General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> I Really wanna Know

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 10/28/22 at 09:33:13

Title: I Really wanna Know
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/28/22 at 09:33:13

How did that guy get In the Pelosi house? And why don't we see the mugshot?
I feel pretty comfortable Sayin if he was wearing a Maga hat that would be everywhere.

Title: Re: I Really wanna Know
Post by Eegore on 10/28/22 at 09:59:11

 I don't know how quick SFPD releases mug shots, or even takes them for investigations for that matter, but I agree that if the media could pin a political angle on it they would.  


Title: Re: I Really wanna Know
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/28/22 at 11:10:09

I'm just more than a little surprised that someone could get on the grounds and in the house. How an 82 year old man survives an attack like that, IDK. I don't have any love for the guy, but Daayum, I can't imagine how scary that was. A Hammer? I know it's possible to survive such, because a young woman came screaming and pounding on our door when I was eight or so, her BF decided to murder her and she got away. Lucky for her she found our house. It was the only one for five blocks.

But, anyway, Paul survived and they took the guy alive. I can't wait to hear what happened. If we are allowed to.
And How did he get in?

Title: Re: I Really wanna Know
Post by Eegore on 10/28/22 at 11:21:49

 Maybe he used a hammer to get in.

 As for the assault, who knows, he might have had a hammer in his hand but never made any direct contact.  Physical combat is a weird thing.  I've seen people die from a single punch to the jaw, and others live through 30+ penetrating stab wounds.


Title: Re: I Really wanna Know
Post by Serowbot on 10/28/22 at 12:47:02

It's reported that the assailant was asking "Where's Nancy?"...
Soooo,... I'd say MAGA hatter.  :-?

Roofing hammer is one of the most terrifying weapons I can think of.
Way scarier than an axe or a spear.
I'm surprised the Vikings or Romans never came up with that.
Well,... Thor did have a sledge. :-?

Title: Re: I Really wanna Know
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/28/22 at 15:13:05

It's Gonna be a heckuva thing. The guy is supposedly a big burning man supporter and a nudist, makes jewelry from hemp, yeah, I'm not seeing this guy as a big Trump guy. I sure hope not. Paul got seriously injured. How tough is that old dude? 82 years old and fight back good enough to survive? It's a shame he didn't get the hammer away from that fool and park it deep in his skull. The Only downside to that would be we never get to hear what that freak was thinking.

Title: Re: I Really wanna Know
Post by MnSpring on 10/28/22 at 15:20:27

7761766B73666B70040 wrote:
"... Roofing hammer is one of the most terrifying weapons I can think of ..."

WHAT ???????

When did you change from;
a GUN, 'is a most terrifying weapon' ??????

When are you going to start the, "Ban Hammers" dialog ?

Title: Re: I Really wanna Know
Post by Serowbot on 10/28/22 at 15:58:34

0F2C1132302B2C25420 wrote:
When are you going to start the, "Ban Hammers" dialog ?

When you start hammering nails with an AR15

Title: Re: I Really wanna Know
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/28/22 at 16:45:04

Hammers,The weapon of choice,, held in high regard by Amish everywhere

Title: Re: I Really wanna Know
Post by pg on 10/28/22 at 17:14:27

When you start hammering nails with an AR15

I can drive tacks with mine!

Best regards,

Title: Re: I Really wanna Know
Post by MnSpring on 10/28/22 at 17:39:44

4354525E5141330 wrote:
I can drive tacks with mine!
Best regards,

 Excellent !!!!!!!

    (Although a 'Citizen', will not agree)

;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D

Title: Re: I Really wanna Know
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/28/22 at 20:56:21

Was he planning on playing a keyboard?

The alleged home intruder who attacked 82-year-old Paul Pelosi early Friday morning was in his underwear when police arrived and holds anti-government conspiracy theories, according to sources.

Title: Re: I Really wanna Know
Post by zevenenergie on 10/29/22 at 05:06:34

The degree of madness is getting really awsome. This is happening with all parties and it seems to be getting better by the day.

But it would have been even nicer, if he had also brought a cross and nails.

