General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Let the 'purge' begin

Message started by pg on 09/12/22 at 04:44:20

Title: Let the 'purge' begin
Post by pg on 09/12/22 at 04:44:20

I'm referring to the movie, only 365.,any%20Illinois%20agency%20in%20a%20law%20enforcement%20capacity.

The Safety, Accountability, Fairness and Equity-Today Act, known as the SAFE-T Act, passed with the backing of the Illinois Legislative Black Caucus in the early hours of Jan. 13, 2021.

The broad-ranging measure abolishes cash bail beginning in January 2023, reforms police training, certification and use-of-force standards, expands detainee rights, and requires body cameras at all departments by 2025.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Let the 'purge' begin
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/12/22 at 08:22:30

Am I gonna need to open that and spend time or can I just look at that and figure That is a pro crime move?

Title: Re: Let the 'purge' begin
Post by pg on 09/12/22 at 16:10:57

Chi-raq already has 40 - 50 shootings on a fun filled weekend. The broad-ranging measure abolishes cash bail beginning in January 2023.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Let the 'purge' begin
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/12/22 at 19:57:31

If I lived there I would be pushing for gun control. That is the only way! And it would WORK, I Know it would. Unless they don't put gun control in EVERYWHERE. The guns are pouring in from Other States. It's a good thing they ship their guns in here or those guns would start shooting the people in those states.

Title: Re: Let the 'purge' begin
Post by zevenenergie on 09/13/22 at 04:51:32

Give an average man a gun and he will gain confidence as if he were a professional MMA fighter.  (Until he meets another man with a gun).

I'm just saying it doesn't really matter if there are none or few guns.
The only difference is; you don't need such an idiotic violent police corps. And that you don't have mass shootings. etc. I think things would calm down a bit.

A lot of people would feel very vulnerable (gun owners) and people don't like to feel vulnerable.

I think that's the main reason why people don't want to give up their guns.

I,f you want to change tings for the better, you schoud let guns out of the equation.

You will meet to much resistans if you don,t. (Unfortunately)

Title: Re: Let the 'purge' begin
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/13/22 at 08:47:10

Interesting post, Z. You spent time studying the places where concealed carry and open carry are legal and noticed they are so violent as to make Chicago look safe?
You Can't eliminate guns. The cops are Gonna have guns. The people are Guaranteed, by the constitution, written by men who had experience with fighting tyranny. The Pie in the Sky thinking that guns can be eliminated is just that, as silly as Pie in the Sky.
One thing for sure, the drugs that are, well, were until recently, illegal still pour across that porous border. Guns can also cross that border, but if it's illegal to have a gun, the decent, law abiding citizens will be unarmed, leaving us at the mercy of the violent criminals. If you're wondering what that looks like, look at Chicago.

Title: Re: Let the 'purge' begin
Post by zevenenergie on 09/13/22 at 10:23:00

I find it interesting that you mention drugs.

In my opinion, drugs should be taken out of illegality and governments should produce them.

Then they should sell it with a high tax on it.
The underworld then loses its income and the government can spend the money on education, solving poverty, training police officers, and many other positive things.

And there will be people who object to this, simply because they have conservative thoughts which are a big part of their identity.

That's a shame, because the war on drugs, will never be won the way we are doing it now.

I don't care about guns and you can keep them, as far as I'm concerned. It are fun toys if you handle them responsibly.

What matters to me is that steps are taken that cut wood.

By the way ,I dit some photoshopping...

Title: Re: Let the 'purge' begin
Post by Serowbot on 09/13/22 at 10:41:57

627D7B7C61665767576F7D713A080 wrote:
Interesting post, Z. You spent time studying the places where concealed carry and open carry are legal and noticed they are so violent as to make Chicago look safe?

Zev has spent time living in place where you can walk the streets without fear or need of guns.
It's a perspective not found in America.

Title: Re: Let the 'purge' begin
Post by Eegore on 09/13/22 at 11:08:37

"Zev has spent time living in place where you can walk the streets without fear or need of guns.
It's a perspective not found in America."


 However the assessment that in the US, if guns are made illegal, criminals will have them and law-abiding citizens will not.  This certainly means more violent crime.  I've never, in the US, seen an alternate outcome.

