General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Who has a clue?

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 09/27/22 at 10:23:47

Title: Who has a clue?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/27/22 at 10:23:47

What's up with the pipeline leaks? Anyone have an idea?

Title: Re: Who has a clue?
Post by MnSpring on 09/27/22 at 11:55:10

My Guess is sabotage.
And probably the US, because they want the war to stop.
It is getting to expensive for Dad to cover up the Kids Crimes.

Yet Citizen 15965262 will most certainly have the, 'correct', reason.

Title: Re: Who has a clue?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/27/22 at 11:58:23

Pretty sure Pudding Brain nuts Pants stated the pipeline would not continue if Russia invaded. I Don't know if any of the unelected who regularly reverse course for him countered that threat.

Title: Re: Who has a clue?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/27/22 at 14:55:40

From Feb 7

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden on Monday said the U.S. would “bring an end” to the Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline if Russia invades Ukraine.

“If Russia invades — that means tanks or troops crossing the border of Ukraine — then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it.” Biden said while standing next to the new chancellor of Germany, Olaf Scholz, at a White House news conference.

When pressed for details on how he would keep that promise given that the pipeline is not under U.S. control, Biden did not elaborate.

“I promise you, we will be able to do it,” he told reporters.

Scholz, meanwhile, declined to take a firm stance on the fate of Nord Stream 2, telling reporters that Germany was “acting together” with its allies and promising “very, very harsh” steps against Russia if it invades Ukraine.

The U.S. has warned that the pipeline could make Germany overly reliant on Russia for energy. The Ukrainian government, which will lose out on a substantial amount of revenue due to the new pipeline, has called Nord Stream 2 an “existential threat” to its security.

Scholz has faced scrutiny over the pipeline, which bypasses Ukrainian transit infrastructure to deliver Russian gas directly to Germany. The pipeline has been built but is not yet operational.

Biden also cautioned Monday that Americans in Ukraine who are not U.S. government employees should leave the country.


The Ukrainian government, which will lose out on a substantial amount of revenue due to the new pipeline, has called Nord Stream 2 an “existential threat” to its security.

Aaand we've been sending them BILLIONS,
In case you people have missed it,, America, biden, has chosen sides.
You Know that legal thing, providing material support, right? Because Biden is a fool,he's pissin Russia OFF. Well, no,not because he's a fool,, it's more like
Because Ukraine has the Receipts and can prove the corruption of the Biden crime family so we pay to keep it under the rug.
Or maybe one of you brilliant lefties can explain exactly WHY America is so invested in the Ukraine.. Go ahead. Splain me summathat.

Title: Re: Who has a clue?
Post by pg on 09/27/22 at 17:10:22

Best regards,

Title: Re: Who has a clue?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/28/22 at 07:14:03

I'm not seeing it being someone other than us.

E,is this something that you can't talk about?

Title: Re: Who has a clue?
Post by pg on 09/28/22 at 07:27:59

Brandon even admitted it was the largest cheating effort ever perpetrated.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Who has a clue?
Post by Serowbot on 09/28/22 at 07:35:29

How 'bout Putin?

Remember when you were a kid and you wanted new shoes 'cause the kids were makin' fun of yer' old raggidy ones?... so you sabotaged them so yer' parents would have to get you a new pair?

...or,... was that just me?...  :-/

Title: Re: Who has a clue?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/28/22 at 13:36:21

Putin? Blow up the pipelines that are filling his pockets?
That was just you
Joe SAID we would shut them down.

Title: Re: Who has a clue?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/29/22 at 16:30:47

Now here's an article written by someone who Seems to know a lot  about methane in a pipeline.

Is it possible that the same problem hit more than one pipeline at the same time?
I'd be interested in knowing how far apart the busted parts are and I would Really like to See some video of the destruction. If the busted ends are knocked in, then that would make over pressure and rupture not the answer.

Title: Re: Who has a clue?
Post by pg on 09/30/22 at 03:29:50

That didn't take long................

Best regards,

Title: Re: Who has a clue?
Post by Serowbot on 09/30/22 at 11:00:02

All the clues are pointing to Putin.
Russian ships were seen in the area just before the expolsions.
Time will tell.

Title: Re: Who has a clue?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/30/22 at 11:14:30

I want to see pictures of the damage. That would at least prove whether it was sabotage with external blasts or a screwup that over pressured it.

