General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Exercise in humiliation

Message started by pg on 02/03/23 at 18:19:25

Title: Exercise in humiliation
Post by pg on 02/03/23 at 18:19:25

What is the deal with the balloon?  Certainly, the Chinese have satellites that are capable of obtaining whatever information that balloon can.  Why haven't we done more?  This administration's response is just yet another example of an exercise in humiliation..............

Best regards,

Title: Re: Exercise in humiliation
Post by Eegore on 02/03/23 at 20:43:24

 Diplomacy.  Maybe if the timing were different, who knows.

 While the shoot it down idea sounds good on the surface I am quite sure there is value to basically saying it's such a poor technology we don't even care if it floats over.  That's more of an insult to certain cultures than putting up opposition.

 I remember a full scale military exercise we took part in that focused on the events following a successful Chinese missile impact on the USS Nimitz aircraft carrier.  One of the teams entire job was to create propaganda from the Chinese angle.  I remember them creating and showing a CNN/FOX style news loop (but in Chinese) of a smoking Nimitz cruising back to a US port.

 No matter how the military side of the exercise ended, the propaganda side always came out on top due to their flexibility.  In this case if we shoot it down the Chinese will assemble media broadcasts that laugh at how the US was scared of a simple weather balloon, so image how they fear the latest satellites and drones.  

 Or:  We don't shoot it down and they assemble media broadcasts stating the US is incapable and over-stating their homeland protection abilities or are afraid to shoot down the balloon fearing the economical retaliation and military response of China.

 I also imagine ANR at Elmendorf-Richardson want's that thing to spend as much time over our surveilling airspace as possible so they can scan it till their eyes and ears bleed.  This event has to be a dream come true for those guys, I know a bunch of them that left Cheyenne Mountain when NORAD was running the operations there.

Title: Re: Exercise in humiliation
Post by zevenenergie on 02/04/23 at 01:51:06

Ok so your discussing the potential implications of taking action against the Chinese espionage balloon, considering factors such as media response, propaganda, and military strategy. And you mention that the American response could either be seen as weakness or overconfidence, and that the military may be using the opportunity to gather information.

Waht about the Japanese balloon bombs during World War II, Its a diverent historical context and geopolitical circumstance and such A comparison should be made with caution.

Nevertheless, the use of balloons for military purposes has a long history and underscores the importance of considering all angles when making strategic decisions.

The situation with the Russian aggression and the low-tech Iranian drone, compared to the Chinese espionage balloon, highlights the importance of considering the context and capabilities of different military technologies. The Iranian drone situation can be seen as a demonstration of the effective use of low-tech, low-cost solutions for military purposes.

The military strategies used reflect the goals and resources of the nations involved. However, it's important to keep in mind that the use of military technology is subject to international law and norms, and that actions taken in the use of these technologies can have significant geopolitical consequences.

Low-tech attack methods, such as simple drones or balloons, can be relatively cheap and easily accessible, but can still pose a significant threat to a country like the United States. Defending against such attacks requires sophisticated military technology and resources, which can be expensive.

For example, even a simple drone equipped with a camera or other payload could be used for surveillance or reconnaissance purposes, potentially compromising sensitive information or critical infrastructure. Defending against such a threat would likely require investment in advanced technologies, such as jamming equipment or sophisticated anti-drone systems.

At the same time, large-scale low-tech attacks, such as a massive influx of drones or balloons, could be difficult to defend against. The sheer volume of potential threats would stretch the resources and capabilities of even the most advanced military. In such a scenario, it is possible that some attacks could slip through and cause significant damage.

In summary, while low-tech attack methods may seem relatively harmless, they can still pose a significant threat and require significant investment in advanced military technology to defend against. The cost and effectiveness of such defenses would depend on the specific situation and threat, but it is likely that a large-scale low-tech attack would present a significant challenge for any country to defend against.

