General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Front and Center

Message started by WebsterMark on 08/10/22 at 05:16:23

Title: Front and Center
Post by WebsterMark on 08/10/22 at 05:16:23

I’ve been on vacation on Eegore’s state of Colorado. Breckinridge area to be precise. It’s the off-season from skiing and not as crowded (and a weekend so the weekly rush from Denver is over) so the nicest hotel rooms are available and cheaper but everything else cost serious cash. If you go, just accept that fact or you’ll never enjoy yourself. Beautiful area.

So why the FBI raid? Of course it was politically motivated but why?

The best answer I’ve seen is the left desperately wants to keep Trump front and center as they won the last election (aside from illegally changing state election laws, a media collusion to hide the Biden Crime Family stories with fake RussianGate “news”) by making sure no one actually thought about putting a dementia laden old man with an idiot VP in charge.

Same thing now: do whatever you have to but do not let those idiots who get their information from nightly news, SNL or any mass entertainment think for a second how much worse things are personally. Keep up the charade that we almost lost the country on Jan 6 and that Trump planned it all.

Trump, Trump Trump….  That’s why the FBI raided a former President’s home.

Is that enough? That’s up for you to decide but decide for yourself in a couple weeks after more info comes out and you wade through it all and arrive at your own conclusion.

Title: Re: Front and Center
Post by Serowbot on 08/10/22 at 07:36:04

Aerosmith fan?

"Dream On"

Title: Re: Front and Center
Post by Serowbot on 08/10/22 at 10:25:04

Oooooops...  :-?

As president, Trump approved a law increasing penalties for mishandling classified info. It could come back to bite him.

The bill, which made changes to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) was signed into law by Trump in January 2018.
It upgraded the seriousness of wrongly moving classified material, turning it from a misdemeanor into a felony — and increasing the maximum punishment from one year to five.
Moss noted that it was passed in the wake of Trump's relentless attacks during the 2016 presidential campaign on Hillary Clinton for allegedly mishandling classified information.
But now it is Trump who is under pressure.

Title: Re: Front and Center
Post by WebsterMark on 08/10/22 at 10:28:14

2036213C24313C27530 wrote:
Oooooops...  :-?

As president, Trump approved a law increasing penalties for mishandling classified info. It could come back to bite him.

The bill, which made changes to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) was signed into law by Trump in January 2018.
It upgraded the seriousness of wrongly moving classified material, turning it from a misdemeanor into a felony — and increasing the maximum punishment from one year to five.
Moss noted that it was passed in the wake of Trump's relentless attacks during the 2016 presidential campaign on Hillary Clinton for allegedly mishandling classified information.
But now it is Trump who is under pressure.

Aerosmith fan?

"Dream On"

Title: Re: Front and Center
Post by Eegore on 08/10/22 at 12:30:04

 The change to the bill is accurate.

Title: Re: Front and Center
Post by WebsterMark on 08/11/22 at 04:16:36

So what? If we’ve learned anything from Russiagate, the FBI is a tool to be used and tossed aside as needed. We have no idea what the truth is.

Title: Re: Front and Center
Post by WebsterMark on 08/11/22 at 04:21:32

All I’m saying is they better have a genuine reason for this. I don’t mean this ridiculous Jan 6 crap, I mean Trump better had gone all Nicolas Cage and stole The Declaration or something. Otherwise, this is bull$h!t.

Title: Re: Front and Center
Post by Eegore on 08/11/22 at 05:10:10

"So what? If we’ve learned anything from Russiagate, the FBI is a tool to be used and tossed aside as needed. We have no idea what the truth is."

 So it is still a written record of US law.  I see no reason to think the document I posted is inaccurate, false or otherwise not real and is not intended to function as proposed.

"All I’m saying is they better have a genuine reason for this. I don’t mean this ridiculous Jan 6 crap, I mean Trump better had gone all Nicolas Cage and stole The Declaration or something. Otherwise, this is bull$h!t."

 I don't think there should be a higher standard for Trump than any other US citizen.  If Trump has documents that belong in the National Archives then those should be recovered and he, or the responsible party/parties be held accountable in effect to the written law.

 Saying Trump better have possession of something more than what is allowed by law after One's term is over is simply saying that human is more above the law than other humans.

 We all know people who do not like Trump have decided he is guilty, and people that do like Trump already decided the FBI is planting the evidence.  So really, in public opinion, facts won't matter anyway.


Title: Re: Front and Center
Post by WebsterMark on 08/11/22 at 06:17:37

I don't think there should be a higher standard for Trump than any other US citizen.


Title: Re: Front and Center
Post by Serowbot on 08/11/22 at 06:51:05

Trump pleaded the fifth 440 times.
Only guilty people plead the fifth.