It wouldn't have surprised me,
they are doing everything they can to make sure Trump can't be re-elected.

On November 8, there will be a total lunar eclipse on the full moon.


Title: Re: I Really wanna Know
Post by WebsterMark on 10/29/22 at 08:54:26

7462756870656873070 wrote:
It's reported that the assailant was asking "Where's Nancy?"...
Soooo,... I'd say MAGA hatter.  :-?

Roofing hammer is one of the most terrifying weapons I can think of.
Way scarier than an axe or a spear.
I'm surprised the Vikings or Romans never came up with that.
Well,... Thor did have a sledge. :-?

Yea, they had no idea if that was really true, but their TDS kicked in, as did yours, they reported it and you spread that lie.  Truth is, other than he’s clearly a nut job, no one knows if there was a political reason right not. The reporting for the St Louis school shooting had its own case of jumping the gun. Always wait before spreading lies than right wingers did it because just like Jussie Smullet and countless others, it’s probably a lie.

Title: Re: I Really wanna Know
Post by Serowbot on 10/29/22 at 10:29:18

3A2C3B263E2B263D490 wrote:
It's reported that the assailant was asking "Where's Nancy?"...
Soooo,... I'd say MAGA hatter.  :-?

Speculation is not declaration.  Notice the bold words of the sentence.
I'm doing the same as everyone else posting here.
You choose to find exception.

I'm playing 6 against 1 here at least,... and you still hold me to higher standard.

All the MAGA Hatter rhetoric and violent imagery has consequences.  Gun poses in ads, targets on rivals, simulated murder, talk of civil war, election denial, pedophile baby eaters, etc...

Title: Re: I Really wanna Know
Post by Serowbot on 10/29/22 at 11:06:10

This is where Trump has led us.  
From Obama is not an American in 08', to the "stolen election" of 2020, the MAGA movement has based itself on lies, racism, violent rhetoric and actual violence.  Telling violent protestors on his side that he loves them and they're good people, while calling liberal protestors animals, criminals, and scumbags.
"I'd like to punch that guy in the face" "You won't have a country any more", telling police to not be so gentle, telling rally goers he'd pay their lawyer bills for hurting protestors.
Name calling. Demonizing. Lies on top of lies.

It's time to introduce civility into politics.
The purpose of politics is to solve disagreements without violence though discussion and compromise.
It's time to stop the nonsense.

Title: Re: I Really wanna Know
Post by WebsterMark on 10/29/22 at 12:02:37

You guys burned W up n effigy on his inauguration day. You just conveniently forget the violence Democrats routinely encourage. The day Trump was inaugurated, there was a massive riot and protest in DC and then you went on a four year nonstop ridiculous  “Trump is Hitler” rant along with a totally fabricated Russiagate story so you demand for civility is ringing hollow when the left side it is far more outrageous, violent and over the top and the right side. Apologize for everything first and we’ll talk.

Title: Re: I Really wanna Know
Post by Serowbot on 10/29/22 at 13:00:52

As with mass shootings,... every act or threat of violence that happens, normalizes the behavior and makes the next one more likely and possibly more violent.
Attention seekers must go beyond the normal to get the attention they seek.

Everyone is in a cycle of one-upping the last outrage.
How many Right-Wing candidates are showing guns, explosions, targets, using hate speech, and repeating Trump's racist rhetoric and lies?
Can you show me a single violent Liberal ad?


Title: Re: I Really wanna Know
Post by Serowbot on 10/29/22 at 13:07:59

Accused Pelosi attacker David DePape spread QAnon, other far-right, bigoted conspiracies
DePape’s screeds included posts about QAnon, an unfounded theory that former President Trump is at war with a cabal of Satan-worshipping elites who run a child sex ring and control the world. In an Aug. 23 entry titled “Q,” DePape wrote: “Either Q is Trump himself or Q is the deepstate moles within Trumps inner circle.

Another post referenced “pizzagate,” a bogus conspiracy theory that posited that children were trapped in a sexual abuse ring in a Washington, D.C., pizzeria run by Hillary Clinton and a chief aide.”