High-tech defense systems can be an asset, but they can also be a weakness in the case of war with China. The high cost and complexity of these systems can make them vulnerable to attacks or malfunctions, as well as to cyber attacks that can disrupt their operation. On the other hand, low-tech weapons, such as drones or simple explosive devices, can be relatively inexpensive and difficult to detect and defend against, especially in large numbers. In this sense, a highly advanced defense system may not necessarily be effective against a low-tech attack, and a more balanced approach that includes both high-tech and low-tech solutions may be more effective. The effectiveness of a defense system ultimately depends on a number of factors, including the nature of the threat, the resources available, and the overall strategy and tactics employed by both sides.

Title: Re: Exercise in humiliation
Post by pg on 02/04/23 at 13:08:06

I'm going to say that is a pretty enormous balloon, with solar panels.  No telling what it is carrying or capable of.............

Best regards,

Title: Re: Exercise in humiliation
Post by Serowbot on 02/04/23 at 13:25:54

Balloon down, balloon down!

Title: Re: Exercise in humiliation
Post by zevenenergie on 02/04/23 at 14:55:50

Biden is proud of the pilots who managed to shoot down the balloon.
Glad that this important issue has been resolved by the president himself.

What a mess the world would be if it wasn't for Biden.

let's choose him again.

Title: Re: Exercise in humiliation
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/04/23 at 15:33:12

Early reports were using language like

High Altitude balloon..
But No reporting of the FRIKKEN ALTITUDE..
The pictures show a sphere and something hanging down...
Not ANY actual reference to the size ,the construction, just devoid of useful information.

The question as to why was it allowed to float its merry way along is as yet not something I understand.
How hard Is it to knock one down? One article I Found said they are about the size of a football stadium. And the pressure differential between inside and outside the balloon
Is about nothing, so poke a few holes! It's NOT going to care.

So, how Did they down it.?
Why wasn't it dropped in the Pacific?

Title: Re: Exercise in humiliation
Post by Eegore on 02/04/23 at 16:12:43

"High Altitude balloon..
But No reporting of the FRIKKEN ALTITUDE..

 Multiple sources stated it was at around 66k feet.  CBS, NPR, US Air Force public statements said this.  However I have seen multiple YouTube, Facebook, website reports saying that nobody knows.  Local counties put out posts such as this:

"Sheriff Whitefish MT: Please do not attempt to shoot down anything you see in the sky at any time! Follow local laws. The baloon is over 60,000 feet in the air, its size may make it appear much closer. Do not try to shoot it down!"

"The York County Sheriff's Office SC :"It's flying at 60,000+ feet. Don't try to shoot it!! Your rifle rounds WILL NOT reach it. Be responsible. What goes up will come down, including your bullets."

"The pictures show a sphere and something hanging down...
Not ANY actual reference to the size ,the construction, just devoid of useful information."

 I've seen reports discussing the solar panels and comparing the structure to "the size of 3 buses" which is an interesting choice.  I'm not sure how useful any of the information on this thing is unless someone has a way to interact with it themselves.

"The question as to why was it allowed to float its merry way along is as yet not something I understand.
How hard Is it to knock one down?

 They are easy to take down, the choice was made not to do it before it entered the coastline of MT.  I am certain it didn't sneak up on us as the NASA/NOAA feeds clearly show the response unit for the 341st placing interceptor units into ready status almost 6 hours before.  I think since it's almost useless as a real "weapon" the decision was made to let it cruise in so we could look at it in detail, test high altitude scramblers etc.  but I can't possibly know for sure.

"So, how Did they down it.?"

 My guess is an F-22 looking at that missile contrail.  They have the 27th and 99th out there at Langley.

Title: Re: Exercise in humiliation
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/04/23 at 22:13:31

Just because
They Chose
Not to down it and they said
Doesn't mean they were using adult thinking.
Remember, these are the same geniuses who screwed the oil industry and erased the border.
Easy to Down? Not if it takesa missile. The stuff I read said it was hard to drop one.
I eventually went looking for information on what altitude they are typically operating at.
The Size of those things, just enormous. A few twenty millimeter cannon rounds doesn't Do much..
Having the instrument so we could Know exactly what itwas doing would have been interesting..

