General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Looks like evidence is mounting

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 10/08/22 at 08:20:00

Title: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/08/22 at 08:20:00

I'm seeing articles every day now about the needle and the damage done. Studies, allegedly done by doctors, saying otherwise healthy young men are developing heart problems that simply should not be happening. Another about pregnant women losing their babies. Just saw a report of a Democrat ,meh, congressman I Think, lost his 17 year old daughter. Died in her sleep. She had great health care. Checkups, slim and trim, active girl, no known issues, fully jabbed and permanently dead. darn shame, a life cut short.
I'm just gonna start dropping some of them in here.
If I put something here that I've posted before, it's Not Doubling Down.
I Just don't remember.
So, scoot that spell checker over, pop the wrinkles outta the cape.
I went looking for a picture of Mr. Peabody wearing a cape. Didn't see one, Dammitall..

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by Eegore on 10/08/22 at 17:41:22

 Evidence is mounting.

"Died in her sleep. She had great health care. Checkups, slim and trim, active girl, no known issues, fully jabbed and permanently dead. darn shame, a life cut short."

 Would you also consider every 17 year old healthy girl that was vaccinated and had zero side-effect as evidence?  Or are we only allowed to acknowledge the one's that died and assume without actual evidence that she died specifically from the vaccine?

 Billions have been vaccinated without any issue.  Is that "evidence"?

"If I put something here that I've posted before, it's Not Doubling Down.
I Just don't remember."

 Is it doubling down when somebody reads your information for you, that you refuse to read, and you tell them they are wrong in the very same post?  For instance if somebody tells you hundreds and hundreds of the names You provided in your source are not under 35 and many are alive, and you continually claim its just a "coupla" outliers, is that doubling down?

 I would consider ignoring hundreds of false claims and saying its just a few is doubling down on the claim that many humans under 35 died from the vaccine.  

 Bringing up the insurance information, again, that you wont read, and telling people that read it for you that it says something different than what the black and white letters in the documents say, to me, is doubling down.  

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/08/22 at 18:12:14

It's worth every minute of it, just to watch you hyperventilate.
Safe and Effective?
What a load of bullshit.

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by Eegore on 10/08/22 at 19:23:27

Safe and Effective?
What a load of bullshit.

 I agree on the effective part being BS for sure.
 I also think some people are at risk and should not take certain versions of the vaccine.  I don't however need to falsely claim hundreds of people died that are actually alive to show it.  I don't need to ignore Billions of perfectly safe and alive humans exist to also say some humans should not be taking the vaccine.

 I agree the vaccine is dangerous to some, but most of your information provided is so far off the mark I can't see how you could even think anyone would take it seriously.  

 Where are all the dead kids?  Hundreds of thousands should be dead in TX alone if we used your numbers.

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/11/22 at 19:07:08

Even if we lied,it's Not fraud because they were in on it.
I heard that A coupla weeks ago,, but figgered there was no way it could be true.
IDK Who the people are, for all I know they are just play acting.

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by Eegore on 10/11/22 at 19:44:45

 It was discussed here a while back.  Pfizer's response does seem poor and nonsensical but it does have precedence in US law.

  As far as I know all this is about trial C4591001.

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/11/22 at 23:31:06

Uhhuh,, seems poor. The government, involved in fraud With someone, then accusing and prosecutIng, is legally sketchy. So, what Fraud was committed? Against whom?
The people have been tag teamed.
How is it possible? You mean all those times people said the data were bullshit,and treated like fools for Not buying it, you mean they were not such idiots after all? Huhh, Howboutthatschitt?

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/11/22 at 23:44:51

Where are they?
Funny thing about that. I'm wrong about everything I say..
Until later,when it comes out.
Plenty of reports, I don't bother with, it's coming. Wait.
You can call some coffin makers. See what happens. I'm sure the reports of people dying are completely fabricated. And the athletes, that does happen, but not like this last year or so. The jabs are not safe, and sure as nuts not effective.

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/12/22 at 00:00:35

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by Eegore on 10/12/22 at 05:19:17

"How is it possible? You mean all those times people said the data were bullshit,and treated like fools for Not buying it, you mean they were not such idiots after all? Huhh, Howboutthatschitt?"

 No, I never said to trust the CDC.  You refuse to acknowledge that and instead repeatedly claim I said it.  I never said to trust the CDC, I said that claiming 2000 soldiers per-day being disabled with neurological disorders is obviously not true.   But you won't call that data bullshit.

 Your numbers indicate over 300000 kids died in TX in 2021.  What have you observed that supports that data?  Do you think 300000 kids died from heart attacks in TX in 2021?  That number is not bullshit?

"The government, involved in fraud With someone, then accusing and prosecutIng, is legally sketchy. So, what Fraud was committed? Against whom?"

 That's what the lawsuit is about.  But given the fact that you have used losing cases as evidence of legal precedence I would say the outcome of this case is irrelevant to how you will perceive it's information as accurate.  

"Funny thing about that. I'm wrong about everything I say..
Until later,when it comes out."

 No you are still wrong.  When you offer hundreds and hundreds of names of people that are over age 35 and alive as evidence of D.E.A.D young athletes, or videos of kids clutching their chest in ...2013, you are wrong.

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by Eegore on 10/12/22 at 05:28:41

Mick noted that in the funeral industry it is not “looked upon” to talk about the dead, so many kept their mouths shut.

