General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Buses

Message started by WebsterMark on 09/15/22 at 04:53:47

Title: Buses
Post by WebsterMark on 09/15/22 at 04:53:47

I absolutely love DeSantis and Abbott sending illegals to other cities. Should have been doing that all along from day one. DeSantis dropped a bus load off in Martha’s Vineyard yesterday. Then Abbott drop a load off who broke into the country in front of “our border is secure “ VP Harris.

Title: Re: Buses
Post by Eegore on 09/15/22 at 05:12:12

 I think it's a good idea as well.

 If administration limits your ability to solve the problem, the problem should impact administration so they can deal with it.

Title: Re: Buses
Post by Serowbot on 09/15/22 at 06:40:01

Human beings as political pawns... Great idea  :-?

I get the idea of sharing the burden,... but a little warning and and consideration of the lives you are using.
People are not pawns

Title: Re: Buses
Post by MnSpring on 09/15/22 at 07:10:47

2B3D2A372F3A372C580 wrote:
Human beings as political pawns... Great idea  

So Glad that you approve !!!!!!
Cause that is exactly what the UL ,DFI, FDS, Socialists are doing !

Title: Re: Buses
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/15/22 at 07:27:12

4D5B4C51495C514A3E0 wrote:
Human beings as political pawns... Great idea  :-?

I get the idea of sharing the burden,... but a little warning and and consideration of the lives you are using.
People are not pawns

They are getting All the consideration they are giving. The Warning? The Warning WE get comes from drone footage showing the hordes headed for the border. You know, the two hundred and fifty pounders who have just walked over a thousand miles, wearing clean clothes and hauling some magically, perpetually charged cell phone that somehow manages to pay its own bill.
If you don't understand that they are being used as pawns by your favorite administration, that is on you.

Title: Re: Buses
Post by Serowbot on 09/15/22 at 07:51:38

Don't know WTF you're talking about.
Any evidence?
...or is this like your "election fraud?  You just know 'cause you know?

Title: Re: Buses
Post by Eegore on 09/15/22 at 07:57:29

"I get the idea of sharing the burden,... but a little warning and and consideration of the lives you are using.
People are not pawns"

 Well they aren't exactly showing up with an agenda in writing telling them when/where and what will happen when they illegally cross into the US.

 When you commit a crime, even out of desperation, you have to deal with a level of consequence.  Should the CBP and ICE post signs and drop flyers giving more "warning" to people illegally entering the US that they might end up on a bus headed further into the US?

Title: Re: Buses
Post by WebsterMark on 09/15/22 at 09:30:50

6B7D6A776F7A776C180 wrote:
Human beings as political pawns... Great idea  :-?

I get the idea of sharing the burden,... but a little warning and and consideration of the lives you are using.
People are not pawns

They’re being used as pawns (and votes) now but nobody in DC cares and elites in far away cites can talk about it from an academic point of view but when it comes right down to it when they get busloads on their doorstep, all of a sudden they want the National Guard to help. I saw a video yesterday were couple hundred migrants, mostly single men, walked across the border. I’d put them on 10 buses and drop them off in the middle of New York City, Chicago, right in front of Harris’s house etc. Do that all day long.

Title: Re: Buses
Post by WebsterMark on 09/15/22 at 10:09:25

Local Headline
Martha's Vineyard Resident Calls Police To Report A Hispanic In The Neighborhood Not Operating A Leaf Blower.

Babylon Bee

Title: Re: Buses
Post by pg on 09/15/22 at 14:38:04

right in front of Harris’s house etc. Do that all day long.

Ask and you shall receive.....

Yes, the left owns this.  Trump did everything he could to build a wall a discourage this mess.  

Best regards,

Title: Re: Buses
Post by Serowbot on 09/15/22 at 15:06:36

40 miles and Mexico didn't pay for an inch of it, neither did the $25 million Bannon bilked from Faithful Trumpettes before Trump pardoned him.

Title: Re: Buses
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/15/22 at 15:08:33

Maybe a few of those BILLIONS your hero has been sending to the Ukrainians could have been used to protect America from the invasion.

Title: Re: Buses
Post by Serowbot on 09/15/22 at 15:19:52

Maybe you should go to the Ukraine and see what "invasion" really is

Title: Re: Buses
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/15/22 at 15:31:40

U.S. has sent more than $54 billion to Ukraine since the war against Russia started, according to The New York Times. The aid package can be broken down into multiple types of aid. Weapons and other supplies: $12.5 billion

Yes,we are being invaded. You don't have to like the wording or agree with it. America is paying a price for our border being unsecured.
You might be surprised to hear that your vice President told America that the border is secure and nothing is further from the truth.
Putin told everyone for a long time what the consequences for the incessant pushing for NATO closer and closer to his border would be.
Biden keeps delivering support and America could suffer for it.

Title: Re: Buses
Post by pg on 09/15/22 at 16:21:03

3523342931242932460 wrote:
40 miles and Mexico didn't pay for an inch of it, neither did the $25 million Bannon bilked from Faithful Trumpettes before Trump pardoned him.

Nice effort on the deflection, but it doesn't change the facts.  Trump did everything he could to build the wall.  The left executed yet another policy failure that fueled this unmitigated disaster.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Buses
Post by Serowbot on 09/15/22 at 16:26:34

We have more jobs than people, help wanted signs are everywhere.  Social Security is looking at a diminishing workforce and an expanding retirement population,... and you want to keep people out?
... or do you want to keep brown people out?

We need 100,000's to be armed guards at our schools, events, malls, supermarkets, etc...

Trump needs brown people to work his golf courses and hotels.  ;D

Title: Re: Buses
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/15/22 at 16:54:47

America Has immigration laws. Why are we doing it like this? You know how many people Die in the desert? You noticed the ones who drowned the other day? How many people have died in the trailer, locked, sitting in the sun? What a horrific death. It's ILLEGAL immigration that makes them vulnerable. How many disappear? Sold into slavery.  Things are screwed up, and seeing them shipped all over, and they don't speak the language. So those jobs you're talking about filling,, how does that work?

