General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> A tragic story. Unique or common?

Message started by WebsterMark on 02/10/23 at 05:17:10

Title: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by WebsterMark on 02/10/23 at 05:17:10

Just read it.

The thing about a tipping point is that it goes both ways. Either it snaps heads around and we say this has got to stop or things have digressed to the point where we can’t even hear it above the din, it can’t break through the background noise.

I assume this is what those of you who gets so distraught about mass shootings feel about why we seem to never do anything about gun violence.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by zevenenergie on 02/10/23 at 05:43:53

Normally during puberty you have to accept your body and your sexuality.
At the same time, you separate yourself from your parents.

Before that time, children did not identify very strongly with being male or female or with any identity whatsoever. That's why they're so innocent.

They struggle with a lack of unconditional love.
Everything else that is offered is in fact conditioning. Meant well, but not so innocent as it looks.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by Eegore on 02/10/23 at 06:40:29

"Soon after my arrival at the Transgender Center, I was struck by the lack of formal protocols for treatment. The center’s physician co-directors were essentially the sole authority."

 You could be treating hangnails and this is going to destroy the integrity and benefits of that program.

But after working at the center, I came to believe that teenagers are simply not capable of fully grasping what it means to make the decision to become infertile while still a minor.

 Agreed.  Many females into their 30's, that's right, 30's will be denied ovarian occlusion procedures to combat cysts, and cancer, because they "might want kids" in the future.  Youth for sure should be denied, but I think a 28 year old female doesn't require a male doctor's permission to not have kids someday.  But a 16 year old can decide to permanently disable their reproductive system?

 If people would stop making this political and using insults to vilify anyone by assumed political preference who has another opinion maybe discussions would happen.


Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by MnSpring on 02/10/23 at 06:58:08

    People  are  AFRAID to do something,
     Simply because they are, TOLD, what to do.

“… There was a team of about eight of us, and only one other person brought up the kinds of questions I had. Anyone who raised doubts ran the risk of being called a transphobe. …”

And really, scary, dealings, to JUST put 'your', money in their pockets !

“…But after working at the center, I came to believe that teenagers are simply not capable of fully grasping what it means to make the decision to become infertile while still a minor. …”

“… At the end of the call I thought to myself, “Wow, we hurt this kid.”  …”

“…They had no idea who they were going to be as adults. Yet all it took for them to permanently transform themselves was one or two short conversations with a therapist….”

“… In front of the team,
the doctors said that my colleague and I
had to stop questioning the “medicine and the science”
as well as their authority.
Then an administrator told us
we had to “Get on board, or get out.”…”

“…“We are building the plane while we are flying it.”
No one should be a passenger on that kind of aircraft….”

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by WebsterMark on 02/10/23 at 08:48:18

People are afraid as MnSpring correctly quotes. It feels like we’re letting a tiny minority destroy countless lives. Why are we doing this?

And Eegore raises a good point in that this is and will continue to be political dividing line. It’s like we were all on a ship that went down and we’re floating in the ocean. Two lifeboats appear, but one is only for the group of people who believe one thing and the other for the other group of people who believes something else. We each go to our separate lifeboats , even if we have to swim past one to get to the other. We will sacrifice so much just to get on our lifeboat. It’s crazy.

I can’t believe anybody is in favor of allowing obviously disturbed young people making dramatic changes to their physical bodies that can never be reversed. Never.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by Serowbot on 02/10/23 at 09:08:15

These are people conflicted by their own bodies.  Any action taken or not taken is bound to have varied consequences.
How is success measured?
How many will self harm without help, how many with help or even because of it?
There is no black and white answer.
I don't think I know better than experts, and politicizing the issue helps no one.
The question is, are we interested in whats best or what furthers our agenda?
There are agenda's on both sides... politicizing only makes them more polarizing.

Acceptance on the far Left may give some encouragement, outrage on the Right may push the rebellious.
Neither is very helpful.
Both will only amplify the issue.
We need to turn down the heat.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by WebsterMark on 02/10/23 at 13:05:35

6A7C6B766E7B766D190 wrote:
These are people conflicted by their own bodies.  Any action taken or not taken is bound to have varied consequences.
How is success measured?
How many will self harm without help, how many with help or even because of it?
There is no black and white answer.
I don't think I know better than experts, and politicizing the issue helps no one.
The question is, are we interested in whats best or what furthers our agenda?
There are agenda's on both sides... politicizing only makes them more polarizing.

Acceptance on the far Left may give some encouragement, outrage on the Right may push the rebellious.
Neither is very helpful.
Both will only amplify the issue.
We need to turn down the heat.

You either didn’t read her account of what’s going on or yours swimming past one lifeboat so you can get in yours.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by Serowbot on 02/10/23 at 17:00:54

Her account is only one of many, as valid or invalid as any other.  You like it because it suits your agenda.  I could as easily post one that agrees with mine.
My boat your boat,... shouldn't the concern be their boat, and making the right choices for the individual?
I think for some the help is needed, for some it's a wrong choice. these evaluations can be wrong or right but are better made by trained professionals than politicians.
My boat and your boat should get out of the way.

Much like the abortion issue,.. one side says no, never, and I decide for everyone... the other says who am I to judge.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/10/23 at 18:34:41

Remember when it was Bulimia, and Anorexia, ? Why? Stupid crap comes and goes. This trans insanity will pass. Lives destroyed. And the people who shrugged and called it okay,,? Enablers,, school counselors who help them do it, keep it secret from mom and dad? Burn in hell,,

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by WebsterMark on 02/11/23 at 11:29:37

5C4A5D40584D405B2F0 wrote:
Her account is only one of many, as valid or invalid as any other.  You like it because it suits your agenda.  I could as easily post one that agrees with mine.
My boat your boat,... shouldn't the concern be their boat, and making the right choices for the individual?
I think for some the help is needed, for some it's a wrong choice. these evaluations can be wrong or right but are better made by trained professionals than politicians.
My boat and your boat should get out of the way.

Much like the abortion issue,.. one side says no, never, and I decide for everyone... the other says who am I to judge.

Again, I don’t think you read the article very closely. There are no universally agreed protocols, and the assumption that delaying harsh treatment is worse than continuing therapy has never been proven and in fact, there’s plenty of evidence to suggest otherwise. Prescribing prescriptions that have irreversible lifelong changes after one visit can never possibly be the right course of action. And if some expert says so, and you asked me if I’m smarter than the expert then my answer is yes. There can never be a justification for meeting with a 14-year-old one time and then cutting her boobs off and giving her harsh chemicals that permanently make her sterile and permanently alter her sexually before she has even experienced much in the way of life. One visit with a therapist who has a monetary interest in this? No way. And we’ve never even discussed her comments that a great many of these people have serious issues elsewhere, and this could be just a way out. And, we haven’t even mentioned the allegation that there’s a good portion of these who are on the autism spectrum.

