General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Howcumizzit we are running short of diesel?

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 11/02/22 at 07:19:56

Title: Howcumizzit we are running short of diesel?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/02/22 at 07:19:56

It's not like ya get a buncha diesel from a barrel of oil. Not every barrel of oil makes the same things. Some oil makes a buncha asphalt and other oil makes more light fluids,
Ohh, in the defense of petroleum, some of you may have noticed that Asphalt is found in the bottom of the cracking tower,, and it's something you have likely heard of. Hint
Roads, where cars go. Yes,even electric ones.
So, where Did the diesel go?
Did it just not show up? It's usually produced at around 10 or 12 gallons per barrel of oil refined.
Did our oil use drop ? So less diesel is available?
Did we start using more diesel?

But they should Totally be allowed to control our lives and protect the planet.

Title: Re: Howcumizzit we are running short of diesel?
Post by Eegore on 11/02/22 at 07:37:56

 We were importing 700,000 barrels-per-day of petroleum and petroleum products prior to Russia doing their thing in Ukraine.  There has been a reduction in that.
 Multiple refineries, mostly unprofitable ones were closed over the past 2 years.  More than normal.

 Then there are the standard annual maintenance schedules that start this time of year and it is normal to see distillate demand peak.

 So while the demand and maintenance always create a reduction this time of year, the import reduction and refinery reduction added to the shortage.

 The Tucker Carlson nonsense of having only "25 days" of diesel left or the "this country is about to run out of diesel fuel" is exactly that, nonsense.  The planet is still moving, production and imports didn't just come to a complete halt.  Inventory is different than production, distribution (Mississippi drought) and acquisition.  

Title: Re: Howcumizzit we are running short of diesel?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/02/22 at 08:03:58

planet is still moving, production and imports didn't just come to a complete halt.  Inventory is different than production, distribution (Mississippi drought) and acquisition

Yeah, the wife was asking and I pointed out
More diesel is added every day. The question is, are we keeping up with how fast it's used? If not, do we have enough in inventory to get us through till the Turnaround work is done? I lived in Odessa and am well aware of the annual maintenance on refineries and the flurry of activity that creates.
Unprofitable refineries,, kinda sounds like words that hardly even fit in the same sentence. .  

Title: Re: Howcumizzit we are running short of diesel?
Post by zevenenergie on 11/02/22 at 08:27:29

And there's the reason why Biden hasn't been too hard on the emirates:

America produces too little oil to meet its own demand.

And behold trump, he started right away with; we must produce more oil when he became president.

He knows: Thou shalt not kiss ass, to get a good deal.

Title: Re: Howcumizzit we are running short of diesel?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/02/22 at 09:14:46

And America was, for the first time in my memory, energy independent.
Imagine if you could produce what you need at home.
The first thing biden did was kick the legs out from under our energy sector.
Hey,I get it. No mean tweets! The destruction of the economy is just the price for being rid of Oranges Man, and it's Totally Wurfitt!

Title: Re: Howcumizzit we are running short of diesel?
Post by Eegore on 11/02/22 at 14:06:04

 What is your definition of "energy independence"?

 Is it no imports of oil?
 Exporting more energy than we import?

 Producing more energy than we use?

 Depending on your definition an accurate timeframe can be made.

Title: Re: Howcumizzit we are running short of diesel?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/02/22 at 16:34:26

Ohh,I don't know, what's Your definition of  wrecking the energy sector.
I'm NOT splitting hairs with you. Biden absolutely FUKKED America. How's that?
Need further clarification?

Title: Re: Howcumizzit we are running short of diesel?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/02/22 at 16:48:39

Aaand, we're exporting diesel.

Title: Re: Howcumizzit we are running short of diesel?
Post by pg on 11/02/22 at 17:38:05

What is your definition of "energy independence"?

Well, I'll start with producing and consuming enough oil so we don't have record gas prices.  Moreover, if we managed this commodity properly, we would not have the strategic oil reserves at a record low level.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Howcumizzit we are running short of diesel?
Post by Eegore on 11/02/22 at 19:14:29

Ohh,I don't know, what's Your definition of  wrecking the energy sector.
I'm NOT splitting hairs with you. Biden absolutely FUKKED America. How's that?
Need further clarification?