 Sure.  A 5x increase in coffin sales - due to actual dead humans, not CostCo, and not one other person said anything because it's not "looked upon".  

 Why isn't there a 5x, or even a 3x increase in child death certificates?

 Why aren't all these dead kids families saying anything?  

 Why aren't school districts having fewer students?

 If the child mortality rate in the US doubled, just doubled in two years there would be many noticeable factors. Now increase that another 300% and you don't think maybe there would be less kids around?  

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by Serowbot on 10/12/22 at 07:00:28

Estimated 300,000 lives saved this year by vaccinations.

Study says Republicans are dying from Covid at a rate 175% higher than Democrats.

I got my booster yesterday.  My arm feels like I was punched by an angry schoolgirl, but otherwise I feel fine.

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by pg on 10/12/22 at 08:25:50

Again, how about some references.....

Salon, TYT, and or CNN doesn't carry much weight.........

and the Sun & the Telegraph......     ;D ;

Best regards,

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by zevenenergie on 10/14/22 at 03:53:17

I think everyone should be vaccinated against Covid because you do it for the other and I don't want to get infected.

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/14/22 at 04:27:34

4666646C7166030 wrote:
"How is it possible? You mean all those times people said the data were bullshit,and treated like fools for Not buying it, you mean they were not such idiots after all? Huhh, Howboutthatschitt?"

 No, I never said to trust the CDC.  You refuse to acknowledge that and instead repeatedly claim I said it.  I never said to trust the CDC, I said that claiming 2000 soldiers per-day being disabled with neurological disorders is obviously not true.   But you won't call that data bullshit.

 Your numbers indicate over 300000 kids died in TX in 2021.  What have you observed that supports that data?  Do you think 300000 kids died from heart attacks in TX in 2021?  That number is not bullshit?

"The government, involved in fraud With someone, then accusing and prosecutIng, is legally sketchy. So, what Fraud was committed? Against whom?"

 That's what the lawsuit is about.  But given the fact that you have used losing cases as evidence of legal precedence I would say the outcome of this case is irrelevant to how you will perceive it's information as accurate.  

"Funny thing about that. I'm wrong about everything I say..
Until later,when it comes out."

 No you are still wrong.  When you offer hundreds and hundreds of names of people that are over age 35 and alive as evidence of D.E.A.D young athletes, or videos of kids clutching their chest in ...2013, you are wrong.

Is this what you are going to do? Every time I say something, lets rerun that?

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by Eegore on 10/14/22 at 05:28:26

"I think everyone should be vaccinated against Covid because you do it for the other and I don't want to get infected."

 Except the vaccination does not measurably stop the spread of the vaccine.    It reduces the impact of the virus in humans with the vaccination within their body, but the virus can still be spread to others just as easy.

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/14/22 at 05:42:44

You can't prove that. And it's Not what we were told.
Take the jab. Stop the spread. You don't get it and you can't spread it.
THAT is what we were told.
And whatever you want to say about the safety of the jab,surely even you have seen the number of collapsed, collapsed and died,died in their sleep, doctor baffled
Reports and started to connect the dots. If you're waiting for the same government that went from
Ohh,no,it's Not the governments place to mandate the jab to take it or lose access and jobs, if you're waiting for the MeaCulpa from them to come to grips with the obvious that the jabs are killing people, you are gonna be waiting for a long time.

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by Eegore on 10/14/22 at 05:48:07

"Is this what you are going to do? Every time I say something, lets rerun that?"

 Well lets look at what you posted here and see if maybe You referenced your own previous communication:


Funny thing about that. I'm wrong about everything I say..
Until later,when it comes out."

 The word "everything" indicates to me that You are referencing every thing you say.  All things.  Every.  Thing.

"Until later" indicates to me that You think what You have said is now right, because it was "wrong" "until later,when it comes out".  

 Pfizer making a stupid legal defense does not make "everything" you said correct.  The logic that Pfizer committed fraud, the vaccine is deadly, they lied is fundamentally flawed because fraud does not equal death.  The death rates you offer aren't even possible.  Pfizer can commit fraud and still not have a vaccine that kills 500% more Canadian kids.
 You are still wrong about almost all data You have presented.  Most of the "data" is quiet frankly mathematically impossible.  Kids dying in 2013 did not die from the vaccine.  That's impossible.

 There was not a 500% increase in dead kids in Canada.  There would be no plausible way to cover that up.  Hundreds of thousands of coffins with a refusal to provide a full name or any distribution paperwork is not equal to hundreds of thousands of actual real dead humans.  

 Hundreds of living people are not D.E.A.D. or just a "coupla outliers" it is a substantial amount of false information.

 One 17 year old girl dying for unknown reasons is not proof the vaccine killed her.  

 So no "everything" you say is not wrong "until later" because Pfizer has poor legal logic.

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by Eegore on 10/14/22 at 06:24:54

You can't prove that. And it's Not what we were told.
Take the jab. Stop the spread. You don't get it and you can't spread it.
THAT is what we were told.

 You won't accept medical records of living real humans as evidence.  You will however accept hundreds of living humans, who may not have been vaccinated, as evidence of dead or "D.E.A.D." as You said.

 So "proof" is a pointless conversation here.