Title: Re: Who has a clue?
Post by oldNslow on 09/30/22 at 14:08:09

Read somewhere today that the Swedes found another leak.

I saw the article that Lawdog posted too.

Made me think of all the nuke sub accidents that the Russians seem to have.

And Chernobyl. Not to mention our own navy runnin into other folks ships and I seem to remember an airliner that we shot down on accident a number of years ago.

Pipelines leaks are not exactly unheard of.

Stupidity and incompetence are not rare.

Biden(or more correctly whoever is pulling his strings) and Putin both are evil, amoral Mo*h*erf*ckers but I'm going with stupidity and incompetence on this one.

Title: Re: Who has a clue?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/30/22 at 14:55:51

Pictures would show that

Title: Re: Who has a clue?
Post by pg on 09/30/22 at 16:03:23

3E283F223A2F22394D0 wrote:
All the clues are pointing to Putin.
Russian ships were seen in the area just before the expolsions.
Time will tell.

What are all these clues you speak of?

Best regards,

Title: Re: Who has a clue?
Post by pg on 09/30/22 at 16:52:54

Did you know we are also funding social programs and pensions?

Best regards,

Title: Re: Who has a clue?
Post by pg on 10/01/22 at 02:13:10

4057515D5242300 wrote:
[quote author=3E283F223A2F22394D0 link=1664299427/0#11 date=1664560802]All the clues are pointing to Putin.
Russian ships were seen in the area just before the expolsions.
Time will tell.

What are all these clues you speak of?

Best regards,[/quote]


Best regards

Title: Re: Who has a clue?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/01/22 at 07:41:28

It probably needs pointing out that time delay is something that does not have to happen in a day.
How do I know it's actually been blown up?
Because nobody is showing us the damage. If it was an internal over pressure thing, someone would have sent a camera down to show the metal bent out.

Once again Bot,your politics and ability to logically weed out the wrong answers as you home in on the more likely answer is just astounding.
All clues point to Putin?
Victoria Nulan and Biden BOTH said the pipelines would be shut down.
Who do they benefit?

Title: Re: Who has a clue?
Post by MnSpring on 10/02/22 at 12:41:48

4F5056514C4B7A4A7A42505C17250 wrote:
"... Because nobody is showing us the damage..."

 Hit the nail on the head again !

Title: Re: Who has a clue?
Post by Serowbot on 10/02/22 at 13:11:38

There are little bot's that run up and down the inside of those lines, used for inspection and repair purposes.. but they could be used to scuttle the pipes from the inside.
Metal bent out?... means nothing.

Title: Re: Who has a clue?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/02/22 at 13:24:30

I'm the carpenter of reality

Title: Re: Who has a clue?
Post by pg on 10/02/22 at 14:23:08

"ultimately this is also a tremendous opportunity. It’s a tremendous opportunity to once and for all remove the dependence on Russian energy and thus to take away from Vladimir Putin the weaponization of energy as a means of advancing his imperial designs."

He at the same time touted that the Untied States has now become "the leading supplier of LNG [liquefied natural gas] to Europe," stressing too that the Biden administration is helping to enable European leaders to "decrease demand" and "speed up the transition to renewables."

Best regards,

Title: Re: Who has a clue?
Post by Serowbot on 10/03/22 at 06:24:27

77686E6974734272427A68642F1D0 wrote:
I'm the carpenter of reality

That's kinda' deep... can I keep it?  :-?

Title: Re: Who has a clue?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/03/22 at 08:06:21

Well, alright, but I'm going to need you to sign a release absolving me of any liability for the damage you do to yourself. You Know you're gonna mash your thumb,right? Hell, do Muppets even Have thumbs?
Whatever,, just be careful, okay? Purple bruises on a blue hand, that would just clash.

Title: Re: Who has a clue?
Post by oldNslow on 10/03/22 at 10:00:10

3F293E233B2E23384C0 wrote:
There are little bot's that run up and down the inside of those lines, used for inspection and repair purposes.. but they could be used to scuttle the pipes from the inside.
Metal bent out?... means nothing.

I was thinking the same thing. That would seem to implicate the Russians.

However this guy says that a "pig' which is used to clean the inside of the pipe, needs gas flowing through the pipe to move it. According to him the gas was not moving when the pipe ruptured.

