General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Working out, according to plan

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 07/25/22 at 22:17:31

Title: Working out, according to plan
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/25/22 at 22:17:31

I'm saying Nope,,


HAMDEN — Firefighters extinguished a burning electric bus Saturday, officials said.

Ahh,the crater to mine the necessary elements, the slave labor to do it, and it goes up in smoke..
Anyone else see the windmill hit by lightning and the blades keep spinning, putting a corkscrew of smoke in the air? Looked cool!

Title: Re: Working out, according to plan
Post by MnSpring on 07/26/22 at 08:50:09

One has to consider:

What the percentage of Diesel fuel busses are …
the percentage of Natural gas busses are …
the percentage of LP gas busses are …
the percentage of  Gasoline  busses are …

Then that is divided by the number of miles each is driven.
The amount time they are on the road.
The time they are, idling.
The amount of time they are traveling 10-30 MPH, 30-50 MPH, 50 and over MPH.

Also, the time each style of buss stopped, moved, went fast or slow.
The amount of passengers in each buss.
The manufacture of each buss.

Then each of the buses numbers need to be divided by  a factor consistent on the number of times the factors above, occurs.
Also dividing and subtracting are included in the figures that are collected.

Also any other factor/event/probality that could be possibility used,
to PROVE, that EV buses are the only way to go.

Title: Re: Working out, according to plan
Post by Serowbot on 07/26/22 at 10:37:23



Title: Re: Working out, according to plan
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/27/22 at 06:24:22

How many Eve burst into raging fires?
What caused the bus fire?
How many Millyun man miles have buses safely carried people?

Do apple to apples

Title: Re: Working out, according to plan
Post by Eegore on 07/27/22 at 06:59:52

 In order to do apples to apples you need percentages not whole numbers.

 This percentage must include hours of use since existence.  The whole "How many Millyun man miles have buses safely carried people?" is misleading because that includes over a hundred years of combustion engine buses with no EV buses in existence.

 I have about 900 pages of material that breaks down vehicle fires in the US.  Gathered from police reports, insurance claims/reports, NTSB, manufacturer data, Car and Driver, National Fire Incident Reporting System NFIRS and NFPA (which my senior safety officer is a member of) etc.

 But as we have learned here all of it is wrong because decades of research means nothing compared to a few Facebook posts.  Numbers of verified fires nationwide by multiple verified sources means nothing compared to the number of internet posts I have seen from my couch.

 Below is an Apples to Apples data set from the National Fire protection Association supported and verified by the US Fire Administration:

 What is your opinion of these findings?

Title: Re: Working out, according to plan
Post by MnSpring on 07/27/22 at 07:38:44


0A151314090E3F0F3F07151952600 wrote:
"... Do apple to apples..."

68484A425F482D0 wrote:
 "... Below is an Apples to Apples data set..."

A “…Do apple to apples…"  can’t be done.
A ‘study’ that has, 32, ‘charts’, and OVER 550 categories, must consulted, so one can ‘imply’,  EV’s are better !

‘EV’s’s should not be PUSHED into service, before they are ready’.
And EV’s should have all the other considerations, like the pollution they cause in the mining of battery elements, the making of battery elements, the disposal of battery elements all of which use use much more petrol than just using the petrol.

So understand, you want the, ‘proof’ something works, just ‘baffle with bullshit’ !

Title: Re: Working out, according to plan
Post by Serowbot on 07/27/22 at 07:46:54

I don't think EV's are better or worse.
Power storage, be it volts or gallons will always have inherent risks.

Title: Re: Working out, according to plan
Post by Eegore on 07/27/22 at 08:00:11

"A ‘study’ that has, 32, ‘charts’, and OVER 550 categories, must consulted, so one can ‘imply’,  EV’s are better !"

 Incorrect.  This is not a "study" it is verified reporting statistics that provide zero opinion on EV.

"EV’s’s should not be PUSHED into service, before they are ready’.
And EV’s should have all the other considerations, like the pollution they cause in the mining of battery elements, the making of battery elements, the disposal of battery elements all of which use use much more petrol than just using the petrol."

 I agree.  There is a lot of ignorance in matters of battery creation, usage and disposal.

