General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Suppressing evolution

Message started by WebsterMark on 07/06/22 at 05:08:59

Title: Suppressing evolution
Post by WebsterMark on 07/06/22 at 05:08:59

There are some interesting thoughts in the column below, I posted the first few paragraphs. I’m stuck on the idea that we’re creating so many problem men by constantly, and in many cases subliminally, degrading them. Just watch any entertainment and in most cases, everyone  is special except men. Maybe that explains some of the popularity of the new Top Gun. Even then, they had to throw a woman in there. And let’s be honest, while the movie is fiction, we know in whatever reality is closest to that, we know she could never hang with the men.

Yet for eons it’s been men at the front. In the original Jurassic Park, the main character says; “The T-Rex doesn’t want to be fed, he wants to hunt. You can’t suppress millions of years of evolution.“

Are we doing the same? Are we forcing elements together that are inherently, and permanently, separate? Maybe.

And the Devil is Laughing
By John Kass

July 6, 2022

Immediately, the mass shooting at the Independence Day parade at Highland Park was weaponized for its political value, even before the grief-stricken families of the victims could begin to process their loss.

And the suspect’s family was out there too, at least one of them saying he never saw this coming, that he was surprised.


Does anyone really believe that his family did not know of his violent fantasies and bloody dreams? No, nobody believes that. You take one look at the suspect, with the face tattoos and that mouth of madness, you listen to the violent videos he put out, you see the eyes that are so dark and lightless, you see the evil that should have been locked away and yet was not locked away.

He’s locked away now, but it’s too late for the people of Highland Park.

In the sewer that is Twitter, the nameless, anonymous screamers did what they do best. They screamed their politics. Some screamers said the shooter was a Trump supporter. Others screamed that he was a Democratic socialist in support of Antifa.

Where do the American people turn for credible reporting?  Journalism has broken itself on its own partisan spike. It has little if any credibility with the American people anymore. Jut then I heard something dangerous.

I thought I could hear the devil laughing.

Are there any serious doubts that as a culture we’ve turned our faces from God?

We infantilize our young people.  We demand the right to kill the innocent unborn. We raise our young in a culture of death. There are elementary school teachers who are regularly depicted on social media as being excited about exploring sexual themes and gender identity with young children.

Ours is a culture that fills kids with pharmaceutical drugs to manage their mood swings, a culture that offers them video games to live out their most violent, murderous fantasies. We push our political anxieties and pathologies down the throats of our children, telling young men for example, that masculinity is “toxic.” And if they happen to be white and male, they’re led to believe they’re they cause of almost everything that is wrong in the world.

The weak ones break. The strong grow sullen and angry. We subject the young to relentless psychological pressure to satisfy the emptiness of our politics. We don’t think of the culture we raise them in. We’re our own gods now.

And yet we’re surprised at the monsters that we’ve created

Title: Re: Suppressing evolution
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/06/22 at 08:09:56

The freak was wearing women's clothing. He's a hot mess. BLM,Antifa, threatened his family a year or so ago. The cops knew of him.

Title: Re: Suppressing evolution
Post by Serowbot on 07/06/22 at 08:24:26

Nice Trump cape...  :-?


Title: Re: Suppressing evolution
Post by WebsterMark on 07/06/22 at 09:40:50

Just stop. He’s a nut. He’s not associated nor does he speak for anyone.
The Buffalo supermarket shooter,the Texas school shooter, this guy, they’re are not the same as the guy who ran over people at the Christmas parade, Tim McVeigh, the guy who shot up the synagogue in Kansas City, the DC baseball shooter, and a host of others. Those guys took actions for very specific political or social reasons.
This guy in the others I mentioned are just nuts. You can assign them to whatever group you want to sign them to by looking through 1000 social media post.

He’s sick and he was lost in this world where he didn’t fit in anywhere and nobody gave a sh!t including his own family.

