General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> As far as the eye can see….

Message started by WebsterMark on 07/22/22 at 04:13:30

Title: As far as the eye can see….
Post by WebsterMark on 07/22/22 at 04:13:30

….whenever Jog says anything, Sew responds with Trump. Kinda funny.

Is Biden a dirty old man? Sure seems like it.
Has he always been? Sure seems like it.
Did he use his VP office and work with his son and brother’s business? Sure seems like it.
Is he the worst President ever? Hard to say since we could actually endure Kamala longer than Joe so the jury’s out on that.

Bottom line: everything was better with Trump. Everything.

But I was out of town this week with a bunch of people from work and we had long political discussions. The general consensus is everyone wants Trump-ism without Trump. That is to say Trump-ism that actually succeeds further than what Trump took things. Only one person wanted Trump to run. The others wanted someone else to run but for Trump to be involved and continue flipping the house and senate seats.

The other consensus is there will be a push to bring Covid restrictions back again. The reason is to hold elections similar to 2020 as that might be the only way the house and senate don’t flip.

Most people in this group of seven knew a lot of people who have gotten Covid lately, as I have. But none are serious cases, none required hospitalization. And out of the seven, no one still knows anyone below the age of 60 who had a serious case that required hospitalization or who died. No one. That’s the norm.

The point is, things are going to get very bumpy soon. People in power wanna stay in power and they’ll do anything they can and people out of power will do anything they can to get back in power. There’s going to be some serious conflict.

Buckle up.

Title: Re: As far as the eye can see….
Post by Serowbot on 07/22/22 at 06:50:08


Title: Re: As far as the eye can see….
Post by Eegore on 07/22/22 at 07:45:45

 I think if people scrutinized actual policy as much as they do the figureheads that don't even come up with it, we would have a totally different system altogether.


Title: Re: As far as the eye can see….
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/22/22 at 10:42:25

If you're saying People should not weigh their feelings about the person in when deciding if their policies are good or not, I agree.
Calling Trump policies evil because Trump did it isn't exactly sane.

Title: Re: As far as the eye can see….
Post by WebsterMark on 07/22/22 at 10:55:16

7050525A4750350 wrote:
 I think if people scrutinized actual policy as much as they do the figureheads that don't even come up with it, we would have a totally different system altogether.


Fine. I’ll show my 401k returns under Trump and under Biden.

Case closed. Biden is a worthless POd.

Title: Re: As far as the eye can see….
Post by WebsterMark on 07/22/22 at 11:01:27

5F495E435B4E43582C0 wrote:

I think that’s what you say at that one particularly joyous and climatic moment when us men, after working hard and going through physical strain, deposit something from our bodies……and I’m not talking about a big dump in the morning.

Trump…….. he’s always on your mind.

Title: Re: As far as the eye can see….
Post by Eegore on 07/22/22 at 11:17:03

Fine. I’ll show my 401k returns under Trump and under Biden.

Case closed. Biden is a worthless POd.

 I still think overall policy activities and free-market movement has more to do with my investments than the POTUS himself.  If my investment advisors sat around b!tching about the POTUS instead of establishing clear reasons why there were lower adjustments in market results I'd fire them.  

 "Sorry about the lower returns Eegore, it's because Biden is a POS, so yeah you won't make as much money now."

 Yeah that's acceptable.  

Title: Re: As far as the eye can see….
Post by pg on 07/22/22 at 11:17:16

Kinda sad, a MAGA hard-on.....     :-/

Best regards,

Title: Re: As far as the eye can see….
Post by Serowbot on 07/22/22 at 11:21:58

Your treasonous wannabe Hitler is the most likely Republican candidate in 2024.
Insane but true.

Title: Re: As far as the eye can see….
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/22/22 at 11:36:38

What is Insane is how you see him.
Completely illogical and unreasonable.
Insane, by definition.

Title: Re: As far as the eye can see….
Post by Serowbot on 07/22/22 at 12:52:09

You have not watched any of the 1/6 hearings.
By definition the ostrich with it's head in the sand

Title: Re: As far as the eye can see….
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/22/22 at 13:27:57

Doesn't mean I haven't read about it.
You have been shown Why everything is a circus.
It's bulshit. I hope you watch them in a state of near orgasm,because that is what the
Ringmaster is trying to deliver. Funny how no Republicans were allowed in it.