Maybe there is some other kind of gadget that is self propelled that could be used to blow the pipe from the inside? I've got no idea.

Title: Re: Who has a clue?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/03/22 at 17:07:46

Metal bent out Means a lot.
It means the pressure came from inside. Who has access to the ends of the pipe?
Pigs are Pressure Pumped through the pipe.
What can pull itself through the pipe and haul the explosives?
And do that in several pipes?
If the damage shows they popped from internal pressure then the article that pointed out the methane hydrate possibility could have it.
Imagine blowing up that many pipelines accidentally. Yeah, not really something I would expect anyone to do.

Metal bent out Means
We didn't do it.

Title: Re: Who has a clue?
Post by pg on 10/03/22 at 17:59:11

I'm surprised some pictures have not surfaced of the damage.  Moreover, this would be an effort to proof or disproof who perpetrated it.  It still wouldn't be conclusive.  It would be easy for the Russians to take some pictures of the pipe with no outward shrapnel.  It would also be for someone with a deep sea submersible to drill a hole and insert an explosive device.
These people are intelligent, cunning, and evil.  

Best regards,

Title: Re: Who has a clue?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/03/22 at 21:27:10

I didn't know munitions were just Dumped, but this article suggests, mehh, Ooopsies,,

The seismic signature of the first two were estimated to be about the equivalent of five hundred kilos of TNT.  


each explosion was equivalent to 500 kilograms of TNT, the size of very large anti-shipping mines.

It's my understanding that in order to create the methane hydrate that has been thought to possibly be what Ruptured the pipes needs water in the methane for it to form.
Is that right?
Hell, until we see pictures, Phhht,, and can we Trust them when we see them?

IDK what pressure the pipelines were kept at. I'm betting it's higher than the water pressure down there. Seems Stewpid to have a pipeline sitting with the internal pressure low enough so that any leak lets water in instead of a pressure drop, alerting you to a leak.
Aaand, first reports were
Pressure loss.

Title: Re: Who has a clue?
Post by MnSpring on 10/08/22 at 09:19:23

"... Purple bruises on a blue hand, that would just clash..."

Do Muppet's have Blue skin ?
I thought that was just Smurfs.

Just be careful, 'typing', someone by the color of their skin.
Because it is not OK to say:
'that person has x color skin so they may be guilty of that crime'

You Must say instead:
'that person has x color skin so they are automatically NOT guilty'

Title: Re: Who has a clue?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/08/22 at 09:53:05

I Think it was me who declared Row to be in the Muppet family, maybe not, but I've, since the first day of Row being declared a member of that family, I've just always envisioned him as a tall, relative to Muppets, very thin, medium length nap, blue Muppet. With a pleasant demeanor, caring and kind,a good neighbor, who is just a little Too kind.
Willing to assist in the suicide of America, Suicide by Kindness. Offering opportunity and material support for people from anywhere in the world who can get here.

Offering opportunity and material support From Others for people from anywhere in the world who can get here.
There, fixed it for me.

Clowerd and Piven said
In order to collapse a society, overload their social safety nets.

A lifeboat is the perfect analogy.

The Sanctuary City of New York has declared an emergency.
Just RIPPIN through the budget, taking care of the illegals that they support in their quest for freedom and a better life.
I'm not Against them having freedom and a better life. But America isn't doing so great.
YaKnow, I remember when America was energy independent.. And I remember when the stock market broke 30,000,late November,2020.
Thank GOODNESS vBiden has been smoothing over the hard feelings for America that Trump caused. The Saudis agreed to cut production only two million barrels a day! Biden went begging, they got so sick of hearing it they Stopped taking the calls, from The Most Popular American president Evahh!
I'm sure Biden calling them a Pariah state didn't bother them.

I'm still not seeing the reports of the Good Things Biden has done.
It's pretty much still
Trump, Trump, Trump.

Title: Re: Who has a clue?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/11/22 at 09:27:29

Yeah, not a bit surprised, but I Really want pictures and after the reports of munitions just dumped here and there, I'd like to see the area around the damage.
And, I have a question...
How would you go about laying a biggass pipe across an area known to have bombs and such just laying around? Wouldn't That be just a little bit reckless?

The first article I read about the pipe said it was encased in cement, to protect from corrosion. Maybe it helps, but I just went and looked it up and the cement is to weigh the pipe down. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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