You say they're needed. And that means our immigration laws are, what? For the administration to decide not to follow the laws ? How do they fit in? I Know several illegals. They work on roofing and swimming pools. There is one person who speaks English to talk to the owner, get it all figured out, then tell them in Spanish what is the deal. And how many of them can work at anything above bus boy,dish washer, ? How many million of those do we have places for? Maybe controlling immigration is better for America than just whoever can get here, eh?
The drugs, fentanyl, for sure, killing people. Control The Border.

Title: Re: Buses
Post by pg on 09/15/22 at 17:04:50

1107100D15000D16620 wrote:
We have more jobs than people, help wanted signs are everywhere.  Social Security is looking at a diminishing workforce and an expanding retirement population,... and you want to keep people out?
... or do you want to keep brown people out?

Gee Bot, why don't the people at Martha's Vineyard feel the same way.  Or, the mayor of DC or Chicago.  Just not in my backyard..........

Didn't Kamala just say we have a secure boarder...........

I lived on the boarder, I know what happens there.  A lot of horrendous things spill over as well.  We have immigration laws for a reason.......

Best regards,

Title: Re: Buses
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/15/22 at 21:05:19

Yeah, sanctuary City,, until they get some people to provide sanctuary for.
Pretty funny really.
They should be expecting more.

Title: Re: Buses
Post by WebsterMark on 09/16/22 at 03:50:06

7B6D7A677F6A677C080 wrote:
We have more jobs than people, help wanted signs are everywhere.  Social Security is looking at a diminishing workforce and an expanding retirement population,... and you want to keep people out?
... or do you want to keep brown people out?

We need 100,000's to be armed guards at our schools, events, malls, supermarkets, etc...

Trump needs brown people to work his golf courses and hotels.  ;D

Leftist are the most inhumane and selfish people on the planet. Always have been. Yea, let’s get those somebody else to do those s!hit jobs on the cheap. As long as they vote the way we want and don’t show up at school board meetings, that’s cool.

Title: Re: Buses
Post by WebsterMark on 09/16/22 at 03:54:49

756264686777050 wrote:
[quote author=3523342931242932460 link=1663242827/0#10 date=1663279596]40 miles and Mexico didn't pay for an inch of it, neither did the $25 million Bannon bilked from Faithful Trumpettes before Trump pardoned him.

Nice effort on the deflection, but it doesn't change the facts.  Trump did everything he could to build the wall.  The left executed yet another policy failure that fueled this unmitigated disaster.

Best regards,[/quote]

I disagree on that pg. I thought he gave up too easy. As Ann Coulter correctly points out (and why she abandoned him) it was his signature platform along with draining the swamp and he didn’t really do either very well.  In the end, that, and not being able to overcome cheating, cost him and us, a second term.

Title: Re: Buses
Post by zevenenergie on 09/16/22 at 04:57:20

697F68756D78756E1A0 wrote:
We have more jobs than people, help wanted signs are everywhere.  Social Security is looking at a diminishing workforce and an expanding retirement population,... and you want to keep people out?
... or do you want to keep brown people out?

We need 100,000's to be armed guards at our schools, events, malls, supermarkets, etc...

Trump needs brown people to work his golf courses and hotels. [/color]

I see Trump being blacked out again just before his election.

So I put something against it.


Title: Re: Buses
Post by Serowbot on 09/16/22 at 10:18:37

Martha's Vineyard are welcoming their surprise visitors with open arms.
Maybe our newcomers should be sent to random towns everywhere and welcomed properly.
DeSantis political cheap shot is a backfire.

Title: Re: Buses
Post by MnSpring on 09/16/22 at 13:15:43

4254435E46535E45310 wrote:
Martha's Vineyard are welcoming their surprise visitors with open arms...."

To borrow from Roddenberry.
       "You Boldly Lie,
Where no one has Lied Before"

Title: Re: Buses
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/16/22 at 14:11:54

7264736E76636E75010 wrote:
We have more jobs than people, help wanted signs are everywhere.  Social Security is looking at a diminishing workforce and an expanding retirement population,... and you want to keep people out?
... or do you want to keep brown people out?

We need 100,000's to be armed guards at our schools, events, malls, supermarkets, etc...

Trump needs brown people to work his golf courses and hotels.  ;D

Hey, fukkin stoppit.
If people are coming illegally
If they are not screened for disease
If they can't, or won't, assimilate

I seriously get tired of your incessant need to pretend wanting good things for America equals RAAYCISS.
I do not care what color someone is.
If they can do the job, put them to work.
You don't seem to want to understand that. You probably actually Believe Trump supporter equals racist.

Title: Re: Buses
Post by pg on 09/16/22 at 14:16:47

5442554850454853270 wrote:
Martha's Vineyard are welcoming their surprise visitors with open arms.
Maybe our newcomers should be sent to random towns everywhere and welcomed properly.
DeSantis political cheap shot is a backfire.

That is total BS, the only difference between what DeSantis and the left is the left loaded up the planes at night.

You guys just got a taste of your own medicine............

Best regards,

Title: Re: Buses
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/16/22 at 14:49:14

They are so excited by their new citizens they loaded them up and hauled to the employment office. Not
They hauled to a military base.

Aaand those eevil raycis Republicans loading and shipping them out are not alone.
The Democrat mayor of el Paso has been shipping them to New York, too.
Funny how it's using them as pawns sending them to lefty central, but the middle of the night deliveries, which, btw, do Not come with the things that Row called consideration, that is all okay. Funny thing that..

Title: Re: Buses
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/16/22 at 15:13:55

For those of you who don't actually know what Open Arms looks like

Title: Re: Buses
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/16/22 at 15:18:55

Yeah, they have empty rooms available, but not for these needy people. And they wigged out over, what? Fifty people? I wish all you open border types could go camping down around Laredo.

Title: Re: Buses
Post by Serowbot on 09/16/22 at 16:32:14

3C2325223F3809390931232F64560 wrote:
Hey, fukkin stoppit.
If people are coming illegally
If they are not screened for disease
If they can't, or won't, assimilate

...and Martha's Vineyard is the place for that?

