker and Jan 6th tapes
Post by MnSpring on 03/27/23 at 18:06:29

436361697463060 wrote:
" Yeah that's what I was saying.  
On duty cops can never ever be criminally prosecuted for any crime ever. ..."

So that Cop in Minn, who was doing what he was Taught to do, the way he was taught to do it, should not have gotten a 22 year sentience in Solitary Confinement ?

Title: Re: Tucker and Jan 6th tapes
Post by Eegore on 03/27/23 at 18:39:03

So that Cop in Minn, who was doing what he was Taught to do, the way he was taught to do it, should not have gotten a 22 year sentience in Solitary Confinement ?

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