General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Mt Rushmore

Message started by WebsterMark on 06/24/22 at 07:40:12

Title: Mt Rushmore
Post by WebsterMark on 06/24/22 at 07:40:12

and today is why we should carve a small bust of Trump on Mount Rushmore because at some point in the future, they’ll be school kids on a field trip looking at Mount Rushmore who would’ve ended up in the bottom of a plastic bag thrown into an incinerator.

Title: Re: Mt Rushmore
Post by Serowbot on 06/24/22 at 08:50:11

Trump was pro choice for most of his life until he decided to run for Pres.
Make it a very tiny bust.
Maybe like a booger in Lincolns nose

He was also anti gun.
Do you really think his mind changed?... He'll say or do anything that is to his advantage.

Title: Re: Mt Rushmore
Post by Serowbot on 06/24/22 at 09:10:19

Ben Franklin wrote a guide to home health care book and included in that was instructions for home abortions.

This decision kills any chance for Republicans in 2024, maybe 2022 as well.
Women will not stand for it.

Title: Re: Mt Rushmore
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/24/22 at 09:18:45

One of form fields contains text which is considered SPAM, you are warned!
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Title: Re: Mt Rushmore
Post by WebsterMark on 06/24/22 at 09:19:20

697F68756D78756E1A0 wrote:
Ben Franklin wrote a guide to home health care book and included in that was instructions for home abortions.

This decision kills any chance for Republicans in 2024, maybe 2022 as well.
Women will not stand for it.

Not at all. Most women don’t want to kill babies.

Title: Re: Mt Rushmore
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/24/22 at 09:19:50

I remember Trump was loved by the left,

Title: Re: Mt Rushmore
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/24/22 at 09:39:26

All this does is put the legislative authority in the states, where it belongs.


Title: Re: Mt Rushmore
Post by Serowbot on 06/24/22 at 09:42:43

617E787F62655464546C7E72390B0 wrote:
I remember Trump was loved by the left,

Yup,.. that was before he went full on birtherism racist when Obama became President.
That's also when he decided to pretend to be pro gun and anti abortion.
When he started acting like a good ol' boy... billionaire
He's the 180' man. (Although,.. the racist element was always there, just hidden.)

Title: Re: Mt Rushmore
Post by MnSpring on 06/24/22 at 09:53:54

All the PRO abortion people.
Crying in the street,
(Including the POS, MUSH for brains)
"My Body My Choice"

Are the same DFI, FDS, UL, Socalists saying:

"You MUST put this experimental DRUG in your body"

Title: Re: Mt Rushmore
Post by MnSpring on 06/24/22 at 10:06:37

"...Trump was pro choice ...
... He was also anti gun. ..."

Golly Gee Wally,
Sounds like ..........


Title: Re: Mt Rushmore
Post by WebsterMark on 06/24/22 at 10:08:58

She who’s name can’t be disrespected in any manner whatsoever or you’ll incur the wrath of our fair and balanced moderator, is screaming through a bullhorn and demanding people take to the streets.

Title: Re: Mt Rushmore
Post by Serowbot on 06/24/22 at 11:05:55

445B5D5A4740714171495B571C2E0 wrote:
One of form fields contains text which is considered SPAM, you are warned!
You are only allowed 1 more attempt(s) after which you will be banned as spammer!

So I'll try to post JoG's text which he PM'd to me here.... :-?
"Abortion will continue, rape,incest, girl too young,or unable to safely carry a baby,but for it to be a multibillion dollar industry? That is not okay.
The NRA Doesn't sell arms.
Planned Parenthood does."

Title: Re: Mt Rushmore
Post by Serowbot on 06/24/22 at 11:07:23

The site god's must be peeved with you, JoG...  :-/

Title: Re: Mt Rushmore
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/24/22 at 17:47:03

Snot the first time. Thanks for baking the cake.

Title: Re: Mt Rushmore
Post by Serowbot on 06/25/22 at 07:48:58

Snot gonna' be the last...  ;D

Title: Re: Mt Rushmore
Post by WebsterMark on 06/30/22 at 10:40:38

Trump’s bust on the mountain is getting bigger.