"And whatever you want to say about the safety of the jab,surely even you have seen the number of collapsed, collapsed and died,died in their sleep, doctor baffled"

 I've never said anything about the safety of the jab.  I actually posted the exact batch numbers and age demographics that show increased risk of injury and death but you refuse to read or acknowledge it.  But when you offer evidence of a kid collapsing, in 2013, as proof of a deadly vaccine, I will say that kid died in 2013.  Because that is true.  You hear me say the vaccine is safe.

 When you offer hundreds of living humans of all ages as "dead under-35 athletes", I say most of those humans are alive, and over 35, even post them here for you to see, and no proof of vaccination for most.  Because it is true.  You hear me say the vaccine is safe.


"Ohh,no,it's Not the governments place to mandate the jab to take it or lose access and jobs, if you're waiting for the MeaCulpa from them to come to grips with the obvious that the jabs are killing people, you are gonna be waiting for a long time."

 Again, if You offered evidence of real humans that actually died maybe that would hold some ground.  Offering evidence that claims over 300000 kids died in TX in 2021 when that is obviously not true, will not get anyone to come to grips with the obvious that the jabs are killing people.

 You need to offer actual dead humans as evidence, not BS data and lies.

Title: Re: Looks likeI evidence is mounting
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/14/22 at 06:37:45

I should not need to offer anything. If you can't see it, that is on you.
The government lied. People are dying. People are collapsing. At previously unheard of rates.
Funny how the reports of people who are baffling the doctors no longer include the jab status.

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by Serowbot on 10/14/22 at 06:43:49

Wouldn't hospitals be filled with people who were just vaccinated but don't have Covid?
That's not what is happening.

Get real

Death stats for most vaxxed countries would be higher than low vax countries.... that's not what is happening.

CDC and WHO are not sinister evil plotters.  This is not an Austin Powers movie.

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by Eegore on 10/14/22 at 07:03:42

"I should not need to offer anything. If you can't see it, that is on you.
The government lied. People are dying. People are collapsing. At previously unheard of rates."

 "See it" is you looking up stuff on the internet, not you seeing hundreds of pediatric patients with heart conditions.  Your evidence is living humans that You say are D.E.A.D. but when people read it for you, it becomes clear the website you used lied to you.

 How many kids died from heart attacks in your town in 2021?
Statistically a few hundred according to your observations.  But how many actually died?  How many obituaries did you "see" for dead kids in your area in 2021?

"Funny how the reports of people who are baffling the doctors no longer include the jab status."

 Except they do.  When I read your source material for you, the records are there.  The headline from the website you got it from lied to you.

 Why don't you consider that maybe these anti-vax websites can lie too?

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by Eegore on 10/14/22 at 07:26:15

"Wouldn't hospitals be filled with people who were just vaccinated but don't have Covid?"


 But outcomes of these numbers isn't part of the evaluation.

 2000 soldiers per-day are disabled from the vaccine - this we are supposed to believe.  But having 730000 missing soldiers is not to be taken into account.  The claim is true, the fact that the outcome never happened is not important.

 500% increase in child coffin sales, but not a 500% increase in missing kids from schools, athletic programs, tax dependent claims, or even families mentioning their kid died.

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/14/22 at 07:46:49

Hide behind the discrepancies. That doesn't eliminate the
Collapse, collapsed and died, it's happening. Who benefits from the obviously inflated reports? The same people who LIED to all of us.

Did they lie?

Take the jab, you won't get it and you can't transmit it.
Absolute bullshit.

I took the time to call a mortician  some months ago and asked him about an article he was mentioned in. He said it's true. Blood clots that aren't what I ever envisioned. I always thought they were a clump,not a long,rubbery,fibrous mass. Apparently it is a new thing.

By over reporting the deaths from the jabs, it screws up the credibility.

IDK Who is driving that, but the doctors are baffled about Why people are collapsing, dying in their sleep,
Yeah, some of them were going to kick off,jab or not, but the reports and the camera showing guys clutch their chest and hit the ground, that is real.
You can pretend it's all good, fine by me.
Or maybe you can just say how many people are being injured or killed by the jab.
I don't have a team to have read it, so just the pertinent parts would be appreciated.

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by Serowbot on 10/14/22 at 07:58:05

Faith is belief without, or in spite of evidence.

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by MnSpring on 10/14/22 at 08:25:02

3F2026213C3B0A3A0A32202C67550 wrote:
"...  it's Not what we were told.
Take the jab.
Stop the spread.
You don't get it and you can't spread it.
THAT is what we were told ..."

(With the VERY STRONG, implication if you don't you are endangering everyone else)

Over and Over and Over and Over and Over and Over

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by Eegore on 10/14/22 at 09:17:37

Take the jab, you won't get it and you can't transmit it.
Absolute bullshit.

 I agree.  I also don't exactly consider the POTUS, no matter who it is, to be a reliable source for modern medical outcomes.  Fauci prematurely said it was a "dead end" for sure.  I prefer to use clinical evidence, not websites and politicians, to see what clinical outcomes are.  

"Yeah, some of them were going to kick off,jab or not, but the reports and the camera showing guys clutch their chest and hit the ground, that is real.
You can pretend it's all good, fine by me.

 Except 7 of the 9 videos in one of your sources are people collapsing before 2019.  You might be ok with that, but I am not going to pretend people that died before the vaccine died from it.