Title: Re: Let the 'purge' begin
Post by Serowbot on 09/13/22 at 11:16:54

We need guns because the bad guys have guns,... and the bad guys need guns because we have guns.
Catcha' Tventy-two.

The bad guys will never give them up until we do.
There are bad guys in countries without guns.
They just don't have guns.
The level of bad comes down a few notches when guns are removed from the equation.
Carrying a gun when committing a crime is not worth the penalty when guns are not necessary.

Title: Re: Let the 'purge' begin
Post by Eegore on 09/13/22 at 11:56:26

We need guns because the bad guys have guns,... and the bad guys need guns because we have guns.

 Except Bad Guys also have and use guns because they are so efficient.  It's not an absolute that they use them exclusively for self-preservation when conducting crime, just in case a victim fights back.  A gun allows a criminal to control multiple victims at once and at a distance.

"The bad guys will never give them up until we do."

 Bad Guys aren't typically known for giving anything up.  The idea that law abiding people should give up guns in the hopes that criminals will do it too is fundamentally flawed.  

"There are bad guys in countries without guns.
They just don't have guns.

 The areas I know of where Bad Guys are typically unarmed are areas where they never were.  Not areas where they had guns, but just decided that giving their victims equal footing is the right thing to do.

"The level of bad comes down a few notches when guns are removed from the equation.
Carrying a gun when committing a crime is not worth the penalty when guns are not necessary."

 The problem here is that it is dependent on creating more victims in favor of altering criminal behavior.  Easier targets and more targets has historically not reduced crime.  It's just as easy to say if guns are not legal, anyone that wants to for-sure get away with a crime just needs a gun.  

Title: Re: Let the 'purge' begin
Post by zevenenergie on 09/13/22 at 12:38:13

The problems are caused by being too much in our heads and the ego is a defense mechanism.

When you're not in your head and you're grounded, you radiate something that people respond positively to.

When you're in the midst of "bad guys", and you judge them, they attack.

I'm just saying that we're in a state of consciousness that causes problems.
And I don't mean anyone personally, it's a collective phenomenon.

Title: Re: Let the 'purge' begin
Post by oldNslow on 09/13/22 at 12:47:57

The problem here is that it is dependent on creating more victims in favor of altering criminal behavior.


You "alter criminal behavior" by punishing it.

The new law in Illinois, and the equally idiotic one that has been in place here in NY for a couple of years, do exactly the opposite. They are literally "get out of jail free" cards for the bad guys. And here in NY the results have been predictable and obvious to anyone who can be bothered to look with clear eyes.

This isn't about guns. It's about the lack of consequences for criminal behavior.

This isn't complicated guys.

Anyone who has raised children, or owned a dog, understands that bad behavior doesn't get better if it's allowed to continue without consequences.

Title: Re: Let the 'purge' begin
Post by zevenenergie on 09/13/22 at 13:51:20

I see it differently,
With children you ignore if they ask for negative attention. And you give them positive attention as much as possible. You can explain them. why something is not possible. Consequences ok. Punishment doesn't work in prison either.

This is a trailer to a documentary
about what works in prisons.
2 minutes ::)

And here the whole Documetry.

It works in the US too


Title: Re: Let the 'purge' begin
Post by Eegore on 09/13/22 at 14:36:42

When you're not in your head and you're grounded, you radiate something that people respond positively to.

When you're in the midst of "bad guys", and you judge them, they attack.

 I don't know what criminals you have been around but I know plenty that commit crimes because they can, haven't had any guidance, or because of economic/social situation.  No amount of positive attitude from the general society completely stops human predatory behaviors.

Title: Re: Let the 'purge' begin
Post by oldNslow on 09/13/22 at 14:41:55

I watched the trailer. That was enough. I don't have the stomach for any more of that kind of bullsh*t

The guy in the trailer killed Three people.

Teaching him some meditation horsecr*p isn't bringing them back to life no matter how much "compassion and love" he now supposedly has for his enemies.

Absolute nonsense.