"So understand, you want the, ‘proof’ something works, just ‘baffle with bullshit’ !"

 What part of the dataset provided is incorrect or "bullshit’ "?  

Title: Re: Working out, according to plan
Post by MnSpring on 07/27/22 at 08:15:48

3422352830252833470 wrote:
"I don't think EV's are better or worse....".

So JOG posts a photo, which imply's, that EV's  busses are not mainstream ready yet.

And you post a photo, which imply's, that Petro buses, KILL People, your. 'Implication' is EV buses are Safer.

Now you say; don't think EV's are better or worse ??????

Title: Re: Working out, according to plan
Post by Serowbot on 07/27/22 at 09:51:13

I didn't imply,... you inferred

Title: Re: Working out, according to plan
Post by MnSpring on 07/27/22 at 10:15:32

0020222A3720450 wrote:
"... it is verified reporting statistics that provide zero opinion on EV...." 

Eegore wrote: “…Below is an Apples to Apples data set…”
and : “… it is verified reporting statistics that provide zero opinion on EV…”

I believe those statements come under the category of; ‘Bull$hit’, and ‘Pick One’.

 (Now tell us all how “… zero opinion on EV’s, is a   “… an Apple’s to Apples’ …”, comparison)

Eegore wrote: “…What part of the dataset provided is incorrect…”
Don’t know. I was not paid hundreds of thousand dollars to do a, ‘study’/‘dataset’/,  which is simply a big set of statistics.

And you know, ‘statistics’, are like a lady of the night, once you lay them down, you can do anything you want to do with them.

Title: Re: Working out, according to plan
Post by Eegore on 07/27/22 at 10:39:23

(Now tell us all how “… zero opinion on EV’s, is a   “… an Apple’s to Apples’ …”, comparison)

 Because there is no requirement for an opinion to compare things.  It is a dataset of confirmed vehicle fires.

 There are no opinions about vehicles of any kind, it is only documentation of vehicle fires.  Compare EV numbers to internal combustion engine numbers.

Don’t know. I was not paid hundreds of thousand dollars to do a, ‘study’/‘dataset’/,  which is simply a big set of statistics.

 Either was the reference I provided.  It is not a study no matter how many times you claim it is.

 Just compare EV fires with internal combustion engine fires and start creating percentage values based off the information provided.

Title: Re: Working out, according to plan
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/27/22 at 10:59:01

The attempt to make a comparison between battery powered fire threat to gasoline or diesel fire threat is just lameass.

Title: Re: Working out, according to plan
Post by Eegore on 07/27/22 at 11:20:57

"The attempt to make a comparison between battery powered fire threat to gasoline or diesel fire threat is just lameass."

 Right because data like you provide here is only applicable if you already agree with it.  Any other data is wrong, no need to actually look at it, so decades of reports other than the one's you like mean nothing.

 What about this?

 There are about 2,335,000 Teslas on the road and the source you provide states 97 confirmed cases.  So that makes 0.00415417559% of Teslas have had fires.  That might be high, it may not.

 But if we only accept information we like, and use Facebook for primary evidence at least 10% of Teslas catch on fire.  I see it everywhere, like every week there's a Tesla on fire story somewhere.  Obviously my personal internet experience is more accurate and representative of the planet than any other combination of information assembled by thousands of other people over multiple decades.  Those morons don't know anything, just look at the picture I found.

Title: Re: Working out, according to plan
Post by WebsterMark on 07/27/22 at 11:34:51

This is easy to settle fellas Just follow the recall formula.

Title: Re: Working out, according to plan
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/27/22 at 12:01:11

What caused the bus to burn? Why couldn't they get off?

How many gas/diesel vehicles are burning percentage wise?
In the few short years evs have been around, what is their batting average?
How many fires have occurred in/on transport vehicles?

If it's not obvious that the batteries are a fire hazard far beyond the vehicles that we have all grown up with.

Hyundai and Kia tell owners of nearly 500,000 vehicles to park outside due to fire risk..

Again with the false equivalencies.

Title: Re: Working out, according to plan
Post by Eegore on 07/27/22 at 13:05:57

"Again with the false equivalencies."

 Comparing percentages of vehicle fires by propulsion type is a false equivalency in what way?