Title: Re: Exercise in humiliation
Post by zevenenergie on 02/05/23 at 02:04:21

I think the reaction from China is cause for concern.

The outside world is getting just as manipulated with CCP propaganda as their own people.

I think the arrival of AI will also pose such a problem.
AI does not have a unique way of thinking and intuition.
So will also function as an ethical filter.
As a result of which an enormous flattening can take place, which is very undesirable.

Although AI is trained on massive amounts of data, it still has limitations in understanding context and subtleties in human communication, empathy and emotional intelligence.
And it lacks true creativity and originality inherent in the human mind.
And while AI is trained on ethical principles, it is still a machine and has limitations in making ethical decisions and considerations.
But it will have a very big impact on humanity.

In that respect, the CCP's actions are very similar to those of the AI revolution.

Critical thinking is something that AI won't encourage simply because the base is huge amounts of data and internal rules have been made about how to use that data ethically.
So there is a contrived way of ethics and moderation in Ai.
Exactly as with the Chinese Communist Party.

I just want to show what forces are going on in the world right now.
Everything that makes us free people is currently seriously threatened by 3 things.

Artificial intelligence.
The Chinese Communist Party.
And the globalist movement.
And it's all coming together at the same time.

At the same time, there is also another movement going on.
Since the year 2000, all religions have released their teachings that have always been kept strictly secret. Not only the Buddhists and the Zen traditions, even the shamans have moved west from the remote areas to share their mystical secrets. all secrets traditions, rituals, mantras, phygoactive substances everything everything has been brought out.

that's no coincidence.
There is a battle of good evil going on right now.
And also on a cosmic scale. The universe is about to stop expanding. It's a cosmic breath.
In the spiritual traditions, the point between the in-breath and the out-breath is the point where god can manifest. in other words, if you can totally consent to that point with your attention, then you are enlightened.

What's happening in the universe right now is that we've reached that point on a cosmic scale.
resisting evil will with all it has in its power against coincidence with god. and that is manifesting everywhere in the universe right now. also with us on earth.

And also in us.
it is now time to go inward as much as possible tune in to god or whatever that means to you go into nature go meditate or whatever. because if we don't, we will be hit harder and harder.

Because this time there is no other way than that we will, awaken en masse.

Title: Re: Exercise in humiliation
Post by Eegore on 02/05/23 at 02:48:13

"Easy to Down? Not if it takesa missile. The stuff I read said it was hard to drop one."

 We would have to more clearly define what each of us defines "easy" in relation to "drop" or "down" a device of this nature and structure.

 To me, "easy" and only the word "easy" with the exemption of all other known words, means any trained military gunship pilot could disable the device without risk to himself or his aircraft using the standard weapons loadout of any current operating US fixed-wing gunship aircraft.

 This balloon didn't require any special armament, aircraft, pilot skills, risk mitigation, or defensive actions.  The balloon can't evasively move, is fragile, unmanned, and unarmed.  To me, that is an "easy" device to destroy.  My reasoning is that any other flying craft is typically propelled at higher speed, manned even if remotely, and capable of evasion at a minimum.

"Having the instrument so we could Know exactly what itwas doing would have been interesting"

 I agree.  Knowing what little I do from the people that worked at NORAD in Colorado, this type of event is a dream come true for them.  They get to use all their analytical tech, jamming devices, scanners, long range imagery, drones etc. to create a device profile.  Given the balloon is basically harmless, I would not be surprised at all if they pushed to let it cruise over instead of destroying it over the Pacific.

Title: Re: Exercise in humiliation
Post by Eegore on 02/05/23 at 02:58:32

"Critical thinking is something that AI won't encourage simply because the base is huge amounts of data and internal rules have been made about how to use that data ethically."