The Supremes today put the chief abuser of power among the alphabet agencies, the EPA, in their place by basically saying they have no authority to rule by bureaucratic fiat. They can’t take the inch they were given, and turn it into a mile. Good for the Supremes because these agencies are out of control. For example, why does the EPA need armed agents with arrest powers? Isn’t that why we have local law enforcement?

Title: Re: Mt Rushmore
Post by Eegore on 06/30/22 at 11:02:02

"For example, why does the EPA need armed agents with arrest powers? Isn’t that why we have local law enforcement?"

 It's not efficient enough.  EPA law enforcement is not just called up to arrest some CEO that allegedly approved dumping some barrels into a lake.  EPA LEO can spend years investigating very elaborate corporate structures.

 If the EPA was just a bunch of chemists they would need local law enforcement almost daily to enter facilities, run drones, serve warrants to gain samples etc.  Then who is doing the local policing?  Now this is not equal to saying the EPA "should have" or any other known words synonymous with the words "Should" or "Have" an excessive amount of LEO on staff.

They do need some to manage the safety and legal parameters of conducting investigations and it is more efficient to staff those people.

 The question to me isn't why they have LEO, it is why would they need to expand that branch?  

Title: Re: Mt Rushmore
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/30/22 at 11:15:12

Who keeps EPA from running roughshod over the People?
I've seen reports of a rancher digging a watering hole for his livestock ,the cattle use That water and that water only, and when said rancher wants to move the herd to another area, he digs a watering hole away from the first, and fills in the first. Forcing the herd to move. Sure, he could build fences all across HIS LAND and herd them to where he wants them, and then have to maintain the fences. But moving their water is the simplest answer. Aaand, along comes EPA, telling him he can't destroy the Wetlands HE created, because migratory birds use it. As if they can't find the new one?
I'm sure they do some good, but they are also abusive and unreasonable.

Title: Re: Mt Rushmore
Post by Serowbot on 06/30/22 at 12:08:07

Forget Mt Rushmore,... Trump deserves his own mountain.
... in Russia...

Title: Re: Mt Rushmore
Post by WebsterMark on 06/30/22 at 14:35:57

They’ve abused their power, that’s what The Supremes said. I would be willing to take the cost of the LEO forces for all the alphabet agencies and divide that amongst the states as a grant to hire more LEOs. They would never do that. You know why?

Because they want the power to go in and shut something down as opposed to convincing a local magistrate, judge, sheriff that they have a valid case to shut something down. I’ve seen the stories that jog is referring to.

We saw what the FDA did during the pandemic. They basically forced businesses to close with no rational reasoning behind it and against the will of both the owners and the customers. I do think we need to rein in some of the power these alphabet agencies have accumulated.

And, keep in mind, a change in administration changes leadership at the top of these agencies which changes their focus, for the good or bad.

Title: Re: Mt Rushmore
Post by MnSpring on 06/30/22 at 14:44:27

5741564B53464B50240 wrote:
"The site god's must be peeved with you ..."

Coming from one who believes,
in not believing !

     "The site god's"
Is that like the, 'Tree, Mountain, Water, Earth, Sky, Weather, Hunting, Growing, Traveling, AOC, etc, etc, etc, etc, 'Gods' ?

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Mt Rushmore
Post by Serowbot on 06/30/22 at 16:01:08


Title: Re: Mt Rushmore
Post by MnSpring on 06/30/22 at 16:29:25

' why does the EPA need armed agents '

So they can enforce a fine
for landowners building
just because they did not lick,

And they can repel all the people affected,
when the EPA says, 'oops',
for KILLING Rivers !

One of the first things TRUMP did,
was to STOP, their outrageous actions,
(which looked a LOT like 'someone' wanting a Left Hand Dollar)

But of course, mush-for-brains,
Immediately Reversed that !

Ah, but the Pudden Head Puppet,
dos not do mean tweets !!!!!!