You would refuse the right for responsible adults with no criminal record to own semiautomatic firearms that look scary, but you’re gonna tell me you agree to let a 14-year-old permanently disfigured her body after one visit to a therapist? That’s absolute nonsense and totally ridiculous.

The writer speaks of groups of teenage girls coming in at the same time. What does that tell you? Because I live in St. Louis and I know where this building is and who they service, they’re rich suburban white girls. Those girls have been so sheltered they don’t know anything. Their entire life revolves around social media. I told you, I knew a woman at work whose daughter went through this phase. She was 13 started wearing boy clothes, cut her hair wanted to be called by a different name the whole 9 yards. Several of her friends high school were doing the same thing. She passed through this phase, and now she’s a perfectly normal beautiful young lady of 19. Imagine if her, and a couple of her friends had walked into this place got a hold of the wrong therapist, and without their parents even knowing, were sterilized and butchered. This can’t happen. Everybody has to agree to stop this. Anybody who says we have to let the experts decide this is an idiot. An absolute idiot or your mind is so warped there’s something seriously wrong with you.

To continue my life, boat analogy, if a bunch of leftist doctors and pretend therapist who did this crap were floating in the water after their boat sank and I was in the life boat, I’d sail away and let the sharks decide their fate.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by Serowbot on 02/11/23 at 12:25:15

So you should decide

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by MnSpring on 02/11/23 at 14:02:06

7066716C74616C77030 wrote:
So you should decide

Why not,
Have decided to take away a gun ONLY on how it's looks.

  (or is that just what You are Told to say ?)

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by MnSpring on 02/11/23 at 14:13:21

"... One visit with a therapist who has a monetary interest ..."

    That is the whole point !

And that person/s, is getting a bunch of YOUR money, (Taxes).
They will continue to get it by making people AFRAID to say anything.
THREATEN them if they do,
and/or BRIBE them to not say something.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by WebsterMark on 02/12/23 at 05:44:08

6573647961747962160 wrote:
So you should decide

Cutting sexual organs off a 14 year old boy or girl and giving them drugs with irreversible, lifelong side effects? Yes, I can decide the answer is no.
If you can’t, there’s something seriously wrong with you.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by WebsterMark on 02/12/23 at 08:25:37

These are the kind of effing weirdos that end up advising young girls and boys to get body parts hacked off because they’re confused, because they grew up in a dysfunctional household, because they’re on the autism spectrum. Bunch of f’ing weirdos.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by zevenenergie on 02/13/23 at 03:07:04

There is also another way to look at it.

There is such a thing as reincarnation. If you've lived many lives as a cow. And you suddenly come into the world as a cleaning lady, then you shouldn't be surprised if you nuts all over the kitchen floor.
After all, you have been shitting around for many lifetimes.

So it is if you have lived many lives as a woman and you are suddenly born a man.. I can imagine that your body feels a bit strange. But, life has determined it. And life is not mistaken.

After all, you're a man now.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by Serowbot on 02/13/23 at 07:39:44

ooooookay.... :-?

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by WebsterMark on 02/13/23 at 10:24:03

706F7C6F646F646F786D636F0A0 wrote:

There is also another way to look at it.

There is such a thing as reincarnation. If you've lived many lives as a cow. And you suddenly come into the world as a cleaning lady, then you shouldn't be surprised if you nuts all over the kitchen floor.
After all, you have done that for many lifetimes.

So it is if you have lived many lives as a woman and you are suddenly born a man.. I can imagine that your body feels a bit strange. But, life has determined it. And life is not mistaken.

After all, you're a man now.

This is not a joking matter.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by zevenenergie on 02/13/23 at 12:02:44

I look at it from a somewhat bigger picture and find the whole theme painful. But also too serious and it is made too complicated. And therefore almost impossible to solve.

Life is what you make it.

I don't mean to hurt your feelings, nor anyone,s. Sorry if that's the case.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by WebsterMark on 02/14/23 at 04:50:00

No worries from me Z.

It’s the ridiculousness of it all that’s so mind-boggling. Boys winning track meets, swim meets, crushing girls faces in volleyball. WTF is the matter with you people who think that’s acceptable? I blame the lack of masculinity of liberal men. There’s got to be a few leftist men in school administration with at least some semblance of what remains of their balls, right?

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by Eegore on 02/14/23 at 05:29:47

 I think once you stop making it primarily a politics issue and start making it a psychological one, maybe liberal men won't stop listening to your points the second you insult them.

 I admit none of this really makes sense to me, but the masculinity side of this is only one half of the equation.  There are many biological females that want to transition to male.  Why the continued focus on men not being men?  Is it just because boys out do girls in specific sports?

 This in general is an issue of humans changing their psychology and attempting to take their body along for the ride.  Which, to me, in itself is someone of an oxymoron.  If humans are "non-binary" and gender doesn't matter, then why do you need to alter your physical appearance and biology?

 It's like saying the clothes you wear doesn't matter while you go shopping for specific clothes.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by MnSpring on 02/14/23 at 06:22:50

48686A627F680D0 wrote:
 I think once you stop making it primarily a politics issue and start making it a psychological one, maybe liberal men won't stop listening to your points the second you insult them. ..."

Sounds the same as:

Don ’t punish that person,
for doing ‘a’ thing.
Just sit them down. And talk nicely to them.

Then tell them they should not do ‘that’ thing again,
Because it is a wrong thing to do.
And one should not do, ‘wrong’ things.

Everybody can see how well, ‘that’, has worked!

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by Eegore on 02/14/23 at 07:04:12

Sounds the same as:

Don ’t punish that person,
for doing ‘a’ thing.
Just sit them down. And talk nicely to them.

Then tell them they should not do ‘that’ thing again,
Because it is a wrong thing to do.
And one should not do, ‘wrong’ things.

Everybody can see how well, ‘that’, has worked!

 However you want to interpret it.  All I am saying is people typically don't respond well to insults.  Blaming men, and men who have specific political affiliations, is not going to solve the problem.

 Once the blaming Liberal men and calling them weak changes their minds and they start acting like non-liberal manly men, we still have all those women to figure out a way to blame, and insult into changing their minds.  It's going to be a long road.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by MnSpring on 02/14/23 at 07:24:57

"...All I am saying is people typically don't respond well to insults...."

How do you think people typically respond to,
    punishment ?
When they do something which is outside the norm ?

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by Eegore on 02/14/23 at 07:40:43

How do you think people typically respond to,
   punishment ?
When they do something which is outside the norm ?

 In different ways.  

 However Webstermark is not suggesting punishment, just insulting a political ideology.  I wonder how well that strategy works, or why it is important.  My experience has been that people do not respond well to insults, and that blaming politics rarely gets things changed.