Title: Re: Suppressing evolution
Post by MnSpring on 07/06/22 at 10:10:22

“… We demand the right to kill the innocent unborn.
We raise our young in a culture of death.
There are elementary school teachers who are regularly depicted on social media as being excited about exploring sexual themes and gender identity with young children.

Ours is a culture that fills kids with pharmaceutical drugs to manage their mood swings,
a culture that offers them video games to live out their most violent, murderous fantasies.
We push our political anxieties and pathologies down the throats of our children, telling young men for example, that masculinity is “toxic” …”

Forgot the,
of generations,
that Lying, Cheating, Steeling, Subversion,
is the ONLY way to get ahead.

And Honesty/Ethics,
are just so, ‘Old Fashion’.

Title: Re: Suppressing evolution
Post by buster6315 on 07/06/22 at 10:26:17

Years ago Ike warned of the military-industrial complex, now we've got big pharma poisoning us: anti depressants etc.   Our culture is destroying itself from the inside.

Title: Re: Suppressing evolution
Post by WebsterMark on 07/07/22 at 03:31:11

It would be nice if it were that simple and doctors trying to help with medications likely played a role with some shooters but it’s much deeper than that which makes it far more complicated.

I don’t have an answer. But I know we can’t turn on a dime on some of the most fundamental structures of society and human identity and not expect a few people can’t make the turn and go wide off the road.

Title: Re: Suppressing evolution
Post by WebsterMark on 07/07/22 at 03:36:14

And here’s one of the first news stories I saw after writing that reply to three minutes ago

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has awarded over $40,000 for New York University (NYU) researchers to conduct a study on why children "favor Whiteness and maleness over other identities."

Title: Re: Suppressing evolution
Post by Serowbot on 07/07/22 at 08:05:41

4A787F6E69786F507C6F761D0 wrote:
I don’t have an answer. But I know we can’t turn on a dime on some of the most fundamental structures of society and human identity and not expect a few people can’t make the turn and go wide off the road.

...and the Republican solution to mass shootings is better mental heath care that they don't want to pay for.

Do you see the dichotomy?

Title: Re: Suppressing evolution
Post by Eegore on 07/07/22 at 09:20:06

 One thing is the age group is trending younger.

 If you recall the phrase "Going Postal" was coined due to the number of overwhelmed USPS workers that committed violence in the workplace, some shooting their co-workers etc.

 Most "mass shooters" were middle aged men and stressed.  Most killed their co-workers or family.  This has been gong on for a while.

 Now the trend is downward in age to young men with heavy online influence and the victims are general public and not people they know.

 This coincides with how online communities that are created out of ostracization tend to devalue everyone outside the group, and can communicate fantasies of violence without repercussion.  This is fuel.  Just like the overbearing manager and ungrateful family used to be fuel.

 Not every male with a sh!tty boss, dead-end job and unloving family will murder those people but some will.

 Not every 18 year old feeling his parents don't understand him, and can't score with chicks will murder "society" for abandoning him, but some will.

Title: Re: Suppressing evolution
Post by WebsterMark on 07/07/22 at 10:11:29

Mental health is not the point when you, young males, are being systematically selected for extinction.

And this is not just about the extremely rare mass shooter. They may gather all the headlines but the same number of people were killed in St. Louis this weekend than were killed at that parade. And that was a little bit of an unusual Saturday night in St. Louis but it’s a regular occurrence in Chicago. It’s just that those are uncivilized males killing one another so nobody cares.

I’m talking about the bigger picture which is the war on masculinity by referring to it repeatedly as toxic masculinity.

Title: Re: Suppressing evolution
Post by WebsterMark on 07/07/22 at 10:12:03

1A3A38302D3A5F0 wrote:
 One thing is the age group is trending younger.

 If you recall the phrase "Going Postal" was coined due to the number of overwhelmed USPS workers that committed violence in the workplace, some shooting their co-workers etc.

 Most "mass shooters" were middle aged men and stressed.  Most killed their co-workers or family.  This has been gong on for a while.

