General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Windfall tax

Message started by Serowbot on 11/06/22 at 07:08:43

Title: Windfall tax
Post by Serowbot on 11/06/22 at 07:08:43

A windfall tax on oil companies receiving record profits while we pay through the nose.
Their profits are double or more than last year.
We're getting burnt.
What do you think?

Title: Re: Windfall tax
Post by MnSpring on 11/06/22 at 07:44:35

And what is the reason,
the price of fuel went up ?

Title: Re: Windfall tax
Post by Serowbot on 11/06/22 at 08:05:53

Where do you think those profits came from?

Title: Re: Windfall tax
Post by zevenenergie on 11/06/22 at 11:18:42

I think it's a good thing that big companies make a lot of profit. It all flows down.
And so we can get a raise so we can pay our bills.

It is also good that we can experience that it is cold in the winter.
We then buy more clothes, so that the price of clothes goes up and big companies make more profit and we can get a salary increase.
With that we can buy clothes.

A tax increase for large companies would only disrupt that process.

With energy prices soaring and large energy companies making extortionate profits, we'll soon be getting a raise in salary. So that we can pay our energy bill again.

It hurts the nose for a while, but it's worth it.

Title: Re: Windfall tax
Post by WebsterMark on 11/06/22 at 15:08:00

Let me see if I get your logic…..your theory is that oil companies are using any excuse to raise their price … your plan is to add a tax which is a cost  that has to covered which means they’ll increase the price. Do I have that right?

You guys couldn’t be any dumber if you tried.

Hey genius, here’s a question. Why is the price of gas less now than it was a couple weeks ago? If oil companies are so terrible and only thinking about the price per gallon, why didn’t that just leave it where it was?

Answer that.

Title: Re: Windfall tax
Post by pg on 11/06/22 at 15:13:46

What about Pfizer?  They had record profits in the 10s of billions.  This was state mandated based on total lies and falsehoods........

What should we do with them Bot?

Best regards,

Title: Re: Windfall tax
Post by Serowbot on 11/06/22 at 15:24:16

I like how I'm attacked for my view when I never stated one,...
I merely posed a question.

It is a fact that oil companies are posting record profits while customers are suffering.
Read into it what you will.

Title: Re: Windfall tax
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/06/22 at 18:22:18

I wonder why they have So Much money left over.
You don't suppose that since someone kicked drilling in the nads  they aren't spending a lot on geological surveys, drilling, production, et cetera,
I absolutely do not have a clue, pure speculation. The price of oil went up. What caused that? The oil companies didn't tell biden what to do, did they? It's on biden, he created the trainwreck that jacked the prices. That's all I can think of right now to explain why they are making bank. Like I said, I'm speculating.

They are gonna need those profits to get them through the coming months, maybe years.

See? No judging,, just trying to answer your question

Title: Re: Windfall tax
Post by pg on 11/06/22 at 20:20:03

Brandon is talking about shutting down all the coal plants too.  What do you think that is going to happen to energy $$?

Best regards,

Title: Re: Windfall tax
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/07/22 at 05:27:14

I'm really curious, just exactly how do they expect to have ROADS without oil?
Do these people not know how much Stuff that is in daily use comes from oil, in whole or part? Does anyone not bemoan the fact that Hemp was made illegal? How stupid WAS that? The people who are buying into this global warming stuff are willingly destroying their own way of life and adopting something that sounds good, as they replace what Works.

Title: Re: Windfall tax
Post by WebsterMark on 11/07/22 at 07:09:02

1204130E16030E15610 wrote:
I like how I'm attacked for my view when I never stated one,...
I merely posed a question.

It is a fact that oil companies are posting record profits while customers are suffering.
Read into it what you will.

My apologies if it came off as an attack. I’m incredulous anyone would think adding a windfall tax is somehow going to drive prices down. Answer my question however, gas prices have fallen a bit in the past couple months. Why? Wouldn’t these evil oil companies simply leave the price as is? Why did they fall?

Now, I’ll jump ahead and if you say because Biden released oil from the strategic reserves, you are saying there are many forces outside of the control of oil companies that impacts the price at the pump.

So again, why did these evil oil companies reduce the price at the pump? Why not leave it as it is and continuing reaping profits?

Title: Re: Windfall tax
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/07/22 at 08:08:03

Where Did the oil from our Strategic Oil reserve go?
That is a real question. Addressed to everyone.

Title: Re: Windfall tax
Post by WebsterMark on 11/07/22 at 08:30:38

I assume it goes on the open market. Did a quick search and came up with this article which seems to make sense. That’s what I would expect to happen. I would like to thinks there’s some type of restrictions on where it is refined and sent to pumps so it ends up only in the US marketplace. Since the prices come down a little bit I would assume that’s the case.

Title: Re: Windfall tax
Post by Serowbot on 11/07/22 at 08:41:30

467473626574635C70637A110 wrote:
Let me see if I get your logic…..your theory is that oil companies are using any excuse to raise their price … your plan is to add a tax which is a cost  that has to covered which means they’ll increase the price. Do I have that right?