 It may be factual that Liberal men are more supportive of gender modification and policy supporting it, but calling them weak and blaming their politics doesn't seem like it will go vary far.  Plus it ignores women that are also involved in this.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by Serowbot on 02/14/23 at 07:46:10

As the only Liberal in the forum, this is a personal attack... on a topic that I have agreed with you on repeatedly.
Biological women have a right to their own sports competition.

So, sorry Web but you're raging at a fictional member.
I think most Liberals agree with me and with you.... the issue is driven by LBGTQRST militants and is nonsensical.

You have drifted from the topic of sex reassignment of the underaged to trans men/women in women's sports.

Very different topics.
This is painting with a very wide brush.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by WebsterMark on 02/14/23 at 10:32:56

4565676F7265000 wrote:
 I think once you stop making it primarily a politics issue and start making it a psychological one, maybe liberal men won't stop listening to your points the second you insult them.

Nope. When situations like this first begin, they are addressed calm and rationally. But the simple fact is, everything is political. Every single thing is political.

 I admit none of this really makes sense to me, but the masculinity side of this is only one half of the equation.  There are many biological females that want to transition to male.  Why the continued focus on men not being men?  Is it just because boys out do girls in specific sports?

Because men should be standing up to stop this nonsense. That’s why.

 This in general is an issue of humans changing their psychology and attempting to take their body along for the ride.  Which, to me, in itself is someone of an oxymoron.  If humans are "non-binary" and gender doesn't matter, then why do you need to alter your physical appearance and biology?
I don’t know. I’m not a crazy fruitcake so I can’t answer that question.
 It's like saying the clothes you wear doesn't matter while you go shopping for specific clothes.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by WebsterMark on 02/14/23 at 10:35:27

2D3B2C31293C312A5E0 wrote:
As the only Liberal in the forum, this is a personal attack... on a topic that I have agreed with you on repeatedly.
Biological women have a right to their own sports competition.

So, sorry Web but you're raging at a fictional member.
I think most Liberals agree with me and with you.... the issue is driven by LBGTQRST militants and is nonsensical.

You have drifted from the topic of sex reassignment of the underaged to trans men/women in women's sports.

Very different topics.
This is painting with a very wide brush.

On one hand, if most liberals agreed with you, this wouldn’t be happening. But, much like wearing masks, this has turned into political signaling. National democratic figures have to be in favor of young girls and boys, getting their sexual organs hacked off and ruining their life forever. It’s like abortion. You have to be in favor of killing, unborn children to be a national Democratic figure.

So switch parties my friend. Come on in, the water is fine!

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by Serowbot on 02/14/23 at 11:52:23

Gender transitions, women's sports, and now abortion is in the mix...
Too much coffee this morning? ;D

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by Eegore on 02/14/23 at 12:13:25

Because men should be standing up to stop this nonsense. That’s why.

 So what do the women do?

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by zevenenergie on 02/14/23 at 13:05:57

I think this discussion is about identity, and that's always tricky. It is even the cause of all conflicts in the world.

If we didn't identify ourselves....
Then you wouldn't have any of those problems.
lefties, righties. liberals, man, woman, American, Russian

And what are you projecting on to someone?
Becource that's the problem... we need to grow up.

And ask yourself honestly; when was the last time you were really right about something?
That never happens, does it?

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by WebsterMark on 02/14/23 at 16:26:04

No, this isn’t about actual identity. It’s about a social contagion where socially confused children are making decisions they shouldn’t.

And our sex is what it is.

And yes, I’m right when I say there’s never a reason to cut a 13 year olds boobs off after one visit with a  gender “therapist “.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by Eegore on 02/14/23 at 19:19:49

"And yes, I’m right when I say there’s never a reason to cut a 13 year olds boobs off after one visit with a  gender “therapist “."

 Agreed.  This is an obvious example of why actual procedure and analysis for medical treatment exists.  Back in the day it was to prevent snake oil salesmen from scamming the public, it evolved into preventing things like psychic surgery predators and having a medical system where people use anecdotal evidence that results in devastating results, while having good intentions.

 A true evaluative system would treat this more like hybrid clinical trials.

 I think both men and women, as I define "men" and "women", should be involved in the decision making though.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by zevenenergie on 02/14/23 at 22:41:03

It's about kids trying to figure out what to do with an identity they're presented with.
They feel the way they feel. But with their body, comes a behavior determined by their environment.
And that's where it goes wrong.

Then some confused adults come along who don't get it and get involved.

All this in a society that you can safely call sexually frustrated.
And that even fight each other about their political identity.

How can you expect them to be healthy in essential matters?

Your brain is fully grown around the age of 21. Until then, in my opinion, it should be prohibited to cut children or administer medication that changes their gender.

The fact that you have to enshrine this in law shows how disrupted our society is.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by WebsterMark on 02/15/23 at 05:13:17

Read that and now tell me you want a “therapist” who got into that line of work (for the same reason so many gay men get into the Priesthood) advising one of these girls who has unfortunately lived with abusive or deranged leftist parents and telling her she’s really been a boy her whole life and just a little doctor work and she’ll be fine.

Sick fu@ks.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/15/23 at 05:56:16

Lefties replace reality with what sounds good and this is what you get. The fact of the matter is, reality isn't nice. The reason it's NOT easy to understand why things have to be so hard to get through to them is,you are talking about the same people who
Believed a sign that said you can not have a gun in a certain area would actually have an impact on people taking guns into those places and somehow keep school kids safe. You have to understand the level of ability to grasp reality that That person has AND understand just how much they are able to pretend something that is Not true Actually IS true AND they can say stupid nuts like Follow the Science WHILE THEY IGNORE the Most OBVIOUS science..
Boys don't become girls,, EVER..
Girls never become boys.
And NO, you can not FEEL like the opposite sex. You have NO FUKKING CLUE what they feel like..
Reality isn't sweet,or kind or gentle. Life is tough. It's not Fair.. You get born. If you're lucky, you survive long enough to have to figure out how to survive on your own terms. Being too gutless to be willing to stand up to the facts of reality is the problem and coddling them and letting them play out some weird fantasy doesn't benefit them or society.

I remember when the weirdos just wanted to get married and they were absolutely NOT going past that..
But now it's Fukkin Story hours everywhere..
Have a Bible story hour and see how they act..
It's not going to end well..

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by zevenenergie on 02/15/23 at 06:39:21

Well, lets make it a better world. Starting at not projecting your negativity on a certain political current.

http:// the world... make it a better place...

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by Serowbot on 02/15/23 at 06:58:50

033136272031261935263F540 wrote:
I say there’s never a reason to cut a 13 year olds boobs off after one visit with a  gender “therapist “.