Title: Re: Working out, according to plan
Post by Serowbot on 07/27/22 at 14:58:36

Here's what reverse searches are for...
Found this...

CTtransit electric bus fleet pulled from operation following fire

Data shows electric vehicle fires are rare.
Research by Auto Insurance EZ found 1,529 gas vehicle fires per 100,000 sales compared to 25 electric vehicle fires per 100,000 sales.

Title: Re: Working out, according to plan
Post by WebsterMark on 07/27/22 at 18:19:33

7D4F48595E4F58674B58412A0 wrote:
This is easy to settle fellas Just follow the recall formula.

Seriously? Nothing? That was funny stuff.

Title: Re: Working out, according to plan
Post by Eegore on 07/27/22 at 19:11:28

"Research by Auto Insurance EZ found 1,529 gas vehicle fires per 100,000 sales compared to 25 electric vehicle fires per 100,000 sales."

 This can't be accurate.  1529 per 100,000 is very high.  There are over 250 Million registered internal combustion vehicles in the US.  So if we divide 250,000,000 by 100,000 we get 2,500.  

 So then 1,529 "per 100,000" (1,529 x 2,500) would be 3,822,500 vehicles.  Surely we would see more fires if this were true.

Title: Re: Working out, according to plan
Post by WebsterMark on 07/28/22 at 05:33:26

I had a car burn up once. Rather it was my brothers. It was 1979 and we were driving back from the 125 cc outdoor motocross where Broc Glover captured the national championship at a track outside of Omaha in the town of Agency, Nebraska.

We were driving back late Saturday night after having very little sleep for the past couple days. We stopped to get gas in Central Missouri and my brother stupidly filled up his old Pontiac station wagon with diesel.

We made it a few miles before it started to die out but we managed to get off on the Higginsville Missouri exit but it died on the overpass above the highway.

It was late and everything was closed but we had an old gas can. Back then you could take a gas pump off, hold it down, squeeze the handle and drain the gas left in the hose. Not sure you could do that today. We managed to get about a gallon of gas.

By then a cop showed up and we told him what we was going on. We climbed under the car, pulled the gas line off and let about 15 gallons of diesel run out, flowing off bridge and onto the highway. Hey it was 1979, you could do sh! like that.

We put a little bit of gas in the tank and then primed the carburetor. You remember carburetors right? The idea then is for one person to sit in the car, crank it and the other person to add gas if needed until the car started. Then jump in the car and take off. The cop said there was a station a couple of miles away and that was our goal.

Things went bad. The fire started in the carburetor and my brother yelled at me to take my foot off the gas but keep cranking the motor trying to draw the flames back into the cylinder. It didn’t work. The motor caught on fire and all the loose oil made it burn like a tiki torch.

We were stuck in a little town called Higginsville Missouri for a day or so until my two elderly Aunts could drive out and pick us up. My two older brothers came back and towed the car back. My brother then amazingly replaced every single wire in the engine compartment and got the car running again and drove it for another year or two. Until I was driving across an area of the St Louis city dump where we used to ride dirt bikes, going really fast and hit some small rolling hills. I slammed the front end into the face of one and stopped dead. No seatbelt of course so we kissed the windshield. I pretty much finished that car off. I always felt a little bad about that.

Anyway, that’s one internal combustion automobile that burned.

Title: Re: Working out, according to plan
Post by WebsterMark on 07/28/22 at 09:12:13

From one of my favorite writers: make sure you read the whole thing and check out the photo at the end.

Title: Re: Working out, according to plan
Post by Eegore on 07/28/22 at 09:25:52

 I had read that article when researching the image.  The math seems sound, they could replace every vehicle with EV and not change anything for "the environment".

 One thing I wonder about a bus with Li batteries is they must be all over that thing.  Compared to a fuel tank/lines there is much more fire hazard on an EV bus I would think.

