General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Batmobile

Message started by pg on 08/15/22 at 03:31:00

Title: Batmobile
Post by pg on 08/15/22 at 03:31:00

Wow, just can't make this up.  This CA sheriff paid his people overtime to go out of state to shake down a guy in Indiana on the request of his buddy.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Batmobile
Post by WebsterMark on 08/15/22 at 04:37:07

Neither link worked.

Title: Re: Batmobile
Post by pg on 08/15/22 at 14:51:56

I don't know why but it will only allow me to hyperlink half the web address.  If you copy and paste it works just fine.  Take a look, it is mind boggling what that sheriff did.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Batmobile
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/15/22 at 15:29:15

Gotsta start at the end of the link that is Not underlined.

Title: Re: Batmobile
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/15/22 at 15:30:19

Title: Re: Batmobile
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/15/22 at 15:30:53


Title: Re: Batmobile
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/15/22 at 15:33:20

Well, I was giv'ner all she's got, Cap'n! darnear melted my Dilithium crystals!

Title: Re: Batmobile
Post by Eegore on 08/15/22 at 16:39:22


Title: Re: Batmobile
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/17/22 at 12:14:17

Okay, is there some trick you could share?
You know if you're wanting to tell me how, it's gonna be from the
Student knows nothing and it's gonna need to a Readers Digest level of TechTalk.

Title: Re: Batmobile
Post by Eegore on 08/17/22 at 14:40:02

 I copied the links in full, edited out the spaces that don't belong in a link, and then paste them within the "insert hyperlink" option when posting.

 You can also copy, then select "insert hyperlink", and paste as the curser automatically gets placed within the hyperlink prompts.  


Title: Re: Batmobile
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/17/22 at 17:59:08

Okay, I appreciate that, thank you. I scrolled up and looked, I don't see anything I would take out. IDK how differently my Kindle works, if it's any different at all.
Don't waste your time trying to teach me. It's Just gonna frustrate both of us.

Title: Re: Batmobile
Post by Eegore on 08/17/22 at 19:09:47

 Original posting:


 See the space/indent where the 184 ends and the 939 starts?  Both links have them.

 I removed that indent so it reads with zero spaces or indents:

Title: Re: Batmobile
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/17/22 at 19:49:50

Okay, maybe that is why I have had so much trouble.. Thanks

Title: Re: Batmobile
Post by Marco12356 on 08/18/22 at 21:27:08

What do you expect most cops are crooked today anyways ... well they've always been they're just getting caught because of video now.

They squander the Publics money

Title: Re: Batmobile
Post by WebsterMark on 08/21/22 at 04:53:30

133F2C3D312D3F283F393B6F6F6F5E0 wrote:
What do you expect most cops are crooked today anyways ... well they've always been they're just getting caught because of video now.

They squander the Publics money

I don’t believe that. Most cops that I know are egotistical, some dicks and there are a few very bad apples but for the most part I have an impossible job. I don’t know why anyone would wanna be a cop in today’s world. There is no one on your side except normal citizens who generally don’t make waves and stand up, nearly in the percentage as the lunatic antifa‘s, Democratic governors and mayors stand up for criminals. Look at how the current Department of Justice is treating the police offers in the Louisville Breonna Taylor situation. Look how the president of United States treated the border patrol people by lying about them whipping people.

Title: Re: Batmobile
Post by Marco12356 on 08/21/22 at 14:21:48

The Supreme Court states that the police are NOT obligated to protect anyone from harm .

Police only have three functions ... social control , protection of government property and to generate Revenue .

When applying to be a police officer if you score too high in testing , you are omitted from the program and not allowed to go any further ... they don't hire highly intelligent people .

Just wait till some political leader really enforces to take your guns away.... the police will be right at your door to do the dirty work for these politicians .
Today's police officers are not the same as 20 years ago ... more and more police officers are being charged with rape , abusing children sexually , distributing child pornography , extortion , animal abuse and and the elephant in the room racism .... and the so-called good cops sit back and do nothing because they're worried about being retaliated against

People are starting to understand that they better start protecting themselves , instead of waiting for someone with 8 months of training in some blue costume to come and protect them . 8-)

Title: Re: Batmobile
Post by Eegore on 08/21/22 at 14:42:39

"When applying to be a police officer if you score too high in testing , you are omitted from the program and not allowed to go any further ... they don't hire highly intelligent people ."

 I don't know what police programs you have been involved in but this, at least in the hundreds I have seen over the years would be incorrect.  Over the past decade I have seen a shift towards requiring 4 or higher year degrees with no alternatives including military service.

 I know a theoretical physicist, chemist, and military intelligence analyst that have been actively recruited to work in law enforcement.  These guys are not below average intelligence by any means.  I have personally seen many people fail the programs because they were not able to complete the classroom portions.  The second group of failures come from a lower ability to engage in accurate quick-decision making.


Title: Re: Batmobile
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/22/22 at 09:54:19

You know there is a difference between beat cops and the jobs those geniuses are offered. I've been hearing about this issue for a long time.
Gee,Wally,why would they want to hire dummies to be cops?