Do you think this really happens?
Not likely

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by MnSpring on 02/15/23 at 07:26:21

5244534E56434E55210 wrote:
Do you think this really happens?
Not likely

I suggest you read the link in the first post.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by Serowbot on 02/15/23 at 08:03:45

People like this don't just pop up at a clinic one day... they have been dealing with issues most of their life.  I don't believe these are formerly well adjusted kids that showed up on a whim, saw a therapist for 20 minutes and got reassignment surgery.

Do you consider the number of kids that commit suicide because they don't get help?

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by WebsterMark on 02/15/23 at 08:16:54

2F392E332B3E33285C0 wrote:
[quote author=033136272031261935263F540 link=1676035031/30#31 date=1676420764] I say there’s never a reason to cut a 13 year olds boobs off after one visit with a  gender “therapist “.

Do you think this really happens?
Not likely[/quote]

So you didn’t read the woman’s story did you?

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by WebsterMark on 02/15/23 at 08:22:48

6E786F726A7F72691D0 wrote:
People like this don't just pop up at a clinic one day... they have been dealing with issues most of their life.  I don't believe these are formerly well adjusted kids that showed up on a whim, saw a therapist for 20 minutes and got reassignment surgery.

Do you consider the number of kids that commit suicide because they don't get help?

Bull$hit. They do too. I told you about a woman I know whose daughter and friends at school developed this idea they were all boys. Had the mother not done a good job at guiding her through, her boobs would be in the trash and she be taking drugs that would make her sterile.

And again, you didn’t read the story or you’d know the “theory” that holding off surgery causes suicides is not proven.

But yes, these kids need help but not by people predetermined due to their own F’d up way of thinking, to get surgery. Do you know how many go through this and face huge regrets later when they’re older? Older as in 20!

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by WebsterMark on 02/15/23 at 08:25:21

233C2F3C373C373C2B3E303C590 wrote:
Well, lets make it a better world. Starting at not projecting your negativity on a certain political current.

http:// the world... make it a better place...

Bull$hit. When that political current is harmful and dangerous, I’ll project more than negativity.

All opinions are not valid, all opinions are not valued. Some opinions need to be slapped back to the $hithole they came from.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by zevenenergie on 02/15/23 at 08:59:30

I suggest you find someone with an opposite opinion, who has the same opinion as you.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by WebsterMark on 02/15/23 at 09:25:47

Is human slavery a valid opinion?
Child abuse?
Human trafficking?

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by zevenenergie on 02/15/23 at 10:32:58

A valid opinion is one that is supported by sound reasoning, relevant evidence, and is consistent with known facts. While opinions are subjective by nature and can vary from person to person, a valid opinion is one that is based on a reasonable and justifiable argument. For example, if someone holds the opinion that climate change is not caused by human activities, a valid opinion would be one that is backed up by scientific evidence and logical reasoning, rather than mere personal beliefs or unverified claims. In other words, a valid opinion is one that is well-informed, logically coherent, and supported by credible sources.
Can Human trafficking be a valid poinion

Human trafficking is not a valid  opinion, but rather a criminal activity that involves the exploitation of vulnerable individuals for profit or other purposes, such as forced labor or sexual exploitation. It is a serious violation of human rights and a form of modern-day slavery. While people may have different opinions about the causes, prevalence, and solutions to the problem of human trafficking, the existence of this crime and its devastating impact on victims is a fact that is widely recognized and documented by various international organizations and government agencies. Therefore, it is important to approach the issue of human trafficking with a clear understanding of the facts and to take action to prevent and combat this crime.

Do you need me to go on?

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by Eegore on 02/15/23 at 10:50:53

 Technically Human Trafficking, if looked at from an economic standpoint could be a "valid" argument as long as the argument focused on cost to acquisition ratios, lifetime and availability of supply, and considered "rights" to be unique to the region capable of enforcing them.

 If the "right" to be a free citizen is not acknowledged in that area, is it actually a right? I'd say no.  So while human trafficking is wrong, I can think of scenarios, in specific areas, where a valid argument could be made.

 In relation to this topic, yes committing children to lifetime body alterations is wrong, but valid arguments could be made.  They would just be wrong to implement.  Like saying a child at 5 can understand and acknowledge gender.  This is correct, but it does not mean a child that age has the ability to start making decisions for themselves.  The argument/opinion is valid, but would be ethically wrong to put into action.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by zevenenergie on 02/15/23 at 11:15:08

It is important to note that human trafficking is a serious crime that involves the exploitation of vulnerable individuals, and it is universally condemned by international law and human rights standards. While some individuals may attempt to justify or rationalize human trafficking based on economic or cultural factors, such arguments are not valid and are fundamentally unethical.

Human trafficking is a violation of human dignity and the basic human right to be free from exploitation and slavery. The fact that some regions or countries may not fully recognize or protect these rights does not justify or excuse the practice of human trafficking. In fact, it underscores the need for greater awareness and action to prevent and combat this crime.

Similarly, while the issue of gender identity in children is a complex and controversial topic, it is important to prioritize the well-being and autonomy of the child. While some arguments may be considered valid from a technical or academic standpoint, any actions or decisions that would deny a child their right to self-determination and bodily autonomy would be unethical and potentially harmful.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by WebsterMark on 02/15/23 at 11:45:42

5D4251424942494255404E42270 wrote:
A valid opinion is one that is supported by sound reasoning, relevant evidence, and is consistent with known facts. While opinions are subjective by nature and can vary from person to person, a valid opinion is one that is based on a reasonable and justifiable argument. For example, if someone holds the opinion that climate change is not caused by human activities, a valid opinion would be one that is backed up by scientific evidence and logical reasoning, rather than mere personal beliefs or unverified claims. In other words, a valid opinion is one that is well-informed, logically coherent, and supported by credible sources.
Can Human trafficking be a valid poinion

Human trafficking is not a valid  opinion, but rather a criminal activity that involves the exploitation of vulnerable individuals for profit or other purposes, such as forced labor or sexual exploitation. It is a serious violation of human rights and a form of modern-day slavery. While people may have different opinions about the causes, prevalence, and solutions to the problem of human trafficking, the existence of this crime and its devastating impact on victims is a fact that is widely recognized and documented by various international organizations and government agencies. Therefore, it is important to approach the issue of human trafficking with a clear understanding of the facts and to take action to prevent and combat this crime.

Do you need me to go on?

Cutting the boobs off and sterilizing a confused young girl has zero basis in sound reasoning and common sense yet one political party has backed itself into a corner where they have to support this.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by WebsterMark on 02/15/23 at 11:47:53

San Francisco is on the verge of legalizing prostitution which will essentially legalize human trafficking, they’ll just give it a different name.

For fuxks sake man, cutting organs off children is wrong. Just say it.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by zevenenergie on 02/15/23 at 12:15:14

Why don,t you hear it? I say that al the time!