I seriously get tired of your incessant need to pretend wanting good things for America equals RAAYCISS.
I do not care what color someone is.
If they can do the job, put them to work.
You don't seem to want to understand that. You probably actually Believe Trump supporter equals racist.

Trump supporter... nice t-shirt

Man Wearing 'Camp Auschwitz' Sweatshirt Among Those Arrested for Role in U.S. Capitol Riots

“Kill Jews & Eat Them For Breakfast” – Man With Hitler Mustache Charged For Capitol Riot

White House Intern Flashed The ‘White Power’ Sign

Zina Bash Allegedly Flashing White Power Symbol During Brett Kavanaugh’s Confirmation Hearing

Title: Re: Buses
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/16/22 at 16:39:34

Okay,, so you think that was all Trump supporter?
Or maybe that was just a lefty trying to make them look bad?
If Trump supporter equals racist
Maybe Biden supporters should be called pedo?
We don't have to play nice either.
And, suure?
That is EXACTLY where they need to u. Some place where they have announced their support for immigrants, some place where residents are wealthy and can afford to help out. Hell YEAH, perfect place for Venezuelan refugees.
You see, THEY KNOW what the results of all those lefty policies cause. They can learn English, make a living and teach the rich fools what they are voting for is destruction, because they have seen it.

Title: Re: Buses
Post by pg on 09/16/22 at 17:13:55

392F38253D28253E4A0 wrote:
or won't, assimilate

...and Martha's Vineyard is the place for that?

What's wrong with the Vineyard, they may like it there?

IIRC Nina Bash is a Mexican with Jewish heritage.............

And Milo is an English gay guy....................

Best regards,

Title: Re: Buses
Post by pg on 09/16/22 at 17:20:10

Why not Barry, it will be underwater within 10 years anyway.........

Why that didn't take long...........

Best regards,

Title: Re: Buses
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/16/22 at 18:34:02

If you must.. I don't know anything about those people or what you say that means.
YaKnow, I remember when people like you would line up to be close to Trump. Back when he was dishing magabucks out to lefty politicians. He SUDDENLY became a racist when he stopped supporting lefty crap and beat Hillary. You can believe what you want, but there is one Helluva lot more evidence that Biden is a pedo than Trump is a racist.

Here's The Open Arm treatment that loving, DEFINITELY NOT RACIST, lefty community looks like.

BREAKING: Massachusetts deploys National Guard to assist in removal of illegal aliens from Martha's Vineyard
In his announcement, Gov. Baker said the state will transport the migrants to a military base on Cape Cod, with the help of the state's National Guard, just one day after their initial arrival the island.

BREAKING: Massachusetts deploys National Guard to assist in removal of illegal aliens from Martha's Vineyard

Governor Charlie Baker of Massachusetts on Friday announced plans to deploy at least 125 National Guard troops to relocate the illegal migrants that were flown into Martha's Vineyard by Florida's Governor DeSantis.

In his announcement, Gov. Baker said the state will transport the migrants to a military base on Cape Cod, with the help of the state's National Guard, just one day after their initial arrival to the island.

"Today, the Baker-Polito Administration announced new shelter and humanitarian supports at Joint Base Cape Cod (JBCC) for the approximately 50 migrants who arrived in Martha’s Vineyard this week," the press release began. "The Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) is coordinating efforts among state and local officials to ensure access to food, shelter and essential services for these men, women and children. Governor Charlie Baker also plans to activate up to 125 members of the Massachusetts National Guard as part of this relief effort."  

Martha's Vineyard is a community where the vast majority voted for President Joe Biden in the 2020 election and where the average home price is $1.325 million.

Ian Miles Cheong tweeted a photograph of a sign displayed in the wealthy community, reading "We stand with immigrants," and "refugees," pointing out the juxtaposition of military personnel escorting the migrants off of the island.

In an effort to curb the negative impact of waves of migrants pouring over the US-Mexico border and finding their way to his state, DeSantis took measures into his own hands by transporting 50 aliens to the affluent New England island, with residents that overwhelmingly support the Biden administration's liberal immigration policies.  

According to Gov. DeSantis’ press team, the two planes of migrants were "part of the state’s relocation program to transport illegal immigrants to sanctuary destinations."

For FIFTY people.. And you think that is using them as pawns?
If by pawns you mean pointing out the hypocrisy of the left who are plenty fukkin HAPPY to ship them to Red states, unannounced, at night, yeah, guilty.
If you mean using them to point out the pure fukking hypocrisy of their little sign, talking about how much Looove they have for everyone, and migrants are just So Cool, because They didn't believe any would show up. Soon as they did, it was Aww,Hayull Naw! We ain't having none of This!

You want to know how to spot a racist? Look at your lefties. Look at those rich snobs.

Title: Re: Buses
Post by WebsterMark on 09/16/22 at 19:47:34

7E687F627A6F62790D0 wrote:
Martha's Vineyard are welcoming their surprise visitors with open arms.
Maybe our newcomers should be sent to random towns everywhere and welcomed properly.
DeSantis political cheap shot is a backfire.

Then let’s send one month’s worth of illegals and see what happens….

Title: Re: Buses
Post by WebsterMark on 09/16/22 at 19:51:51

Zina Bash Allegedly Flashing White Power Symbol During Brett Kavanaugh’s Confirmation Hearing

Please God, tell Sew is not so F’ing lost that he thinks that woman was purposely sending some kind of white supremacy message….he cannot be that stupid. Amen.

Title: Re: Buses
Post by zevenenergie on 09/17/22 at 02:19:18

I don't know anyone in the world who has been blackened as much as Trump.
And if you're a Trump supporter, you automatically get a whole shitloud off that same nuts.

So I think it's a good idea to post something against it every day from now on.


Title: Re: Buses
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/17/22 at 08:59:25

That is how considerate it is

Title: Re: Buses
Post by MnSpring on 09/17/22 at 10:11:24

Busing/Flying illegals.
  ABOUT TIME !!!!!