Well, Beve,sometimes they get told to do something that is actually wrong, and it's important that they basically be willing and able to follow orders,without thinking about it. So they don't want them to be too smart.

Title: Re: Batmobile
Post by WebsterMark on 08/22/22 at 10:09:58

5F7360717D617364737577232323120 wrote:
The Supreme Court states that the police are NOT obligated to protect anyone from harm .

Police only have three functions ... social control , protection of government property and to generate Revenue .

When applying to be a police officer if you score too high in testing , you are omitted from the program and not allowed to go any further ... they don't hire highly intelligent people .

Just wait till some political leader really enforces to take your guns away.... the police will be right at your door to do the dirty work for these politicians .
Today's police officers are not the same as 20 years ago ... more and more police officers are being charged with rape , abusing children sexually , distributing child pornography , extortion , animal abuse and and the elephant in the room racism .... and the so-called good cops sit back and do nothing because they're worried about being retaliated against

People are starting to understand that they better start protecting themselves , instead of waiting for someone with 8 months of training in some blue costume to come and protect them . 8-)

This is like a baseball game when a batter hits a double and a home run but also strikes out badly twice.

Title: Re: Batmobile
Post by Eegore on 08/22/22 at 15:10:58

You know there is a difference between beat cops and the jobs those geniuses are offered. I've been hearing about this issue for a long time.
Gee,Wally,why would they want to hire dummies to be cops?

Well, Beve,sometimes they get told to do something that is actually wrong, and it's important that they basically be willing and able to follow orders,without thinking about it. So they don't want them to be too smart.

 And what jobs were those geniuses offered?

 In the town I am in now you can not even apply to be in the City PD without a completed 4 year degree.  Most people that are denied the job are under-qualified, not Over-qualified, by far.  "Beat Cops" or entry level positions is what I am talking about.  You need a 4 year degree, and almost everyone that gets kicked out is due too inability to complete the classroom portions or the quick decision making process.

 But as we all know - people that never have been to any law enforcement training center, ever, know more than people that run 20+ programs a year for decades, so yeah dumb beat cops is obviously what is happening.  

 Just like people that read internet articles about motorcycles know more about riding bikes than people that ride and work on bikes.  YouTube motorcycle mechanics that have never seen a shop are obviously more qualified to work on a motorcycle than somebody that runs a bike shop right?


Title: Re: Batmobile
Post by Marco12356 on 08/23/22 at 10:44:47

It only takes 8 months of training to become a police officer ! In most parts of Europe it's two years , that's why the US and Canada are having so many problems with police brutality .

Police recruitment is at its all time low ... So now they have to lower the bar even more .

Now they are hiring more smaller women to become cops on top of it , how is a 120 female going to handle a 230 lb guy .

They are hiring the bottom of the barrel .... I saw a video a few years ago of California police shooting dogs from animal shelters that were going to be euthanized so they use them as target practice at the California police gun range . They were all laughing their asses off thinking it was the greatest thing ever ..... This is police culture now .... Sadists !

Title: Re: Batmobile
Post by Eegore on 08/23/22 at 12:09:03

"I saw a video a few years ago of California police shooting dogs from animal shelters that were going to be euthanized so they use them as target practice at the California police gun range . They were all laughing their asses off thinking it was the greatest thing ever ..... This is police culture now .... Sadists !"

 So if I saw a video of a car a few mechanics shooting dogs would all car mechanics and their culture be dog killers?  Personally I be very surprised to see any gun range allowed dogs to be out there as target practice, then let them film it.  I have however seen false claims and edited videos to make it appear that way.

 I agree with Webstermark here, law enforcement is not exactly an easy job that a lot of people would want to do.  Being vilified as a cop because a few hundred out of the hundreds of thousands of cops are unprofessional, then actually having to deal with things they do would not be my idea of a good time.

 I for one can't think of any job where nobody has been fired for being a criminal.

Title: Re: Batmobile
Post by Serowbot on 08/23/22 at 14:27:28

It would be nice if temperatures could come down a couple of notches (figuratively and literally).
I remember those days when cops didn't have to carry AR15's and wear bulletproof vests.
The stress load they carry today is way higher than 20 or 30 years ago.
I don't forgive some of the things they're doing, but I do see the stress that leads to it.
They're in a war zone every day.

Title: Re: Batmobile
Post by Marco12356 on 08/23/22 at 14:51:26

Copsplaning I love it

A police officer's job is not even in the top 25 most dangerous jobs in the world .

Those AR-15s really came handy in Uvalde Texas for that school shooting ... the cops all hid and waited .

On top of that .... the mother who saved her kids is being harassed by the police , because they don't want her speaking out .

The government is militarizing the police which is unnecessary  If all you have is a hammer ,everything else looks like a nail

Title: Re: Batmobile
Post by Eegore on 08/23/22 at 20:11:34

 "Copsplaning I love it"

 Obviously people reading about cops on the internet and watching TV know how it really is.