Keep your crappity smacking hands off children.
And if you don,t your pig,s food.
Right or left I don,t care.
I will go medieval on your ass.  I'll kick your balls through your nostrils and make you eat them.

I wil massacre you.

Dit you get it?

Thats what I mean, when I say I find the whole thing painful.
Keep your hands off children. It's that simple.

Does that make you feel better?

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/15/23 at 15:57:56

6F7063707B707B7067727C70150 wrote:
Well, lets make it a better world. Starting at not projecting your negativity on a certain political current.

http:// the world... make it a better place...

And who do you think drove those obviously idiotic ideas? Facts don't care about feelings. If the truth hurts, that is what reality based people call Motivation for Change. When stupid doesn't come with consequences, like having your belief in a stupid sign stopping murder slapped upside your head and mocked,then where is the Reason for them to reconsider?

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by WebsterMark on 02/16/23 at 07:08:34

504F5C4F444F444F584D434F2A0 wrote:
Why don,t you hear it? I say that al the time!

Keep your crappity smacking hands off children.
And if you don,t your pig,s food.
Right or left I don,t care.
I will go medieval on your ass.  I'll kick your balls through your nostrils and make you eat them.

I wil massacre you.

Dit you get it?

Thats what I mean, when I say I find the whole thing painful.
Keep your hands off children. It's that simple.

Does that make you feel better?

See, that wasn’t hard was it?
And yes, by the way, it does make me feel better, thank you.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by MnSpring on 02/16/23 at 13:35:10

2F3023303B303B3027323C30550 wrote:
"... ask yourself honestly; when was the last time you were really right about something? ..."

Believe that would be the BILLONS + of people.

 (Who are NOT, Ultra Liberal, Fairy Dust Sprinkling Socialists)

When they say:  2+2=4 !

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by MnSpring on 02/22/23 at 11:45:30

"South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem
signs bill banning some gender-related
medical, surgical procedures for minors.

Gov. Noem bans puberty blockers,
hormone therapy
and gender-swapping surgeries

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by Serowbot on 02/22/23 at 12:21:35

Human Trafficking?... Abbott , DeSAntis...
Underage sex trafficking?...  Gaetz...

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by WebsterMark on 02/22/23 at 13:23:04

Are you seriously trying to call bussing ILLEGAL ALIENS to liberal cities who love to claim they’re sanctuary cities but only said that because they never thought they’d have to deliver. That just further erodes the discussion that needs to happen about actual human trafficking for prostitution purposes. That’s F’d up man.

And you know the DOJ investigated that and charged someone with extortion right? But you’re going to keep repeating that lie like you did with Sarah Palin and Gabby what’s her name ain’t you? Prettier pathetic.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by MnSpring on 02/22/23 at 13:27:37

7F697E637B6E63780C0 wrote:
Human Trafficking?... Abbott , DeSAntis...
Underage sex trafficking?...  Gaetz...

      KNOWN Pedophile, Biden !

However that is to be ignored,
cause he will 'save' the USA.

 (According to the UL, DIF, FDS, Socialists)

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by Serowbot on 02/22/23 at 15:25:43

784A4D5C5B4A5D624E5D442F0 wrote:
Are you seriously trying to call bussing ILLEGAL ALIENS to liberal cities who love to claim they’re sanctuary cities but only said that because they never thought they’d have to deliver.

Republican governors are behaving in a manner similar to the human traffickers they excoriate. The United Nations defines human trafficking as “the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of people through force, fraud or deception, with the aim of exploiting them for profit.”[ch8239]

Abbott, DeSantis and Ducey insist that asylum seekers are boarding buses and planes voluntarily. Given the migrants’ fear of imminent deportation, that assertion is implausible. Some of those who landed on Martha’s Vineyard said they were duped by promises of “expedited work papers.” Others had no idea where they were going.  

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by pg on 02/22/23 at 16:51:25

Martha's Vineyard didn't want them, NYC doesn't want them, even Canada doesn't want them................

Best regards,

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/22/23 at 18:07:31

Should've shipped them to a sanctuary city. Coff Coff

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by WebsterMark on 02/22/23 at 20:08:34

3C2A3D20382D203B4F0 wrote:
[quote author=784A4D5C5B4A5D624E5D442F0 link=1676035031/45#56 date=1677100984]Are you seriously trying to call bussing ILLEGAL ALIENS to liberal cities who love to claim they’re sanctuary cities but only said that because they never thought they’d have to deliver.

Republican governors are behaving in a manner similar to the human traffickers they excoriate. The United Nations defines human trafficking as “the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of people through force, fraud or deception, with the aim of exploiting them for profit.”[ch8239]

Abbott, DeSantis and Ducey insist that asylum seekers are boarding buses and planes voluntarily. Given the migrants’ fear of imminent deportation, that assertion is implausible. Some of those who landed on Martha’s Vineyard said they were duped by promises of “expedited work papers.” Others had no idea where they were going.  

Ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous, Beyond pathetic.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by Eegore on 02/22/23 at 20:52:11

 I do think they used deception to get some, not all, of the people onto some of the planes and buses.

 It's a great idea, but is it human trafficking?  It could be depending on your definition of trafficking.  Deception would be the defining term.

 Complaining is not a factor.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by pg on 02/23/23 at 02:53:04

DeSantis disputed the migrants did not know where they were going, because he said they had signed a waiver and had been provided with a packet including a map of Martha’s Vineyard adding, “It’s obvious that’s where they were going,” and it was all “voluntary.”

Best regards,

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/23/23 at 03:01:33


What have you got to say, Mr. Illegal Alien, in America illegally?

That bad man Tricked Me !!! I got put on a plane and sent to a place that ADVERTISES their Desire for me and people like me to come THERE and be shown support !! How Dare He!!

You people are suffering from some kinda self imposed idiocy.

Shipping them to a sanctuary city is somehow human trafficking? What ridiculum!!

Two plus two defeats your intellect.  

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by Eegore on 02/23/23 at 03:43:40

DeSantis disputed the migrants did not know where they were going, because he said they had signed a waiver and had been provided with a packet including a map of Martha’s Vineyard adding, “It’s obvious that’s where they were going,” and it was all “voluntary.”

 I'm sure this happened.  I also think some could have been misled.

"They arrived here, were processed through federal immigration and then were approached by individuals who were purporting to offer help, saying they could fly them to Boston, to the East Coast, would help them with work opportunities, with education for their children," he said. "It turns out it was all just a political stunt."

Villazana and Mora did not know the flights were headed to Martha’s Vineyard, they said. Villazana thought they were going to Boston, he said.