 All it clarifies is you won't have an adult conversation about the question you posed to this forum.

 Energy independence, your leverage in this argument, means something different to each person and will take effect at different points in time, depending on how You define it.

 How I see it is if the data doesn't say Biden Bad, Trump Good, then it will be dismissed without ever being looked at.

Title: Re: Howcumizzit we are running short of diesel?
Post by Eegore on 11/02/22 at 19:25:49

"Well, I'll start with producing and consuming enough oil so we don't have record gas prices."

 So this is less "Energy" independent and more so "Oil" independent.  Energy Independent would include natural gas, renewables, coal, etc. production calculated against our net consumption.  So to look at oil exclusively I would say in mid 2006 our oil independence truly started and mostly took place during the Obama Administration.  Trump made a huge move with the 2015 bill increasing our export potentials.

 Now if we say zero oil import is "oil" independence then we haven't done that since the 1940's.  

 People for some reason want to ignore the impact Covid and shutting down large sectors of our economy had on oil demand in the US.  What is happening now is the production has not recovered at the same rate as demand.  Biden's antics won't have a direct measurable reflection for a while, but specific to oil independence if that's what you consider it, his impact will reduce that for sure.

Title: Re: Howcumizzit we are running short of diesel?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/02/22 at 20:01:22

We were exporting and importing.
So, we were better off than in any of our lives before FUKKSTIK wrecked it.
You want a different word? It's only important now?
You just want to divert the conversation, diminish it, whatever it takes to avoid admitting what a MUTHRRFUKKIN disaster biden is

Title: Re: Howcumizzit we are running short of diesel?
Post by Eegore on 11/02/22 at 21:03:03

"You just want to divert the conversation, diminish it, whatever it takes to avoid admitting what a MUTHRRFUKKIN disaster biden is"

 Energy production data doesn't care about Biden, I just asked what You think energy independence is.  If all you want to say is Biden is bad, ok I get it.  I however am capable of discussing a topic without being emotionally invested in what somebody else's opinion of the POTUS is.

 See how PG and I can actually discuss the topic you brought up?

Title: Re: Howcumizzit we are running short of diesel?
Post by zevenenergie on 11/03/22 at 07:14:59
I stand corrected.

Title: Re: Howcumizzit we are running short of diesel?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/03/22 at 09:11:06

I'm pretty sure Trump wasn't the only source.
I too stand corrected.

Well, so, what That means is
Biden did it RIGHT!
He damaged America. You and everyone IN America.
Even the people running for office don't Want him around.
He's a train wreck.

Title: Re: Howcumizzit we are running short of diesel?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/03/22 at 09:34:35

Nope,, Production WAS more than consumption, and that is the definition of independent. I didn't move the cursor at first,
We actually were producing more than what we were using, according to that graph.
And exporting more than importing.

Looks like energy independence was a real thing.

Title: Re: Howcumizzit we are running short of diesel?
Post by Eegore on 11/03/22 at 10:05:08

"We actually were producing more than what we were using, according to that graph.
And exporting more than importing."


 What graph are you looking at?

 According to the one I posted here the Blue "Consumption" line is higher than the Orange "Production" line from 1957 to 2019.  Consumption was higher than production for 62 years.

Title: Re: Howcumizzit we are running short of diesel?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/03/22 at 11:01:45

The link is posted on the bottom of the first page

Title: Re: Howcumizzit we are running short of diesel?
Post by Eegore on 11/03/22 at 11:15:07

 That's the exact same one I posted.


 How are you coming to the conclusion that "Production WAS more than consumption" using that graph?

Title: Re: Howcumizzit we are running short of diesel?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/03/22 at 12:53:47

I'm going with
It shows consumption less than production.

Click on the upper right hand tip of the graph lines.
Read what it says in the box.

Then drop down and click there.
It shows exports versus imports.
Some of the imports were brought in so they could be refined, then some of that was kept and some exported.
Net total shows
America WAS energy independent.