 Now the trend is downward in age to young men with heavy online influence and the victims are general public and not people they know.

 This coincides with how online communities that are created out of ostracization tend to devalue everyone outside the group, and can communicate fantasies of violence without repercussion.  This is fuel.  Just like the overbearing manager and ungrateful family used to be fuel.

 Not every male with a sh!tty boss, dead-end job and unloving family will murder those people but some will.

 Not every 18 year old feeling his parents don't understand him, and can't score with chicks will murder "society" for abandoning him, but some will.

It’s the difference between that Michael Douglas movie, falling down, and the Columbine high school shooters. I think that sums up what you’re talking about.

Title: Re: Suppressing evolution
Post by Eegore on 07/07/22 at 14:30:43

"It’s the difference between that Michael Douglas movie, falling down, and the Columbine high school shooters. I think that sums up what you’re talking about."

 Yeah that's a good way to say it.  Chronologically if one is prone to commit violence due to lack of coping mechanisms, it is more likely to happen at a young age as fuel is added to that fire sooner.

 "Mental health is not the point when you, young males, are being systematically selected for extinction."

 While I think this is something that needs to be looked at, I also am not willing to completely dismiss any value to acknowledging the "toxic" portions of male behavior.  Also I'd like to know how many young males are exposed to this philosophy and end up not killing people, or experiencing depression etc.

 I for one am all about helping young males understand that some of the "natural" behaviors so to speak of the average male leads in today's society to domestic abuse, rape, child exploitation etc.  You don't see a lot of women paying to sodomize a 9 year old, but this type of thing is on the increase among males, or at a minimum the discovery of it.  This somewhat relates to the MILF discussion we had.  To the average guy it's not "offensive" but to the average woman it is, due to the focus of what the F stands for and how each gender is impacted by that interpretation.

 It's ok to fight a kid in school win or lose.  It's not ok to fight him, lose and then go punch your girlfriend out of frustration.  This part is very seldom addressed with kids.  

Title: Re: Suppressing evolution
Post by WebsterMark on 07/07/22 at 15:28:04

[/b]It's ok to fight a kid in school win or lose.  It's not ok to fight him, lose and then go punch your girlfriend out of frustration.  This part is very seldom addressed with kids.[/b]

That’s because boys and young men aren’t being taught that the capacity to commit physical violence is a gift that must be tempered with the wisdom to know when to unleash it. They’re just told it’s bad, toxic and to squash any thoughts of it and to do otherwise is evidence they’re evil.

Title: Re: Suppressing evolution
Post by Eegore on 07/07/22 at 16:00:58

 So somewhere in the middle is a better solution as usual.

Title: Re: Suppressing evolution
Post by MnSpring on 07/07/22 at 16:09:11

3026312C34212C37430 wrote:
"... Do you see the dichotomy?

Do you see the dichotomy,
in the FOID card ?
Which is above and beyond
the Fed purchase/possess requirements.
Which is what the UL, DFI, FDS, Socialists want everywhere.

INSTEAD of punishing the CRIMINAL !

The F.O.I.D. card, for Ill,
(which the latest DFI had)
is basically a, additional and ‘enhanced’ background check,
and a ‘red’ law.

Take a look at just some of the, ‘requirements’.

“… use cannabis consistent with Illinois law, your FOID card or CCL will not be revoked nor will your application(s) denied. Medical Marijuana Licenses are state-issued and cannot result in the denial of any right or privilege.

However, under Federal law, you are subject to restrictions that prohibit you from acquiring or possessing firearms and firearms ammunition. …”

Which one is it ?
Apparently the State law, Trumps Fed Law, (according to the State)

“… Amish or religious exempt applicants will only be able to apply for a FOID card through the alternative call-in application method. Applicants will need to provide a set of fingerprints using an Illinois State Police approved fingerprint card and federal form 4029 - APPLICATION FOR EXEMPTION FROM SOCIAL SECURITY AND MEDICARE AND WAIVER OF BENEFITS.