 Who knows what really happened with each human transported.  Third party contractors were used to get volunteers for the Martha's Vineyard transport so it is completely plausible, to me, that any of those paid contractors could have utilized duplicitous methods to get a human onboard.  I however have the ability to say I do not know for sure either way, instead of procaliming my opinion as fact.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by Eegore on 02/23/23 at 03:47:35

Shipping them to a sanctuary city is somehow human trafficking? What ridiculum!!"

 It depends on how you define human trafficking.  If one says the transport of a human through misleading or duplicitous means is the only criteria, then yes, any human transported with that parameter is part of human trafficking.

 In this case agreeing or disagreeing with transporting illegal immigrants to "sanctuary" locations is irrelevant as the definition of the words "human" and "trafficking" when combined, is what is being assessed.  

 Of course many people choose to let emotions prohibit their ability to conduct an adult conversation, so if one is opposed to sanctuary city transports, then it is human trafficking, but if one is NOT opposed to sanctuary city transports then it is not human trafficking.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by WebsterMark on 02/23/23 at 04:54:58

Our friend Sew is a good little liberal servant backed into the position of repeating ridiculous claims like this. He doesn’t really believe this is comparable to actual human trafficking so perhaps I was being too harsh. But I just spent 4 days in liberal, progressive dominated Austin TX and like I said, what a $hit show downtown by the convention center. Dozens, perhaps a hundred men and women completely ruined their lives and progressive politicians are silently encouraging this out of some warped sense of compassion.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/23/23 at 07:07:38

It depends on how you define human trafficking

Pretty much true for EVERYTHING..
I'm going with what isn't dumbernschitt..

Sexual predators engage in trafficking.

People who Broke the law came to America
To a place where they WERE NOT WANTED
Someone gave them transportation to a place that


And somehow That person is Bad?


Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by Serowbot on 02/23/23 at 07:10:15

You keep referring to these people as "illegal" aliens... they were applying for legal citizenship and had appointments (mostly in areas intentionally scheduled far from where they were sent).  It is their right to apply.
They were not trying to break the law,... in spite of Abbott and DeSantis making it as hard as possible.
Their crime is being brown.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by MnSpring on 02/23/23 at 08:05:17

2630273A22373A21550 wrote:
"You keep referring to these people as "illegal" aliens... "

They ARE !

"...they were applying for legal citizenship
and had appointments ..."

A TEENY TINNY Minuscule amount did.

"... They were not trying to break the law,... "

Yes they are !!!

" spite of Abbott and DeSantis making it as hard as possible..."

Nop, they just GAVE the opportunity for the UL, DFI, FDS, Socialists, to $hit or get off the pot.

"...Their crime is being brown..."

Not even remotaly close !

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by WebsterMark on 02/23/23 at 09:57:47

5345524F57424F54200 wrote:
You keep referring to these people as "illegal" aliens... they were applying for legal citizenship and had appointments (mostly in areas intentionally scheduled far from where they were sent).  It is their right to apply.
They were not trying to break the law,... in spite of Abbott and DeSantis making it as hard as possible.
Their crime is being brown.

What a f’ing insult to the ones who follow the rules instead of streaming across with hundreds, no thousands, no tens of thousands, no hundreds of thousands others …..

And playing the old brown card again huh?

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/23/23 at 13:49:11

GoodGod,Row,, really? If they CROSS THE RIVER instead of Going through the proper process of applying, they know, everyone who isn't stupid knows, I know I know, they are Breaking the LAW. If they wanted to apply, there is a way to do that, PRIOR to ILLEGALLY entering.
And what is wrong with sending someone to a publicly proclaimed, welcoming city? They advertise their love for the illegals but sending them some to love is wrong?

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by Serowbot on 02/24/23 at 07:30:25

So,... tRump's plan to increase staff and speed up processing for border immigration was a good plan?
Too bad he didn't have one... He just wanted a wall....

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/24/23 at 07:56:30

What makes you think more immigrants is good for America?
Never mind
You still don't understand that what biden did to the petroleum industry was bad.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by Serowbot on 02/24/23 at 08:56:52

302F292E33340535053D2F23685A0 wrote:
What makes you think more immigrants is good for America?
Never mind

Here's the thing....  America has a worker shortage... it needs an increasing supply of workers to sustain it's tax base, and make the economy thrive.
Companies regularly seek illegal workers (including tRump himself) to fill the void.
Our population is verging on decline.... more deaths than births.
If you want a strong America, you should want growth.
We're not crowded.  
More workers, more consumers, more buyers, more sellers... make a thriving economy.

... but, but, but...   they're brown...
This is the Republican issue.  The browning of America.
It's happening anyway.
White folk have fewer children.
Even without immigration, minority population goes up.
So the real problem is fear of color.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by zevenenergie on 02/24/23 at 09:13:58

That means, we no longer know who dies in the movie?

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/24/23 at 12:26:13

No, Row. You boil my mutherfukkin blood. I don't give one flying FUKK where someone's great grandparents came from, what color they are, none of that matters.. It's who they are. That is what matters. America only needs So Many unskilled workers. Who is coming here? The business owners? The doctors? Nurses?
It's pretty funny watching you lefties vapor lock over the UnJabbed Americans and applaud the border being flooded by, not Just Unjabbed, but unscreened for diseases.
Naah,no conflict in the words and deeds of the left,, Ohh No..
I'm really sick of you telling me I'm a racist. You are not right about. You can fukkoff. I'm really fukking sick of it.. Got it??? Don't even send me r finger wagging BullShitt..

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by MnSpring on 02/24/23 at 13:39:13

7167706D75606D76020 wrote:
"... So the real problem is fear of color.  

Wow, and all along I thought it was 'fear' of MUPPET'S !
    (Ya know, like some are afraid of clowns)

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by MnSpring on 02/24/23 at 13:59:10

7462756870656873070 wrote:
"... Republican governors are behaving in a manner similar to the human traffickers they excoriate. ..."

Are you in charge of advertising on this sight ?
Are the ads offering girls from another country to come live with you,
excoriation, human trafficking,
or just plain SPAM ?.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by zevenenergie on 02/24/23 at 15:23:26

293630372A2D1C2C1C24363A71430 wrote:
No, Row. You boil my mutherfukkin blood. I don't give one flying FUKK where someone's great grandparents came from, what color they are, none of that matters.. It's who they are. That is what matters. America only needs So Many unskilled workers. Who is coming here? The business owners? The doctors? Nurses?
It's pretty funny watching you lefties vapor lock over the UnJabbed Americans and applaud the border being flooded by, not Just Unjabbed, but unscreened for diseases.
Naah,no conflict in the words and deeds of the left,, Ohh No..
I'm really sick of you telling me I'm a racist. You are not right about. You can fukkoff. I'm really fukking sick of it.. Got it??? Don't even send me r finger wagging ..