 So I'm not "pretending its all good" I literally posted batch numbers and risk factors which you will not read or acknowledge.  I am simply saying people that die before the vaccine are not evidence of people dying from it.  So Your source lied to you.  And when you post it again, whether you remember or not, I will still say that people that die prior to 2019 did not die from the vaccine and your source lied to you.

"Or maybe you can just say how many people are being injured or killed by the jab."

 I have, multiple times, using your evidence that I read for you, and you respond with saying I am wrong, that insuraqnce companies claim 40% increase in vaccinated deaths when they did not,  that hundreds of living humans are a "coupla outliers", that its "FRAUD" to falsely enter material into VAERS, and that I said to trust the CDC, and that I think the vaccine is safe and even in this thread you claim I "think it is all good".

 You want to know, read what I actually post and stop making up things I never said.


Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by Serowbot on 10/14/22 at 10:14:59

There is a war in Ukraine.  
Trump stole 11,000 documents (approx a ton). A TON literally!
He tried to steal an election and the Presidency.

... and you spend day after day on conspiratorial distractions.
Eegore has so much patience

What will history record about today's events in decades to come?

Look what's happening with this stunt.
Texas sheriff puts Martha’s Vineyard migrants on path to apply for special visa by declaring them crime victims

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by MnSpring on 10/14/22 at 11:37:02

7555575F4255300 wrote:
"... I never said to trust the CDC ..."

Correct, never recall you saying those, exact, words.

Yet do remember you vehemently defended the CDC, WHO, Fauci, and the government who said, (to the like), ''Take The Shot''

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by zevenenergie on 10/14/22 at 11:43:23

You don,t see it, if you don,t want to see it.

Look what Trump said in his Speech about about nuclear weapons. And look what Biden says.

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by Eegore on 10/14/22 at 11:48:56

"Yet do remember you vehemently defended the CDC, WHO, Fauci, and the government who said, (to the like), ''Take The Shot''"

  Incorrect.  I never offered an opinion on getting a shot thus no reference from the CDC/WHO or Fauci for taking a shot has ever been necessary.

 I have actually, repeatedly said the CDC and WHO are not fully transparent, but your inability to have an adult conversation on here makes it impossible for you to see I am talking about what actual words were said and not the ethical/moral value of the overall statement(s).

 I am stating that when people say the CDC "said" to classify vehicle deaths as Covid deaths, that is wrong.  The CDC never said that, someone else did.  I posted exactly what the CDC guidelines are and to this day nobody here can point out where they said to classify people "With" covid as dying "From" covid.  Nobody can use actual CDC statements to indicate this to be true, they can only use websites that "claim" things and YouTube videos of people saying it, but offering zero evidence.

CDC guidance:

"This section on the death certificate is for reporting the sequence of conditions that led directly to death. The immediate cause of death, which is the disease or condition that directly preceded death and is not necessarily the underlying cause of death (UCOD), should be reported on line A."

"The conditions that led to the immediate cause of death should be reported in a logical sequence in terms of time and etiology below it.

 Somebody else lied and said this means to classify anyone with Covid as dead From Covid.  But as we were informed here, if the CDC says something and somebody else lies about what the CDC said, then the CDC are liars.  Not the actual liar.

 I still to this day have never defended or otherwise indicated whether anyone should take the shot, or commented, ever, on CDC guidance on that issue besides when you couldn't understand the timeline ratios.  Stating what is said is not equal to "defending" the statement as accurate, right, wrong or any other words synonymous with those words.

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by MnSpring on 10/14/22 at 11:58:33

"...There is a war in Ukraine..."  
A-Yep, and the current Mush For Brains is using your dollar to cover up HIS crime family dealings.

"...Trump stole 11,000 documents ..."
A-Yep, and the 'wanna be King' bamaba did the same, and not a word was said !

"... steal an election and the Presidency..."
A-Yep, the Pudden Head Puppet Masters did that very thing !

"...What will history record about today's events in decades to come?..."

It will be re-manufactured to sound good, depending on which 'puppet' is in office.

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by MnSpring on 10/14/22 at 12:01:42

October 14, 2022

"Fauci admits federal government ‘botched’ parts of COVID-19 response"

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by Eegore on 10/14/22 at 12:19:30

Dr. Rochelle P. Walensky

"To be frank, we are responsible for some pretty dramatic, pretty public mistakes, from testing to data to communications"

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/14/22 at 17:33:30

And the people who saw it coming were the crazies.
It gets Old.
Ohh,and Trump won. Yugely.

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by Eegore on 10/14/22 at 21:03:01

"And the people who saw it coming were the crazies.
It gets Old."

 Well if the claims were somewhat realistic maybe more people would have listened.

 Claiming it is illegal to shut down businesses when it is clearly legal and has existed in written law for decades doesn't do much for getting people to listen.  Maybe if the argument was about the impacts of a shutdown and not the legality, then the conversation would have gone somewhere.