Title: Re: As far as the eye can see….
Post by pg on 07/22/22 at 13:46:31

2F392E332B3E33285C0 wrote:
Your treasonous wannabe Hitler is the most likely Republican candidate in 2024.
Insane but true.

I understand you do not care for his nativist, populist, conservative views.
Which of his policies do you feel were parallel to Hitler?

Best regards,

Title: Re: As far as the eye can see….
Post by MnSpring on 07/22/22 at 15:52:47

Don't care that Bot is enamored with the 1/6 LIES,
   and a so completely transparent move
       to influence the midterms.

"... Which of his policies do you feel were parallel to Hitler? ..."

          Is a AW-SUM Question,
and one that Bot will NEVER Answer !

Title: Re: As far as the eye can see….
Post by Serowbot on 07/22/22 at 16:25:01

Many Germans didn't see what was happening either.
They do now.

Hitler promised  to “restore German greatness,” glorifying Aryan’s, demonizing Jews , homosexuals, gypsies blaming them for Germany’s problems.
Trump’s slogan is “Make America Great Again” with populist “America First” policies. He supports white nationalists while demonizing Mexicans, sowing fear  that caravans of immigrants are invading our country, anti-LGBTQ , equating Muslims with terrorists, banning them and proposed registering them leading to a rise of deadly attacks on minority communities by fascist, white nationalists and Neo-Nazis who spread Trump’s hateful rhetoric.

Title: Re: As far as the eye can see….
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/22/22 at 17:00:46

But everyone benefited from Trump policies. I think he screwed up with summatha tariffs and the Warp Speed thing and continued support after sufficient evidence existed to stop pushing experimental jabs. I'm Totally unhappy with him for that, but the overall grade, seeing as how the unemployment got knocked in the head, he was great.
I know, Bidens unemployment record is just stellar..

Well,no nuts.. The idiotic lockdown killed tons of jobs. It's amazing how many people can go from unemployed to employed when businesses are allowed to open.

Title: Re: As far as the eye can see….
Post by pg on 07/23/22 at 01:56:44

2C3A2D30283D302B5F0 wrote:
Many Germans didn't see what was happening either.
They do now.

Hitler promised  to “restore German greatness,” glorifying Aryan’s, demonizing Jews , homosexuals, gypsies blaming them for Germany’s problems.
Trump’s slogan is “Make America Great Again” with populist “America First” policies. He supports white nationalists while demonizing Mexicans, sowing fear  that caravans of immigrants are invading our country, anti-LGBTQ , equating Muslims with terrorists, banning them and proposed registering them leading to a rise of deadly attacks on minority communities by fascist, white nationalists and Neo-Nazis who spread Trump’s hateful rhetoric.

I asked what policies he implemented.  Yes, if you enter a country's border illegally you will have problems.  It is a disgrace what is happening on our southern border now.  IIRC he didn't ban muslims, he lowered the quotas from counties where terrorist activities were prevalent.   Their was no registration system as well.

Best regards,

Title: Re: As far as the eye can see….
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/23/22 at 03:44:22

who spread Trump’s hateful rhetoric.

Any examples you can share?

Title: Re: As far as the eye can see….
Post by WebsterMark on 07/23/22 at 04:57:38

5D7D7F776A7D180 wrote:
Fine. I’ll show my 401k returns under Trump and under Biden.

Case closed. Biden is a worthless POd.

 I still think overall policy activities and free-market movement has more to do with my investments than the POTUS himself.  If my investment advisors sat around b!tching about the POTUS instead of establishing clear reasons why there were lower adjustments in market results I'd fire them.  

 "Sorry about the lower returns Eegore, it's because Biden is a POS, so yeah you won't make as much money now."

 Yeah that's acceptable.  

That’s ridiculous. Of course national policy affects investment options. Your investment advisors absolutely sit around pregnant dog!n§ about POTUS, you just don’t see it.  Maybe they find ways to eek out a little bit better return than others but any investment advisor worth their salt is fully aware national policy has serious implications for their business. You know that. You’re just trying to keep your even keel, middle of the road Persona. Biden is a horrible financial president. Absolutely horrible and it’s only getting worse now that his back is against the wall and he’s going to start with this climate emergency BS will accomplish absolutely nothing.

Title: Re: As far as the eye can see….
Post by WebsterMark on 07/23/22 at 04:58:17

382E39243C29243F4B0 wrote:
Your treasonous wannabe Hitler is the most likely Republican candidate in 2024.
Insane but true.