Title: Re: I Really wanna Know
Post by pg on 10/29/22 at 13:56:32

495F48554D58554E3A0 wrote:

She needs that weapon after being swatted six times.

Best regards

Title: Re: I Really wanna Know
Post by pg on 10/29/22 at 14:00:15

3A2C3B263E2B263D490 wrote:
This is where Trump has led us.  

At least he will be back on Twitter soon!!

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Best regards,

Title: Re: I Really wanna Know
Post by pg on 10/29/22 at 15:15:39

Didn't Christine Pelosi celebrate Rand Paul's attack??

In March 2020, Christine Pelosi tweeted that Dr Paul’s neighbor “was right”.

Best regards,

Title: Re: I Really wanna Know
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/29/22 at 15:56:24

Where's the body cam footage?
The reports I've seen about the 9/11 call was
A man is in my house, I don't know him,his name is Dave and he's a friend...
Whatever the name is, Phhht.
And in his underwear?
And the cops said upon entry, they both had hands on the hammer, intruder yanked it away and attacked,?
I'm not seeing how that scenario unfolds. How did they Not shoot the guy? Maybe Pelosi would have been in too much danger..

Title: Re: I Really wanna Know
Post by MnSpring on 10/29/22 at 17:08:33

2630273A22373A21550 wrote:
This is where Trump has led us. ..."

You need to learn HISTORY.
Oh yea, forgot, you were never taught about early North America History.
(Coming from the UK and all)

British people were divided about the outbreak of war with what was then their colony—over how bad it was, whose fault it was and what to do about it.

Stamp Act 1765,
the Boston Tea Party  1773
“shot heard round the world”,  1775.

Just a few, ‘Outrageous’ ‘Swamp Cleaning type people’,
John Adams, Samuel Adams, Ethan Allen, James Armistead, Crispus Attucks, Benjamin Franklin, Nathanael Greene, Nathan Hale, Alexander Hamilton, John Hancock, Patrick Henry, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, John Paul Jones, James Madison, Francis Marion, James Monroe, Thomas Paine, Paul Revere and George Washington …

The British were not looking for rebels or the leaders who were advocating resistance to the crown. They were under specific orders to seize and destroy arms and munitions believed to be hidden in two towns. The first battle of the Revolution was fought over gun control.
The British government wanted to seize the lawfully owned firearms of the colonists. If British troops could disarm the militia, there would be less of a threat to their control.
Loyalists, Tories, Royalists, King’s Men, were American colonists who stayed loyal to the British Crown.

Seems like ‘today',
The minuteman/militia’  (Rep),
are battling against the Torries (Dem)

'It's time to stop the nonsense',

That The Pudden Head Practices.

Title: Re: I Really wanna Know
Post by Serowbot on 10/29/22 at 17:49:03

Thanks for the totally irrelevant history lesson that you cut and pasted to show your knowledge of history.
(I can tell by the correct usage of "their" and "there") ::)

Title: Re: I Really wanna Know
Post by WebsterMark on 10/30/22 at 04:47:08

As with mass shootings,... every act or threat of violence that happens, normalizes the behavior and makes the next one more likely and possibly more violent.
Attention seekers must go beyond the normal to get the attention they seek.

You mean like the Democratic endorsed, supported, and encouraged antifa and BLM riots all summer?

Everyone is in a cycle of one-upping the last outrage.
How many Right-Wing candidates are showing guns, explosions, targets, using hate speech, and repeating Trump's racist rhetoric and lies?

Interesting you use the word targets because you’re either consciously or subconsciously referring to the lie that Sarah Palin‘s ad drove some normal person to go shoot the congresswoman in Arizona years ago. That’s been proven false year after year after year yet you just lied again because that’s what you do. You lie. You have Pravda your side so you can lie with impunity time after time after time.

As with mass shootings,... every act or threat of violence that happens, normalizes the behavior and makes the next one more likely and possibly more violent.
Attention seekers must go beyond the normal to get the attention they seek.

Everyone is in a cycle of one-upping the last outrage.
How many Right-Wing candidates are showing guns, explosions, targets, using hate speech, and repeating Trump's racist rhetoric and lies?
Can you show me a single violent Liberal ad?