Of course Bot, has opened his house for the use of Beds, Bathroom, Kitchen, Yard, and, Food. Perhaps even his car/MC and gas.

(Oh Wait, that is SOMEONE ELSE'S Job)

Just a few pieces of MOST internet articles.
(Which of course someone will say they are just not true)

-  -  -  -  

So big city mayors who act like they had no idea this was going on, get a clue. Buck up. Stop casting blame on some Republican governor far away. And pull out your city’s wallet. This has only just begun.

Biden administration resumes after-dark migrant flights to airport outside NYC
After the bus pulled up at around 12:45 a.m. Friday, several teens disembarked, retrieved their bags from the luggage compartment and left with adults who were waiting there to meet them.

Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul of being “complicit in this,” noting that the recently approved state budget allows undocumented immigrants 65 and older to apply for state-funded Medicaid benefits.
Democrats have launched an ambitious, politically fraught effort to smash through decades of legislative inaction on immigration reform and provide a direct pathway to legal status for millions of undocumented immigrants in America.

By that standard, everyone from illegal drug traffickers to Chinese spies would ultimately qualify. New York is not the first city in America to open municipal voting to non-citizens, but it is the largest.
So big city mayors who act like they had no idea this was going on, get a clue. Buck up. Stop casting blame on some Republican governor far away. And pull out your city’s wallet. This has only just begun.

The New York law is expected to make nearly 1 million people eligible to vote, as well as any DACA recipient, legal permanent resident or green-card holder willing to spend 30 consecutive days living in the city prior to registering. 

Democrats are using these Illegal Immigrants as pawns. The are using your tax dollars, and mine, to transport these illegals to States they still control, in the hope they can stop the continuing loss of seats they hold in the House. Maybe even reverse the trend by the 2030 Census, at which time the Permanent Apportionment Act will once again reapportion the 435 seats among the 50 States. This is also why many States controlled by Democrats are trying to pass, or have already passed 'No Voter I.D.' in their States.

Biden government that did this, starting on inauguration day 2021, with radical policies gutting detention and deportation. They unleashed a mass migration crisis far beyond anything in the American experience, one that has utterly smashed every single illegal immigration record on the books.

One camp of more progressive Democrats, helmed by former San Antonio mayor and housing secretary Julián Castro, advocated for repealing a law that makes unauthorized border crossings a crime.

Title: Re: Buses
Post by MnSpring on 09/17/22 at 10:21:00

4650475A42575A41350 wrote:
...and Martha's Vineyard is the place for that?

Exactly what place do you think,
would be,
'the place for that' ?

Title: Re: Buses
Post by MnSpring on 09/17/22 at 10:38:32

Just some more real news.
Not the 'Harris' type version, where she says the 'border is secure'.

WAIT, a whole bunch should go to Tucson AZ, That will free up M.V. !!!!!
     (Isn't Bots back yard empty ?)

Progressives may rage about Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s stunt of busing migrants from the border to DC, but it only matches President Joe Biden’s approach, including the quiet resumption of midnight charter flights of migrant kids to the Westchester County Airport.

This is just the start, White House flacks acknowledged, saying the flights “transport unaccompanied minors to vetted sponsors or relatives with whom they will await the outcome of their immigration proceedings.”

After all, Team Biden insists on admitting the illegal migrants, and the Department of Homeland Security reported yet another record for March, more than 221,000 illegal crossers encountered, up from the previous Biden-era peak set last July. Since the prez took office, encounters total nearly 2.5 million, plus an estimated  600,000 “gotaways” who were never intercepted.

Title: Re: Buses
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/17/22 at 10:57:21

saying the flights “transport unaccompanied minors to vetted sponsors or relatives with whom they will await the outcome of their immigration proceedings.”

I'm a little curious about whose job it is to vet sponsors. I'm also curious about how many lefties have contacted border patrol and volunteered to house ,seek employment opportunities for, and generally assist them as they work to learn the language and start to assimilate into America. I'm sure it's very common.

Title: Re: Buses
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/17/22 at 11:06:47

Too bad it wasn't fifty Ukrainian refugees. Would've been interesting to see if they threw them a parade before declaring an emergency and bringing in the national guard to round them up and ship them off to a tent.

Title: Re: Buses
Post by Serowbot on 09/17/22 at 12:00:04


152720313627300F233029420 wrote:
Zina Bash Allegedly Flashing White Power Symbol During Brett Kavanaugh’s Confirmation Hearing

Please God, tell Sew is not so F’ing lost that he thinks that woman was purposely sending some kind of white supremacy message….he cannot be that stupid. Amen.

Naaaaa,... she has a cramp.  That explains the expression too. ;D

It's called the MAGA cramp
Very common among Trumpers

Title: Re: Buses
Post by zevenenergie on 09/17/22 at 12:24:18

Today an extra contrast due to  heavy weather. ;)

Title: Re: Buses
Post by pg on 09/17/22 at 13:25:07

4D5B4C51495C514A3E0 wrote:
DeSantis political cheap shot is a backfire.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Buses
Post by Serowbot on 09/17/22 at 13:37:59

6F787E727D6D1F0 wrote:
[quote author=4D5B4C51495C514A3E0 link=1663242827/15#22 date=1663348717]
DeSantis political cheap shot is a backfire.

Best regards,[/quote]
So, racism and cruelty sells....
I've never claimed Right-wingers were smart, or moral.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Buses
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/17/22 at 13:41:03

Yeah, yeah, Bidens moves have been so good for America.. We all appreciate how much better everything is.

Title: Re: Buses
Post by pg on 09/17/22 at 14:16:22

2E382F322A3F32295D0 wrote:
So, racism and cruelty sells....
I've never claimed Right-wingers were smart, or moral.

It didn't take long for them to be bused out....

You can see what sells for yourself.  This is a 15 minute clip of DeSantis speaking about the migrants.  I encourage you to watch.............