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/15/22 at 09:35:37

You didn't Like how I went about saying they were lying about the number of dead From Covid. I was right, anyway. They inflated those numbers and did everything in their power to ramp up Fear. Initially there would be no coercion to take the Jabs. When the fear game didn't herd enough sheep in front of a needle, they started ramping up the pressure to get the jabs. You want gramma to die! Take it to protect others, or you're a bad person. The rest should be obviously still in the memories of all. I chose to Not say a lot of what I believed based on what I was seeing. The Obvious is hard enough to get others to get. It's a bit crazy to think the people who are old enough to remember the class action lawsuits against drug manufacturers who sold bad drugs that Had FDA approval, and then take an unapproved, experimental injection, and another one, and then boosters??!! Seriously? So many lies,but the reports of the unjabbed overwhelmingly being in the majority of the hospitalized is somehow solid fact.
My wife works in a hospital, treats the people who are in respiratory distress and has no idea if they are jabbed.
The evidence is mounting that the jabs are killing people. Go look for pictures of clots from morticians.
Once again, this is going to be the longest and saddest I tried to tell you in history. I'm Far from being alone. Many others saw it coming, too.
Yeah, we've all seen athletes die. It's Not at all unheard of. But not like what we're seeing now. And teens, dying in their sleep. And the jab status WAS a common piece of the reports. Now, notsomuch.
People are being bribed to change the cause of death on their loved ones death certificate.

U.S. Army Veteran Ernest Ramirez shares his story about his 16-year-old son who died five days after receiving the Pfizer injection with Idaho Lawmakers at the Idaho Victims of Pandemic Policy & Law Panel Discussion. Ernest Jr. collapsed while playing basketball and passed away from myocarditis following the Pfizer shot. Ramirez got his son the Pfizer vaccine to protect him because he believed it was “the right thing to do.”
Clip taken from EpochTV Live – Sep 26,2022 – Victims of Pandemic Policy & Law Panel Discussion

federal government pushed out a program that offered to pay the funeral costs for anyone who had a family member die from COVID. The amount being offered was at least $13,000.

Ernest Ramirez, whose son tragically died from the Pfizer shot, was called and told that his funeral expenses would be paid for if he changed his son’s death certificate to a COVID death. He said no.

But how many family members do you think elected to take the check?

Want accountability for these criminals? Sign the petition below to help convene a Grand Jury investigation against the CDC.

After lying to ramp up Fear of Covid by inflating the Death FROM covid numbers
Now they are working to minimize the numbers of dead From the jabs.

And the We made some mistakes crap?
Only the people who don't know what the long term goals are will buy that.

If you actually Believe that the people who go to the bilderberg meetings aren't working toward certain goals you are amazing.
Don't you ever wonder how Every nation is in debt? To Whom?
It doesn't strike you odd that Bill Gates ,a eugenacist, is so concerned about getting vaccines to the corners of the world?
Prove he's a eugenacist! The evidence is far flung and not something I can get through to people who so readily bought the obvious lies of the covid mess.
His dad sure was. But that is impossible to prove to people who insist Margaret Sanger wasn't a eugenacist and a racist, intent on wiping blacks out.
Read Her speeches.

It's Not TRUE!!!

Yep,I'm the conspiracy theorist, I'm the nut job,

Aww,she was gonna die anyway. It's got Nothing to do with the jab. Nothing.

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by Eegore on 10/15/22 at 10:22:47

"You didn't Like how I went about saying they were lying about the number of dead From Covid. "

 Incorrect.  I didn't agree that CDC lied when you referenced lies from a website about what the CDC never said.   Code U07.1 does not say to code dead humans "With" Covid as dying "From" Covid no matter how many times you say it does.  You were lied to about that by Facebook and YouTube and Websites, but since they lied about what code U07.1 says, you say the CDC lied.

 So if I say I have a Purple car and your neighbor tells you I said that I have a Blue car - you call me a liar.  Somehow I lied.

"The evidence is mounting that the jabs are killing people. Go look for pictures of clots from morticians."

 Are there 300000 clots in dead kids like you repeatedly referenced here?  See the issue?  Clots aren't in question, the Volume of clots is the issue.  If you are going to repeatedly defend your source material of millions of dead kids in the US, then say "look at the mortician reports", then we should see millions of those clots reports.  

 So lets look at this.

 You offer one dead kid, which I agree is true, and could have been killed by the vaccine.  At the time of his death 14 million adolescents have had at least one shot.  14 million.

 I will not ignore that number, and I will consider the overall percentage of deaths compared to the overall percentage of living.  What you will do is blindly accept hundreds of living adult humans as evidence that many kids die from the vaccine.  Then defend it when someone who read it for you, tried to inform you that that particular report has a lot of bad numbers in it.  You were lied to by Your source.

 See the issue?  Your data to support this kids death is offering adult living humans as part of the D.E.A.D. and you won't listen when somebody tries to give you a heads up that the information you got that one time is false.  It's lies.

 So while I agree the vaccine is potentially deadly to kids, and has increase heart inflammation reactions, I do not agree that we should artificially inflate adolescent death rates with living adult human names.  What You hear me say the vaccine is safe and every kid in the world should be vaccinated twice a day.

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/15/22 at 10:50:33

This Is you agreeing again. Cool.

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by Eegore on 10/15/22 at 16:25:27

This Is you agreeing again. Cool.

 Why should I ignore the hundreds of living adult humans you called D.E.A.D. kids after I read Your source material for you?  Why should anyone?  Why do you?

 I agree that the CDC is not transparent but I do not agree that they said to classify people "With" Covid as "From" Covid, because Your source lied to you.  If Your Facebook source post lied to you about what the CDC said, that does not mean the CDC lied.

 I agree that the vaccine can aggravate already inflamed hearts in children possibly causing death, but I do not agree that 8 million kids died from heart attacks in 2021 as You defended - multiple times - and that kids with heart inflammation in 2017 died from the vaccine.  If Your video shows a kid that died in 2013, I will not agree that the vaccine killed that kid no matter how many times Your source posts that lie as fact.