I think it,s not far to use fukking whit two k,s and BullShitt whit capitals and two t,s

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/24/23 at 16:56:01

It's NOT fair,but you know, racists are cheaters,too.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by pg on 02/24/23 at 18:56:01

69494B435E492C0 wrote:
 Who knows what really happened with each human transported.  Third party contractors were used to get volunteers for the Martha's Vineyard transport so it is completely plausible, to me, that any of those paid contractors could have utilized duplicitous methods to get a human onboard.  I however have the ability to say I do not know for sure either way, instead of procaliming my opinion as fact.

That is one lousy response that can be made for any topic or position that you don't support.

Best regards,

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by Eegore on 02/24/23 at 19:34:40

That is one lousy response that can be made for any topic or position that you don't support.

 Easy to say when you ignore that I DO support transporting illegal immigrants to "sanctuary" locations, including Martha's Vineyard and have said that here.

 What evidence do you have that eliminates the potential for duplicitous actions of third party contractors?  The same evidence that I do?  None?

 So my opinion is based off my experiences, I have seen third party contractors lie to get and keep jobs, but I won't sit here pretending my opinion on this matter is fact.  Bottom line is if a human supports transporting illegals to Martha's Vineyard they will be less likely to say contractors might have lied.

 If a human is against transporting illegals to Martha's Vineyard they are more likely to say contractors lied.  In this case "human" means all known humans.

 I don't care, so I think with the zero evidence I have, there is a 50/50 chance.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by pg on 02/25/23 at 04:49:50

So my opinion is based off my experiences,

So you were on the bus to Martha's Vineyard?  Sure, we all have experience working with dishonest people.  However, it this particular circumstance they signed waivers.  

Best regards,

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by Serowbot on 02/25/23 at 14:52:23

I wonder what language the waiver was written in,.. and what it explained.

I doubt it said "we're sending you across the to Florida so that the Governor there can send you to a town in a state that's not expecting you and is unprepared to deal with you, and it will be a thousand miles from your immigration appointment"
"You good with that?"


It probably said..."By getting on this bus I waive all rights to sue you"
....and they probably had no idea or choice in matter

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by Eegore on 02/25/23 at 18:24:32

"So you were on the bus to Martha's Vineyard?"

 No more than you were.

 I am saying I have seen contractors forge documents to meet the criteria needed to get paid.  The waivers may or may not have been properly explained or filled out.  This does not require I be on a bus anywhere to have an opinion, that I do not argue is factual.   I can not say for sure that this happened, just as you can not say for sure it did not.

 Pretending I am using this logic because I do not support an event I have repeatedly said that I DO support is pointless.  I have simply noticed that the reports from people indicating they were not fully aware of their destination point have had third party contractors involved in getting them from point A to point B.

 My personal experiences, specifically related to private contracting and the paperwork utilized by private contractors in relation to non-US human citizens, has been that the paperwork can be, at times, incorrectly or duplicitously completed.  Being on buses are not required for me to have observed this.  Non-US human citizens, in this case means all known humans, that are not US citizens.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by WebsterMark on 02/27/23 at 05:09:38

Let’s bring this back on point:

The rush to affirm.

Sarah Palmer, a paediatrician in private practice in Indiana, is one of five coauthors of a 2022 resolution submitted to the AAP’s leadership conference asking that it revisit the policy after “a rigorous systematic review of available evidence regarding the safety, efficacy, and risks of childhood social transition, puberty blockers, cross sex hormones and surgery.” In practice, Palmer told The BMJ, clinicians define “gender affirming” care so broadly that “it’s been taken by many people to mean go ahead and do anything that affirms. One of the main things I’ve seen it used for is masculinising chest surgery, also known as mastectomy in teenage patients.” The AAP has told The BMJ that all policy statements are reviewed after five years and so a “revision is under way,” based on its experts’ own “robust evidence review.”

Palmer says, “I’ve seen a quick evolution, from kids with a very rare case of gender dysphoria who were treated with a long course of counselling and exploration before hormones were started,” to treatment progressing “very quickly—even at the first visit to gender clinic—and there’s no psychologist involved anymore.”

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by pg on 02/27/23 at 07:05:00

Pretending I am using this logic because I do not support an event I have repeatedly said that I DO support is pointless.

I disagree, you often are critical of information and sources that you feel are not virtuous.  Then you elaborate on a personal antidote that has no bearing on the subject matter...............

Best regards,

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by Serowbot on 02/27/23 at 07:38:50

7C4E49585F4E59664A59402B0 wrote:
Palmer says, “I’ve seen a quick evolution, from kids with a very rare case of gender dysphoria who were treated with a long course of counselling and exploration before hormones were started,” to treatment progressing “very quickly—even at the first visit to gender clinic—and there’s no psychologist involved anymore.”

If that's true, then we need to backtrack.  It's not something to be taken lightly but I find it hard to believe, and the current outrage seems driven by phobia and prejudice rather than concern for well being.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by WebsterMark on 02/27/23 at 08:05:55

You find what hard to believe?

That putting disturbed people with an agenda into counseling positions would lead to them encouraging children to mutilate their bodies as a way to compensate for their own warped sense of self worth?

It’s being driven by parents who are concerned that there’s way too many wacko school teachers in the system who feel is their duty to raise someone else’s children. That’s what’s driving this. Parents are losing their trust in school districts. That’s the bottom line. I’ve talked to people with kids in schools today. And I am closely following my eight-year-old granddaughters school district.

And yes, this is political because that’s what politics is supposed to do. Politicians represent constituents and where I live there’s a lot of constituents suspicious of school districts. And with good reason.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by Eegore on 02/27/23 at 16:59:50

"I disagree, you often are critical of information and sources that you feel are not virtuous.  Then you elaborate on a personal antidote that has no bearing on the subject matter...............

 This sounds similar to discounting any document, without reading it, that is perceived to be a "government" source even if it isn't.   Typically when I say a source is inaccurate I provide reference, that is not even looked at.  Why would I ignore when a source is lying or inaccurate?  

 The personal anecdote is applicable in this case as I am using my personal experience regarding a similar event to develop my opinion.  I am not claiming it to be anything other than opinion.  Claiming I do not support something that I said I DO support is beneficial in what way?

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by MnSpring on 02/28/23 at 13:14:31

4F6F6D65786F0A0 wrote:
"I am saying I have seen contractors forge documents to meet the criteria needed to get paid.  The waivers may or may not have been properly explained or filled out.  This does not require I be on a bus anywhere to have an opinion... ...My personal experiences, specifically related to private contracting and the paperwork utilized by private contractors in relation to non-US human citizens, has been that the paperwork can be, at times, incorrectly or duplicitously completed.  
Being on buses are not required for me to have observed this.  ...

0727252D3027420 wrote:
"... The personal anecdote is applicable in this case as I am using my personal experience regarding a similar event to develop my opinion.  I am not claiming it to be anything other than opinion...