Best regards,

Title: Re: Buses
Post by Serowbot on 09/17/22 at 17:02:09

Abbott and DeSantis may be charged with kidnapping and human trafficking.
Way to MAGA

Title: Re: Buses
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/17/22 at 18:37:17

That sounds about right. Take someone illegally in your state and transport them to a place that just Looooves migrants,
But when Biden ships them,that's alright, right?

Title: Re: Buses
Post by WebsterMark on 09/18/22 at 04:30:58

5543544951444952260 wrote:

[quote author=152720313627300F233029420 link=1663242827/30#35 date=1663383111]
Zina Bash Allegedly Flashing White Power Symbol During Brett Kavanaugh’s Confirmation Hearing

Please God, tell Sew is not so F’ing lost that he thinks that woman was purposely sending some kind of white supremacy message….he cannot be that stupid. Amen.

Naaaaa,... she has a cramp.  That explains the expression too. ;D

It's called the MAGA cramp
Very common among Trumpers

You need help son.

Title: Re: Buses
Post by WebsterMark on 09/18/22 at 04:48:50

1305120F17020F14600 wrote:
[quote author=6F787E727D6D1F0 link=1663242827/45#45 date=1663446307][quote author=4D5B4C51495C514A3E0 link=1663242827/15#22 date=1663348717]
DeSantis political cheap shot is a backfire.

Best regards,[/quote]
So, racism and cruelty sells....
I've never claimed Right-wingers were smart, or moral.

Best regards,[/quote]
Was watching a news report as an actual journalist was walking around where illegals get lead across the Rio Grande by coyotes and dropped off. The found a dead body. Last week, they found a 4 year old boy who had somehow gone undetected by real coyotes and was wondering around. No one really knows how many have died. Skeletons will be found in remote area for years to come. If the Rio Grande had crocodiles, they be gathering at popular crossings like they do in Africa during herd beasts migrations.

That is your fault. Charge you with accessory. You encourage this. 3-4 million illegals have crossed the border since Biden took office and the message was passed around those 3rd counties that the US was open. That’s the population of the City of Chicago. Many are single, unaffiliated young men. You don’t think that will have consequences in the years to come?

Part of me blames Trump for this. He should have done whatever was necessary to stop this. The leadership in the Democratic Party are too rich and isolated in today’s world to face the consequences. Hyper partisans like our rapidly diminishing friend Sew here will sacrifice everything to win the next election game and celebrate on a sinking ship.

Seriously, does anyone think bringing in the equivalent of major US cities won’t have negative consequences? This is not the early 1800s when we growing faster than we had the people or infrastructure for. Immigrants back then had to make their own way. Today, we take huge sums of money from the budgets of other departments and hand it out. Then other departments suffer or just borrow money to make up for it.

But hey, no more mean tweets and after 4 trys, the mean old stupid man is in the top spot.

Title: Re: Buses
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/18/22 at 08:44:17

Sign Sez
Everyone is welcome
Sign sez
We Loove Yew,,
Actions say
We lied. Fifty Brown people equals a crisis. It's terrible to share the bounty? The Wonder of the immigrants? It's BAD to send the Blessings that are just pouring across the border? Texas is supposed to just absorb the thousands that are coming in? Bull nuts.
It's Not the Texas border. It's The American border and if we must endure an invasion, we gonna Shaare, baybee.

Title: Re: Buses
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/19/22 at 10:50:25

Just caught the last few seconds of an interview with a Mahthuz Vineyard denizen. We don't have the capacity to take care of them. It's the off season. Empty rooms available. The Obama estate has plenty of room.
If anyone has any doubts left, it's just words. They don't mean THEM, they don't mean that they expect to actually give up a dime or experience inconvenience. That is for the people on the border. Let Them get run over. Property destroyed, crimes, city budgets destroyed, trying to provide for them.

I HOPE those idiots try to get anyone indicted. Joe was flying them out to Florida months ago. The Venezuelan guy who Thanked DeSantis MAY have injured their position,,

Title: Re: Buses
Post by Serowbot on 09/19/22 at 12:37:31

716E686F72754474447C6E62291B0 wrote:
That sounds about right. Take someone illegally in your state and transport them to a place that just Looooves migrants,
But when Biden ships them,that's alright, right?

They were legal immigrants.  Intentionally f**ked with for political points.

Intentionally given immigration appointments scattered all over the country just days after being dumped at Martha's vineyard.

They were lied to about why and where they were being moved.
That qualifies as kidnapping.
Verbal coercion can be kidnapping..

All because an election is coming up.
Food for hungry dogs.

It's not racist though.... just seems that way.

Title: Re: Buses
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/19/22 at 16:33:29

They were legal immigrants.  Intentionally f**ked with for political points.
Prove they were legal.
You realize what a minority of immigrants coming across the border are legal?
Do you have even a clue how walk into Texas every Day? And Martha's vineyard, a wealthy place, couldn't take care of fifty?
Yeah, show us what you have.
The guy who thanked DeSantis didn't mention anything about how he was surprised by being transported against his will because he was legally in America.
Funny how that claim is just now coming out.
But you show us what you have..

Title: Re: Buses
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/19/22 at 17:08:46

venezuelans taken to marthas vineyard were legal

I searched that
Didn't get anything

Title: Re: Buses
Post by WebsterMark on 09/19/22 at 18:25:10

5B4D5A475F4A475C280 wrote:
[quote author=716E686F72754474447C6E62291B0 link=1663242827/45#50 date=1663465037]That sounds about right. Take someone illegally in your state and transport them to a place that just Looooves migrants,
But when Biden ships them,that's alright, right?

They were legal immigrants.  Intentionally f**ked with for political points.

Intentionally given immigration appointments scattered all over the country just days after being dumped at Martha's vineyard.

They were lied to about why and where they were being moved.
That qualifies as kidnapping.
Verbal coercion can be kidnapping..

All because an election is coming up.
Food for hungry dogs.

It's not racist though.... just seems that way.[/quote]

Seriously, WTH is wrong with you? Kidnapping? Are you out of your mind? Seriously? Are you?

Title: Re: Buses
Post by Eegore on 09/19/22 at 18:45:21

They were legal immigrants.  Intentionally f**ked with for political points.