Please note that firearms cannot be purchased through a Federal Firearms Licensed dealer with a FOID card not containing a photograph. …”

So in IL it is perfectly OK to discriminate, based on the Religion, of a citizen.
(wonder if the tt knows that)

“…  along with a credit card, debit card or electronic check before you start the application process, whether using the online process or the alternative call-in method. …”

You ‘must’ use electronic “traceable’ !
Can’t use ‘Cash, or Check’.

“… If you are not 21 years of age and do not have living parents or a legal guardian, upon receipt, your application shall be deemed denied. …”

So the State law,
restricts a freedom,
the Fed law says is a ‘Right’.

(What was that
the Fairy Dust Sprinklers said,
about ‘abortion’, not being a right’)

“… What if I am not a U.S. citizen? Can I apply for a FOID Card?…”
“…Yes, you will be required to provide an A#, AR# or USCIS# upon application to determine your eligibility. This will be a 9-digit numerical number. You can find these numbers on either your Permanent Resident Card or Employment Authorization Card. If you do not have either of these, please visit to obtain your I-94#. This number is 11 numerical digits. …”

A Non Citizen, CAN get a gun/etc.  
(Unless you are a Citizen that believes in a certain Religion)

Here is a bit of the, ‘red’ law incorporated into getting a FOID card.
(Again, the State, gave, one to the Latest DFI)

“…  "Adjudicated as a person with a mental disability" means the person is the subject of a determination by a court, board, commission or other lawful authority that the person, as a result of marked subnormal intelligence, or mental illness, mental impairment, incompetency, condition, or disease:
        (1) presents a clear and present danger to himself,
herself, or to others;
        (2) lacks the mental capacity to manage his or her
own affairs or is adjudicated a person with a disability as defined in Section 11a-2 of the Probate Act of 1975;
        (3) is not guilty in a criminal case by reason of
insanity, mental disease or defect;
        (3.5) is guilty but mentally ill, as provided in
Section 5-2-6 of the Unified Code of Corrections;
        (4) is incompetent to stand trial in a criminal case;
        (5) is not guilty by reason of lack of mental
responsibility under Articles 50a and 72b of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, 10 U.S.C. 850a, 876b;
        (6) is a sexually violent person under subsection (f)
of Section 5 of the Sexually Violent Persons Commitment Act;
        (7) is a sexually dangerous person under the Sexually
Dangerous Persons Act;
        (8) is unfit to stand trial under the Juvenile Court
Act of 1987;
        (9) is not guilty by reason of insanity under the
Juvenile Court Act of 1987;
        (10) is subject to involuntary admission as an
inpatient as defined in Section 1-119 of the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Code;
        (11) is subject to involuntary admission as an
outpatient as defined in Section 1-119.1 of the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Code;
        (12) is subject to judicial admission as set forth in
Section 4-500 of the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Code; or
        (13) is subject to the provisions of the Interstate
Agreements on Sexually Dangerous Persons Act.
    "Clear and present danger" means a person who:
        (1) communicates a serious threat of physical
violence against a reasonably identifiable victim or poses a clear and imminent risk of serious physical injury to himself, herself, or another person as determined by a physician, clinical psychologist, or qualified examiner; or
        (2) demonstrates threatening physical or verbal
behavior, such as violent, suicidal, or assaultive threats, actions, or other behavior, as determined by a physician, clinical psychologist, qualified examiner, school administrator, or law enforcement official. …”
“…"Involuntarily admitted" has the meaning as prescribed in Sections 1-119 and 1-119.1 of the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Code.
    "Mental health facility" means any licensed private hospital or hospital affiliate, institution, or facility, or part thereof, and any facility, or part thereof, operated by the State or a political subdivision thereof which provide treatment of persons with mental illness and includes all hospitals, institutions, clinics, evaluation facilities, mental health centers, colleges, universities, long-term care facilities, and nursing homes, or parts thereof, which provide treatment of persons with mental illness whether or not the primary purpose is to provide treatment of persons with mental illness.
    "National governing body" means a group of persons who adopt rules and formulate policy on behalf of a national firearm sporting organization.
    "Patient" means:
        (1) a person who is admitted as an inpatient or
resident of a public or private mental health facility for mental health treatment under Chapter III of the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Code as an informal admission, a voluntary admission, a minor admission, an emergency admission, or an involuntary admission, unless the treatment was solely for an alcohol abuse disorder; or
        (2) a person who voluntarily or involuntarily
receives mental health treatment as an out-patient or is otherwise provided services by a public or private mental health facility, and who poses a clear and present danger to himself, herself, or to others.
    "Person with a developmental disability" means a person with a disability which is attributable to any other condition which results in impairment similar to that caused by an intellectual disability and which requires services similar to those required by persons with intellectual disabilities. The disability must originate before the age of 18 years, be expected to continue indefinitely, and constitute a substantial disability. This disability results, in the professional opinion of a physician, clinical psychologist, or qualified examiner, in significant functional limitations in 3 or more of the following areas of major life activity:
        (i) self-care;
        (ii) receptive and expressive language;
        (iii) learning;
        (iv) mobility; or
        (v) self-direction.
    "Person with an intellectual disability" means a person with a significantly subaverage general intellectual functioning which exists concurrently with impairment in adaptive behavior and which originates before the age of 18 years.
    "Physician" has the meaning as defined in Section 1-120 of the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Code.
    "Protective order" means any orders of protection issued under the Illinois Domestic Violence Act of 1986, stalking no contact orders issued under the Stalking No Contact Order Act, civil no contact orders issued under the Civil No Contact Order Act, and firearms restraining orders issued under the Firearms Restraining Order Act.
    "Qualified examiner" has the meaning provided in Section 1-122 of the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Code.

