General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> The dude Is cool.

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 06/12/22 at 14:36:31

Title: The dude Is cool.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/12/22 at 14:36:31

Title: Re: The dude Is cool.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/12/22 at 14:37:30


Title: Re: The dude Is cool.
Post by MnSpring on 06/12/22 at 15:01:47

Just can't wait
to read the SPIN,
on the FACTS of,
the 95 Burglary,
and the 98 DUI !

Title: Re: The dude Is cool.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/12/22 at 16:41:59

He's should be governor

Title: Re: The dude Is cool.
Post by Serowbot on 06/16/22 at 13:20:17

Quinnipiac poll shows Beto O'Rourke closing in on Greg Abbott
According to the poll, the race for Texas governor is getting tight with 48% of those surveyed choosing Abbott, and 43% choosing O'Rourke.

Title: Re: The dude Is cool.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/16/22 at 16:37:26

Well, that is either a load of crap or a spotlight shining on the stupidity of a Way too large of a percentage of our population. We just saw the success of a woman,, born in Mexico who is the first Republican elected to that office in decades. Elon Musk said that was the first time he voted for a Bub. He is now accused of being a White Supremacist.
When the Truth is, he's actually an African American. And she is not white.
Either his supporters don't Know about him or they are so eaten up with hatred for America that they support someone who will screw America more.
Am I supposed to conclude that You would vote for him?

Title: Re: The dude Is cool.
Post by pg on 06/16/22 at 17:11:17

2E3137302D2A1B2B1B23313D76440 wrote:
When the Truth is, he's actually an African American.


Best regards,

Title: Re: The dude Is cool.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/16/22 at 20:20:44

Well, we've Seen the unhinged lefties call black men White Supremacists, so at that point they have identified themselves as people who will not ever be swayed by facts.
They have the ability to ignore the obvious truth and replace it with some deranged rhetoric and have the emotional response to their chosen delusion as if it were the truth. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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