General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Last word

Message started by WebsterMark on 08/04/22 at 15:48:06

Title: Last word
Post by WebsterMark on 08/04/22 at 15:48:06

Sew locked the thread so he didn’t have to acknowledge what everyone knows and for some reason Eegore can’t grasp.  I agree, I’m done with this as well since my statement below is definitive.

Had that same phrase been used against Palin, you wouldn’t have said anything. Admit that.

Title: Re: Last word
Post by Eegore on 08/04/22 at 16:58:37

 You expect someone to "admit" something you are stating might have happened?

 Who cares?  This is a privately moderated forum.  That should be the primary thing taken from this.  If you don't like how a privately moderated forum is moderated then don't choose to log in.  

 Complaining that sexual comments aren't equally allowed is pointless.  You literally sound like there should be fair moderation regarding the sexual commentary of female humans based on their political affiliation on a privately moderated forum.

 There is no standard here to be fair in any way shape or form, yet it keeps being brought up as if it has ever been true.  Admit that.


Title: Re: Last word
Post by WebsterMark on 08/04/22 at 20:52:52

You’re missing the point.

And no, I don’t want “fair moderation “, I  actually want none. But my point was to make the point conservative women and conservative blacks are fair game. My point has nothing to do with a forum. Sew was acting exactly as the MSM acts, that’s all.

Again, had the same words been used about Palin as was used about “she who shall not be named”, it would not have even occurred to our friend Sew that anything was wrong. It’s acceptable to call her anything you want.

Do you see the distinction?

Title: Re: Last word
Post by Eegore on 08/05/22 at 05:21:36

"And no, I don’t want “fair moderation “, I  actually want none. But my point was to make the point conservative women and conservative blacks are fair game. My point has nothing to do with a forum. Sew was acting exactly as the MSM acts, that’s all."

 This is a privately moderated forum, he can MSM this all day long.  If we choose to log in, we choose to deal with that.

"Again, had the same words been used about Palin as was used about “she who shall not be named”, it would not have even occurred to our friend Sew that anything was wrong. It’s acceptable to call her anything you want."

 Who cares?  Why is it important that Sew allow us to equally make sexually descriptive and degrading statements about women, or even acknowledge that he unfairly enforces the rule if it happened?  Why are we even hypothesizing about the forum Moderation of degrading women at all?  

 Should we ("We" meaning forum members of this specific forum with the exemption of all other known humans and all other known forums) be allowed to sexually degrade women of all political affiliations equally?  

 Why of all topics that are moderated is the one about sexually degrading women of a specific political affiliation important enough that it has to keep being brought up?

 "The Moderator probably doesn't even care if I were to someday make sexually degrading comments about Palin!  I will keep bringing this up demanding he admit to it."  

Title: Re: Last word
Post by Serowbot on 08/05/22 at 07:29:48

To the only other person even slightly leaning Left,... let me say...
Eegore,... you are not allowed to be sexually vulgar and rude to women on the Right.

I really got to rein Eegore in,... he's a loose cannon.
::) ::) ::)

Title: Re: Last word
Post by MnSpring on 08/05/22 at 10:28:38

4A5C4B564E5B564D390 wrote:
"... Eegore,... you are not allowed to be sexually vulgar and rude to women on the Right ..."

Does that mean,
that only Eegore is:
'not allowed to be sexually vulgar and rude to women on the Right'

Or does that mean everybody:
'not allowed to be sexually vulgar and rude to women on the Right'

But is is perfectly OK to be; 'sexually vulgar and rude' to any, 'male',  politician, any male POTUS,  whether L or R, Just as long as they are not a Member here.

That right ?

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Last word
Post by Serowbot on 08/05/22 at 10:35:09

Oh Jesus..............  ::)

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