 How were they processed so quickly?  Legal immigration status takes years to complete and none of them were refugee status.

"Intentionally given immigration appointments scattered all over the country just days after being dumped at Martha's vineyard."

 Immigration appointments are not necessary for legal immigrants.

"They were lied to about why and where they were being moved.
That qualifies as kidnapping.
Verbal coercion can be kidnapping.."

 For US citizens.  The law is significantly different for foreign citizens.  

 Now I don't think it is appropriate to lie to illegal immigrants about work visas to get them on a plane, but it does not make them legal immigrants nor does it qualify for "kidnapping" under US law.

 Is it a political stunt?  Yes.

 Is it right to lie about why they are getting on a plane?  No.

Title: Re: Buses
Post by WebsterMark on 09/20/22 at 04:10:43

Serowbot is gone. Lost in the haze of hyper partisanship. Godspeed.

Title: Re: Buses
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/20/22 at 08:24:51


Title: Re: Buses
Post by WebsterMark on 09/20/22 at 14:35:46

4E5157504D4A7B4B7B43515D16240 wrote:

Good point.

Title: Re: Buses
Post by wheelbender6 on 09/25/22 at 09:43:02

I am OK with the bussing if we send them to places that have jobs and transportation. It does not necessarily have to be a big city. No need in sending them to a place where they cannot succeed at all.

Title: Re: Buses
Post by Serowbot on 09/25/22 at 10:43:40

4D525F5F56585F545E5F480C3A0 wrote:
I am OK with the bussing if we send them to places that have jobs and transportation. It does not necessarily have to be a big city. No need in sending them to a place where they cannot succeed at all.

Me too, wb6...
They're not trying to solve anything... They just want a political spectacle to rile their racist base..

Title: Re: Buses
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/25/22 at 10:54:56

But,but,the SIGNS say...
Everyone is welcome
No room for hate
They ADVERTISED as a Sanctuary City.

Aaand, performed like they were not at all serious.
And the little towns in South West Texas are being Crushed.

Title: Re: Buses
Post by WebsterMark on 09/26/22 at 04:32:34

6375627F67727F64100 wrote:
[quote author=4D525F5F56585F545E5F480C3A0 link=1663242827/60#63 date=1664124182]I am OK with the bussing if we send them to places that have jobs and transportation. It does not necessarily have to be a big city. No need in sending them to a place where they cannot succeed at all.

Me too, wb6...
They're not trying to solve anything... They just want a political spectacle to rile their racist base..[/quote]

WTF is wrong with you two?

Title: Re: Buses
Post by WebsterMark on 09/26/22 at 04:35:23

How about you two offer up an extra room in your house? Then, give them your job.

Title: Re: Buses
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/26/22 at 06:50:36

Ohh Lookie! The Everyone needs to go to college crowd believe these people are ready to enter the economy and have jobs. The same people who believed everyone who wouldn't get The Jab should be driven out of society, no job for YOU, want to see all these people who could be hauling all kinds of transmissible diseases just put to work.
It's actually Illegal to hire them. According to immigration laws, but, hey,let's Not worry about that.
I just don't understand Why it's such a big deal to send a Very Wealthy area that ADVERTISES as a sanctuary fifty people for them to rally around and give them a place and get them some tutors and help them learn the things they Need to Know in order to fit into America.
All I've seen is a buncha Reeee! and condemnation, just huffing and puffing, How Dayuh You stuff. But WHY is sending so few needy to what is one of the densest populations of rich people, where there ARE rooms available, where they Actually Advertise that they are a sanctuary, Why was that wrong, again?

I'm getting the feeling it is all fine and dandy to ship them around the country to drop off in places where lefties are not the majority is not using them for political pawns, Ohh no,, not as long as they are going where they can help turn it blue, then it is Goooood.

Title: Re: Buses
Post by Serowbot on 09/26/22 at 07:48:27

Unemployment numbers are so low it's ridiculous, help wanted signs are in every window, the labor pool is dwindling while the retirement pool grows.
We need to increase the workforce.

Where are you?
Oh, right,... you live in different reality.
Tell me we don't have a labor shortage.


Title: Re: Buses
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/26/22 at 09:37:43

I never denied what you are saying.
Why dodge my points?
How many of those jobs are going to be filled adequately by people who don't speak English?
Why do you so readily invite people who you know are not vaccinated, while you believe Everyone Should be, and it's fine to fire people who will not take it?
How many million illegal immigrants Do we Need?
Why the Reeee! Over fifty people sent to a WEALTHY place that Advertised it is a Sanctuary?
Why did they pretend they didn't have the ability to rally around them and get them the tutoring they needed?
You want to slice ONE TINY element out and pretend you have answered my questions.
But you have not even come close.

Title: Re: Buses
Post by MnSpring on 09/26/22 at 10:08:27

794B4C5D5A4B5C634F5C452E0 wrote:
How about you two offer up an extra room in your house? Then, give them your job.

That will NEVER - EVER Happen.
          EVER !!!!!!!

Hell the people that live in MV, have more money than Bot & WB6 together, times 100.

 THEY could not get rid of them fast enough.

Even though plenty of houses/cars to be cleaned, and yard work to do LOLOLOLOLOLOL

Title: Re: Buses
Post by Serowbot on 09/26/22 at 10:58:37

Can you catch a ball?

Can you catch a ball if I intentionally throw it at you without warning while you're looking the other way?

This was a political stunt.
DeSantis has so little problem that he had to import Immigrants from Texas to pull off his stunt.
He's facing legal action now for doing it.

Title: Re: Buses
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/26/22 at 12:24:18

You act like the people on the border had sufficient ANYTHING to care for them.
Can you catch a Ball!??
They ADVERTISE that they are a community that is welcoming to immigrants.
Can you put two and two together?
They didn't even Try. All they wanted was rid of them.
Did they say
Ohh,YaKnow, we aren't set up for fifty, but leave us ten?

Admit the hypocrisy.