 If an insurance company says there is a 40% increase in claims, but mostly unvaccinated or unknown vaccination status clients, I will agree with that.  But when Your source lies to you and claims they are all vaccinated humans, I will not agree with that lying source and post it as fact.

 You are using lies to exaggerate the value of a truth, whether you intend to or not.  People only fall for that if they cherry-pick the information they are willing to look at and won't consider that maybe anti-vaccine information can be fabricated too.  So as usual, I am saying I do not agree with the numbers from sources that lied, after I read them for you, and you will say I think the vaccine is safe and effective and we should trust the CDC.

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/15/22 at 17:13:37

Coupla weeks ago someone asked me why I carED what you thought. Then you agreed.
I do too.
You believe whatever suits you.
I'll believe and say what I believe. Hopefully I won't get sued into oblivion for disagreeing with The Ofishyal narrative.

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by Eegore on 10/15/22 at 20:00:10

You believe whatever suits you.

 I believe what I see and research.  Not what a website headline tells me about information I won't even look at.  You argue that kids that died in 2013 are proof that the vaccine is deadly because you won't look at the very source material you use as "proof" of your position.  Websites lie too.

 You claimed people weren't dying in TX while I was in Houston moving dead bodies.  I believe the dead bodies I moved with my own hands were dead no matter what an internet article or Facebook post says.

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/16/22 at 03:35:08

claimed people weren't dying in TX while I was in Houston moving dead bodies.  I believe the dead bodies I moved with my own hands were dead no matter what an internet article or Facebook post says.

Big deal. So I'm wrong about everything?

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by Eegore on 10/16/22 at 08:44:47

Big deal. So I'm wrong about everything?

 No. You keep saying everything.  I think you are wrong about the specific things that you keep repeating are factual, and I keep providing data for that is contradictory.

 How many kids died in your town in 2021?  What does your non-internet observations show?

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/16/22 at 10:29:09

Out of everything I typed, you are gonna just stay on that.
Go ahead. Ignore everything I have said, that I typed, no reference to a website.
And the recent deaths I Did point out? Not referring to a website with bad data,but stories from the families of the kids. You are beating on something from weeks ago. WTF DO YOU WANT? Can you get on with Now?

You're just trying to drag it out till this is on another page

federal government pushed out a program that offered to pay the funeral costs for anyone who had a family member die from COVID. The amount being offered was at least $13,000.

Ernest Ramirez, whose son tragically died from the Pfizer shot, was called and told that his funeral expenses would be paid for if he changed his son’s death certificate to a COVID death. He said no.

And Australia is doing something an awful lot like that.

It's almost as if Someone is trying to keep it quiet using tax dollars for hush money.
But that would be improper, so they would never do that.

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by zevenenergie on 10/16/22 at 11:33:42

1204130E16030E15610 wrote:
Faith is belief without, or in spite of evidence.

Fhait means complete trust. And not what you make of it.

It has become such a habit to bend the truth to our own will that we no longer see for ourselves that something is not right.

If you really believe that covid is a dangerous virus you are absolutely right.
But if you think that the entire policy around covid is free of commercial, political, agendas, then you are living under the stone made out of your own assumptions.

I mean it is in your face.. how can you not see it?

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by Serowbot on 10/16/22 at 11:33:46

Goin' for it  :-?

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/16/22 at 11:42:54

This didn't get discussed.

uote author=7C6365627F7849794971636F24160 link=1665242400/30#36 date=1665851737]You didn't Like how I went about saying they were lying about the number of dead From Covid. I was right, anyway. They inflated those numbers and did everything in their power to ramp up Fear. Initially there would be no coercion to take the Jabs. When the fear game didn't herd enough sheep in front of a needle, they started ramping up the pressure to get the jabs. You want gramma to die! Take it to protect others, or you're a bad person. The rest should be obviously still in the memories of all. I chose to Not say a lot of what I believed based on what I was seeing. The Obvious is hard enough to get others to get. It's a bit crazy to think the people who are old enough to remember the class action lawsuits against drug manufacturers who sold bad drugs that Had FDA approval, and then take an unapproved, experimental injection, and another one, and then boosters??!! Seriously? So many lies,but the reports of the unjabbed overwhelmingly being in the majority of the hospitalized is somehow solid fact.
My wife works in a hospital, treats the people who are in respiratory distress and has no idea if they are jabbed.
The evidence is mounting that the jabs are killing people. Go look for pictures of clots from morticians.
Once again, this is going to be the longest and saddest I tried to tell you in history. I'm Far from being alone. Many others saw it coming, too.
Yeah, we've all seen athletes die. It's Not at all unheard of. But not like what we're seeing now. And teens, dying in their sleep. And the jab status WAS a common piece of the reports. Now, notsomuch.
People are being bribed to change the cause of death on their loved ones death certificate.

U.S. Army Veteran Ernest Ramirez shares his story about his 16-year-old son who died five days after receiving the Pfizer injection with Idaho Lawmakers at the Idaho Victims of Pandemic Policy & Law Panel Discussion. Ernest Jr. collapsed while playing basketball and passed away from myocarditis following the Pfizer shot. Ramirez got his son the Pfizer vaccine to protect him because he believed it was “the right thing to do.”
Clip taken from EpochTV Live – Sep 26,2022 – Victims of Pandemic Policy & Law Panel Discussion

federal government pushed out a program that offered to pay the funeral costs for anyone who had a family member die from COVID. The amount being offered was at least $13,000.