The first part of the article says

Since then, total energy net imports generally declined each year to a record low in 2021. The United States became a net total energy exporter in 2019 for the first time since 1952

Which just sounds to me like
America Was energy independent.

Title: Re: Howcumizzit we are running short of diesel?
Post by Eegore on 11/03/22 at 13:24:36

 I don't know, we must be seeing this completely the opposite.  The graph shows Blue is "Consumption" and Orange is "Production" and the Blue line is higher than the Orange one.  Blue = Consumption = Higher than Orange.

 For instance if I select 2020 it shows we used 98.70 billion BTU's and produced 71.27.  That means we used more energy than we produced by 27.43 billion BTU's.  That is definitely more Consumption than Production.

 In that same year we imported 28.87 billion BTU and exported 3.96.  That means we imported much more energy that we exported.

 How is that energy independent?  We used more than we made or exported.

"Since then, total energy net imports generally declined each year to a record low in 2021. The United States became a net total energy exporter in 2019 for the first time since 1952"

 I don't understand how this means we were energy independent.  That just means we brought in more that we put out from 1952 until 2019.

 How do you interperet this? :

Up to the early 1950s, the United States produced most of the energy in consumed.1 Starting in the mid-1950s, the United States began to import greater amounts of energy, particularly crude oil and petroleum products (such as gasoline and distillate fuels) to fill the gap between energy consumption and production. U.S. total energy imports generally increased every year until peaking in 2007. Total energy imports subsequently declined in most years through 2021 as increases in U.S. energy production offset the need for imports and also contributed to increases in U.S. energy exports.

Title: Re: Howcumizzit we are running short of diesel?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/03/22 at 15:14:28

Click on the graphics
It says in the box we produced more than we used
How do you interpret that to say the opposite?

Title: Re: Howcumizzit we are running short of diesel?
Post by Eegore on 11/03/22 at 16:30:29

 We must be looking at two different things.  I asked 19 people to look at the chart and not one saw it showing production being higher than consumption until 2019.  

 Even the statement you quoted says we weren't exporting from 1952 to 2019.

"It says in the box we produced more than we used"

 What does it say specifically.  Are you just looking at oil?

 What I see is a line chart that has "Consumption" on a blue line and "Production" on an orange line.  From 1952 to 2019 the blue line is higher than the orange line.  That means we consumed more than we produced.  

 This obviously wont work, so I will pull up other sources.  There is an outstanding amount of information that shows the US has not been producing more energy than it uses.

 I really wish other people on here would look and tell us what they see.

Title: Re: Howcumizzit we are running short of diesel?
Post by Eegore on 11/03/22 at 16:38:55

 US is "finally" energy independent:

Title: Re: Howcumizzit we are running short of diesel?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/03/22 at 16:49:15

Hey,the POINT IS biden DESTROYED our energy sector.
We were doing Great, gas was affordable, high school grads were driving trucks and making Bank, You want to split hairs so you can derail the thread away from a totally Marxist, America hating fool doesn't get a downvote.
Screw biden.
If you don't see what it says, I'm not bothered. It's okay.
I don't care if you're right. We WERE a Lot Better Off, whether we were or weren't absolutely energy independent. Obiden screwed America. Full stop.
Can you even admit that?

Title: Re: Howcumizzit we are running short of diesel?
Post by Eegore on 11/03/22 at 17:17:30

 Here we go again.  At least we had a few posts talking like adults and not complaining about how I don't use the same words you use to describe things.

"You want to split hairs so you can derail the thread away from a totally Marxist, America hating fool doesn't get a downvote."

 I could care less about that.  I am not emotionally connected to anyone's opinion of the POTUS.  I am trying to figure out what chart you are looking at that says consumption was lower than production.

 I already said Biden's antics will reduce independence but your inability to have an adult conversation prohibits you from acknowledging it.

 Don't you think proving your POINT would be better done with accurate information?  I see no reason to pretend inaccurate information is accurate.  Biden can be a disaster for the energy sector AND we can discuss energy independence like adults.

Title: Re: Howcumizzit we are running short of diesel?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/03/22 at 17:35:02

already said Biden's antics will reduce independence but your inability to have an adult conversation prohibits you from acknowledging it.

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