Title: Re: Buses
Post by Serowbot on 09/26/22 at 14:27:12

Why did DeSantis get them from Texas?

Title: Re: Buses
Post by pg on 09/26/22 at 14:46:31

6177607D65707D66120 wrote:
DeSantis has so little problem that he had to import Immigrants from Texas to pull off his stunt.

Your just unhappy he beat the left and you at your own game, this would be much more appropriate........


Best regards,

Title: Re: Buses
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/26/22 at 15:34:09

5244534E56434E55210 wrote:
Why did DeSantis get them from Texas?

Whoa,whoa,whoa,,this is not about Him.
It's about your rich lefties who
Advertise sanctuary.
Address my points.
I know it's uncomfortable. Because you and all your loudmouth lefties Don't DO what you call others Wrong for not doing. You are not one bit less of a hypocrite. You don't DO nuts for the poor downtrodden other than jump up and down and demand OTHERS take care of them.
So, let's Not make this about anyone else. Explain what I Asked.
Ohh,you CAN'T.
The Polyester Pinata, swinging from the strings of your puppeteer, unable to do anything other than deflect.
Nice failure, I'm not surprised.
The Vineyard exposed you lefties and there ain't Fukkall you can do to fix it.
Lefties suck.

Title: Re: Buses
Post by Serowbot on 09/26/22 at 15:52:03

Funny.... you think you know me.

I'm not in Martha's vineyard,.. I'm one hour from the border.
Do you think Tucson is in Connecticut?

;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Buses
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/26/22 at 16:08:58

Still dodging..

Title: Re: Buses
Post by MnSpring on 09/27/22 at 06:50:30

5C4A5D40584D405B2F0 wrote:
"Funny.... you think you know me...
... I'm one hour from the border..."

So you welcome Illegals onto your house, to sleep on your bed/couch/floor/back-front yard ?
They use your bathroom, kitchen, TV, Computer, MC, Car ?
You take them to Health Care facilities, & give them portable phones with cell service ?

   Or do you pay more taxes than anybody else ?

Do you give all your Gas, Beer, Ice Cream money, etc. to give Illegals a better life ?

OH, I KNOW, YOU GAVE one of them, YOUR GUN !

Or is it that you just sit at your computer, MAKE UP LIES, then expect Everyone ELSE, (just not you), to do, 'something'.

Title: Re: Buses
Post by MnSpring on 09/27/22 at 11:46:53

2C3A2D30283D302B5F0 wrote:
"...Do you think Tucson is in Connecticut..."

        No Citizen 15965262

Title: Re: Buses
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/27/22 at 12:03:11

I have no idea what the illegal traffic is There. Coming across the Rio Grande is just hordes.
But, hey,the people on the border are wealthy and have jobs to offer.
The lying pos buncha hypocrites in MV had Their little problem solved right quick. Had them shuffled off to a military base.

Title: Re: Buses
Post by MnSpring on 09/28/22 at 18:08:42

Here's a Idea.

Take a bunch of USA citizens, (DFI, UL, FDS, Socialists), to a South Border Town.
(First Class Flight - for sure-)

See what happens !!!!!!!


Title: Re: Buses
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/29/22 at 05:37:15


Title: Re: Buses
Post by WebsterMark on 09/29/22 at 08:11:20

I am in Southern California this week at work event. We are at one of the richest resort complexes around. Lowest price room is around 500. Houses to rent on site are several thousand a night. A freaking little breakfast with a couple of eggs and a muffin or two for $77. We were here a few years ago and I literally ran into Mark Wahlberg while he was out jogging.

As far as I’ve seen, every single worker here is of Hispanic descent. Every single one. The front desk and I guess what you could call front line workers speak perfect English. Everyone else speak Spanish as a primary language. Tried to talk to a couple who I needed help moving stuff and it  was clear they spoke very little English.

Talk about a two-class system. Reminds me of the new Westworld. Robots basically “come alive“ and decide to rebel against their masters. Kind of feels like that here one of these days! I was eating a breakfast burrito this morning before dawn because I woke up early and there were three or four guys with leaf blowers and basically pretting up the entire place for the rich people to enjoy later in the day. They just stand aside when you walk by, shake their head and say welcome, good morning things like that. And these aren’t young teenagers, these are middle-age and even a couple of clearly older men. Pretty fake smiles. Maybe they’re not fake smiles, hard to tell. Maybe beats the hell out of working at a gas station or cleaning sewers in LA.

And I realize their life here is way better than that sh|thole in Mexico but I wonder if the real reason why politicians hesitate to solve the border crisis is because they want cheap labor? Is there some subliminal or even perhaps overtly evil intention by ignoring the southern border they get cheap and reliable labor?

US teenagers aren’t gonna run a leaf blower before dawn, be polite, open doors, etc. etc.

Title: Re: Buses
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/29/22 at 08:41:16

Tried to talk to a couple who I needed help moving stuff and it  was clear they spoke very little English.
Always try to establish simple, pleasant conversation before you let them know you need something.
The notion that employers welcome cheap labor is Pretty clear. You have noticed the lack of prosecution for hiring illegal aliens is the norm, I'm sure. Yeah, yeah, it Has happened, but not to the extent that it would actually make employers run from hiring them. There has been a long running failure to protect the border. It's Not new. A study of bills proposed would show both sides have proposed solutions and either actually tried or made enough noise to make the People Believe they were trying, only to be defeated by the other side, Coff Coff,, The uniparty strikes again..
It's The Punch and Judy show,brought to life.
Let's not forget about the North American Union that Bush signed us onto.
When will That actually make a difference in our lives? Was it really for nothing?

Title: Re: Buses
Post by Serowbot on 09/29/22 at 10:52:44

Uuuuuuuhhhh..... I think you're both arguing my side...

Not that there's anything wrong with that.  :-?

Title: Re: Buses
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/29/22 at 15:17:20

I didn't know you wanted the border to be controlled.

Title: Re: Buses
Post by WebsterMark on 09/29/22 at 22:22:44

2D3B2C31293C312A5E0 wrote:
Uuuuuuuhhhh..... I think you're both arguing my side...