You guys couldn’t be any dumber if you tried.

So should we just do nothing and just hope oil companies will eventually choose altruism over profits?
Will they reduce prices 'cause they're nice guys?

...and you think I'm dumb?

Title: Re: Windfall tax
Post by WebsterMark on 11/07/22 at 10:48:35

Answer my question, why did prices go down when the strategic oil reserves were tapped into? Were they being nice guys then?

Why do gas prices historically increase during the summer and decrease during the winter? Did all the oil company executives just have a bad day sometime in April and decided to raise prices? Then things got really better sometime in September so they lowered prices? Is that what happened?

Title: Re: Windfall tax
Post by WebsterMark on 11/07/22 at 11:05:47

...and you think I'm dumb?

Not at all. I think you’re a hyper partisan infected with TDS that has blinded you. Only a partisan would think targeting the oil companies with excessive taxes will caused them to lower the price. The temptation to do this is your natural tendency toward Socialism/communism. You just can’t get it out of your head that allowing the free market to compete with reasonable limits imposed, is the best method to ensure supply and reasonable price. A windfall profit tax is not a reasonable limit.

Title: Re: Windfall tax
Post by pg on 11/07/22 at 11:22:29

The market always corrects itself, ALWAYS.  The government interaction is what caused the disruption on the supply side.  Further government action will only exacerbate the problem.  e.g. Venezuela

Best regards,  

Title: Re: Windfall tax
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/07/22 at 11:43:20

382E39243C29243F4B0 wrote:
[quote author=467473626574635C70637A110 link=1667747324/0#4 date=1667776080]Let me see if I get your logic…..your theory is that oil companies are using any excuse to raise their price … your plan is to add a tax which is a cost  that has to covered which means they’ll increase the price. Do I have that right?

You guys couldn’t be any dumber if you tried.

So should we just do nothing and just hope oil companies will eventually choose altruism over profits?
Will they reduce prices 'cause they're nice guys?

...and you think I'm dumb?[/quote]

I don't think you're dumb. I do think you don't consider all the potential answers. It's so much easier to just condemn them for making what money they can. Will you even consider Why the price is what it is? There are a lot of moving parts that go into that. More than I can handle. You know the oil companies are watching what this administration is telling them what he wants to do to them. Look at the opportunities for production in the future being taken away. If you were running a company and the current administration is pushing to limit your ability to explore for oil and gas and taking the place where you were going to drill away, what would You do? If they aren't making money and squirrelling away as much as they can today so that when sanity returns to our government, they will be able to drill again, then YOU really are screwed. Everyone is. The Stop Oil crew are on your team. Maybe you know someone who believes that we need to stop the petroleum industry. Try a day without it. One Day.
Talk about stone age life. Have you even looked at what we all use, every day, that is only available Because of the petroleum industry? It's Not just gas and oil. It's plastic, it's All Over the cars. Food packaging. The pen you write with. Medical equipment, look Carefully at what the left want.
Drilling and production of oil is required to support every aspect of life, even If every gasoline powered car disappeared, the refineries would still have to distill crude oil to get the asphalt for the roads those magically zero emissions vehicles to use. Is anyone actually believing that society can continue without oil? Or do you think we can just import the oil we need?

You wanna drop an actual explanation of how you think America can do what you want to do and survive?
Of Course oil companies are going to have more profits right now.
They are not Spending money on developing reserves. Drilling is still going on, it's Not shut down, but they are staring down the barrel of an administration aiming to, or at Least Claiming to be determined to, destroy them.
IDK if he is serious or just saying that so people who have no idea how important oil is will support him.

I think electric cars shouldn't be allowed to be charged unless they use a windmill or solar panel sourced electron.

Title: Re: Windfall tax
Post by Serowbot on 11/07/22 at 14:00:18

5F4046415C5B6A5A6A52404C07350 wrote:
I think electric cars shouldn't be allowed to be charged unless they use a windmill or solar panel sourced electron.

Maybe you shouldn't be allowed to gas up unless you can fart gas out yer' bum... ;D

Title: Re: Windfall tax
Post by MnSpring on 11/07/22 at 14:05:35

534C4A4D50576656665E4C400B390 wrote:
"... I think electric cars shouldn't be allowed to be charged unless they use a windmill or solar panel sourced electron.

     Absolutely Fantastic idea !!!!!!!

Yet it will never work, because the sale of EV's will plummet so fast, and so far, none will  make them, because none will buy them.

(Oh Bot and E buying one, would not even be a teardrop in the Ocean)

Title: Re: Windfall tax
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/07/22 at 14:23:42

4553445941545942360 wrote:
[quote author=5F4046415C5B6A5A6A52404C07350 link=1667747324/15#17 date=1667850200]

I think electric cars shouldn't be allowed to be charged unless they use a windmill or solar panel sourced electron.

Maybe you shouldn't be allowed to gas up unless you can fart gas out yer' bum... ;D[/quote]

I'm not a supporter of Destroy the oil industry. You don't Want oil? You don't want gasoline powered cars? Muppet up,
Have you walked around the house and looked at everything that is made from oil? Bye bye cell phone. Those zip lock baggies?
Your best Trump voice
Throw them out, get them outta here.