He raised the penalty for tampering with classified material.  Made it a felony punishable by 5 years.

Hoist by his own petard  ;D

Title: Re: Front and Center
Post by Eegore on 08/11/22 at 07:28:15

I don't think there should be a higher standard for Trump than any other US citizen.


 So why the cutoff with Trump?  Or do you feel any ex-POTUS should be exempt from laws regarding the National Archives?

Title: Re: Front and Center
Post by Serowbot on 08/11/22 at 09:04:42

1535373F2235500 wrote:
I don't think there should be a higher standard for Trump than any other US citizen.


 So why the cutoff with Trump?  Or do you feel any ex-POTUS should be exempt from laws regarding the National Archives?

... and lying to lenders, tax evasion, election tampering, sedition...
Trump is under so many investigations after a lifetime of getting away with everything.
It's all coming home.

Racist renting policies, Trump U scam, Charity fraud, paying hush money to whores, on and on...
Not the most corrupt President ever, but perhaps one of the most corrupt people ever.
...  and he's the favourite to win the Republican nomination.
Will we have an orange  President serving in an orange jumper?  ;D

Title: Re: Front and Center
Post by WebsterMark on 08/11/22 at 09:39:51

4D6D6F677A6D080 wrote:
I don't think there should be a higher standard for Trump than any other US citizen.


 So why the cutoff with Trump?  Or do you feel any ex-POTUS should be exempt from laws regarding the National Archives?

I didn’t say he should be exempt.

I think an FBI raid on a former presidents house, approved by the Attorney General who was in line to be a Supreme Court justice but cut off, near an election where the sitting president is struggling, is suspicious.

Again, we don’t know any of the facts and are likely not to know what the facts are for quite a while. But it’s more than a little suspicious looking. You can’t tell me that they didn’t think about the perception of FBI agents knocking on trumps door. They did but they went ahead anyway and I contend for political reasons. And those reasons are they want to keep Trump front and center and keep the attention off of Biden. I don’t blame them, I think it’s a great strategy. But that doesn’t make it any less BS.

Title: Re: Front and Center
Post by WebsterMark on 08/11/22 at 09:45:43

7563746971646972060 wrote:
[quote author=1535373F2235500 link=1660133783/0#10 date=1660228095]
I don't think there should be a higher standard for Trump than any other US citizen.


 So why the cutoff with Trump?  Or do you feel any ex-POTUS should be exempt from laws regarding the National Archives?

... and lying to lenders, tax evasion, election tampering, sedition...
Trump is under so many investigations after a lifetime of getting away with everything.
It's all coming home.

Racist renting policies, Trump U scam, Charity fraud, paying hush money to whores, on and on...
Not the most corrupt President ever, but perhaps one of the most corrupt people ever.
...  and he's the favourite to win the Republican nomination.
Will we have an orange  President serving in an orange jumper?  ;D[/quote]

And here’s a perfect example why they did the raid……They know there’s a percentage of people like our friend Sew here who believe anything and everything about Trump. It doesn’t matter whether it’s true or not. Sew fully believes the Russian gate allegations. Sew believes Kavanaugh, as a high school junior, repeatedly raped the same girls summer after summer. Sew believes anything he’s told that’s bad about the Orange Man. You cannot count how many times Sew has said “this is it, Trump’s  going to prison,   we finally got him .”

That’s why they did that is because they want Trump front and center so people don’t think about Biden and how disastrous things are going.

Maybe Trump is guilty, I have no idea. But you don’t either. What I do know Trump is the only former president that FBI agents would’ve shown up to rate his house because Merrick Garland is the Attorney general and Biden is the president. That’s a fact. That’s why it’s political.

Title: Re: Front and Center
Post by Eegore on 08/11/22 at 09:50:30

 I don't follow Trump or Biden enough to know what any of this "looks" like since my experience has been that people will equate facts based off of who they like and not what the content of those facts are.  For me, none of this makes a direct impact to me.  This is my personal interpretations of the English words "Me" "direct" and "impact" when utilized strictly in the context I provided with the exclusion of all other words, orders of words or context.

 I interpreted your "nonsense" statement to mean that it was nonsense when I indicated Trump should be offered no exceptions to US law.

Title: Re: Front and Center
Post by WebsterMark on 08/11/22 at 10:18:34

And by the way, I wouldn’t be upset if Trump clearly tried to steal something or hide something and found guilty as long as it’s not tied into the ridiculous January 6 nonsense. As I’ve said for months now, I don’t want Trump to run for president again. I want him to fade in the background and help out in those states where he can but otherwise to disappear.