Title: Re: Working out, according to plan
Post by Serowbot on 07/28/22 at 10:58:44

From Tesla site...
Fire Incidents are ~11x Lower for Tesla Vehicles
From 2012 to 2020, there has been approximately one Tesla vehicle fire for every 205 million miles traveled. By comparison, data show that in the U.S. there is one ICE vehicle fire for every 19 million miles traveled.*

*Based on data gathered by Tesla and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and U.S. Department of Transportation

Title: Re: Working out, according to plan
Post by Eegore on 07/28/22 at 11:22:33

 Obviously Tesla is paying off the DoT and NFPA to alter their data.  What I witness from my couch is way more accurate than any of those idiots at the NFPA or DoT.

Title: Re: Working out, according to plan
Post by Serowbot on 07/28/22 at 11:29:12

Apparently,.. the Chevy Bolt is the Ford Pinto of EV's... ;D

Reports do say Hybrids burn the most,.. which makes sense since they carry both batteries and gas.

Title: Re: Working out, according to plan
Post by WebsterMark on 07/29/22 at 04:34:59

0D3F38292E3F28173B28315A0 wrote:
I had a car burn up once. Rather it was my brothers. It was 1979 and we were driving back from the 125 cc outdoor motocross where Broc Glover captured the national championship at a track outside of Omaha in the town of Agency, Nebraska.

We were driving back late Saturday night after having very little sleep for the past couple days. We stopped to get gas in Central Missouri and my brother stupidly filled up his old Pontiac station wagon with diesel.

We made it a few miles before it started to die out but we managed to get off on the Higginsville Missouri exit but it died on the overpass above the highway.

It was late and everything was closed but we had an old gas can. Back then you could take a gas pump off, hold it down, squeeze the handle and drain the gas left in the hose. Not sure you could do that today. We managed to get about a gallon of gas.

By then a cop showed up and we told him what we was going on. We climbed under the car, pulled the gas line off and let about 15 gallons of diesel run out, flowing off bridge and onto the highway. Hey it was 1979, you could do sh! like that.

We put a little bit of gas in the tank and then primed the carburetor. You remember carburetors right? The idea then is for one person to sit in the car, crank it and the other person to add gas if needed until the car started. Then jump in the car and take off. The cop said there was a station a couple of miles away and that was our goal.

Things went bad. The fire started in the carburetor and my brother yelled at me to take my foot off the gas but keep cranking the motor trying to draw the flames back into the cylinder. It didn’t work. The motor caught on fire and all the loose oil made it burn like a tiki torch.

We were stuck in a little town called Higginsville Missouri for a day or so until my two elderly Aunts could drive out and pick us up. My two older brothers came back and towed the car back. My brother then amazingly replaced every single wire in the engine compartment and got the car running again and drove it for another year or two. Until I was driving across an area of the St Louis city dump where we used to ride dirt bikes, going really fast and hit some small rolling hills. I slammed the front end into the face of one and stopped dead. No seatbelt of course so we kissed the windshield. I pretty much finished that car off. I always felt a little bad about that.

Anyway, that’s one internal combustion automobile that burned.

Yea, I know what everyone is going to think on almost any topic. But I don’t know the story of anyone else burning a car or motorcycle to the ground. So tell me. Give me a good personal story to read today.

Title: Re: Working out, according to plan
Post by Eegore on 07/29/22 at 05:39:59

 In Iraq we had ordinance outside of an armored case that exploded and burned the vehicle when we were shot at.  Technically had we secured the ordinance appropriately the vehicle wouldn't have burned, so I take responsibility for the vehicle and personnel loss.

 In high school I watched the movie "Surviving the Game" and tested to see if we could blow up an old 3-wheeler by moving the spark plug to the tank.  You can definitely burn it enough to destroy it.


Title: Re: Working out, according to plan
Post by MnSpring on 07/29/22 at 07:39:10

"Back then you could take a gas pump off, hold it down, squeeze the handle and drain the gas left in the hose."

Early 74’s, drove from Watertown SD to Watertown MN on FREE gas.
2 of us, spent all our money on fireworks in SD, believing the other had enough gas money, we didn’t !

It was late at night coming back, every single gas station we stopped at we took the gas out of the hose.  

Funny, a 72 Impala, with s 350, carb, Auto transmission. Got 20 miles a gallon.
(when driven nice)
And a 2012 one, 40 years later, which weighs half as much, has LESS THAN 1/2 the engine,  and has super duper computer controlled injection,  gets 22 MPG , and is BRAGGED  about !!!!!! » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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