General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Electric cars

Message started by WebsterMark on 08/02/22 at 16:54:48

Title: Electric cars
Post by WebsterMark on 08/02/22 at 16:54:48

I just read a very interesting question. States and local municipalities collect an awful lot of money from gasoline taxes. How are we gonna tax electric cars?

You can’t just raise taxes on electrical consumption across the board because what are you going to do about people without cars?

You could have a set up where every home with an electric car must plug into a special outlet that keeps track and charges taxes that way. Or some type of GPS tracking on the cars and tax by miles driven.

But one way or another, taxes for electricity to charge electric cars is coming. And it’s not gonna be cheap. All of a sudden that return on investment stretches out a lot longer. Someone should ask our Transportation Secretary, Pete Buttaplug that question.

Title: Re: Electric cars
Post by Eegore on 08/02/22 at 18:13:49

 The general consensus, as I understand it, ("I" meaning me in exclusivity with the exemption of all other known humans, and "understand" being exclusively my interpretation of data) for years has been the best way to maintain a fleet of vehicles is not miles driven but miles per dollar.

 The advent and reduced cost of GPS has proven that miles of usage is an inefficient and less accurate way to decide wear and tear on vehicles, and infrastructure.

 So electric cars in my opinion should be taxed by dollars per mile, which would require mileage reporting.  GPS would not be necessary as a vehicle could self-report its mileage when it is plugged into a reportable system.  

 Also there is the issue of the different methods of charging, for instance I charge all my electric vehicles by isolated solar.  Should I pay taxes on that and how should they be calculated?  The local electric company has zero cost to charge my vehicles.  

 But any that hit public roads, should have some charge for the wear and tear.  

Title: Re: Electric cars
Post by WebsterMark on 08/02/22 at 19:13:31

I think they’ll require a device on your car that records miles driven and charge you by the mile. It will have to be visible and easily scanned to ensure it’s operating,  Now, they’ll say this only records miles and not actually where you drove ……but don’t bet on it.

Title: Re: Electric cars
Post by Eegore on 08/02/22 at 20:45:59

 I bet this device wont be any better at knowing where you are than your phone or watch.

Title: Re: Electric cars
Post by WebsterMark on 08/03/22 at 04:43:55

Accessing your phone or watch doesn’t create revenue for government bureaucrats. Taxes do. They won’t let you slip by. You will pay and you will pay mightily every mile for the privilege of driving an electric car.

Title: Re: Electric cars
Post by MnSpring on 08/03/22 at 16:28:23

78585A524F583D0 wrote:
 I bet this device wont be any better at knowing where you are than your phone or watch.

A phone I use has a little dot, which moves, showing exactly where one is.
And if I want, it even tells me to turn left or right.

Never failed yet.

Or are you saying the EV drivers uses do not want to be, 'tracked'.
Or is it they don't want to pay TAXES.

Title: Re: Electric cars
Post by Serowbot on 08/03/22 at 16:42:13

They have one now,... it's called an odometer

Title: Re: Electric cars
Post by Eegore on 08/03/22 at 18:34:00

"A phone I use has a little dot, which moves, showing exactly where one is.
And if I want, it even tells me to turn left or right.

Never failed yet.

Or are you saying the EV drivers uses do not want to be, 'tracked'.
Or is it they don't want to pay TAXES

 I'm saying that humans already voluntarily carry devices that track everywhere those specific humans go.  

 So the EV car mileage recorder tracks where the vehicle goes, big deal, this is being done already.

Title: Re: Electric cars
Post by pg on 08/04/22 at 08:05:07

A few weeks ago, I spoke to the owner of the local Ford dealership and inquired about EV.  He brought up some interesting points.  He said we will have the EVs at some point, but it will take a lot longer than people think.  For businesses to use them and charge them they have underlying costs with the power company.  I didn't inquire to the costs, but it seemed enough that a lot of businesses wouldn't want to make the investment.  As far as homes, he said a 220 would be able to charge the EV.  However, he anticipates the power company needing to install a separate 220 and or other equipment if a great deal of consumers use them.   He said he didn't think the grid could handle large scale use at the same time.  He also said whatever vehicle you are interested in, you have to add 10K if it is EV.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Electric cars
Post by MnSpring on 08/05/22 at 10:09:03

Interesting you say:

6040424A5740250 wrote:
 I bet this device wont be any better at knowing where you are than your phone or watch.

Then say:

0525272F3225400 wrote:
" I'm saying that humans already voluntarily carry devices that track everywhere those specific humans go.  

MOST people know, anyone can buy a car/truck/MC/EV, and use it on your own property.
With NO Lic or Lic fees !
And the gas/etc you put in it to run, (ON personal property, not public roads), when you prove you paid 'Road Tax' on that fuel, you get that money back.

So the EV's, charged by your own solar panels, or plugged into your house.
A Odometer alone will not say, 'WHERE' those miles were.

One would need a, 'phone like' tracker.
To determine if those miles were on Private property, or on public road.

