General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> More Jim Jones Juice

Message started by pg on 12/12/22 at 07:48:52

Title: More Jim Jones Juice
Post by pg on 12/12/22 at 07:48:52

That's right, more juice on the way.  Just ignore all the little kids having heart attacks and people dying while standing up.  While I understand it is difficult to prove, the anomaly warrants further scrutiny.

Best regards,

Title: Re: More Jim Jones Juice
Post by Eegore on 12/12/22 at 16:42:31

"While I understand it is difficult to prove, the anomaly warrants further scrutiny."

 I agree but continual lies about the vaccine don't help the issue.

 If these sources would stop using kids dying from a decade ago as evidence of Covid vaccine deaths, maybe more people would listen.  

 If they used real death records of the dead and not fabricated ratios including living humans maybe more people would listen.

 If sources didn't claim thousands of people per-day dropped dead standing up, maybe more people would listen.


Title: Re: More Jim Jones Juice
Post by pg on 12/15/22 at 02:50:18

Also, I have heard that state AGs are going after drug companies and the people who pushed them for false advertising.  Some of the vaccines weren't tested to see if they would stop the transmission.  Side effects were not always disclosed on the advertisements.  They even had Sesame Streat pushing the juice..............

Best regards,

Title: Re: More Jim Jones Juice
Post by buster6315 on 12/15/22 at 04:12:38

I smell a vast conspiracy.  Every time I see my Doctor, it's suggested I get another jab of some type.  Leave me alone!

Title: Re: More Jim Jones Juice
Post by zevenenergie on 12/15/22 at 10:36:12

Our country has an unusually high mortality rate.
The official figures +10% given by the government agencies.

But guess what, there's no research into it.
There is a demonstrable suspicion that it has to do with complications with the vaccine. But the government refuses to have it investigated.

The opposition parties (we have a lot of political parties) have insisted quite a bit.
That makes me suspicious.

I don't see a conspiracy, but I do see how everything that hangs around covid has an extremely unpleasant smell.

There is an outrage in our country about how politicians acted during the covid period and billions were wasted and it has become known that about 20% cannot be accounted for by the government.

There is an information obligation for the government in our country. They must release all communication on all subjects to whomsoever asks.

And the government refuses this with almost everything around covid. and if the poop hits the fan,  they have lost the requested documents.

Hence the unpleasant smell

Title: Re: More Jim Jones Juice
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/15/22 at 12:10:24

I agree but continual lies about the vaccine don't help the issue.
Says E.

Get the Jab!
You can't
Get it
Spread it
Daah from it.

Lies Don't help.

Title: Re: More Jim Jones Juice
Post by Eegore on 12/15/22 at 21:11:36

Side effects were not always disclosed on the advertisements.

 That makes no sense.  There were no "advertisements".  PA's do not require side effect warnings.

Title: Re: More Jim Jones Juice
Post by pg on 12/16/22 at 02:21:46

PA's do not require side effect warnings.

Public announcements, professional associations, ??

Best regards,

Title: Re: More Jim Jones Juice
Post by Eegore on 12/16/22 at 06:12:32

 Public Announcements.

 People have been asking why side effects aren't in the vaccine commercials for years.  They aren't commercials.


Title: Re: More Jim Jones Juice
Post by MnSpring on 12/16/22 at 07:48:15

1131333B2631540 wrote:
 Public Announcements.    People have been asking why side effects aren't in the vaccine commercials for years.  They aren't commercials.    

So they were/are not commercials,
were then they, propaganda ?

"... Get the vaccine !
You can't Get c-19 !
You can't Spread c-19 !
You can't die from c-19 ! ..."

Title: Re: More Jim Jones Juice
Post by Eegore on 12/16/22 at 09:29:28

So they were/are not commercials,
were then they, propaganda ?


 Propaganda encompasses things like Commercials, PA's, Twitter posts, "News", Flyers, Posters, T-shirts, etc.

 Commercials however are not PA's and PA's are not Posters, and Twitter posts are not T-shirts.  So the continual complaints that the "Commercials" didn't have side effect information is flawed because an opinion about what a "Commercial" is does not change definition, or US law.  A PA is a PA and certainly can be propaganda.

Title: Re: More Jim Jones Juice
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/16/22 at 10:17:52

The constant propaganda from government and media was
Safe and Effective
The lies I've posted, the Government Lied and knew it while they were doing it. So, fukkem.

Title: Re: More Jim Jones Juice
Post by Eegore on 12/16/22 at 10:47:25

 But why use other lying sources?

The lies I've posted, the GatewayPundit Lied and knew it while they were doing it. So, I will keep using them as a source to prove my position true.

 Facebook and Twitter posts, those lie all day long, but keep using them as resources also.  

 Where are the people "exposing the truth" getting their information?  From the above, or from the CDC data sets that are lies if pro-vaccine uses them, but suddenly become truth if anti-vaccine uses the exact-same-data.

 Too many of the "dropped deads" either died before 2019 or are alive for me to believe the "exposing truth" guys aren't also lying.

Title: Re: More Jim Jones Juice
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/16/22 at 13:09:27

How do you so comfortably pretend that some website that drags up things and offers them to read is in any way comparable to Official Government people, the president and all the media working hand in hand to encourage,then drive, using fear,then coercion, and telling people they aren't good members of society and on and on, knowing the Benefits they continued to spew were lies and they kept pretending that the side effects were nothing, ?? How do you even Do that?

Title: Re: More Jim Jones Juice
Post by Eegore on 12/16/22 at 14:09:02

 I don't equate Official Government statements with websites.  If it's not true I don't defend it as fact, but then again I read what I post.