Not that there's anything wrong with that.  :-?

No, I’m not. It’s not good you and I reap the benefits of such a two class system where we rely on those who risk their lives to break into our country and work for much smaller wages so we’ve got a clean sidewalk or out beds are made in the morning.

How about we actually pretend we have a border and then help to fix their country so they can prosper rather than be cheap labor for us.

Leftist have very heart, they really don’t. Kill babies, leave the door open and then enslaved those who break it, traumatize young children with sex talk……freaking weirdos.

Title: Re: Buses
Post by Serowbot on 09/30/22 at 06:26:09

French fries need to be made... are you for a living wage?
... or will you live without fries, mowed yards, trimmed trees, etc...
There has never been a single class society, but there can be a society that allows a decent life for all.
Not everyone wants $72 egg muffins.

Title: Re: Buses
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/30/22 at 06:36:32

I know you're a nice guy and you think it can just all work out nice if evil selfish Republicans will just get out of the way..
But you are Wrong and it won't work out any better than the signs protected the schools and gun control makes Chicago safe.

While you're whinging and getting butthurt about fifty going to MV, here's what the Texas border is experiencing. Oh! Hey! Almost forgot.. But did you know that if you go out and break the law and someone gets killed because of it, you are likely to get charged with murder? Someone is making sure the immigration laws are not enforced. And, well,, you can read it.


They are DYING in the desert and the river. When did it get SMART to allow people Into the country who could be hauling any kinda disease?
You will not answer questions, because you CAN'T. It's Stewpid, on its face,no sane nation just throws the doors open. Unvetted immigrants? Really? Fuuuk the goddarn French fries

Title: Re: Buses
Post by Serowbot on 09/30/22 at 10:56:50

You gonna' start callin' them "freedom fries" again?

You don't care about them dying in the desert... You just want to justify cutting them off from freedom.
Decent immigration policy would not have them trying to sneak across,... they would be turning up at border crossings.  But look how they've been treated there.
You care?
Start thinking of solutions instead of obstacles.

Title: Re: Buses
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/30/22 at 13:51:05

don't care about them dying in the desert... You just want to justify cutting them off from freedom.

That is where I stopped reading.
You have the gall to say I am acting like I know you.
You have no clue how I treat people. I've had a roof put on in the last weeks and all but one was illegal. They are working. Not riding the backs of American people.
You believe I'm a racist. You are So wrong.

Title: Re: Buses
Post by Serowbot on 09/30/22 at 14:42:31

I don't judge your heart, only your politics.
Which would you change to make them match?

Title: Re: Buses
Post by pg on 09/30/22 at 16:34:31

You believe I'm a racist. You are So wrong.

You are also a deplorable..............

Best regards,

Title: Re: Buses
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/30/22 at 17:51:30

4C5A4D50485D504B3F0 wrote:
I don't judge your heart, only your politics.
Which would you change to make them match?

You don't understand the damage you support. You still believe the signs are the answer. How many people are dead because they never stopped anyone from committing murder? You are either blind or irreparably naive. You THINK your politics are sweetness and light,and if the Eevil Deplorables would get out of the way and just let lefties run the country, we would all be so much better off. I've Seen what lefties run. Not impressed.

Title: Re: Buses
Post by MnSpring on 10/01/22 at 06:02:14

"...  You are either blind or irreparably naive ..."
"... You THINK your politics are sweetness ..."

      Thus the Term

Fairy Dust Sprinkler

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Buses
Post by Serowbot on 10/01/22 at 06:21:06

Should I take being called "deplorable, blind, a fairy dust sprinkler, and irreparably naive", personally?

That's a bit of a barrage... let's lighten up... we're all friends here.

Title: Re: Buses
Post by WebsterMark on 10/02/22 at 04:58:10

3B2D3A273F2A273C480 wrote:
Should I take being called "deplorable, blind, a fairy dust sprinkler, and irreparably naive", personally?

That's a bit of a barrage... let's lighten up... we're all friends here.

Been real busy lately so not kept up but yes, let’s lighten up.

I mean all you have to say is our friend Sewrobot is a hyper-partisan who sleeps in his blue jersey every night and is fine with a few immigrants dying in the hot desert as long as we get somebody to work at chipotle who actually speak Spanish,  cuts the grass, rapes and kills people he doesn’t know and votes correctly, that’s all you gotta say. No need for this other stuff.

See, that wasn’t hard.

Besides, let’s always remember Sew is the lone leftist. The other cowards jumped ship and left him. Pretty much what Democrats do to blacks after Election Day.

Title: Re: Buses
Post by Serowbot on 10/02/22 at 10:10:16

Chipotle... Ouch that hurts.
College yuppie Mexican food

Title: Re: Buses
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/02/22 at 11:08:47

A good meal Used to include some sweat under the eyes after a few bites. Slowly over the years, I'm just not digging the spicy stuff. And now I can't even get around a decent plate of grub. Phhht!
That said, I have never eaten hot stuff yesterday and had it hurt today,, if ya get what I'm saying.

Title: Re: Buses
Post by MnSpring on 10/02/22 at 12:34:01

495F48554D58554E3A0 wrote:
I don't judge your heart, only your politics..."


So it is not at all important, to care about someones Ethics, Responsibilities, Honesty, etc., etc., etc.

It is only important to care about, "... your politics ...".

So if someone votes for the likes of Regan/Trump. That's bad.

If someone votes for the likes of, Pud-den Head Mush for Brains, Obummer Bonehead, Hildebeest Billery, and the peanut farmer. That's good.
Believe everyone here, and those that you talk to in your favorite beer/eat joint, already know that.

Just good that you have confirmed it !!!!!!!


Title: Re: Buses
Post by Serowbot on 10/02/22 at 13:13:44

61427F5C5E45424B2C0 wrote:
[quote author=495F48554D58554E3A0 link=1663242827/90#93 date=1664574151]I don't judge your heart, only your politics..."


So it is not at all important, to care about someones Ethics, Responsibilities, Honesty, etc., etc., etc.


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