So when you say, a 'phone' tracker,
(STRONGLY Implying phone tracker's do NOT work well)
' this device wont be any better at knowing where you are than your phone '

(And it is well known that the system/programing that identifies where one is, works well)

Then say:
' humans already voluntarily carry devices that track everywhere  '
' big deal, this is being done already '

Which is it?
Can you pick one ?

Or will their be another dialog on why, AOC can not be talked about in a certain way,
And absolutely anything can be said about Palin ?

Title: Re: Electric cars
Post by Eegore on 08/05/22 at 11:02:01

"So when you say, a 'phone' tracker,
(STRONGLY Implying phone tracker's do NOT work well)
' this device wont be any better at knowing where you are than your phone '

(And it is well known that the system/programing that identifies where one is, works well)


 I am not strongly implying anything.  I am saying the device won't be any better, and I clarified what I meant.  As usual you are altering my words to mean what you want them to.  I already explained that what I meant was that we already voluntarily use phones and watches that track us, so who cares if our car does too?

"Which is it?
Can you pick one ?"

 I pick both.  I said that the tracker on a car won't be any better than the trackers we already carry.  So who cares if the car tracks us too?

"Or will their be another dialog on why, AOC can not be talked about in a certain way,
And absolutely anything can be said about Palin ?"

 Why is it so important to you that women be sexually degraded on this site equally?

Title: Re: Electric cars
Post by MnSpring on 08/06/22 at 17:44:08

59797B736E791C0 wrote:
"...  Why is it so important to you that women be sexually degraded on this site equally?..."

Nothing to do with 'degrading' political opposite women.

" usual you are
 implying my words to mean what you want them to ..."

It has Everything to do with a, 'moderator', who 'says' is fair/equal, and has proven time after time is NOT.

And before the Spin comes.
Don't CARE, if a Moderator SAYS, Not this or that, depending on political view.
It is when a Moderator says, they are fair and equal, and are NOT.

Title: Re: Electric cars
Post by Eegore on 08/06/22 at 20:22:18

"It has Everything to do with a, 'moderator', who 'says' is fair/equal, and has proven time after time is NOT."

 This is what happens when you choose to log into a privately moderated forum.

 You have to keep crying that the Moderator won't let you equally and fairly sexually degrade women.

Title: Re: Electric cars
Post by MnSpring on 08/06/22 at 21:04:14

7F5F5D55485F3A0 wrote:
"... You have to keep crying that the Moderator won't let you equally and fairly sexually degrade women.

I know you understand.
Yet you will NOT admit,

Just keep Inferring !
And making things up.

Title: Re: Electric cars
Post by Eegore on 08/06/22 at 21:17:27

 I'm not making anything up.  You keep complaining that the Moderator won't equally enforce the sexual degradation of women.

 The Moderator won't let me make sexual comments about AOC, but probably he would about Palin.  Who cares.  Why is it even something you need to cry about?  Poor MnSpring can't make sexual comments about AOC on a motorcycle forum but he could about Palin.  

 Equal enforcement shouldn't even be on the radar, this is a privately moderated forum you choose to log into.  If you feel you need to be allowed to sexually degrade women equally go find a forum that lets you.

Title: Re: Electric cars
Post by Serowbot on 08/07/22 at 11:16:41

Aren't we talking about EV road tax?

I have had a device in my car for a year now that monitors my speed, acceleration, braking, and miles traveled,... and bills me for insurance based on that.
Might seem a bit intrusive but it saves me a fortune.
It's the way of the future,... all cars will be equipped with similar devices soon.

Title: Re: Electric cars
Post by WebsterMark on 08/07/22 at 20:50:41

You do you but I would never, ever, voluntarily have something like that in my car.

Title: Re: Electric cars
Post by Serowbot on 08/08/22 at 06:44:02

I wouldn't want one on my bike... but my car is just transportation.
Saving $50 a month on a car I only drive 2k a year is good incentive.
PS... it doesn't track where you go, just miles and safe driving habits.

Title: Re: Electric cars
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/08/22 at 06:56:20

Oddly enough, IIRC, the name of that company is
Progressive. I had them on my bike because they were the only company my agent has for bikes. I pay more for the car, but I don't want a spy in the car.

Title: Re: Electric cars
Post by Serowbot on 08/08/22 at 08:03:09

Progressive, Allstate,... I think several others.
Soon, you won't get insurance without it.

20 years ago, we'd freak at how our phones can track us,... now we just ignore it and accept it.
Security cams, doorbell cams...
Trying to avoid it is impossible.

I've been Googlemapped twice now.,-110.8839868,3a,15y,322.58h,77.16t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sVc0vevRRMhpJ4OR1WAkvpQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

Title: Re: Electric cars
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/08/22 at 08:36:08

I don't have a cell phone, so,, there is that

Title: Re: Electric cars
Post by Serowbot on 08/08/22 at 09:31:22

5A454344595E6F5F6F57454902300 wrote:
I don't have a cell phone, so,, there is that

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