Interesting, others have said they have formed a opinion, on their personal experience about a subject.

Yet it has been said:
That, 'opinion', is not valid '

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by Eegore on 02/28/23 at 19:19:06

Interesting, others have said they have formed a opinion, on their personal experience about a subject.

Yet it has been said:
That, 'opinion', is not valid '

 An opinion is not fact.  I am not claiming my opinion is what factually happened.  As a factual assessment my opinion is not valid.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by Serowbot on 03/02/23 at 07:25:59

This person should be forced to use the men's room... for safety reasons,... she'll be a danger to others.
She'll be perfectly safe in the men's room.

'Trans people go to dances and find joy and are whole': A mom's viral photos of her daughter send a powerful message

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/02/23 at 07:38:37

I'm old enough to remember when people who played along with the delusions of others were called

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by MnSpring on 03/02/23 at 07:58:22

6D4D4F475A4D280 wrote:
"... As a factual assessment my opinion is not valid."

Another Great Deflection !

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by Serowbot on 03/02/23 at 10:30:42

213E383F22251424142C3E32794B0 wrote:
I'm old enough to remember when people who played along with the delusions of others were called

So you're what,... 4 years old?
The label,"enabler" is an invention of the Right wing cancel culture.

Anti- gay, black, Mexican, Chinese, trans, woman, science, education, on and on...

What do you like?... Oh yeah, guns, flags, and tRump...

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by MnSpring on 03/02/23 at 11:50:15

5D4B5C41594C415A2E0 wrote:
" ... The label,"enabler" is an invention of the Right wing cancel culture..."

Really ?

"...The term “enabler”
has gained widespread recognition
and use in popular culture and media
over the past several decades..."

Don't know what, 'several', Decades are.
Do know it is more than 2, so at least 20 years.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by WebsterMark on 03/02/23 at 13:59:24

I am against participating in someone else’s delusion by letting a man dressed up as a woman go into the women’s restroom or locker room.

This woman’s testimony, which seem to have been forgotten as the point of this thread, demonstrates there’s a huge number, unquestionably the vast majority, of recent transgender patients, who do not suffer from actual gender dysphoria, but from a social contagion. And there are doctors, nurses and facilities, participating in this lunacy, and cutting off organs and prescribing life changing unalterable drugs to children.

Sure, you can put up a link to those photos. How do you know in 10 years that little girl/boy or boy/girl won’t be filled with regret? You don’t know that, because we don’t have any idea how many are. That’s one of those statistics that are working very hard to keep under cover.

And besides, with this recent rash of this social contagion and this money making business from cutting little girls t!ts off for money, we have no idea what’s going to happen five years from now. Would you like to see a photo or read a story about a transgender teen who regrets her decision and is now stuck with it? Breast removed, drugs given to grow a fake thingy. Do you wanna see that story? Transgender people will never experience a normal sexual act in their entire life. Never. We took that away from them before they even knew it. This is utterly ridiculous. She’s not old enough to get a tattoo, but we’ll change her body forever because her and a bunch of her friends at school read something on Twitter.

Doctors and nurses that participate in this are just absolute f’ing scums as are enablers who like to look at happy little photos, but ignore the horror that comes afterwards.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by Serowbot on 03/02/23 at 14:05:21

635156474051467955465F340 wrote:
How do you know in 10 years that little girl/boy or boy/girl won’t be filled with regret? You don’t know that, because we don’t have any idea how many are. That’s one of those statistics that are working very hard to keep under cover.

And yet you seem to know better than they do.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by MnSpring on 03/02/23 at 15:19:44

"...took that away from them before they even knew it..."

In some religions, cutting off a Clit, is perfectly OK.

According to many UL, DFI, FDS Socialists.

No wonder they believe that someone under 18 can make that decision.
Just as they say 16 year olds should be able to vote and only 25 year olds can buy a Gun.

' cut it off, before they even know what it is for '

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/02/23 at 20:53:12

Right wing cancel culture,, that's rich..

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by WebsterMark on 03/03/23 at 05:10:11

594F58455D48455E2A0 wrote:
[quote author=635156474051467955465F340 link=1676035031/90#99 date=1677794364]How do you know in 10 years that little girl/boy or boy/girl won’t be filled with regret? You don’t know that, because we don’t have any idea how many are. That’s one of those statistics that are working very hard to keep under cover.

And yet you seem to know better than they do.

I told you, I know someone who went through this and had this girl been here in St Louis and gone to this ‘clinic’, she would have been butchered. It’s terrible what we’re doing and equally terrible people like you defend it.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by Eegore on 03/03/23 at 05:22:26

"And yet you seem to know better than they do.

 I know nothing about raising kids.  I have never interacted with humans in a way that would support an outcome of me having to interact as a primary provider of a child.

 I think, in some situations, I know what is better for a 10 year old than they do.  

 Any permanent body modifications should not be decided by a kid that young.  Adults can't even get tattoos in some places without going through a 24-hour waiting period.


Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by Serowbot on 03/04/23 at 07:27:55

495650574A4D7C4C7C44565A11230 wrote:
Right wing cancel culture,, that's rich..

Ban books, fire teachers, ban choice, ban classes, ban drag shows, ban marriage, ban Muslims, Jews, immigration, elections,....


Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/04/23 at 08:50:38

What books are banned? You mean they can't be printed? Sold?
Or the perverted BullShitt lefties want to teach innocent children is being removed from schools because the parents don't Want their children exposed to the queer agenda?
I remember when Playboy couldn't be on the rack at the store. Now parents are supposed to just accept the perverted stuff groomers want to get those kids to start believing little boys sukkin cokk is Juuust Fiine..

You're not a serious person. How did you manage to grow up in America and be so ready to spit on everything that made America good? How do you not notice the condition of our declining society and see how much it correlates to the leftiesfaggotsand perverts in general being lionized and called good?
Lefties SUKK

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by pg on 03/05/23 at 07:28:59

Ban books, fire teachers, ban choice, ban classes, ban drag shows, ban marriage, ban Muslims, Jews, immigration, elections,....

Books - what books??
Choice - states can choose
Classes - pedo classes, absolutely
Drag shows, absolutely
Marriage - ??
Muslins - When did this occur
Jews - WW2??
Immigration - Yes, walls work

Best regards,

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by Serowbot on 03/05/23 at 08:37:26

Whatever... just keep it up.  It's losing you elections.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by MnSpring on 03/05/23 at 10:26:24

1107100D15000D16620 wrote:
Whatever... just keep it up.  It's losing you elections.  


It  is a party
    manipulating elections
for profit.

Title: Re: A tragic story. Unique or common?
Post by pg on 03/06/23 at 06:18:48

Whatever... just keep it up.  It's losing you elections.

The did take the house............

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