No one knows what happened at Pelosi‘s house that night yet. The only thing that we’re positive with absolute certainly did not happen was that some normal right winger saw a political ad and that caused him to strip into his underwear and charge into Pelosi‘s house, grab a hammer out of someone’s hand and beat them with it. That’s the only thing we know did not happen.

I love how you forget the fact that Marco Rubio had a campaign worker who just had the hell beat out of him.  Some Bernie Sanders fruitcake who listen to him talk how evil Republicans are over and over grab a gun and went to a baseball field and started shooting people. Antifa targeted Republican and conservative groups for entire summer and once your media supporters figured out it looked bad, they stop showing the clips on the nightly news. So in your mind it never happened but I did.

And pointing out there vs their is pretty lame and I thought beneath you, but maybe I’m wrong.

Title: Re: I Really wanna Know
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/30/22 at 05:04:42

I saw a picture of a white bus,junk stacked strategically around. Couldn't tell what it was, wasn't your typical junk. Looked purposeful, the Kindle doesn't exactly offer great resolution. The guy is a mess. Strung out on drugs. Seems, according to this, to be a BLM supporter. It's Gonna be a minnit before we see what kinda guy he is.

Someone opened the door for the cops. And when they got in, there were two guys holding onto a hammer.
Who opened the door? And why weren't they dropping a lamp on that guys head?
Why did Pelosi have to call the cops? Was the doorman unaware that there was trouble?
I know, could be a woman, but we don't know.
Another report has Pelosi ,apparently you can call Time Out with a home invader, so Pelosi declares a Potty break and calls the cops, leaves the phone in his pocket and just talks to Dave. This Dave is not getting a Gold Star. Nope,, he's getting a Brown Star. Because hezzaAsshole.

Haven't even gotten to the WuHuFlu stuff yet.

I can't figure out where the wooden trim piece off the door went. The glass looks to be safety, the plastic sammich.

Title: Re: I Really wanna Know
Post by pg on 10/30/22 at 05:29:02

I have also read he was a BLM supporter, wearing birkenstock sandals and with dreadlocks.  I suspect he was just another wacko, and the left is trying to craft the narrative again.

Best regards,

Title: Re: I Really wanna Know
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/30/22 at 06:35:29

Well, whoever he is, this is still really strange

RP [Reporting Person] stated that there’s a male in the home and that he’s going to wait for his wife. RP stated that he doesn’t know who the male is but he advised that his name is David, and that he is a friend,” the dispatch official said. “RP sounded somewhat confused.

Confused? Yeah

Title: Re: I Really wanna Know
Post by zevenenergie on 10/30/22 at 07:23:14

If Trump whould have been president, it would have been shot in space.

Under biden everything is average;
(Starts at 31:00)

(Make Amerika great again and again and again and again) :-)

Title: Re: I Really wanna Know
Post by Serowbot on 10/30/22 at 10:25:35

What do we really know?
It was Nancy's husband... it was her house,... he was asking "Where's Nancy?"
The single most hated person by the Right-wingnuts.
The name chanted by 1/6 insurgents all through the halls of Congress.
"Nancy!,.. Oh Nancy! Where are you Nancy?"

When is last time you heard a BLM/ANTIFA chant, "Where's Nancy?"
Uuuuuuuuuhhhhh.... Never?

Title: Re: I Really wanna Know
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/30/22 at 10:38:38

ONE, and no other, claimed he said that.

Title: Re: I Really wanna Know
Post by Serowbot on 10/30/22 at 12:16:51

new info...
CNN  —
The man who is alleged to have attacked Paul Pelosi, the husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, with a hammer in the couple’s San Francisco home had with him a bag that contained multiple zip ties, among other things, according to two sources who have been briefed on the incident.

In addition to the zip ties, the suspect also had duct tape on him, according to a law enforcement source.

I don't know where you get he was in his underwear...
I haven't read anything about that.