Title: Re: Let the 'purge' begin
Post by WebsterMark on 09/13/22 at 14:53:11

6573647961747962160 wrote:
[quote author=627D7B7C61665767576F7D713A080 link=1662983060/0#5 date=1663084030]Interesting post, Z. You spent time studying the places where concealed carry and open carry are legal and noticed they are so violent as to make Chicago look safe?

Zev has spent time living in place where you can walk the streets without fear or need of guns.
It's a perspective not found in America.[/quote]

I walk all around my neighborhood anytime night or day. If that started to change, I’d get together with three or four neighborhood men and solve that problem.

It’s not funny at all but seems like there’s always these “stop the violence “ marches after a killing where half the neighborhood knows who did it but won’t say.

Title: Re: Let the 'purge' begin
Post by MnSpring on 09/13/22 at 18:34:08

27382B38333833382F3A34385D0 wrote:
"...  Punishment doesn't work in prison ..."


A man called Sheriff Joe,  PUNISHED criminals, by making them work.
When they complained, he told them.
"Don't Like it here, DON'T COME BACK'
Crime went DOWN in that county, Until the F.D.S. Socialists took charge. Now the crime is up, and Up, and UP !!!!!

In the, 'Wild West', in a Territory when a Horse/Cattle thief was caught red handed,  the nearest Cottonwood tree was used.

In another Territory, they were put in a jail, waited for the traveling judge, then got sentenced to time in the Yuma Jail, (If their buddies didn't break them out of the jail), then when released from Yuma jail, they stole more horses/cattle.

Which territory had LESS CRIME ??????????

Coddle the criminals. They will repeat over and over, and over again.

Punish the criminals, they will KNOW, their is a PUNISHMENT for that crime.

The UL, DFI, FDS Socialists are giving the Criminals, Milk and Cookies, for committing Crimes !!!!!

Title: Re: Let the 'purge' begin
Post by zevenenergie on 09/14/22 at 04:51:37

A nice detail is that the prison itself is the punishment.

If you want to learn about how to commit crimes, that's the best place to be.
There is no need to punish prisoners in prisons, they do it themselves.

When you get out of prison you are traumatized, educated in comiting crime, extremely tough, mean.
And most of al, pistoff and
totally unadapted to society.

Isn,t that just what we wanted...  8-) 8-) 8-)

Title: Re: Let the 'purge' begin
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/14/22 at 09:05:05

So, NOT putting dangerous people away from society, protecting society from their bad behaviors, you think that is the answer? Some dude shoots a few people, just randomly kills people, driving around, live streaming on FB shooting people and because he might come out of prison angry at society we should not imprison him?
Ohh,and let's Not forget, those racist cops who join the force so they can legally hunt black guys?? Yeah, those people,, arrested this crazy punk.
Have you been following the reports of people being arrested, turned right around, back on the streets in a matter of Hours, and go commit more violent crime?
Are you one of the people who would choose a sternly worded sign over armed teachers to protect the children in school?

Title: Re: Let the 'purge' begin
Post by pg on 09/14/22 at 21:43:31


Thank goodness I don't live in one of those places

Best regards,

Title: Re: Let the 'purge' begin
Post by zevenenergie on 09/15/22 at 10:08:07

2A353334292E1F2F1F27353972400 wrote:
So, NOT putting dangerous people away from society, protecting society from their bad behaviors, you think that is the answer?

I think locking up certain people is a great idea. and I also know that a lot of criminals also like the idea of [ch8203][ch8203]being locked up because they know they would otherwise commit serious crimes because they can't control themselves.
And there are people walking around who are completely confused.
I think criminals are mental patients, but I also see that the difference between inmates and people outside of prison is very small. The way we try to convert them to good behavior is crazy too.

the positive side of this is that there is still a lot to improve upon.
I think the extremes like in this video are due to how our justice system works. Or better said, doesn't work.

The solution in my view is the following. In prison you have to give criminals the choice whether to do vipasa or do time. do you manage to get them more humane than they went in.... then they solve that extreme situation on the streets of chicaco.

Title: Re: Let the 'purge' begin
Post by pg on 09/15/22 at 14:40:43

The way we try to convert them to good behavior is crazy too.

We have a term for this, 'Repeat offender"

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