Title: Re: Mt Rushmore
Post by Eegore on 07/01/22 at 06:00:21

" I would be willing to take the cost of the LEO forces for all the alphabet agencies and divide that amongst the states as a grant to hire more LEOs. They would never do that. You know why?"

 From a logistics and training standpoint this would be very inefficient in comparison to an organization training and employing their own LEO specific to the needs of that organization.

 The EPA for instance would need to provide specialized training to any LEO working for them anyway since the operations are not universal.  This is not equal to saying the EPA should have millions of LEO officers operating with impunity, it only means what I have actually said, that allocating funds across 50 States is less efficient than allocating funds directly to the organization using them.

Title: Re: Mt Rushmore
Post by WebsterMark on 07/01/22 at 06:50:16

There are lots of things that are inefficient but correct.

I don’t believe the EPA should have the authority to close down a facility or take action on private property without some form of due process. Right now, a bureaucrat can arbitrarily make a decision based on their perceived and biased view of circumstances being in opposition to rules and regulations made up by the biased EPA, that completely bankrupts a person.

Now, you could argue that those steps are necessary to ensure environmental protection but I would argue they have abused those rights repeatedly and in this West Virginia case, stepped far beyond their congressional mandate so this is their own fault.

Stop the whole thing now and start over. Maybe this time they’ll recognize the congressional bounds that our elected representatives have set for them and not go past those fences.

Title: Re: Mt Rushmore
Post by Eegore on 07/01/22 at 07:15:52

"I don’t believe the EPA should have the authority to close down a facility or take action on private property without some form of due process."

 I agree but I do not think removing their LEO division and handing it off to thousands of individual counties would stop that.  The issue isn't that the EPA has a LEO division and some are armed, it's that the EPA has too much authority to act without enough probable cause.

Title: Re: Mt Rushmore
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/01/22 at 07:28:57

Efficiency isn't the goal. Inefficiency is baked into the cake intentionally. It's a lot more efficient to Not require search warrants,and just let cops knock on a door and go in. The EPA are using their Policies to make laws. They are hurting people who are doing what any intelligent rancher would do, by not letting him decide where the herd gets its water. Having them local makes them more accountable. They have been running roughshod for a long time.

Title: Re: Mt Rushmore
Post by Eegore on 07/01/22 at 07:41:24

" It's a lot more efficient to Not require search warrants,and just let cops knock on a door and go in."

 The EPA does need a warrant, they have no exemption from the 4th Amendment.  EC-P-1999-017 clarifies that entry must follow the regular procedures of law.  

 UIC inspector protocols are different but still do not give permission for "cops" to "knock on a door and go in".  That's a regularly propagated lie where nobody provides evidence of it actually happening.  But if someone doesn't like the EPA it doesn't matter what the truth is, they will just believe the EPA is exempt from warrants anyway.

 Since people historically won't read references I pulled this part out:

the EPA, gain access to private property in one of two ways: (1) by getting the consent of the business or (2) by going to a magistrate judge and obtaining an administrative search warrant.

If EPA inspectors appear at your farm, you should immediately contact your lawyer before answering any questions or allowing the inspectors onto the nonpublic areas of your property. Here are some key action steps.

 Unless the inspectors have a warrant, you have the right to refuse the inspection and ask the inspectors to leave. The inspectors will then have two options, either negotiate a convenient time to conduct the search with you (and ideally your lawyer) or turn to the courts in an attempt to obtain a search warrant.

Title: Re: Mt Rushmore
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/01/22 at 07:47:44

It's a lot more efficient to Not require search warrants,

You seem interested in efficiency.
Did I indicate in any way that cops or any of the alphabet agencies Don't need a warrant? Nope,,
But thanks for correcting me.

Title: Re: Mt Rushmore
Post by Eegore on 07/01/22 at 07:59:44

"It's a lot more efficient to Not require search warrants,"

 I misunderstood your comment.  I was under the impression you meant the EPA didn't need to do this.

 I'm still not sure how using local law enforcement would make the EPA more accountable.  Local LEO couldn't refuse to serve a warrant or hinder a Federal investigation without being prosecuted themselves. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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