Ernest Ramirez, whose son tragically died from the Pfizer shot, was called and told that his funeral expenses would be paid for if he changed his son’s death certificate to a COVID death. He said no.

But how many family members do you think elected to take the check?

Want accountability for these criminals? Sign the petition below to help convene a Grand Jury investigation against the CDC.

After lying to ramp up Fear of Covid by inflating the Death FROM covid numbers
Now they are working to minimize the numbers of dead From the jabs.

And the We made some mistakes crap?
Only the people who don't know what the long term goals are will buy that.

If you actually Believe that the people who go to the bilderberg meetings aren't working toward certain goals you are amazing.
Don't you ever wonder how Every nation is in debt? To Whom?
It doesn't strike you odd that Bill Gates ,a eugenacist, is so concerned about getting vaccines to the corners of the world?
Prove he's a eugenacist! The evidence is far flung and not something I can get through to people who so readily bought the obvious lies of the covid mess.
His dad sure was. But that is impossible to prove to people who insist Margaret Sanger wasn't a eugenacist and a racist, intent on wiping blacks out.
Read Her speeches.

It's Not TRUE!!!

Yep,I'm the conspiracy theorist, I'm the nut job,

Aww,she was gonna die anyway. It's got Nothing to do with the jab. Nothing.[/quote]

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by zevenenergie on 10/16/22 at 11:51:14

Do you know that after your 4th booster you secretly start longing for a gender operation?
And at booster 8,  pizza won,t be you priorety...

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by pg on 10/16/22 at 17:12:06

3F2033202B202B2037222C20450 wrote:
Do you know that after your 4th booster you secretly start longing for a gender operation?

Bot, how many have you had??

Best regards,

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by Eegore on 10/16/22 at 18:59:05

And the recent deaths I Did point out? Not referring to a website with bad data,but stories from the families of the kids. You are beating on something from weeks ago. WTF DO YOU WANT? Can you get on with Now?

 I'm not ignoring I am specifically talking about the latest references but pointing out you aren't comparing them to living vaccinated humans.  The only way around it is to ignore the healthy or continue to claim there are many that died and re-reference the false information.
 What is the comparative value of dead kids from heart attacks to vaccinated kids with zero deaths?  The recent deaths you point out is at most a few hundred if we assume every one for sure died from the vaccine, out of Millions in the same health category.  When Ernest Ramirez died 14 million kids had been vaccinated.  

 How many kids died in your town in 2021?  There should have been a noticeable difference.


Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/17/22 at 05:03:35

The Government tried to bribe his dad to change the death certificate.
That is the news.
Not just
He died.
If it is Not a big deal, why would they Do that?
Looks like a coverup, and if it is not a big problem, you don't cover it up

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by Serowbot on 10/17/22 at 06:42:03

2D3A3C303F2F5D0 wrote:
[quote author=3F2033202B202B2037222C20450 link=1665242400/45#48 date=1665946274]Do you know that after your 4th booster you secretly start longing for a gender operation?

Bot, how many have you had??

Best regards,[/quote]
I have been craving new shoes recently   :-?

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by MnSpring on 10/17/22 at 07:30:58

7555575F4255300 wrote:
"... I never offered an opinion on getting a shot thus no reference from the CDC/WHO or Fauci for taking a shot has... "

Offering a opinion, on taking a shot, is quite different than defending the, 'powers that be', the 'science', the 'trials', the, 'fast-track', and the 'statistics'.

But nice Deflection, Or was that Spin ?

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by Eegore on 10/17/22 at 08:47:48

Offering a opinion, on taking a shot, is quite different than defending the, 'powers that be', the 'science', the 'trials', the, 'fast-track', and the 'statistics'.

 Except I never said to trust the CDC, JoG made that up.

 I said if a website lies to you about what the CDC said, then the CDC is not the liar, the website is.  Just as you keep saying the CDC "said" that provisional coding is to classify people "with" covid as dying "from" covid.   The CDC never said to do that.

 I never said it was "right" to mandate shots, I said it was legal according to US law as it is applied in the US and specifically the US with the exemption of all other nations.  Your inability to have an adult conversation prohibits you from accepting there is a difference between acknowledging law as fact, and agreeing with it.

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by Eegore on 10/17/22 at 08:51:45

"If it is Not a big deal, why would they Do that?"

 I think you only accept illegal or corrupt actions as options from the US Government when it comes to Covid, so if a FEMA representative allegedly (he still hasn't shared the emails) stated what Ramirez said then it can only be a "bribe" in your mind.

 But could it be an email stating the options or requirements for FEMA relief?

 For instance I got a relief aid (FEMA) information packet for property I leased in Florida that was not damaged in the weather.  Was I being "bribed" to take government money and classify my property as damaged?  Or was I being informed of my options and the requirements to get aid?

 I don't know what Ramirez situation is because he hasn't disclosed the communications.

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/17/22 at 10:54:08

He's probably just lying. He has nothing to lose. Everything to gain.

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by Eegore on 10/17/22 at 13:24:57

He's probably just lying. He has nothing to lose. Everything to gain.