Liz Cheney is running for president as a Republican? Thanks, hadn’t heard that before.

Title: Re: As far as the eye can see….
Post by WebsterMark on 07/23/22 at 04:59:24

7B6D7A677F6A677C080 wrote:
You have not watched any of the 1/6 hearings.
By definition the ostrich with it's head in the sand

Correct, I don’t watch a bunch of people sitting around, congratulating themselves, and beating their puds. It’s the definition of a giant circle jerk.

Title: Re: As far as the eye can see….
Post by MnSpring on 07/23/22 at 18:35:03

3127302D35202D36420 wrote:
"...Hitler promised  to “restore German greatness,” glorifying Aryan’s, demonizing Jews , homosexuals, gypsies blaming them for Germany’s problems.
Trump’s slogan is “Make America Great Again” with populist “America First” policies. He supports white nationalists while demonizing Mexicans, sowing fear  that caravans of immigrants are invading our country, anti-LGBTQ , equating Muslims with terrorists, banning them and proposed registering them leading to a rise of deadly attacks on minority communities by fascist, white nationalists and Neo-Nazis who spread Trump’s hateful rhetoric.

Told ya he could not do it.

A bunch of T.D.S. spewing,
just like he has been TOLD to say.
    ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: As far as the eye can see….
Post by Eegore on 07/23/22 at 21:20:13

That’s ridiculous. Of course national policy affects investment options. Your investment advisors absolutely sit around pregnant dog!n§ about POTUS, you just don’t see it.  Maybe they find ways to eek out a little bit better return than others but any investment advisor worth their salt is fully aware national policy has serious implications for their business. You know that. You’re just trying to keep your even keel, middle of the road Persona. Biden is a horrible financial president. Absolutely horrible and it’s only getting worse now that his back is against the wall and he’s going to start with this climate emergency BS will accomplish absolutely nothing.

 Except my quarterly capital gains taxes were only 1k less this year.  No more of a fluctuation than has been average for the past decade.  The POTUS impacts the market, but as I said, actual policy is what we need to see to adjust for market trends - not Biden quotes.  

 I use actual policy, not quotes from a POTUS to make decisions on how to invest.  This POTUS is killing the private market but Government contracts are up and trending towards positive returns, so do I complain about the open market disaster, or buy into the current lucrative market?  Trump or Biden, I could care less, I just want to know where the money is.

Title: Re: As far as the eye can see….
Post by WebsterMark on 07/24/22 at 05:21:22

“ but Government contracts are up and trending towards positive returns, so do I complain about the open market disaster, or buy into the current lucrative market? ”

Title: Re: As far as the eye can see….
Post by Eegore on 07/24/22 at 05:57:33

but Government contracts are up and trending towards positive returns, so do I complain about the open market disaster, or buy into the current lucrative market?

Title: Re: As far as the eye can see….
Post by WebsterMark on 07/25/22 at 10:25:15

I think the bigger picture should be both segments doing well. If only the government contracts are doing well, isn’t that a bad thing?!

Look, we’re in a tailspin economically. Sure, Puddinhead’s administrations is going to change the definition of recession so they don’t have to answer the questions and of course the mainstream media will go along with it and say “well they’ve got a point, recessions don’t have to be 2/4 of negative growth blah blah blah….”

The guy is a disaster. End of story.

Title: Re: As far as the eye can see….
Post by Serowbot on 07/25/22 at 10:59:44

Haven't you noticed inflation is happening globally?
Gas is up everywhere?  Food prices up everywhere?

... and have you noticed the globe is warming... globally?

Covid is everywhere?

...and only Trump can fix it...  ::)

Title: Re: As far as the eye can see….
Post by Eegore on 07/25/22 at 15:00:04

I think the bigger picture should be both segments doing well. If only the government contracts are doing well, isn’t that a bad thing?!


Title: Re: As far as the eye can see….
Post by WebsterMark on 07/26/22 at 04:29:31

485E49544C59544F3B0 wrote:
Haven't you noticed inflation is happening globally?
Gas is up everywhere?  Food prices up everywhere?

... and have you noticed the globe is warming... globally?

Covid is everywhere?

...and only Trump can fix it...  ::)

No. Trump would do better but I don’t want Trump. He won’t be the guy. Again, for the millionth time with one addition, he’s the only one who could’ve beat Hillary, he’s the only one who could’ve possibly lost to that idiot Biden, and he’s the only one who could lose to whatever moron the Democrats put up in 2024. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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