He had his time and while he did some good things, he didn’t do enough in my view to offset someone else taking his place which I hope might be DeSantis from Florida.

And if this raid has anything to do with January 6, I’m going to be really pissed because that whole insurrection nonsense is absolute fantasy.

Title: Re: Front and Center
Post by Serowbot on 08/11/22 at 10:26:29

We know that Trump took 15 boxes of documents... do you have any trouble believing there are 12 more?

This ain't out of the blue.
It's believing a thief stole something.
Innocence is not an option, only degree of guilt.
15 boxes or or 27?

Title: Re: Front and Center
Post by WebsterMark on 08/11/22 at 10:28:28

I don't follow Trump or Biden enough to know what any of this "looks" like

That just can’t be even remotely true. You travel the world into situation created by political policies. It’s not believable that you don’t follow Trump or Biden enough to know that the sitting Attorney General, who was denied an opportunity to be a Supreme Court justice, ordering a raid on trumps house is nothing more than a regular FBI action on a citizen? You have to grasp the implications of that action and understanding there will likely be many who question the action.

The question really comes down to, did Biden, Garland and the FBI review all the evidence carefully and understand that the possible criminal activity was serious enough to warrant a raid on a former president’s house, this close to an election, order by an Attorney General who was denied a Supreme Court seat, and a by president who narrowly defeated Trump and who claims he will run for reelection against Trump? That’s a lot to overcome.

Like I said, they better have found Trump with the original Declaration of Independence in his kitchen with a bowl of lemons trying to read an invisible map on the back.

Title: Re: Front and Center
Post by Serowbot on 08/11/22 at 10:35:32

You keep harping on Garland.
The FBI chief is a Trump appointee.
You don't mention that.
Smart move...  ::)

Title: Re: Front and Center
Post by Eegore on 08/11/22 at 10:37:42

"That just can’t be even remotely true. You travel the world into situation created by political policies. It’s not believable that you don’t follow Trump or Biden enough to know that the sitting Attorney General, who was denied an opportunity to be a Supreme Court justice, ordering a raid on trumps house is nothing more than a regular FBI action on a citizen?"

 It is true.

 No part of my daily activity revolves around the FBI doing anything to Trump.  I don't even know off the top of my head who the Attorney General is.

 I do not get my information from mainstream news, nothing about my responsibilities this week required any comment of any kind about Trump.  So no I do not follow Trump or Biden to know what any of this "looks" like, because my experience is that humans that like Trump will say the evidence was planted and humans that like Biden will say Trump is guilty.

 None of it matters to me at this time.  None of this is impacting me directly at this time.

Title: Re: Front and Center
Post by WebsterMark on 08/11/22 at 10:39:26

7D6B7C61796C617A0E0 wrote:
We know that Trump took 15 boxes of documents... do you have any trouble believing there are 12 more?

This ain't out of the blue.
It's believing a thief stole something.
Innocence is not an option, only degree of guilt.

Really? Trump definitely stole something? And you know that how exactly? And I should take you seriously because why again?

You knew Trump was guilty of being a Russian agent? You knew Trump conspired with Russia to defeat Hillary? You knew Trump was heavily involved in the Russia gate? You knew Kavanaugh raped high school girls. I could go on and on with all of the things you told me Trump or Kavanaugh or any other Republican was guilty of. That’s what you “knew.” And now you’re telling me Trump stole something because you know that.

The truth is all you know is what you hear from your bubble. That’s it. You’ll never go beyond your bubble so go ahead keep thinking that you know all those things were true.

I’ll wait and hear stories about this from all sides of the political spectrum while you just listen to your bubble.  Let’s just wait and see instead of you telling me for the one millionth time what you know to be true.

Title: Re: Front and Center
Post by WebsterMark on 08/11/22 at 10:40:31

4E6E6C64796E0B0 wrote:
"That just can’t be even remotely true. You travel the world into situation created by political policies. It’s not believable that you don’t follow Trump or Biden enough to know that the sitting Attorney General, who was denied an opportunity to be a Supreme Court justice, ordering a raid on trumps house is nothing more than a regular FBI action on a citizen?"

 It is true.

 No part of my daily activity revolves around the FBI doing anything to Trump.  I don't even know off the top of my head who the Attorney General is.

 I do not get my information from mainstream news, nothing about my responsibilities this week required any comment of any kind about Trump.  So no I do not follow Trump or Biden to know what any of this "looks" like, because my experience is that humans that like Trump will say the evidence was planted and humans that like Biden will say Trump is guilty.

 None of it matters to me at this time.  None of this is impacting me directly at this time.

You seriously don’t know who the attorney general is? You don’t know anything about his backstory?