 This reminds me of the issue people always bring up regarding AI choosing which way to turn a vehicle.  In the event the vehicle will crash into the rear of a car with one person, or swerve and run into 3 pedestrians, how will it make the most ethical decision?

 The flaw to this in real world application is that human drivers don't make this assessment at those speeds either.  We are simply incapable of moving and thinking that fast.  AI is more capable of staying far enough away from other vehicles, can react faster, and is much less likely to ever run into another vehicle due to speed or negligence.  So given that humans can't react fast enough to decide when to swerve or not, and are much more likely to tailgate other drivers, AI is a better driving choice from a technical performance standard, just as a surveillance camera will always outperform a human standing there watching a door.  

 The ethics of running over pedestrians or not is simply not applicable no matter who is driving that car.

Title: Re: Exercise in humiliation
Post by zevenenergie on 02/05/23 at 03:13:58

Yes, and, when it comes to running the world I think on the human level it will fall short on a number of points. As I said above.

And data that AI models use can be influenced by human errors, fraud, corruption, and manipulation.
This can impact the reliability and accuracy of the AI's output. It is important to consider the potential biases and errors in the data used to train AI models, and to ensure that data is collected, processed, and stored in an ethical and transparent manner.  But wil humanity be abel to be that pure?

I think that if we as humanity do not learn what true spirituality and unconditional love is, we will be faced with a huge mirror in which our dark side will become fully visible.
And that we will have to undergo all human experiences that go with it.

Artificial intelligence (AI) can help discover the conditionings people have, for example by analyzing data and identifying patterns.

However, it is important to note that AI itself can also be conditioned by the data it has been trained with and the programming it has received. So, depending on how it is developed and used, AI can both strengthen and break humanity's conditioning.
It is important to remain critical and aware of the possible consequences of AI, and to ensure that it is used ethically and responsibly.

But it also requires that we develop spiritually.
And I think that the gobalists and the CCP are getting in the way of this spiritual development.
look at how they use AI in the whole covid thing for example.

The entire strategy of both the vaccine and the misuse of covid measures for their political goals is not exactly people-friendly.

Title: Re: Exercise in humiliation
Post by zevenenergie on 02/05/23 at 03:50:01

There's a race going on. Whoever develops the most efficient and powerful Ai gains world power.

Do I need to elaborate  what that means for the human scale of things?

Title: Re: Exercise in humiliation
Post by pg on 02/05/23 at 04:06:22

Artificial intelligence (AI)

I was reading last week that 20% of jobs will disappear in the next 5 years.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Exercise in humiliation
Post by zevenenergie on 02/05/23 at 05:31:45

213E2D3E353E353E293C323E5B0 wrote:
I think so too.

And I also think that it could be the case within half a year.

I think in 5 years the world will look completely different, when it comes to employment, how politics works, and new techniques in our daily lives.

AI is already widely used in these areas.
And becomes available to everyone to a greater or lesser extent.
Its a real revolution.

I said before that whoever can use AI first effectively and powerfully will get world dominance.

Developing AI is a complex and challenging process that requires a lot of investment, both technologically and economically. Rapid development of AI alone does not necessarily guarantee a strong country.

There are many factors that contribute to a nation's power, such as the size and equipment of the military, the availability of modern weapon systems, the effectiveness of political strategies and tactics.

Although AI can play an important role in improving performance, it is still necessary to pay attention to all aspects.

China has a huge lead in this regard. They have total control over the population there.

That's why the Globalists want that too and want to introduce a digital currency and a digital credit system.

I just want to add that I do not base my story on these videos, but that I am looking for videos that reinforce my story.

I'm busy warning people what's going on because hardly anyone knows what's going on and what the world is going to look like.

If People would know they would rebel like a lion.

It is CCP and the Globalist movement they are fighting for world domination.
Putin is an errand boy who missed the bus, and the war in ukraine is a distraction.
Biden was deployed as a dork. Trump got in the way and that is why he has been blackened and the elections have been manipulated.
it's so transparent but you have to want to see it otherwise you won't see it.

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