Title: Re: I Really wanna Know
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/30/22 at 12:52:38

Whatever, dude.
Until we get the body camera footage, the property security camera footage, phht.
And, as far as I am concerned, there has been too much time passed to be able to trust it if it comes out.
First time I've heard of zip ties. The lies are getting put in.
Who opened the door? Why was that person not helping Pelosi?
We won't ever Know wtf happened.

Title: Re: I Really wanna Know
Post by pg on 10/30/22 at 12:52:38

His ex said he has been bat$hit crazy for years......

Best regards,

Title: Re: I Really wanna Know
Post by pg on 10/30/22 at 17:13:34

Do you remember this much concern for Kavanaugh?

No, me neither..............

Best regards,

Title: Re: I Really wanna Know
Post by MnSpring on 10/30/22 at 19:14:39

No surprise you believe.
The below is totally irrelevant

"...British were not looking for rebels or the leaders who were advocating resistance to the crown. They were under specific orders to seize and destroy arms and munitions believed to be hidden in two towns..."

"... If British troops could disarm the militia, there would be less of a threat to their control. ..."

7365726F77626F74000 wrote:
"...  the totally irrelevant history lesson ..."

Title: Re: I Really wanna Know
Post by MnSpring on 10/30/22 at 19:18:14

5C4A5D40584D405B2F0 wrote:
Can you show me a single violent Liberal ad?

Any one that has Mark Kelly in.

Title: Re: I Really wanna Know
Post by pg on 10/31/22 at 07:13:05

1) who was the 3rd person that answered the door for the police?
2) why did the glass break outward?  
3) why no security cam or body cam photos?

Elon’s tweet is correct…….

Best regards,

Title: Re: I Really wanna Know
Post by Serowbot on 10/31/22 at 07:37:55

5740464A4555270 wrote:
Do you remember this much concern for Kavanaugh?

No, me neither..............

Best regards,

Kavanaugh got his head bashed in with a hammer?
I missed that.

Title: Re: I Really wanna Know
Post by WebsterMark on 10/31/22 at 08:12:14

Just looking through the news this morning, I can tell the left-wing media has coalesced around a plan to blame this attack 100% on GOP campaign commercials.

This is 100% a lie. Nobody knows what happened there yet, except for two or three people who are involved in it. But pay attention to the lying and absolute distortion the corporate news media will go through over the next couple of days in an attempt to swing a few votes to the Democratic side.

Title: Re: I Really wanna Know
Post by WebsterMark on 10/31/22 at 09:06:39

Police responded to the home at 2 a.m. on Friday to find DePape and Pelosi struggling over a hammer. Pelosi was reportedly able to call the police by saying he needed to go to the bathroom.

“Excuse me, I know you’re beating me to death with a hammer because you heard a GOP political ad but do you mind if I run to the bathroom? I really gotta go? And if it’s okay, I’m gonna grab my cell phone too.”

Title: Re: I Really wanna Know
Post by Serowbot on 10/31/22 at 09:14:57

His cell phone was plugged-in in the bathroom charging at the time.

Title: Re: I Really wanna Know
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/31/22 at 10:33:48

So, how does that Work? Some dude is attacking you with a hammer and you do What?
Whoa! Kings X! Time Out! I gotta go Pee!
I saw something about the cops responding to a Wellness Check call.
Then, Pelosi is supposedly the one who called.
One or the other..

No security camera footage.
Why not?
No body camera footage.
Why not?
One report has the cops busting in
A third, unknown person, opened the door.
But wasn't Helping Pelosi?
Cops say
Upon entry both men had a hand on the hammer. Weirdo pulls it away and attacks Pelosi..
Where's that footage?
As for the guy's alleged right wing ideology, I'm calling bullshit. Nothing about that guy and the way he has lived says Right Wing.

The property is very secure, but this guy gets in?
You want me to believe that?
The first good question is
How did that guy Get To the house?
Okay, say he got over the wall and to the house.
Plenty of cameras on the walls.
Let's See him working the glass over..

And how long did That take? That isn't tempered glass that turns into little bits. That is Safety Glass, the stuff with the plastic sheet in the middle.

Now, how much noise did That make and how long did it take?