Title: Re: Front and Center
Post by Eegore on 08/11/22 at 10:43:39

You seriously don’t know who the attorney general is? You don’t know anything about his backstory?

 No.  I have no reason to know as the Attorney General is not doing anything that directly impacts me at this time.  Also there is nothing that I can do about the Attorney General's past so that does not concern me, also I can't vote on the position and I can't influence the decisions made by this individual.

 Now I could tell you exactly who the Colorado AG is, where his office is, contact info and latest press release activity / guidance has been.


Title: Re: Front and Center
Post by Serowbot on 08/11/22 at 10:53:55

457770616677605F736079120 wrote:
[quote author=7D6B7C61796C617A0E0 link=1660133783/15#16 date=1660238789]We know that Trump took 15 boxes of documents... do you have any trouble believing there are 12 more?

This ain't out of the blue.
It's believing a thief stole something.
Innocence is not an option, only degree of guilt.

Really? Trump definitely stole something? And you know that how exactly? And I should take you seriously because why again?
Trump turned over 15 boxes of documents he wasn't supposed to take.  He turned them over.  This is a known fact.
That was a crime.
You are ridiculous.

Title: Re: Front and Center
Post by WebsterMark on 08/11/22 at 13:01:30

You mean the boxes he turned over eight months ago? That crime? I missed news reports of him being charged with a crime. That’s funny, not sure how I missed that.

I’m not hiding Wrath’s name or that he was another appointee of Trump. I just couldn’t remember it at the time. I’m sure he didn’t have the final say, Garland did.

None of that changes the fact that you’ve told me dozens of times Trump committed crimes and he was about to be lead off in handcuffs and he wasn’t so my question still stands why should I believe you this time? You have a serious case of TDS.

Title: Re: Front and Center
Post by Serowbot on 08/11/22 at 13:21:00

Trump robbed a bank.
He turned over the money he stole.
Except, he didn't turn over all the money.

... but if Trump hadn't turned over any of the money,... does that make him not a bank robber?

I think you're overlooking the crime and focused on process.
Trump thought it was criminal enough that he quintupled the penalty.
Stupid but true.

Title: Re: Front and Center
Post by WebsterMark on 08/11/22 at 14:44:31

So our little butt-hurt crybaby pu$$y of an Atty Gen is still weeping after getting passed over and decided to send FBI to collect some paperwork and those  political saps followed orders.

Now he’s pretending to be all tough and is going to stand up and defend the reputation of agents he’s turning into brown shirts.

Defund the FBI right after we send Garland packing after midterms. Maybe Kathy Griffin can do a skit holding his head.

And way to take questions pu$$y boy atty gen. Wait two days to say anything so liberal press could say whatever they want and leftist like my friend Sew here will eat up and pass on as gospel.

I swear to f’ this better not be some Jan 6 hunt for pretend insurrection documents.

Oh, and I love the part about enforcing laws fairly as Hunter is on Air Force One after violating numerous firearms, drug and prostitution laws but whatever….  Biden is holding Garland’s leash. I’m going to suggest we carve another small bust of Mitch McConnell on Mt Rushmore for having the brass ones to stop that little POS from getting on the court.

Title: Re: Front and Center
Post by Serowbot on 08/11/22 at 16:07:38

Republicans are being told to cool the rhetoric, because there is worse to come.

Oooh!,... My TDS is acting up again...  ;D

Title: Re: Front and Center
Post by WebsterMark on 08/11/22 at 16:28:57

You guys didn’t give a crap when people were screaming unbelievable obscenities at Cavanaugh and Barrett’s little children. So the rhetoric is just starting up.

If Republicans were scum like Democrats, Garland’s house would be swarmed tonight. But we don’t do that stuff. The only time we did in recent memory, got a little out of hand (and not even nearly as much as protest against Trump on his inauguration day and after St George died of a fentanyl overdose) but you numb skulls called a mostly peaceful protest an insurrection are making a ridiculous banana republic show trial out of it.

Title: Re: Front and Center
Post by pg on 08/11/22 at 18:09:21

4751465B43565B40340 wrote:
I think you're overlooking the crime and focused on process.

Ok Bot, take a deep breath.  This is my understanding in just a couple sentences.  Being the commander in chief he had the right to take whatever documents he pleased till the moment Brandon was sworn in.  Yes, he had materials at Mar-a-logo; and the DOJ of was well aware.  They had a meeting this summer where they discussed the matter with his attorneys.  I believe the meeting was at Mar-a-logo.  Their was a stalemate of what was his and what was not.  I suspect he had some materials that wouldn't put some other officials in a favorable light,  We don't know what he has, what he has a right to keep, and what may be illegal.

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