 I would think it is more of an issue of other people using the term "bribe" and it getting out of hand.  There's a good chance he received normal emails describing what the process was, and he disapproved.  Then groups sensationalized it, which is what both sides of the "media" do.

 If it were me and I wanted "to just let people know" what happened I would disclose the emails in full since they would be empirical evidence.  Why would I withhold the very evidence that irrefutably proves my position?

 For this to be population control there would have to be about millions of these exact same scenarios.  Why aren't more families coming forward?

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/17/22 at 16:22:34

The program is for death From Covid.
The boy died from the jab.
The government is willing to pay for the funeral If dad will change the cause of death.
That is what the article says.
Seeing the communications would be Very helpful.
A reporter should spend a minute with the guy.

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by Eegore on 10/17/22 at 20:56:12

The government is willing to pay for the funeral If dad will change the cause of death.

 I'd still want to know if the communications are saying "We know your son did not have Covid" or something similar versus, "The FEMA guidelines read like this:"  Like I said I was in a similar situation that I could have spun as fraud and an attempt to inflate climate change impact numbers, but it was just informative, not an attempt to pay me for property that was never damaged.

 There is a substantial difference between FEMA knowingly requesting alterations to a death certificate and them informing someone of what the death cert would have to say.

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/17/22 at 23:19:45

True,kinda like asking for the existing evidence of corruption versus requesting the fabrication of evidence, because one is impeachable, but it's NOT what he did, but still got impeached.

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by zevenenergie on 10/18/22 at 01:59:11

I hear around me that people who were first very afraid of covid and were fanatics about vaccinations, are now not willing to get a shot. It also dawns on them that we have been duped. (And see that the virus lost it,s dint).
Fear is a bad counselor.

I think you should hold the big pharma accountable for marketing an experimental vaccine.
We have been experimented with, and the intention is that in the future we will get RNA drugs for all diseases.

We (all) now know that the vaccine didn't stop the spread.
And we can see that, it paid off to avoid contamination in the normal way.
So now that we're back on the ground, maybe we can use the normal meds we've banned that work just fine if you're infected with covid?

MRNA techniek is gentherapie?

The RNA technique is not in its infancy, if you knew what is technically possible with RNA you would realize that there is a great danger in regularly administering the population with these drugs.

Do we give untrustworty people Access to the building blocks of our body?

Introducing RNA into our body is not gene therapy because RNA cannot reach the genes nor affect them. It can therefore not mutate the genes.

That's what we've been told....

But university research has shown that the introduced RNA, DOES reach our genes!

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/18/22 at 03:22:02

Can't hold them accountable for doing what the dumbmasses wanted.
It takes a long time to bring something to market and run tests.
You do remember though, the hydroxychloroquine, and the horse medicine, that were Violently opposed, Right?
Well, turns out there is more to the story. You see, you can't GET emergency authorization for a medication
If there are any alternatives.
So it was very important to make sure nothing good was allowed to be said about and alternative.

The fraud that the government was in on...
That was the News about a week ago, for almost ten minutes

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by zevenenergie on 10/18/22 at 04:48:36

I think you can speak of mafia when it comes to big pharma. The vast majority of their entire organization's effort to bring drugs to market is focused on power, influence, and manipulation.
There is no conspiracy.
It's just that they have penetrated deeply into politics. And big corporations are drawing more and more power to themselves and have therefore become a threat to humanity.

It sounds extreme but it's just reality.

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by MnSpring on 10/18/22 at 08:32:53

… you can't GET emergency authorization for a medication If there are any alternatives …
… fraud that the government was in on...
… News about a week ago, for almost ten minutes …

Kinna like,
People with cell phones, recording people with cell phones, recording a stadium booing.

When she was on the big screen, all you could hear was her singing the Eagles song.
Found ONE video, looked like level with the field, where she was singing, and the background was, F.J.B.
     Did it slip through ? was it doctored ?

YET, Absolutely No-one, that’s Nada, Nili, Nobody, had a camera on the POTUS’s wife,  when she was on the big screen coin toss, and everyone booed.

;D But the videos did Not get ‘scrubbed’.  ;D
       Hmmmmm was that like bleach ?

(Guess someone has learned allowing a film of a drunk blond movie star singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to a POTUS.  Is not a good thing.)

Title: Re: Looks like evidence is mounting
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/18/22 at 09:33:22

When I was a third, fourth? grader  I was aware of the excitement and drama of the day the FDA approval or denial of a New Drug created. It was a big deal. The stock price of the company was going to be impacted, up or down. The years of research and development, the Millions, and back then, millions was big money, all of the investment of time and money would be either worth it or a huge loss. That stuff was newsworthy.
Then they replaced the head of the FDA with some schmuck who had been either a lobbyist or vice president of a pharmaceutical company. And even then I knew that two things would happen. The whole process would slowly change and it would fall out of view. And, it took a Coupla years to stop seeing news about a company getting or not getting clearance for a drug. It just stopped being a big deal. Still in the news if a real important drug is coming up, but nothing like before they put a conflict of interest into the mix.
And how many times have we seen the advertisement to join a class action lawsuit because of the death and destruction caused by an FDA APPROVED drug?
But let's all act like the pharmaceutical companies, being protected from liability, and having a lot of scared sheeple begging for a vaccine are going to Get it Right in record time. I don't understand the enormous trust people have. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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