I'm supposed to believe such a high profile person is oblivious to the idea of a threat and just ignores someone wrecking a door to gain entry and doesn't know to lock the bedroom door?  He's So Without conveeenient things that he has to charge his phone in a different room from where he sleeps?
If you're not seeing how much this isn't adding up, well, okay.

Title: Re: I Really wanna Know
Post by WebsterMark on 10/31/22 at 10:59:30

You’re right Jog, this isn’t passing the initial smell test. Remember the Jussie Smullet thing? It smell bad the first time I heard it. It’s different because it wasn’t a story to cover up  an incident, he just had a really bad case of TDS and wanted to get tighter with his fellow Hollywood crowd so he made everything up.

But there are similarities and stuff just doesn’t add up right off the bat. In that case we were supposed to believe two white guys were walking around at 2 o’clock in the morning in a relatively dangerous Chicago neighborhood when it was freezing cold outside with a noose in their hands just looking for some rich black guy by himself who went out in the cold to pick up food despite the fact everybody else in his demographic would order it via GrubHub or something like this.

In this case, the husband of the speaker of the house who remember is third in line to the presidency, charges his phone in the bathroom, Maybe or maybe doesn’t have someone else in the house, confront someone after they break through his door with a hammer, somehow gets away because he tells him he has to go to the bathroom, calls the police in the bathroom but doesn’t stay there, I read a story on one of the corporate new sites that said he was being very clever and used the word “friend” and his name David because he figured the guy was listening to him and this was a code for the police, I swear to God that’s what it said, but after he calls the police he goes back and fights the guy some more. Pictures of where the suspect live don’t look anything like you would imagine a hard-core Maga guy would look. Let’s face it, it looks the opposite.

Again, I don’t really know what happens but yes this doesn’t smell right. The only thing we know for certain is that this was not somebody who was radicalized because they heard a GOP political ad within the past couple of months and reacted. That’s the only thing we know with certainty.

Title: Re: I Really wanna Know
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/31/22 at 11:37:30

My first thought on the glass being outside was
Hit from inside.
Then I saw the part just hanging and realized the glass is safety glass, with plastic sandwiched between the glass. Glass is gonna go both ways I would think. I'm curious about the wood trim piece. I'm not seeing it anywhere.

I wonder just how much wreckage would need to happen before an alarm goes off.
Or,,maybe all the cameras and, I Guess staff? Or do those old folks live alone? , they don't think they need any actual alarms.

Unless they release the video, body camera stuff, we don't know hoot.

Title: Re: I Really wanna Know
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/31/22 at 12:20:52

So, this right wing, Trump supporter, violent radical was living with, and some reports say married to, whom?

You can pull the hyperbole out and it still says what she is.
Nothing about this guy says Trump supporter. If he supposedly said something online, based on everything else that is Right There to be seen, I would question the source of the claims. It doesn't fit together. But then, there is the
He's Crazy thing,so what is reasonable to expect?

Title: Re: I Really wanna Know
Post by Serowbot on 10/31/22 at 12:29:36

SF is a very shaky place... I wonder if security systems give too many false alarms to be useful.

Title: Re: I Really wanna Know
Post by WebsterMark on 10/31/22 at 15:31:10

5E485F425A4F42592D0 wrote:
SF is a very shaky place... I wonder if security systems give too many false alarms to be useful.

That’s a TDS inspired joke right?

Title: Re: I Really wanna Know
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/31/22 at 16:06:18

Row,I replied to that, but don't know where it is.
Would you grab it and put it in here or tell me where it is?

Done, Serow

46595F5845427343734B59551E2C0 wrote:
Sounds like a fair question.
I WonDer if there is AnyOne around here who could possibly address that.
Coff E Coff Coff..
You have anything that could help sort that out?
What determines whether or not an alarm system is trustworthy?
I'm ignernt to the tenth power, but, always willing to venture out onto the skinniest of limbs, I'll take a swing.

How old is the system?
How does it report?
Does it need a phone line or is it wireless?
IDK which is preferable, because
Maybe it's never been replaced and is an outdated system.

But if it sent a call,the cops would have responded, right?

Title: Re: I Really wanna Know
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/31/22 at 17:26:03

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