Title: Re: Windfall tax
Post by Eegore on 11/07/22 at 15:10:49

(Oh Bot and E buying one, would not even be a teardrop in the Ocean)

 I've never once said I was pro-electric cars but your inability to have an adult conversation prohibits you from understanding this.

"I'm not a supporter of Destroy the oil industry."

 I've not heard of anyone say they want no oil to ever be used.  Just to limit it when alternatives are available.  It's like saying if you are anti-Covid vaccine you also don't want there to be any medications of any kind.  Destroy the medication industry.

This doesn't mean I am anti-oil and pro-electric cars, it just means I can distinguish the difference between people assessing gasoline cars vs electric cars and all other things besides those cars.

Title: Re: Windfall tax
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/07/22 at 16:10:26

Joe Biden: “We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil …

Joe Biden: "We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels" Watch on Biden also said there would be “ no more coal plants. “ Biden’s hostility to energy industry workers is nothing new, either. In December he suggested if coal miners lose their job due to his

Whoever supports Joe,, this is what they are wanting. I didn't see anyone who considers themselves a Democrat offer one reason why Joe was wrong for the aggressive AntiOil steps he has taken. I was addressing Bot,
I'm not Against Ecars, as I've stated. The hostility of the people who are determined to force them on us is simply too obvious. Allow the market to develop, the technology to mature. Government is overstepping its rightful place trying to force them on the people.

Title: Re: Windfall tax
Post by Eegore on 11/07/22 at 18:36:44

"I'm not Against Ecars, as I've stated. The hostility of the people who are determined to force them on us is simply too obvious. Allow the market to develop, the technology to mature."

 Nah that makes too much sense.

Title: Re: Windfall tax
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/07/22 at 20:25:56

Dammitall, E! Is this you agreeing with me again?
Certainly Looks like it..
Okay, I'm just going with that.

Title: Re: Windfall tax
Post by Serowbot on 11/08/22 at 06:30:33

We will need oil for all the purposes you speak of for many, many years to come.
Guzzling it down to go from A to B seems wasteful.
If not EV's,... we could be driving cars that get 50+mpg at least.  Future generations will thank us.

Title: Re: Windfall tax
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/08/22 at 10:19:28

It doesn't have to be one way or the other. The lack of mpg that cars get is frustrating. It seems like they could be doing better. Before people get all excited and think a car can carry itself and passengers, groceries, etc, there is some basic maffs that need done.
The calories in a gallon of gas are not sufficient to get mpg beyond a certain number.
The heavier the vehicle, the fewer miles.
Again, we get into a place where there are so many moving parts that having a solid solution is Impossible with the resources we have.
If they could figure out how to make a battery that can be recycled that doesn't cost so much the car is totalled .

example, replacing the battery of a Tesla Model 3 costs one-third of the total price of the car in 2022, as reported by Recurrent. The lowdown on replacing a Tesla Model 3 battery Tesla Recurrent reports that replacing the battery of a Tesla Model 3 costs about $15,800.

Insurance companies call a car totalled if repairs are fifty percent of value.
I sure would hate finding out the battery I need costs more than ten percent of the value of my car. It's Not too horrible if it's a hunnert bucks for the battery for my thousand dollar pickup, but you get the picture.

Anyway, I like the idea of hybrids. That looks workable and would, IMO, be a great step forward.
That would get manufacturing going towards electrici motors, which IDK hoot about. Maybe there isn't much improvement left to be made there. But batteries? Every now and then we get a new formulation that holds tons of electrons and can be deep cycled. But with hybrids you don't have to run the battery down. Using the motors for braking and charging the battery is cool.
But the battery technology matters. Right Now the batteries are EXPENSIVE, but start trying to make them in the quantities required to be in an appreciable percentage of the vehicles on the road and then we will see how the mining operations required to find the stuff that goes in them affects the price. You would expect some Economy of Scale, but then I Think the limited amount of those things will Jack the cost outta sight. It's not like oil or coal. The number of tons of dirt that has to be moved and sifted through doesn't Sound like something anyone would call Sustainable. And the stuff isn't just everywhere. Apparently the things required aren't in good supply in America. I think we have lithium, but how much?
Cobalt is important and it is found in the Congo and it's being mined, because it's in the copper mine. The supply may be better than I thought. Interested people should look at this.

Not sure what that is,

Okay, more to say, but I'm done for now.

Title: Re: Windfall tax
Post by MnSpring on 11/08/22 at 14:54:53

"... Tesla Recurrent reports that replacing the battery of a Tesla Model 3 costs about $15,800...."

 What is the DISPOSAL cost of the old battery ?

Before you to buy a EV unit.
    (Any Unit)
Go to the service counter and ask what a New Battery Cost.
AND, what does it cost to dispose of the old one.

Title: Re: Windfall tax
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/08/22 at 17:52:18

Notta Problum! Replace the battery, set the Old one in a safe place, poke a few holes in it and squirt salt water on it. It will Self Delete. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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