Title: Re: Suppressing evolution
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/08/22 at 03:18:06

He threatened to kill himself.
He threatened to kill his family.
Cops took all the edged weapons, excluding kitchen knives.
Dad said
Hey! Give them back, those are Mine.
Dad signed for him to buy a gun, more than one? IDK, but he helped that goofy prick get at least one.
The uncle who said
There were no warning signs
Is either an idiot or a liar or both.
Too bad ten or fifteen people couldn't pull THEIR rightfully owned guns and return fire.
Just gonna toss this out, see if anyone gets it..

If it was common knowledge that the public were legally able to carry and polls said that generally, ten to fifteen percent wanted to be armed, which comes with certain burdens,like being smart enough to not kill innocent people behind the bad guy, little things,, Wouldn't it be a bit of a deterrent? If you want to have some fun, shoot up a crowd of people just enjoying their day,and you have every reason to believe that in that crowd, especially a crowd of Eeevil patriotic Americans, you believe at Least ten percent are packing heat. And you don't have a clue about which ones.

I remember the argument against good sense, because it was dumb,but the argument for BammiCare was
It's broken and we have to do something.
But that won't work!
Well, it's never been tried!

Yeah, because it was so stupid on its face.

Well, sitdownandShaddup!

It's going to start off bloody as hell,but it won't take long for the idiots to figure out if they whoop out a gun,they are goin to get shot.

It will never be perfect. People who aren't mentally ill today may become nuts tomorrow.
But, it's time for the gun grabbers to accept a few things.

America has a Constitution. It was written by men who didn't just get home from a hunting trip. Nope, they had been in a war to free this country from tyranny. They understood history. An armed citizenry is the only way to maintain a free state.
Being able to protect yourself and anyone else around you is a good thing.
And the notion that the founding fathers didn't expect the People to be armed with weapons of war is ridiculous. Can you guess Why?
Because the People, in order to cast off a tyrannical government, will be Fighting a WAR.. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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