 I also don't reference lying websites and lying social media posts as "proof" and then complain that the Government lied to me.  Lies are lies.

 Why is it more acceptable to use website lies than it is to use Government lies?  Why is it acceptable to say data is all lies if it's from the Government, then defend that exact-same-data as truth when it comes from a website?  It is literally the exact same information.

 Back to PG's original post, if all these other sources weren't spewing complete trash for ad revenue all day maybe people would listen to the actual data showing actual real deaths.

Title: Re: More Jim Jones Juice
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/16/22 at 14:16:23

So, are you telling me they Didn't lie? Knowing better. Telling us bs..

Title: Re: More Jim Jones Juice
Post by Eegore on 12/16/22 at 14:34:16

So, are you telling me they Didn't lie? Knowing better. Telling us bs..

 Just as much as you are telling me Facebook pictures didn't lie.

 Saying the Government lied, and also the websites and social medial lied, does not mean the Government didn't lie.  Maybe if the people "exposing the truth" didn't use impossible numbers people might actually pay attention to them.

 I am asking why it is more acceptable to use website lies than Government lies to "prove" a position?  Why is the exact-same-data lies when it is from a Government source, but true if it comes from TheGatewayPundit?

Title: Re: More Jim Jones Juice
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/16/22 at 14:43:01

No you're not. You just want to deflect people from looking at what an absolute SchittSheaux biden and the CDC, media, on and on, created. You want to play a back and forth game that avoids the Point. The government, media, big tech, you know, the places that censored arguments against what the Official Approved Line was,, they all worked like a team to push lies.

Title: Re: More Jim Jones Juice
Post by Eegore on 12/16/22 at 15:12:21

 Yeah acknowledging that Twitter/Facebook and websites also lie is definitely a deflection.  I literally agreed, and stated clearly, the Government lied and you ask me if I am saying they didn't lie.  

 Why use lies from other sources to show the Government lied?  Maybe if these "expose the truth" sources didn't claim 8.6 Million children died in 2021 from heart attacks, then people might actually look at how many heart attacks actually did happen.

 Why it is more acceptable to use website lies than Government lies to "prove" a position?  Why is the exact-same-data lies when it is from a Government source, but true if it comes from TheGatewayPundit?


Title: Re: More Jim Jones Juice
Post by pg on 12/16/22 at 16:34:22

5777757D6077120 wrote:
  Why it is more acceptable to use website lies than Government lies to "prove" a position?  

The government stripped people of their rights and made mandates compensatory.   Many people lost their livelihoods.

Best regards,

Title: Re: More Jim Jones Juice
Post by Eegore on 12/16/22 at 19:27:10

"The government stripped people of their rights and made mandates compensatory.   Many people lost their livelihoods."

 Agreed.  So should I use lies about that to prove it?  Is it productive to use lies about 8 million unemployed workers at Mon-N-Pop's hardware store that went bankrupt when they only employ 7 people and are open to show how poor the Government handled the mandates?

 Does it help at all to use impossible numbers like that?

 Why would information on employment numbers from the Dept. of Labor be lies and unusable, but... if the exact-same-numbers came from TheGatewayPundit they become true and expect others accept them as fact?

Title: Re: More Jim Jones Juice
Post by pg on 12/17/22 at 03:04:23

I am not familiar with the information you are citing from tgp or dol.  

Best regards,

Title: Re: More Jim Jones Juice
Post by Eegore on 12/17/22 at 07:27:31

"I am not familiar with the information you are citing from tgp or dol."

 Yeah I was referring to JoGs information in response to him, I see its confusing.  My point is that more lies doesn't help.  It just makes people upset over things that never happened.


Title: Re: More Jim Jones Juice
Post by Serowbot on 12/17/22 at 08:51:11

0F2F2D25382F4A0 wrote:
 It just makes people upset over things that never happened.

Manufactured outrage is the new black   ;D

Title: Re: More Jim Jones Juice
Post by Eegore on 12/17/22 at 09:19:24

 I've known the creators of South park for years.  I worked security for a Playboy model in the Base-ketball movie back in the day and we became consistent associates.
 I'm not a fan of crude humor, but their ability to simplify complex sociological concepts into comedy is genius.

 This is one of their better ones:  The Trevor's Axiom Theory

Title: Re: More Jim Jones Juice
Post by MnSpring on 12/18/22 at 07:12:32

1737353D2037520 wrote:
 I've known the creators of South park for years.  I worked security for a Playboy model in the Base-ketball movie back in the day and we became consistent associates..."

That explains a lot !

Title: Re: More Jim Jones Juice
Post by Eegore on 12/18/22 at 10:25:25

"That explains a lot !"

 Yeah I supposedly, probably, teach them how to "shoot guns".

Title: Re: More Jim Jones Juice
Post by MnSpring on 12/19/22 at 06:51:18

1B3B39312C3B5E0 wrote:

"That explains a lot !"
 Yeah I supposedly, probably, teach them how to "shoot guns".

Yes it explains a lot about the psyche of a person who admires,

‘…South Park’s ability to simplify complex sociological concepts into comedy…’

and believe, that is genius.

Title: Re: More Jim Jones Juice
Post by Eegore on 12/19/22 at 08:32:50

"Yes it explains a lot about the psyche of a person who admires,"

 I don't "admire."  I actually don't like the show due to the crude humor, the part you intentionally left out.

 Most people would never look into the data supporting the psychology behind internet trolling an misinformation, but simplifying the concept into a comedy routine passes on the information, accurately, in a few minutes.

 Jerry Seinfeld was also very good at this.  A genius at it if you will.  I supposedly, probably, admire him too, because acknowledging an outcome from a person's actions can only be equal to admiration for some reason. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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