"A police officer's job is not even in the top 25 most dangerous jobs in the world ."


 The emotional impact is rather high.  LEO suicide is at an all time high.

 Child abuse cases were in the double digits this week alone at the medical center I work in.  Multiple sexual assaults, multiple domestic violence etc.  The amount of things that go on that most people never hear about is astounding.

 Not one cop was physically harmed this week.  Does seeing a child with bite marks on her genitalia have negative emotional impact?  Yes.  Also not one cop had less than a 4 year degree.  Are there jerks on the force?  Yes.  Are all cops everywhere jerks?  No.  

 "The government is militarizing the police which is unnecessary  If all you have is a hammer ,everything else looks like a nail"

 I agree here.  A ton of military veteran hired into LEO and surplus equipment contributed to this as well.  Why buy new firearms when the government has surplus?

Title: Re: Batmobile
Post by WebsterMark on 08/24/22 at 03:38:35

002C3F2E223E2C3B2C2A287C7C7C4D0 wrote:
Copsplaning I love it

A police officer's job is not even in the top 25 most dangerous jobs in the world .

Those AR-15s really came handy in Uvalde Texas for that school shooting ... the cops all hid and waited .

On top of that .... the mother who saved her kids is being harassed by the police , because they don't want her speaking out .

The government is militarizing the police which is unnecessary  If all you have is a hammer ,everything else looks like a nail

I hope you stick around for a while Marco.

Title: Re: Batmobile
Post by pg on 08/24/22 at 04:55:36

and surplus equipment contributed to this as well.  Why buy new firearms when the government has surplus?

This administration doesn't believe in this..........

Best regards,

Title: Re: Batmobile
Post by Eegore on 08/24/22 at 06:10:32

This administration doesn't believe in this..........

 So the current Administration is not selling/releasing surplus military supplies to local police departments?

Title: Re: Batmobile
Post by pg on 08/24/22 at 06:26:14

We left 7 billion behind, I believe that supports my position.

US military equipment and weapons left behind
Aircraft worth $923.3 million remained in Afghanistan. The US left 78 aircraft procured for the government of Afghanistan at Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul before the end of the withdrawal. These aircraft were demilitarized and rendered inoperable before the US military left, the report states. The US military conducted its non-combatant evacuation from Afghanistan in August, primarily through that airport.

A total of 9,524 air-to-ground munitions, valued at $6.54 million, remained in Afghanistan at the conclusion of the US military withdrawal. The "significant majority" of the "remaining aircraft munitions stock are non-precision munitions," the report states.
Over 40,000 of the total 96,000 military vehicles the US gave to Afghan forces remained in Afghanistan at the time of the US withdrawal, including 12,000 military Humvees, the report states. "The operational condition of the remaining vehicles" in Afghanistan is "unknown," the report states.

Russia shifts tactics, steps up pace of assault in Ukraine's east and south
Russia shifts tactics, steps up pace of assault in Ukraine's east and south
More than 300,000 of the total 427,300 weapons the US gave to Afghan forces remained in Afghanistan at the time of the US military withdrawal, according to the report. Less than 1,537,000 of the "specialty munitions" and "common small arms ammunition," valued at a total of $48 million, are still in the country, the report states.

"Nearly all" of the communications equipment that the US gave to Afghan forces, including base-station, mobile, man-portable and hand-held commercial and military radio systems, and associated transmitters and encryption devices also remained in Afghanistan at the time of the withdrawal, the report states.

"Nearly all" night vision, surveillance, "biometric and positioning equipment" totaling nearly 42,000 pieces of specialized equipment remained in the country, the report adds.
And "nearly all," of the explosive ordinance disposal and demining equipment, including 17,500 "pieces of explosive detection, electronic countermeasure, disposal and personal protective equipment" also remained in Afghanistan, according to the report.

The only silver lining is Marco would probably be more upset if this were given to his buddies.....

Best regards,

Title: Re: Batmobile
Post by Eegore on 08/24/22 at 07:08:27

 How are you connecting the military leaving behind equipment in Afghanistan to the US Government no longer giving or selling at low-cost equipment to law enforcement?

 Why would this mean the current Administration is no longer supplying surplus to police departments?

Title: Re: Batmobile
Post by pg on 08/24/22 at 13:47:58

It is surplus, an amount of something left over when requirements have been met.   And in this circumstance, it is not in our possession.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Batmobile
Post by Eegore on 08/24/22 at 14:03:29

"It is surplus, an amount of something left over when requirements have been met.   And in this circumstance, it is not in our possession."

 Ok so to be more accurate I could have said local law enforcement agencies typically will, when offered or available, purchase or obtain without cost "surplus" from the US Government with the exemption of "surplus" that is left in Afghanistan, or any other known reason or reasons for "surplus" items to not be available to said local law enforcement agencies.

 Even at that, I am aware of current Governments surplus in the millions of dollars here in the US.  I see no reason to believe the current Administration does not "believe" in reducing that supply through sale since that supply is for sale. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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